Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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DaveV talks like a pirate, me hearties!

I generally prefer screenshot tags, but these images aren't too wide for my laptop so it's all good to me.

I think the point is that img files will always fit on the screen, with some shrinkage if they're too wide. The only disadvantage to using all img tags is that more data will have to be downloaded, and presumably it will take some processor time to rescale a bunch of images if your screen is narrower than the poster's.

Turn 58, time for the revolution!

[Image: 48-58_civics.jpg]

Here are expenses and demos, before:

[Image: 48-58_expenses1.jpg]

[Image: 48-58_demos1.jpg]

and after:

[Image: 48-58_expenses2.jpg]

[Image: 48-58_demos2.jpg]

Here's a screenshot after ending turn:

[Image: 48-58.jpg]

Several things of note:

Apparently it was Q with the great prophet. Nicely played; we'll see whether the shrine is worth all that he invested into it.

My scout found another copper (and no spiders, so I'm using a single warrior to cover my workers roading to the next city site).

The barb warriors moved as expected, onto the forested hill in the west and onto the pigs in the east. I'll take the 96% attack against the guy on the pigs. If I lose that one, I'm in trouble. In the west, I'll defend but am prepared to attack if he moves onto flat land.

Late update for turn 59. It opened with a diplo offer from Q:

[Image: 48-59_diplo.jpg]

I guess he figured out I have Calendar from my shiny new civics. I debated, then accepted. I don't think open borders will help with religion spread (I could really use the culture), but I'd like to establish good relations with a neighbor.

Q has a new city which he forgot to rename. A check of the victory screen shows that the holy city landed in Bet.

[Image: 48-59_victory.jpg]

I made the 96% attack and won (whew!  ;^^ ). Other than that, built roads and improvements and stuff. During the barbs' turn, a goblin climbed onto the forest hill in the northwest that I planned to occupy next turn  Argh . Also, a new barb warrior appeared in the east.

[Image: 48-59.jpg]

Turn 60: Dreylin's warrior appeared to the northwest. Why is everyone else able to send units wandering through the wilderness without having them slaughtered by griffons?

[Image: 48-60.jpg]

My workboat did some exploring in the northwest and found another mana node.

In retrospect, it was dumb to move my warrior onto the forest in the east. The city is worth the same defensive bonus, and I had some fortify bonus there. The goblin and the western barb warrior both moved onto flatland, so I'll attack them next turn.

Meeting a new player calls for a graph dump:

[Image: 48-60_score.jpg]

[Image: 48-60_gnp.jpg]

[Image: 48-60_mfg.jpg]

[Image: 48-60_crop.jpg]

[Image: 48-60_power.jpg]

[Image: 48-60_culture.jpg]

[Image: 48-60_demos.jpg]

[Image: 48-60_info.jpg]

[Image: 48-60_top5.jpg]

Summary: Dreylin has four cities (none in the top 5), is still in starting civics, and has good power but his other demos are unimpressive.

Let's hope Dreylin isn't starting close to you. The horsey set are a very strong rush civ, though Rhoanna isn't as rushy as t'other fellow.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

(November 21st, 2016, 07:06)Brian Shanahan Wrote: Let's hope Dreylin isn't starting close to you. The horsey set are a very strong rush civ, though Rhoanna isn't as rushy as t'other fellow.

Yeah, the Hippus are pretty much at the top of the scary neighbor list. At least I have his graphs now so I can see if he's building power. I had Construction queued up next (for workshops), but it's taking a disturbingly long time to research, so I think I'll switch to Bronze Working, for defense against the barbs and deterrence against human players.

I won the 90% and 96% attacks against the western barb goblin and warrior, respectively, then lost the 77% odds defense against the warrior in the east. My move onto the forest is looking worse all the time. At least my shock warrior has 99.9% odds to clean him up.

[Image: 48-61.jpg]

Q has been shooting up the scoreboard.

My scout found a spider hiding in the west. It looks as though he's completely blocking that bottleneck, so Q must not have come from that direction (or else the spider moved there to eat a unit).

[Image: 48-62_spider.jpg]

That spider is doing a good job of defending my flank. I was eyeing that tile as a potential city site, but there are lots of other good ones still available.

I built my sixth city and started building a couple Sea Havens, since I need some commerce. I also built two more Pirate Ports, which should help, although I won't be working the one by Brace of Pistols for a while because there are three resource tiles for it to work first. At least it cuts down on my unit maintenance.

[Image: 48-62.jpg]

My shock warrior killed the injured barb warrior, and is now at 11/13 XP.

Turn 63: a new event:

[Image: 48-63_event.jpg]

This event would be really good if I'd researched a few more techs (and if I had a bigger event fund): I could buy a swordsman, archer, hunter, or adept without having the required building, as long as I have the enabling tech. I could also buy a settler for 100g, but I don't think I'd have done that even if I had the cash on hand. I won't complain about a free +1 population, though.

End of turn: I left my scout exposed so I could bring him back to the settling front lines more quickly. Fortunately, nothing swooped in to eat him.

[Image: 48-63.jpg]

Of all the units, the hunter would be most useful. One sword will do nothing on the attack, one archer nothing on the defence. Adepts are good if you've your magic set up.

But frankly by far the most useful is the settler, even this early with the wilds untamed. A free city is a free city is a free city.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

(November 16th, 2016, 19:59)DaveV Wrote: I think the point is that img files will always fit on the screen, with some shrinkage if they're too wide. The only disadvantage to using all img tags is that more data will have to be downloaded, and presumably it will take some processor time to rescale a bunch of images if your screen is narrower than the poster's.

The opposite, AFAIU. The screenshot tag uses javascript to adjust the size of the image based on the width of the browser window, but then allows it to scale up to full size when the image is clicked. There won't be any difference in the amount of data downloaded.

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