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Test games played

I decided to share how my games went here to have some written record. This week my goal was to test Armageddon especially, and the Chaos Global Enchantments in general.
Plan was to get to Armageddon early powered by Halfling research bonus. game
9 Chaos, Specialist, Chaneller,
Halflings, Extreme , Large land.
Built some settlers. Got attacked by two maniacal Sorcery wizards before I could build any proper defenses or research any good summons. Tried to build some magicians (as slingers are blocked by Guardian wind) but it was too few, too late. Game over.

2.nd game
10 Chaos, Specialist, Sage Master
Halflings, Extreme , Large land.
Rush researched Gargoyles. The three arcanus wizards were Suika (RB Inquisitor), Patchouli (don't remember) and Clow Reed (UR Runemaster). Went to war with Suika (don't remember who started it). Thanks to the Gargoyles I was able to hold my own continent and amass enough units to launch an attack on Suika's capital, this was accelerated significantly by finding 5 neutral cities, out of which I was able to get and hold 4. This included Lizardmen, Nomad and barbarians on my continent, and Elves somewhere far away. By the time I finished taking Suika's capital, she defeated Patchouli, leaving nothing of her cities : most of the continent was covered by her starting race, High Men. I had no trouble claiming all of those cities but some place was empty on the continent where Patchouli started. Since my goal was winning by Armageddon, I went to attack Clow Reed next - Runemasters are guaranteed to dispel global enchantments more often than what I can handle. This war went poorly. His continent was very close to mine but he didn't have much ways to attack it, however the Myrran wizard - Silver (UW Alchemy) - opened a tower on it, closer to my side and declared war, as I had too much forces, equal to hers. I managed to gather enough troops to attack Clow's capital but failed twice, losing two armies. As far as I remember both attacks were close, he had like one hero left only - but I couldn't kill that hero before losing my entire army. Meanwhile Silver managed to take a few cities I held on this continent. After I finally managed to banish Clow, I found myself having no troops left to properly attack. He had about 4 cities left and I did take some but he still had one left when he returned. What's worse, he colonized an entire other continent already and it was behind the one where Silver's armies kept coming from the tower. It took me a long time to get enough flying summons to attack that continent, and even more to take all the cities. During this time I had a hard time defending against Silver but still mostly held - I lost my lizardmen city unfortunately. She played trolls, pretty hard to deal with that using Sorcery as they all regenerate. I had to rely on Disintegrate to kill everything, after I researched it. Eventually, around 1413 I finally finished off Clow and had my Armageddon ready. Unfortunately Silver had Spell Blast and AEther Binding by this time. I dispelled those and started the Armageddon. I had to restart about 3 time to random spell blasts : her Divine Order increased the AI chance to use curse type spells (as most of those are enchantments) and being UW she only had Spell Blast in that category, so she used it quite a bit despite having a personality that doesn't use it much normally. Eventually I managed to finish Armageddon and then followed it up by Great Wasting and eventually Meteor Storm. Since she was recasting AEther Binding very quickly, I gave up on trying to dispel that, she still only had a 1/3 chance to dispel my spells, but she tried often so I had to recast them a lot, barely having time to cast other spells. Fortunately Meteor Storm has the highest priority for dispel so it acted as a protective layer, keeping the other two in play. I decided not to use Doom Mastery because both Sorcery and Life is strong against fantastic units. I also didn't cast Chaos Surge, I did not have much summoned units or chance to cast them. I lost some unimportant cities but was able to hold the one closest to the tower, mostly due to the AI's stupidity : she did not cast flight vs my flying hero in the gate, instead she used magic immunity and invulnerability and mass invisibilty to stop my 8 magicians from doing damage. Despite this, it was hard to actually kill her units, Chaos has no counters to invisibility directly. Flame Strike is ineffective against trolls, they have too much health to kill that way. I had to disintegrate but it's hard to target unseen units, I also needed to summon something to reveal them etc. Anyway, I was able to hold mostly, losing only unimportant cities taken from Clow, until about 1420. The global spells didn't work out well. The economic effects very mitigated by a bug - cities still managed to produce food with no farmers at all and didn't shrink in size - and the power from volcanoes were far less relevant than expected, only made up like 1/4 of my power base even after 100 turns of Armageddon. Eventually Silver researched Call to Arms, which made it much harder to stop her forces - my disintegrates had to be used to get rid of summoned paladins. Since halfling units have no way of damaging anything invisible effectively, the game quickly turned to a loss at this point. She also had Time Stop, so she had like twice as much turns as I did, and it was only that much because she had major economic problems. My victory plan was to use Call the Void to push her cities below the threshold where everyone is a rebel, but I couldn't cast it often enough to pull it off. I had to keep recasting enchantments, and every once in a while, start over a spell due to spell blast. My backup plan was using paladins, as I was able to fully claim and settle that continent with high men, but building the necessary buildings took a lot and...paladins don't do all that well against trolls as I found when the enemy can summon 4 of them in battle and put invulnerability and other buffs on those while I can't on mine...either way, the game rapidly turned from a standstill into a loss. Aside from these problems, she also had about 3 heroes attacking and taking cities one at a time, and I wasn't able to kill or stop any of those - not even my city with 2 doom bats held. The heroes either had magic immunity or due to the mass invisibily I couldn't target them. The worst was the teleporting hero with mass invisibility and magic immunity. Since it always teleported to the further corner, I had no way to reveal it and target it with dispel magic, and even the doom bats couldn't reach it. Eventually she also started summoning Djinn that did the same thing but at least had no magic immunity buff. Oh and unsurprisingly, Meteor Storm was ineffective against all the troll units. Game Over - but this one was close. If the Myrran wizard had any other race, or no sorcery books (or at least no spell blast PLUS aether binding at the same time) I could have won.

3rd game.
10 Chaos, Specialist, Sage Master
Halflings, Hard , Huge land.

First I researched Gargoyles like last time. I was able to wipe out a nearby wizard's capital very early, using an army of, 5 gargoyles, and it proven to be an overkill - 3 could have done the job. The other 2 arcanus wizards didn't do much better and were all wiped out in 1408. Then I filled the entire world with halfing cities, researched all  enchantments, and cast them. The Meteor Storm stalled the myrran wizard so much she couldn't break any towers. The first one broke the turn after I finished researching the Spell of Mastery. Obviously I had 9 great drakes ready and won the game really easily. The difficulty was disappointingly easy compared to the how extreme went., I was wondering if I picked normal by accident, but I did not.

4th game.
10 Chaos, Specialist, Sage Master
Halflings, Extreme , Large land.
Didn't have Gargoyles for research this game so I went for Chimeras. The wizard who started to settle my terriotory was playing all Life books - yay, an easy opponent I thought. Well, my Chimeras proved inferior to her swordsmen (she used star fires on them 3 times prior though) and as I invested pretty much everything into summoning 2 of those I lost. She didn't even have Guardian, only Tactician.

5th game.
10 Chaos, Specialist, Sage Master
Halflings, Extreme , Large land.

The first two wizards I met were lawful and had plenty of powerful units so I did not dare to attack them with my crappy gargoyles. They had berserkers and such. I started on a small island, and lost the spot next to my capital to a water walking barbarian settler. I tried producing slingers and scored a nomad city on the main continent from neutrals so I had some horsebowmen too. Eventually the third wizard came along, and declared war due to Militarist. The other two followed due to their alliances, which I didn't want to wait for so I attacked first. I was able to get a few cities on the main continent and almost got the city next to my capital. Unfortunately I mistimed the movement of my troops, only the hero could enter the city after my fire storm. I was able to clear out the city but due to a summoned unit I had no way to defeat I had to retreat. Next turn I attacked with the 3 find there was a nigh stalker inside, which got summoned this turn! After this the game got turned around - Halflings have no way of dealing with invisible enemies and I can't firebolt a night stalker if I don't see it - but to see it something has to go near and then it dies. I didn't have much hopes for a 3v1 battle anyway. Game Over.

6th game.
10 Chaos, Specialist, Sage Master
Halflings, Extreme , Huge land.
No gargoyles so I rushed Fire Giant this time. It proved to be even better, as it hits hard and can deal with ranged or fast enemies. Unfortunately, the 3 maintenance is a killer this early, and it's vulnerable to confusion. I found lizardmen settlers next to my capital by the time I finished producing my own. Oh joy! You know what this means...yep, another 6-8 of them coming. Since the strategy was supposed to be having halfling cities, I had to start a war. I kept a few lizardmen to build javeliners, but planted halflings in most places. I was able to put at least one good unit - gargoyle or fire giant in all of the cities. I was able to also pick off incoming units one at a time. My opponent was at war with another wizard, lucky for me, and that other wizard was not hostile, even offered some trades. By the time I finally claimed the entire continent, and started building up my first army of javelineers, a stack of 6 war bears landed on the continent. They reached my capital in 2 turns, which I wasn't prepared for, Game Over.

Either the game is getting too hard on extreme nowadays, or halflings with chaos suck - most likely the latter.

I've won with Chaos Halflings on Extreme before... EW/FB Slingers w/ Metal Fires hit *really* hard. Chaos needs a ton of casting skill though, whether you're spamming unit enchantments, spamming summons, casting the big overland enchantments, or just for in battle, so I think picking up Archmage or Cult Leader instead of one of your books, or even Astrologer instead of 2 of them, woulda really helped you.

Another thing - I've found that Chaos gets its ass kicked *really* hard by a Life wizard. I don't have as much of a problem with Death, but Chaos... goddamn.

For example, in the game I just won, I was stomping all over the map with a CC'd stack that featured a Super Soul Linker Beastmaster, with Chaos Surge in effect... up until I fought what I thought was the weakest wizard in that game by far, in terms of army strength / power production / casting skill. He was stuck on a small island with white + Runemaster. Two of his heroes were Lucky - a Charmed War Monk and Thief - both lvl 5, with nice armors, Endurance, Bless, Holy Armor, and of course Prayer. My stack had been beating up Great Drakes and Behemoths and yet I could not even scratch these two guys. Hell, I could barely scratch the freaking enchanted pegasi. I ended up losing half of my heroes attacking his fortress, and then had to wait to research doom bolt and then beat them down with waves of wyvern pairs. (pairs were necessary... because of Raise Dead frown)

(December 17th, 2016, 20:58)GermanJoey Wrote: so I think picking up Archmage or Cult Leader instead of one of your books, or even Astrologer instead of 2 of them, woulda really helped you.

Yea I could do that but playing for 6 hours to find out "Hey I didn't get Armageddon which I wanted to test" kinda sucks. If anything I probably would have taken Mana Focusing (that's pretty much double the gargoyles or whatever else in the early game) or Runemaster (which is very important to keep the global spells in play, as everyone loves to dispel those)
I usually can't afford to build religious buildings until, like, very late, as I need to focus on sage's guilds, wizard's guilds and amplifying towers for the early armageddon, so cult leader is not helping much.
Alchemy on the other hand, earlier unit production in any city, plus the ability to make mana easily from gold in the early game...maybe paired with archmage, yeah. But 8 books is only 60% chance to have armageddon.
Slingers...yeah they are amazing, but when I tried that, lots of nightstalkers said no, don't do it. I suppose I can try again if I find enemies without death books. Or Sorcery...because guardian wind...or chaos because warp wood. Ouch.

Too bad I will be busy improving combat AI tomorrow and possibly even the day after so I most likely can't play more games until I finish that. I decided to try a long shot and replace the entire old combat spell AI with a new one I can easily recompile and insert. - if it works a lot of additional detail can be added because it'll be less wasteful on space than the original code, and easy to edit too.

I definitely want to try 8 books with some more retorts, and I also want to try another race. Research bonus from halflings is great but...the price of having poor selection of units available in most of my cities is too much. Any enemy capable of countering slingers and magicians is pretty much "you lose" with them. I wonder if halfling halberdiers with flame blade and chaos channels are any good...not for nightstalkers I guess, not enough resistance. Nor trolls...too tough.

Ah, right, the night stalkers, you mentioned those. Truly there is no other unit that is so binary - either utterly devastating and impossible to deal with, or total chumps. Hmm, I've dealt with those with Cavalries before - use the cavalry to find them, cast a nuke, and then back away. Luck can make a big difference in how the battle turns out though.

Halflings don't have Halberdiers by the way - basically, Slingers *are* the Halfling Halberdiers (like how Nomads and High Men have pikemen), except they have the "special ability" of being ranged.

Efreets might have done OK vs Night Stalkers... they have 12 resistance, which is just 1 short of being perfectly immune. So, only a 10% chance to die, and otherwise they're way, way stronger, plus they can warp lightning them.

(December 18th, 2016, 11:58)GermanJoey Wrote: Halflings don't have Halberdiers by the way - basically, Slingers *are* the Halfling Halberdiers (like how Nomads and High Men have pikemen), except they have the "special ability" of being ranged.

Efreets might have done OK vs Night Stalkers... they have 12 resistance, which is just 1 short of being perfectly immune. So, only a 10% chance to die, and otherwise they're way, way stronger, plus they can warp lightning them.

Oh yea, I should have written Swordsmen. I was nowhere near strong enough to have efreets in that game.

(December 18th, 2016, 12:23)Seravy Wrote:
(December 18th, 2016, 11:58)GermanJoey Wrote: Halflings don't have Halberdiers by the way - basically, Slingers *are* the Halfling Halberdiers (like how Nomads and High Men have pikemen), except they have the "special ability" of being ranged.

Efreets might have done OK vs Night Stalkers... they have 12 resistance, which is just 1 short of being perfectly immune. So, only a 10% chance to die, and otherwise they're way, way stronger, plus they can warp lightning them.

Oh yea, I should have written Swordsmen. I was nowhere near strong enough to have efreets in that game.

Y'know, I've always wondered about them too. Extremely cheap and potentially pack a real whallop if you can pump their stats up, due to 8 figures and lucky. Maybe 4 life, 4 chaos, runemaster, warlord?

edit: (4L/4C/R/W being just a hypothetical build for exploring the strength of halfling swordsmen, not a suggestion for your game ofc)

Started a new game to test the next version 3.01.
10 Chaos, Sage Master, Specialist again, but this time Nomads. Fair land size, Extreme difficulty.
Started on a pretty large continent for this land setting. Looked like there is no one else but unfortunately, lizardmen settlers showed up, and I found the wizard sending them in the furthest corner of the continent. Books were Sorcery/Chaos/Death, no retorts. That's exactly the kind of wizard that is unstoppable in the late game, and with the expansion rate of lizardmen, gets there fast. Since I wanted to have the continent to myself anyway and this guy was way too much problem if left alone, I started an early war. Gargoyles came a bit late but I had horsebowmen, which I suspect might be the best early game unit in the entire game. Fast, ranged, and enough resistance and hit points to survive most common spells easily, on top of being cheap to replace if one is lost. Nagas and hell hounds are no match for them, and even ghouls are favorable, while they will kill some horsebowmen, they are expensive and come in smaller numbers, so the losses are affordable and horsebowmen resist the poison well.
I didn't see another wizard until about 1404 when I found one who played...the same realms. Fewer books, but Runemaster and Alchemy, red/blue, only one black book. Due to having red and a better military I was able to form a wizard's pact but it didn't last long. When I defeated the first wizard with my 6 gargoyles and 1 fire storm, due to them also forming a wizard's pact, and the other wizard being lawful, I got a massive relation penalty. Soon after, she declared war, but no worries, I needed to attack her next anyway, and got rid of the first wizard already. Both her and the third arcanus wizard started landing troops on my shores, and they were allies so he joined the war as well. I had no problem defending myself, as I can produce horsebowmen in my capital and I also have lizardmen, barbarian, high men and even a gnoll city (there were 3 neutrals on the continent), for now I'm planning to get some dragon turtles from the first wizard's ex-capital and put some in every city, while horsebowmen hunt down anything I can intercept. Meanwhile I'm summoning more gargoyles to attack the second wizard, while it might not be enough for the best cities guarded by stag beetles, the mid size ones should be easy to take, as they only have nagas and halberdiers - easy for immolating gargoyles. Time is 1407 now, and from what I can tell from the graphs, this wizard doesn't control much territory, probably a few larger islands at best. I haven't found the territory of the third wizard yet, who is ranked strongest and the only one with better army strength than mine, and I also have no contact with Myrror yet - but I do have two towers on my continent and they don't seem to be too hard to break - I just don't want to open a third front right now. Oh and the third wizard also has no retorts, but books from 4 different realms, 4 life, 4 death, 4 sorcery, and 2 nature.
I was able to take 4 cities away from the red-blue wizard, leaving only her capital. It has massive hordes of chimeras so I decided it takes too much resources to take out immediately (summoning 9 chimeras of my own would have worked but costs a fortune), and offered peace after putting a chaos rift on the city, then I went to explore the rest of the map. I found the third wizard's capital quickly and it was poorly defended, 5 sprites, 2 turtles and 3 heroes. I had most of my forces nearby so I went and attacked it after using a fire storm. I attacked with 3 chimeras and 5 gargoyles. By this time the sprites were gone, but he summoned a shadow demon instead. I opened by casting Flame Strike, but he revived the only hero that died to it.The majority of the chimeras got destroyed by spells and ranged attacks surprisingly fast despite the heroes being low level -The AI really does well at selecting spells to use now it seems. The last chimera unit that was still doing ok got hurt badly from attacking the necormancer hero - lucky life steal rolls I guess, but the hero actually got healed from the attack because it also had invulnerability from an item. The life stealing hero with invulnerability was hard to damage so all attacks healed it, even from gargoyles who have 9 resistance! Battle was lost, but the wizard haven't declared war yet, as he is peaceful, I suppose it might happen eventually, but he started counterattacking anyway. Due to peaceful not reevaluatng hostility, this counterattack will probably last until war starts. My defenses are still strong, nothing to worry about. Current plan is to send stag beetles produced in the nearest city to the second wizard's last remaining city, and cast flame strike for each beetle entering, until the chimeras get wiped out. I'm going to rush buy beetles so it should be done in 10-15 turns. The other wizard is most likely harder to take out, so I started summoning efreets. I'm researching Magic Vortex so I can use that to conquer or wreck his cities combined with whatever random troops I can throw at him, the only hard part is getting there as it's a separate continent, kinda far away. Maybe casting Chaos Rift on all his cities and ignoring him until I get my global spells will work better, we'll see about that. Also, a tower has broken in the second wizard's ex-territoty but no one came from myrror, instead the third wizard uses it to send troops there. I was planning to also send my main stack through but I ended up using it up in that attack against that capital instead. Which means, I still have no idea who is on Myrror as they haven't used any global spell yet (which means they most likely aren't white, probably not blue either. Green, black and red should not be too hard to defeat with red, unless they have runemaster.)
proceeded with the plan, attacked the capital with 6 stag beetles, 2 at a time. I also tried 1 but it failed, the hero inside had possession. After weakening the units inside with Flame Strikes, I sent in 1 efreet, 1 beetle and 1 gargoyle. Not really enough but that's all I had left and letting them heal was not an option. I used magic vortex twice, with a lot of already damaged units, I expected it to wipe most of them out. It worked, the battle ended with a tie, all units dead. Fortunately I had a hell hound on a nearby node which I could send into the empty city. The wizard got banished, so there seems to be an undiscovered island somewhere with their city. While I was busy doing this, I lost two cities I got from this wizard to the third one, fortunately, they weren't particularly significant.  Oh, and I also destroyed their mithril and a few other ores with volcanoes.
Summoned a doom bat to explore. Took a while but found the last city of the second wizard. She finished Spell of Return meanwhile and started filling the city with chimeras...and it was really far. I decided the only option I have is summoning doom bats, as they can travel quickly and have the power to fight chimeras. 4 bats+3 fire storms and 2 flame strikes did the trick, I won without losing a single bat. (by this time there were 5 chimeras defending!)
The Myrran wizard showed up, she plays death+nature with Archmage. Surprisingly she is equally powerful as me and the last remaining wizard. I had to get rid of her troops entering my continent through towers to block the towers with my magicians, so now it's a two way war again. She seems to have Famine and Evil Presence, which is bad new for my nomad cities, however, I finished researching Armageddon and started casting it. With no Runemaster or Sorcery wizards around, this should be enough to win no matter what happens. I also attacked the arcanus wizard's cities, sending in 2 turtles and then casting magic vortex twice was enough to reduce a city to 4 population and only like 5 buildings remaining. I attacked the other one with the bats, and was able to conquer it effortlessly. However, the wizard knows Exorcise so I don't expect this tactic to work on long term, and I need to keep the bats defending the city I got anyway. Turtles with Magic Vortex+Chaos Rifts should be plenty to make sure the wizard won't grow strong enough to deal with the coming Armageddon. It's 1414 now btw.
Finished casting Armageddon, and managed to keep it in play for a while, my power base grew like 100 during this time. I cast it again immediately and then followed by Meteor Storm. Since then the myrran wizard stopped growing in power, and the one on arcanus is losing military strength. I had to give up on the magic vortex strategy as the arcanus wizard learned Wave of Despair so sending few units is not an option. I already have Chaos Rift on all his important cities so I don't care. For the same reason I avoid attacking him, as I would need big armies and I can't spare those, especially as I have major food and economy problems, the myrran wizard spammed a lot of famines. Fortunately she offered peace which I'm taking advantage of by sending doom bats around myrror to scout her empire. Call of the Void is already being researched, and I have Chaos Rift as well, so getting rid of buildings should not be too much trouble. I also cast Doom Mastery so my need troops will be immune to Possession, which both my enemies have. be continued.

I'm enjoying this write-up and look forward to the next update!
Creator and maintainer of the Master of Magic Random Game Generator (MRGG)

Oh yea I forgot to finish this.

Let's see...
I used Call the Void to reduce population in the Myrran wizard's cities, paired with the globals this made sure those cities get stuck on 1 population for the rest of the game. I mostly ignored the wizard on Arcanus as it was too weak to be a threat. The Myrran wizard had many cities so this took a while, but thanks to Meteor Storm there were minimal incoming attacks, I was able to keep the towers blocked.
Then things started to turn around. The Myrran wizard researched and cast Herb Mastery and Evil Omens. This allowed them to start attacking again eventually, while the increased cost on Call the Void and global enchantments (which I sometimes had to recast) slowed things down significantly. At this point I clearly had a huge advantage in resources, most of the world being volcanoes and corruption. However the enemy terriotory was huge : the entire Myrror plane and half of Arcanus. With most of my cities being affected by Famine or Pestilence, a military win was unlikely - I couldn't afford the maintenance on a large army...and the enemy cities were in no better shape so conquest was unlikely to improve this situation.
I had Sage Mastery and pretty good research so I decided to go for a Spell of Mastery win : the Myrran wizard had no Sorcery book and the Arcanus wizard didn't have Spell Blast in theirs, and all lairs and nodes were already cleared out (except some that were unbeatable for their existing army) - no chance for them to find Spell Blast!
Researching took a while, and I was being pushed back - Eventually the Myrran wizard also learned Wave of Despair, making holding the towers more and more difficult.
Over the time I lost all the towers and started losing cities, but I summoned some Great Drakes and Hydras to defend my remaining cities, especially the capital and started Spell of Mastery.
At one point I considered attacking at least the Arcanus wizard with some units, but I noticed he already has a few Demon Lords in garrison so I gave up on that idea.
Roughly by the time I finished the research, they managed to dispel my global enchantments, but I didn't care, casting Spell of Mastery is a better way to spend time.

I was able to hold my capital and finish spell of mastery, mainly because the Myrran wizard didn't have any very rare summons - normal things are not enough to fight hydras backed up by Blazing March and Chaos Surge (not sure if it held through all the time but it was still there when I started casting).
I also found a bug, the Myrran wizard didn't upgrade their hostility level to send out the strong summons from the garrison, which is supposed to happen against SoM, they were already at war so the hostility reevaluation failed to trigger, and every time there was a battle, it even reset! I fixed this bug halfway through casting SoM so not sure how much it affected the outcome, probably not at all because they didn't have very rare creatures. The Arcanus wizard did send their 3 Demon Lords though, but it wasn't enough, they only managed to kill one of my heroes and nothing else.

Next game I played was Nature+Sorcery to test the early Cockatrice+Focus Magic strategy, but this one is recorded on video :

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