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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Quote:[COLOR="Olive"]Dear Speaker and Sullla of India,

It's great to know that you are willing to start over on a clean diplomatic slate. I (DMOC) was initially reluctant to send you those emails earlier saying that we wouldn't attack you (or something along those lines) because that was our old plan all along, and I should have tried to stop our team from sending those emails. Naturally, I didn't put in as much effort as I should have, which is entirely my fault.

We'd certainly be willing to gift you 100 gold in exchange for you not doing a massive gifting of units to Dantski (of course, that depends on what you mean by massive gifting - any clarification would be nice =] ). We've just finished a technology and are at 0% research at the moment, so we'll get the cash in no time. You are right that we are strong in research but weak in military - which is something we're definitely going to rectify in the following 25 turns.

Once we make a cash repayment, I think we should make some further steps to patch up our relationships. Do you have any suggestions on how to do this? Resource deals? Extended NAPs? An exchange of units (such as your fast workers for settlers)? We'll gladly consider whatever action you suggest to us. smile


DMOC (Yes it's been a while since I wrote something) of the HRE team

PS: Do you consider us the tech leader? It wasn't completely clear from the message.[/COLOR]

I like how this turns out. If we gift India 100 gold, then we basically have only one rival to worry about - Dantski. And if Whosit agrees to the worker - praet deals, I don't see how Dantski can muster up enough forces to defeat us.

Meanwhile, we really need to expand more while keeping up in military.

[SIZE="5"]Turn 128:[/SIZE]

Land's End founded on Centralia, build set to a monument to get the silver in the BFC. We'll whip it after growth.
The Galley will ferry over a worker to start roading to the silver and then mine.

Rolan grew to size 10 and is unhappy, but the archer will be finished next turn.
Maybe build an Axe and Settler there next to settle the island south of Rolan. Crydee can whip/build a Galley.

Krondor is building military and will get 2 chops in shortly. Maybe we can squeeze in a settler between builds to claim Yabon.

Sethanon is also chopping 2 forest for a worker and a monastry.

La Mut will finish a settler in 4 turns for Port Natal and will start on a few catapults then.

Stardock will finish a WB for Land's End in 2t, military afterwards. The borders popped and Stardock can work the sheep when pastured.

Thanks for sending a note to KA. I do think we need to get a prolongued NAP BEFORE gifting 100 gold.

Good news is that Feudalism will only take 5t at 100%, bad news is that we need 1 or 2 extra turns of 0% to pay KA.

Well turn 150 is plenty of time, and hopefully we can negotiate something before that.

Feudalism in in about 7-8 turns, good. We actually save some troops since India promised not to give their troops to Romali.

Rolan size 10 - nice, our first double digit city! smile

I agree with you in that we need to settle our southern island cities. But first we need to get Yabon settled. Hopefully the proposed Port Natal site will remain ours.

Krondor - nah, I'd prefer it build another unit. La Mut should be producing settlers. Krondor's much closer to critical territory that we need to defend, and stunting its growth doesn't seem like a good idea when we might need to whip in the future.

Stardock - good, we should get the sheep pastured ASAP.

Last thing - how good is the road network connection between SEthanon and Krondor? Last I checked we had to either go a long way around (on road) or go without road (short way, but still very inefficient). What's the worker plan?


Whosit proposed catapult - praet trades. I'd be very interested in negotiating some. I'll have to investigate the hammer cost of each unit.

India responded back with a conciliatory message. smile I have not composed a response yet, will do in the future. Are there any possible resource deals?

Quote:Dear Nakor and DMOC of Holy Rome,

Thank you very much for accepting our proposal! Would you like to make the arrangements in-game, or should we do so?

Your first paragraph in the previous email really hits the nail on the head. It wasn't your team attacking us that caused serious resentment - this is a competitive game, teams are going to fight one another - but rather that your team sent out that series of emails pretending to be our ally which secretly building up to attack. Nevertheless, we truly appreciate your gesture of goodwill towards us, and look forward to building towards a better future together. Look at what Germany and France have done together since 1945, to use a real-world example.

As far as working together, resource exchanges might be a nice step forward in that direction. I haven't looked at the resource screen in-game recently, and will make a note to do so next time I log in. Non-Aggression Pacts might not be a bad idea either. I mean, we're already under one at the moment, but it never hurts to think about the future! As we said in some of our old (pre-war) emails, our teams don't share borders and have no natural rivalry with one another. I don't see any reason why we would necessarily have to be enemies moving forward.

Our main concern over here is to prevent a repetition of the dogpile alliance that formed against us earlier in the game. If your team can help offer us some security against a repeat performance, I think we'd be happy to work more closely together.

The Killer Angels

PS Oh, the comment about tech leader. I just saw that your team seemed to have the highest GNP. I don't know if that equates to tech leader or not!

Great, DMOC!
I'll let you do the talking to India for now, ok?
Maybe you can suggest an NAP untill t175 in your next mail.
I can transfer the funds next turn.

If we squeeze a settler out of Krondor it will only take 2t with the chops and we can settle Yabon far earlier then when we wait for La Mut to build another settler. So I still think we should go for a settler there.
Remember, there are 2 military units close to completion next turn and before the forests are chopped growth isn't that interesting since we need to improve tiles first.

Maybe Rolan can build an axe/settler pair for the southern island with Crydee whipping the Galley.

I think we should build a monastry in Sethanon after the worker and get some missionary's from there.

I'll also look at the road connection once the chops are in and improve it.

GOod stuff there Nakor. All right, you can build the settler in Krondor and have La Mut do military.

Are we in Organized Religion btw?

EDIT: Nope.

We whipped Crydee for galley for 2 pop, so best to let it grow back by building a military unit (catapult so we can negotiate with Praet - cat trades?) ALthough to be honest I"d prefer a chariot in there, it's cheaper and Crydee doesn't have much production. Plus chariots are really good for stopping an attacking axe.

Only 2 major questions.

1. Organized Religion?


2. Why's the worker going on the galley? He won't have anything to do, so I suggest pasturing the sheep. Turn is not done so you can move him.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0552.jpg]

Anyway, we gave India the 100 gold, so we don't owe them anything now. Hopefully they follow through on their request not to aid Romali. I started a settler in Rolan, hoping to get either Hawk's Hollow settled, or an island city (I think island one has more importance now).

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0551.jpg]

I talked with Sullla in the game. We may have a stone-marble trade in the future, but they don't need marble at the moment.

Good job, DMOC!
Have you talked about a longer NAP with Sullla?
Did you notice that India DID gift troops to Dantski (or returned them)?
Can you inquire about that as well?

You were right with the worker pasturing the sheep first, but we need to road a lot on Centralia to get the silver connected.

Ended the turn.

Tonight, I'll try to get a message drafted to KA.

Okay, worker sheep, then goes on the galley to road, then mine silver.

I'll try to talk with KA tomorrow. Tonight I got burned out.

I put it on my bulletin in my room so I'll be sure to see it.

EDIT: Do you think we should switch to Organizaed REligion? We only have 2 cities that would benefit right now. Perhaps we should convert after our next settler is done? (Remember, convert civics after you've finished workers and settlers.)

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