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[SPOILERS] scooter peruses RB's Greatest Hits

Turn 219

Plako accepted a map swap.

[Image: t219_plako1.JPG]

So there is a landbridge, but it isn't particularly desirable. I don't expect it to play any serious role in this game. The wheat up there is noteworthy. I'm kinda debating city locations up there. A wheat/crabs city is tempting, but a more useful split seems like:

1) 1W of the marble to get crabs, double furs, and marble

2) 1E of the wheat for wheat/spices. It's bad now, but down the road if we can manage SoL, it can run several Rep specialists.

[Image: t219_plako2.JPG]

Plako settled on these waters apparently. I'm a little surprised actually, which means we may have some competition on the waters. He's got a million other important spots first, though, so I don't expect it to be all that soon.

FWIW, I think we may want to prioritize settling silver island a bit if we can find an extra seafood in there. It's worth an extra 1 commerce in every single city due to IC routes. That's actually quite a bit at this stage.

I'll go over a few domestic plans of mine to see if they pass the sanity test. Comments as always are very welcome.

[Image: t219_master.JPG]

Here it seems like the best plan is to use this good food surplus to fill the foodbox now, and then whip the work boat as soon as we hit size 3 to overflow into something else - very possibly another work boat to figure out what's on this island.

[Image: t219_lurker.JPG]

I decided to abandon the penciled-in plan to squeeze a settler out of here and go for something more conservative. Part of the problem was I can't really afford to burn 4 workers turns chopping that forest right now. The other concern is getting this city up to the shape it needs to be in for the golden age. With that in mind, I whipped the Library. It produces a great deal of overflow. It's not quite enough for a 1T worker, although it's very close. However, the foodbox is so full that it regrows to 4 and 5 on consecutive turns. So... I'm thinking I'll do 1T of research to hold overflow, and then dump the overflow into a worker the following turn at size 5.

We really want the Library here, because this city will be running a ton of scientists during the golden age, and it's going to be tight getting enough beakers into Constitution. As-is, we're a little further away from it than I'd like.

[Image: t219_workers.JPG]

Workers up here are going to try to complete a bunch of cottages over the next few turns. Pocketbeetle ideally wouldn't have been whipped as much as it was given its quality tiles, but it felt necessary. It's probably not going to be whipped again until after the golden age.

[Image: t219_cities.JPG]

In very stark contrast, everyone else has at least one very large city.

[Image: t219_demos.JPG]

[Image: t219_overview.JPG]

Praetorian Tour will swap to a worker next turn at size 4, then double whip it.

We may see some research/wealth builds upcoming in a few smaller cities while they grow soon to get us into range of the golden age. I'm trying to line it up to be ready when the core trio of cities are grown up to a good size.

This thread feels like the old holiday special episodes for TV series where they'd recap old episodes to hold everyone's attention until the new stuff aired.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(September 26th, 2016, 19:20)pindicator Wrote: This thread feels like the old holiday special episodes for TV series where they'd recap old episodes to hold everyone's attention until the new stuff aired.
In this analogy, is the new stuff Civ 6, the conflict in this game, or the next great game (maybe the next in the line of PB27 super-games?)?

I dunno, but please don't cancel the series! It's my favorite show! tongue
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I don't really think it's time to dial back Expansion just yet. You can still squeeze out 1-2 more good cities before you pop your golden age, along with 4+ workers, and you should. You've already staked your game on Rapid Settling, and right now everyone is so furiously persuing other stratagies no one can call you on it.. If barbarians are off I'm not sure i'd even build defenders first for some of them. Finish all your A-list sights first while getting a few more workers, pop golden age while growing taller and doing infasructure/GP farms, then when you come out of golden age you can start working on some real military to go pick on someone. You can't really afford to fall back into Old Habits of Conservative play, because remember your Imp Settler Spam had 2 phases--REX, golden age while consoloditating and teching. but you still have to choose a weaker civ to devour afterwards. I mean, wasn't an eairly war (not rush, but full war) part of your origional plan with picking a more aggressive civ/leader combo? You can squeeze out another couple cities and you should, if a few cities have to work unimproved tiles for a few turns as a result, so be it. part of Settler SPAM is accepting that more tiles can equal fewer improved tiles, sinse once you do get the workers to improve them, you are just left with "lots of improved tiles"

Remember your variant! it's easy to fall back into old habbits once a variant start has begun. but see it through nod

(September 25th, 2016, 21:05)picklepikkl Wrote: Rage Quit could be referring to any number of events; hell, I've been involved in exactly two multiplayer games here at RB, and in both games, someone has vanished without a trace upon facing losses in a war. It seems like it's an (unfortunately) relatively common thing). If there's one that trumps them all, I want to know what it is.

and i'm probably partially responsible for both shhh

(September 26th, 2016, 17:24)Krill Wrote: scooter, request: Could you provide links to the forum for each game in the game description post? And possibly for important game threads if like PBEM23 you're referencing a specific team as well. Not for ume per se, but for lurkers it could be really helpful. Cheers.

Well, here's the subforum for completed games. It's pretty easy to navigate:

I'd recommend just clicking on a game that sounds interesting from these descriptions, and starting with the threads of players I mentioned. Also check the community spreadsheet which is a really nice source too and highlights threads worth reading:

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to get into a lot of these old threads due to the bug we're dealing with where old/large threads won't load properly. I have noticed that if you log out, it often loads properly, so if you're trying to read an old game and struggling, I recommend logging out or using incognito mode.

(September 26th, 2016, 19:20)pindicator Wrote: This thread feels like the old holiday special episodes for TV series where they'd recap old episodes to hold everyone's attention until the new stuff aired.

What can I say, nostalgia sells.



The ladder of the world's greatest cities has no rung for the Aztecs' humbled centres, as every other nation has at least one populous capital, in defiance of the Aztecs' idea that empires should be wide and broad in territory, not tall and concentrated in population. This practice won't last indefinitely, however, as a cadre is starting to be grown and developed to become the backbone of the Aztecs' research and industry. Resources abound, the far western city of Masterclass has mountains of silver on its horizon, while opposite the English eye gold off their shores. They have just disclosed the contents of the Arctic passage: an icy corridor of little worth, although even now bastions are being planned to oversee its entry and exit.

(September 26th, 2016, 19:17)scooter Wrote: Turn 219

Plako accepted a map swap.

Could we see a screenshot of his lands? He's not reporting, so you're all we have to go on... ;(

(September 26th, 2016, 23:38)scooter Wrote: I'd recommend just clicking on a game that sounds interesting from these descriptions, and starting with the threads of players I mentioned. Also check the community spreadsheet which is a really nice source too and highlights threads worth reading:

I really wish the curator of that doc didn't have an outcome column. It kinda ruins some of them.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

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