May 23rd, 2013, 04:21
(This post was last modified: May 23rd, 2013, 04:41 by Vanshilar.)
Posts: 61
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Joined: Dec 2012
Well 3.5 is simply the average between 2 and 5. So yeah as in this case, when there's not a big mess with attack-defense differential or shields (shields decrease the damage for every number but does not drop any damages below 0), the average will simply be between the min and the max. It's when there's significant differentials or shields that things start not being what they're supposed to be.
Yeah looking at it, your logic for the fractionals is sound in that it would predict the endpoints appearing half as often. For example, for the case of 2-5, the roll would basically trisect the range to 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5, in more or less equal thirds. If the damage is between 2 and 3, then the shown damage will either be 2 or 3 (depending on if the fractional damage for the shot and the fractional damage already existing on the ship sum to >= 1 or not). If the damage is between 3 and 4, then the shown damage will either be 3 or 4. If the damage is between 4 and 5, then the shown damage will either be 4 or 5. Since each of the 6 cases (2-3, 3-4, or 4-5; then round up or not) are equally likely, the endpoints end up showing up only half as often. Or, in chart form, where the left column is the damage dealt, the top row is the fractional damage the ship already had, and the body is the total damage:
Code: XXX 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9
2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0
2.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1
2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2
2.4 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3
2.5 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
2.6 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
2.7 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
3.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9
3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0
3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1
3.3 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2
3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3
3.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4
3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
3.7 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6
3.8 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7
3.9 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8
4.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9
4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0
4.2 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1
4.3 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2
4.4 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3
4.5 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
4.6 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5
4.7 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6
4.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7
4.9 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8
5.0 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9
You can see that yeah, 3's and 4's will appear twice as often as 2's or 5's.
One way that may make it possible to distinguish this is to shoot once at the start of combat and then retreat/reload. Presumably, at the start of combat, there is no fractional damage on the ships (if a ship has auto repair, that may repair the fractional damage, but it's possible that the devs forgot to "zero out" the damage with auto repair if there's fractional damage). When there's initially no fractional damage, then if the game displays the damage by rounding down, then you should very rarely see a 5. If the game displays the damage by rounding up, then you should very rarely see a 2. That might be one way to see if the game really is using fractional damage. My data was collected by firing continuously until combat is over, so it's hard to tell this from my data.
Anyway so it would basically be, save the game right before entering combat, then on each reload, enter combat, fire once, then retreat/reload, and copy down the numbers observed from that.
By the way I looked through the memory dump. I found where the game records the integer damage dealt in memory. It doesn't record your remaining HP, it records the damage each ship has taken instead. So basically, if you're at 1053/1200, then there's a field in memory that'll say "147". This doesn't mean that it doesn't have another field for fractional damage though. If I had found a field that was like 10537 when it displays 1053 HP, then that would mean it uses fractional damage, but this just kind of leaves the answer to this sort of ambiguous. So maybe it'll mean reloading the combat and firing once each until there's enough statistical data. (And then what if there's fractional damage but it rounds properly, i.e. 2.6 and 3.4 will both show up as 3?)
Note: Actually, I just thought of something. In the ion cannon 3-8 damage case, if there's +6 differential, then it shrinks the range by 9.1%, so it changes the range from 3.00-8.00 to 3.46-8.00. If there's fractional damage, and it rounds down, then this implies you should still see 3 damage occasionally. But none were observed across 600 samples. If it rounds up, then for +6 differential on mass driver with 5-8 range, the 5 would never show up, but it occurred about 7% of the time. I'm not sure how it would explain those cases. Just something to think about.
May 23rd, 2013, 11:45
(This post was last modified: May 23rd, 2013, 13:08 by Zygot.)
Posts: 71
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Joined: Mar 2013
Awesome! Great analysis and an excellent explanation. I can understand that. I think we're really on to something here.
The last part of your recent post -- the note -- seems like a red herring. Are you referring to the single gun examples at the bottom of your Post #9? Because those are only +5 differentials -- the 6 attack - 1 defense.
I do think though we're ready to test all this and even bring it back to the more difficult experiments like the ones in your Post #5, to complete the Grand Unified Theory of Master of Orion Combat Damage, >+5 differentials and shields and everything, average damage and the internal logic and the individual results -- everything.
Since the spreadsheet is holding up so far, how about this:
1) In cell C19, choose the weapon.
2) In cell E91, for any time the differential is >=5, set it to 1.
3) In cell C94, set the enemy shields to the appropriate number.
4) Now, if the differential is >=6, calculate the new minimum damage value and enter it in the appropriate cell, for example Ion Cannon is R119.
The spreadsheet will now present both the expected average damage, and what the possible damage values are.
The big big question: How does it compare to the results you got in Posts #3 and #5? My hope is they line up nicely.
Then, all you have to do is debug the game to verify the fractional value exists and we can pat each other on the back!
Posts: 71
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Joined: Mar 2013
Vanshilar, any updates on your analysis? Simulation, statistics, debugging, etc? I'm on the edge of seat with this one!
Posts: 61
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Joined: Dec 2012
Oh unfortunately I'll be busy for a while, I have some RL stuff to do right now. I moved up looking at the memory because I figured I'll be busy from then on and won't have time to do MoO for a while
Um real quick what I meant was the test in post 3 where I mentioned plinking away with 1 ion cannon 600 times. It was with 7 attack (battle 3 + 4 Mrrshan) and 1 defense (so +6 differential), using ion cannon (3 to 8 damage), with no shields, and the data that I got was:
145 samples of 4 damage (24.2%)
125 samples of 5 damage (20.8%)
145 samples of 6 damage (24.2%)
111 samples of 7 damage (18.5%)
74 samples of 8 damage (12.3%)
600 samples total
The thing to note about this is that no samples of 3 damage were observed. Yet if fractional damage, and with +6 differential the bottom 9.1% of the range is eliminated, so the roll of 3.00 to 8.00 becomes 3.46 to 8.00. With this range, there's a 0.54/4.55 ~ 11.9% probability of rolling between 3.46 to 3.99, and and then a 1514/5400 = 28% probability of the previous damage not making it round up to 4 damage, so 3 damage should have been observed 3.3% of the time. Yet none were observed across 600 trials. That's something that would have to be explained.
Given my time I'm not sure if I'll be able to work on this in depth until after the current Imperium but we'll see how much time I end up having. Right now my hope is to having enough time to digest Imperium 37 and make sure I reserve enough time to play it and write it up, before doing other investigations on this, so it'll be on hold for a while.
May 29th, 2013, 00:15
(This post was last modified: May 29th, 2013, 00:16 by Zygot.)
Posts: 71
Threads: 8
Joined: Mar 2013
Yeah, I agree, there's something off in this case. I'm not versed in statistics or probability, so my contribution is I set up Excel to generate ~600 rolls for that situation and simulate the combat as per the fractional damage theory. I get results similar to your math, so the theory just does not explain your in-game results for >5 combat differentials. Here's a sample run below (display rounded to two decimal places).
20 4.36 4 0.36 4 0.36
52 5.82 5 0.82 6 0.18
82 7.18 7 0.18 7 0.36
92 7.64 7 0.64 8 0.00
10 3.91 3 0.91 3 0.91
81 7.14 7 0.14 8 0.05
90 7.55 7 0.55 7 0.59
95 7.77 7 0.77 8 0.36
65 6.41 6 0.41 6 0.77
60 6.18 6 0.18 6 0.96
17 4.23 4 0.23 5 0.18
97 7.86 7 0.86 8 0.05
48 5.64 5 0.64 5 0.68
65 6.41 6 0.41 7 0.09
38 5.18 5 0.18 5 0.28
22 4.45 4 0.45 4 0.73
57 6.05 6 0.05 6 0.78
86 7.36 7 0.36 8 0.14
82 7.18 7 0.18 7 0.32
25 4.59 4 0.59 4 0.91
83 7.23 7 0.23 8 0.14
85 7.32 7 0.32 7 0.46
58 6.09 6 0.09 6 0.55
88 7.45 7 0.45 8 0.00
48 5.64 5 0.64 5 0.64
71 6.68 6 0.68 7 0.32
14 4.09 4 0.09 4 0.41
10 3.91 3 0.91 4 0.32
54 5.91 5 0.91 6 0.23
68 6.55 6 0.55 6 0.78
46 5.55 5 0.55 6 0.32
14 4.09 4 0.09 4 0.42
33 4.95 4 0.95 5 0.37
49 5.68 5 0.68 6 0.05
1 3.50 3 0.50 3 0.55
44 5.45 5 0.45 6 0.01
12 4.00 4 0.00 4 0.01
61 6.23 6 0.23 6 0.24
7 3.77 3 0.77 4 0.01
58 6.09 6 0.09 6 0.10
100 8.00 8 0.00 8 0.10
81 7.14 7 0.14 7 0.24
74 6.82 6 0.82 7 0.05
88 7.45 7 0.45 7 0.51
89 7.50 7 0.50 8 0.01
76 6.91 6 0.91 6 0.92
49 5.68 5 0.68 6 0.60
6 3.73 3 0.73 4 0.33
62 6.27 6 0.27 6 0.60
63 6.32 6 0.32 6 0.92
50 5.73 5 0.73 6 0.65
3 3.59 3 0.59 4 0.24
25 4.59 4 0.59 4 0.83
31 4.86 4 0.86 5 0.69
97 7.86 7 0.86 8 0.56
30 4.82 4 0.82 5 0.38
97 7.86 7 0.86 8 0.24
72 6.73 6 0.73 6 0.97
13 4.05 4 0.05 5 0.01
1 3.50 3 0.50 3 0.51
67 6.50 6 0.50 7 0.01
28 4.73 4 0.73 4 0.74
25 4.59 4 0.59 5 0.33
98 7.91 7 0.91 8 0.24
22 4.45 4 0.45 4 0.70
53 5.86 5 0.86 6 0.56
14 4.09 4 0.09 4 0.65
55 5.95 5 0.95 6 0.61
30 4.82 4 0.82 5 0.42
90 7.55 7 0.55 7 0.97
83 7.23 7 0.23 8 0.20
95 7.77 7 0.77 7 0.97
32 4.91 4 0.91 5 0.88
44 5.45 5 0.45 6 0.33
59 6.14 6 0.14 6 0.47
6 3.73 3 0.73 4 0.20
3 3.59 3 0.59 3 0.79
87 7.41 7 0.41 8 0.20
46 5.55 5 0.55 5 0.74
1 3.50 3 0.50 4 0.24
96 7.82 7 0.82 8 0.06
78 7.00 7 0.00 7 0.06
78 7.00 7 0.00 7 0.06
90 7.55 7 0.55 7 0.61
35 5.05 5 0.05 5 0.65
57 6.05 6 0.05 6 0.70
98 7.91 7 0.91 8 0.61
67 6.50 6 0.50 7 0.11
55 5.95 5 0.95 6 0.06
40 5.27 5 0.27 5 0.34
21 4.41 4 0.41 4 0.75
96 7.82 7 0.82 8 0.56
58 6.09 6 0.09 6 0.66
99 7.95 7 0.95 8 0.61
67 6.50 6 0.50 7 0.11
1 3.50 3 0.50 3 0.61
50 5.73 5 0.73 6 0.34
90 7.55 7 0.55 7 0.88
53 5.86 5 0.86 6 0.75
34 5.00 5 0.00 5 0.75
17 4.23 4 0.23 4 0.98
85 7.32 7 0.32 8 0.29
2 3.55 3 0.55 3 0.84
80 7.09 7 0.09 7 0.93
93 7.68 7 0.68 8 0.61
61 6.23 6 0.23 6 0.84
3 3.59 3 0.59 4 0.43
97 7.86 7 0.86 8 0.30
40 5.27 5 0.27 5 0.57
45 5.50 5 0.50 6 0.07
29 4.77 4 0.77 4 0.84
9 3.86 3 0.86 4 0.71
64 6.36 6 0.36 7 0.07
37 5.14 5 0.14 5 0.21
42 5.36 5 0.36 5 0.57
37 5.14 5 0.14 5 0.71
36 5.09 5 0.09 5 0.80
72 6.73 6 0.73 7 0.53
19 4.32 4 0.32 4 0.84
41 5.32 5 0.32 6 0.16
1 3.50 3 0.50 3 0.66
15 4.14 4 0.14 4 0.80
42 5.36 5 0.36 6 0.16
64 6.36 6 0.36 6 0.53
15 4.14 4 0.14 4 0.66
18 4.27 4 0.27 4 0.94
79 7.05 7 0.05 7 0.98
30 4.82 4 0.82 5 0.80
1 3.50 3 0.50 4 0.30
7 3.77 3 0.77 4 0.07
97 7.86 7 0.86 7 0.94
51 5.77 5 0.77 6 0.71
21 4.41 4 0.41 5 0.12
46 5.55 5 0.55 5 0.67
32 4.91 4 0.91 5 0.58
61 6.23 6 0.23 6 0.80
43 5.41 5 0.41 6 0.21
91 7.59 7 0.59 7 0.80
55 5.95 5 0.95 6 0.76
25 4.59 4 0.59 5 0.35
68 6.55 6 0.55 6 0.90
66 6.45 6 0.45 7 0.35
68 6.55 6 0.55 6 0.90
78 7.00 7 0.00 7 0.90
84 7.27 7 0.27 8 0.17
68 6.55 6 0.55 6 0.71
81 7.14 7 0.14 7 0.85
8 3.82 3 0.82 4 0.67
90 7.55 7 0.55 8 0.21
7 3.77 3 0.77 3 0.99
42 5.36 5 0.36 6 0.35
69 6.59 6 0.59 6 0.94
27 4.68 4 0.68 5 0.62
38 5.18 5 0.18 5 0.81
88 7.45 7 0.45 8 0.26
100 8.00 8 0.00 8 0.26
70 6.64 6 0.64 6 0.90
71 6.68 6 0.68 7 0.58
59 6.14 6 0.14 6 0.72
3 3.59 3 0.59 4 0.31
20 4.36 4 0.36 4 0.67
47 5.59 5 0.59 6 0.26
58 6.09 6 0.09 6 0.35
66 6.45 6 0.45 6 0.81
23 4.50 4 0.50 5 0.31
5 3.68 3 0.68 3 0.99
81 7.14 7 0.14 8 0.13
42 5.36 5 0.36 5 0.49
27 4.68 4 0.68 5 0.17
59 6.14 6 0.14 6 0.31
40 5.27 5 0.27 5 0.58
20 4.36 4 0.36 4 0.95
24 4.55 4 0.55 5 0.49
13 4.05 4 0.05 4 0.54
40 5.27 5 0.27 5 0.81
20 4.36 4 0.36 5 0.18
63 6.32 6 0.32 6 0.49
7 3.77 3 0.77 4 0.27
78 7.00 7 0.00 7 0.27
6 3.73 3 0.73 3 1.00
73 6.77 6 0.77 7 0.77
75 6.86 6 0.86 7 0.63
19 4.32 4 0.32 4 0.95
1 3.50 3 0.50 4 0.45
70 6.64 6 0.64 7 0.09
30 4.82 4 0.82 4 0.91
18 4.27 4 0.27 5 0.18
91 7.59 7 0.59 7 0.77
88 7.45 7 0.45 8 0.22
11 3.95 3 0.95 4 0.18
50 5.73 5 0.73 5 0.91
66 6.45 6 0.45 7 0.36
61 6.23 6 0.23 6 0.59
85 7.32 7 0.32 7 0.91
33 4.95 4 0.95 5 0.86
59 6.14 6 0.14 6 1.00
37 5.14 5 0.14 6 0.14
39 5.23 5 0.23 5 0.36
72 6.73 6 0.73 7 0.09
41 5.32 5 0.32 5 0.41
76 6.91 6 0.91 7 0.32
56 6.00 6 0.00 6 0.32
15 4.14 4 0.14 4 0.46
55 5.95 5 0.95 6 0.41
49 5.68 5 0.68 6 0.09
57 6.05 6 0.05 6 0.14
85 7.32 7 0.32 7 0.46
5 3.68 3 0.68 4 0.14
44 5.45 5 0.45 5 0.59
31 4.86 4 0.86 5 0.46
59 6.14 6 0.14 6 0.59
55 5.95 5 0.95 6 0.55
71 6.68 6 0.68 7 0.23
87 7.41 7 0.41 7 0.64
16 4.18 4 0.18 4 0.82
42 5.36 5 0.36 6 0.19
32 4.91 4 0.91 5 0.09
67 6.50 6 0.50 6 0.59
5 3.68 3 0.68 4 0.28
89 7.50 7 0.50 7 0.78
42 5.36 5 0.36 6 0.14
42 5.36 5 0.36 5 0.50
41 5.32 5 0.32 5 0.82
2 3.55 3 0.55 4 0.37
32 4.91 4 0.91 5 0.28
68 6.55 6 0.55 6 0.82
43 5.41 5 0.41 6 0.23
3 3.59 3 0.59 3 0.82
43 5.41 5 0.41 6 0.23
95 7.77 7 0.77 8 0.01
13 4.05 4 0.05 4 0.05
25 4.59 4 0.59 4 0.64
91 7.59 7 0.59 8 0.24
30 4.82 4 0.82 5 0.05
99 7.95 7 0.95 8 0.01
86 7.36 7 0.36 7 0.37
52 5.82 5 0.82 6 0.19
65 6.41 6 0.41 6 0.60
52 5.82 5 0.82 6 0.42
25 4.59 4 0.59 5 0.01
34 5.00 5 0.00 5 0.01
46 5.55 5 0.55 5 0.56
46 5.55 5 0.55 6 0.10
60 6.18 6 0.18 6 0.28
68 6.55 6 0.55 6 0.83
95 7.77 7 0.77 8 0.60
73 6.77 6 0.77 7 0.37
40 5.27 5 0.27 5 0.65
24 4.55 4 0.55 5 0.19
68 6.55 6 0.55 6 0.74
34 5.00 5 0.00 5 0.74
21 4.41 4 0.41 5 0.15
73 6.77 6 0.77 6 0.92
88 7.45 7 0.45 8 0.38
69 6.59 6 0.59 6 0.97
13 4.05 4 0.05 5 0.01
32 4.91 4 0.91 4 0.92
30 4.82 4 0.82 5 0.74
60 6.18 6 0.18 6 0.92
25 4.59 4 0.59 5 0.51
79 7.05 7 0.05 7 0.56
100 8.00 8 0.00 8 0.56
91 7.59 7 0.59 8 0.15
76 6.91 6 0.91 7 0.06
37 5.14 5 0.14 5 0.20
40 5.27 5 0.27 5 0.47
12 4.00 4 0.00 4 0.47
10 3.91 3 0.91 4 0.38
44 5.45 5 0.45 5 0.83
63 6.32 6 0.32 7 0.15
56 6.00 6 0.00 6 0.15
59 6.14 6 0.14 6 0.29
95 7.77 7 0.77 8 0.06
82 7.18 7 0.18 7 0.24
76 6.91 6 0.91 7 0.15
18 4.27 4 0.27 4 0.43
2 3.55 3 0.55 3 0.97
33 4.95 4 0.95 5 0.93
37 5.14 5 0.14 6 0.06
24 4.55 4 0.55 4 0.61
5 3.68 3 0.68 4 0.29
98 7.91 7 0.91 8 0.20
51 5.77 5 0.77 5 0.97
35 5.05 5 0.05 6 0.02
32 4.91 4 0.91 4 0.93
77 6.95 6 0.95 7 0.88
10 3.91 3 0.91 4 0.79
22 4.45 4 0.45 5 0.25
8 3.82 3 0.82 4 0.07
23 4.50 4 0.50 4 0.57
84 7.27 7 0.27 7 0.84
57 6.05 6 0.05 6 0.88
37 5.14 5 0.14 6 0.02
43 5.41 5 0.41 5 0.43
12 4.00 4 0.00 4 0.43
34 5.00 5 0.00 5 0.43
93 7.68 7 0.68 8 0.11
13 4.05 4 0.05 4 0.16
8 3.82 3 0.82 3 0.98
58 6.09 6 0.09 7 0.07
7 3.77 3 0.77 3 0.84
83 7.23 7 0.23 8 0.07
83 7.23 7 0.23 7 0.30
14 4.09 4 0.09 4 0.39
79 7.05 7 0.05 7 0.43
96 7.82 7 0.82 8 0.25
71 6.68 6 0.68 6 0.93
7 3.77 3 0.77 4 0.71
17 4.23 4 0.23 4 0.93
9 3.86 3 0.86 4 0.80
60 6.18 6 0.18 6 0.98
24 4.55 4 0.55 5 0.53
90 7.55 7 0.55 8 0.07
54 5.91 5 0.91 5 0.98
43 5.41 5 0.41 6 0.39
73 6.77 6 0.77 7 0.16
11 3.95 3 0.95 4 0.12
49 5.68 5 0.68 5 0.80
49 5.68 5 0.68 6 0.48
3 3.59 3 0.59 4 0.07
44 5.45 5 0.45 5 0.53
2 3.55 3 0.55 4 0.07
71 6.68 6 0.68 6 0.76
8 3.82 3 0.82 4 0.58
98 7.91 7 0.91 8 0.48
54 5.91 5 0.91 6 0.39
35 5.05 5 0.05 5 0.44
45 5.50 5 0.50 5 0.94
83 7.23 7 0.23 8 0.17
50 5.73 5 0.73 5 0.89
98 7.91 7 0.91 8 0.80
7 3.77 3 0.77 4 0.58
31 4.86 4 0.86 5 0.44
19 4.32 4 0.32 4 0.76
43 5.41 5 0.41 6 0.17
64 6.36 6 0.36 6 0.53
99 7.95 7 0.95 8 0.49
21 4.41 4 0.41 4 0.90
88 7.45 7 0.45 8 0.35
88 7.45 7 0.45 7 0.81
59 6.14 6 0.14 6 0.94
55 5.95 5 0.95 6 0.90
79 7.05 7 0.05 7 0.94
68 6.55 6 0.55 7 0.49
12 4.00 4 0.00 4 0.49
88 7.45 7 0.45 7 0.94
50 5.73 5 0.73 6 0.67
23 4.50 4 0.50 5 0.17
61 6.23 6 0.23 6 0.40
68 6.55 6 0.55 6 0.94
56 6.00 6 0.00 6 0.94
58 6.09 6 0.09 7 0.04
72 6.73 6 0.73 6 0.76
96 7.82 7 0.82 8 0.58
3 3.59 3 0.59 4 0.17
36 5.09 5 0.09 5 0.26
33 4.95 4 0.95 5 0.22
62 6.27 6 0.27 6 0.49
88 7.45 7 0.45 7 0.95
30 4.82 4 0.82 5 0.76
89 7.50 7 0.50 8 0.26
54 5.91 5 0.91 6 0.17
51 5.77 5 0.77 5 0.95
68 6.55 6 0.55 7 0.49
94 7.73 7 0.73 8 0.22
73 6.77 6 0.77 6 0.99
23 4.50 4 0.50 5 0.49
21 4.41 4 0.41 4 0.90
97 7.86 7 0.86 8 0.77
36 5.09 5 0.09 5 0.86
82 7.18 7 0.18 8 0.04
91 7.59 7 0.59 7 0.63
2 3.55 3 0.55 4 0.18
7 3.77 3 0.77 3 0.95
92 7.64 7 0.64 8 0.59
96 7.82 7 0.82 8 0.40
77 6.95 6 0.95 7 0.36
25 4.59 4 0.59 4 0.95
20 4.36 4 0.36 5 0.31
59 6.14 6 0.14 6 0.45
87 7.41 7 0.41 7 0.86
25 4.59 4 0.59 5 0.45
96 7.82 7 0.82 8 0.27
70 6.64 6 0.64 6 0.90
41 5.32 5 0.32 6 0.22
9 3.86 3 0.86 4 0.09
73 6.77 6 0.77 6 0.86
78 7.00 7 0.00 7 0.86
77 6.95 6 0.95 7 0.82
1 3.50 3 0.50 4 0.32
94 7.73 7 0.73 8 0.04
64 6.36 6 0.36 6 0.41
87 7.41 7 0.41 7 0.82
98 7.91 7 0.91 8 0.72
35 5.05 5 0.05 5 0.77
17 4.23 4 0.23 4 1.00
100 8.00 8 0.00 8 1.00
68 6.55 6 0.55 7 0.54
90 7.55 7 0.55 8 0.09
61 6.23 6 0.23 6 0.32
91 7.59 7 0.59 7 0.91
25 4.59 4 0.59 5 0.50
27 4.68 4 0.68 5 0.18
33 4.95 4 0.95 5 0.14
76 6.91 6 0.91 7 0.05
34 5.00 5 0.00 5 0.05
52 5.82 5 0.82 5 0.86
16 4.18 4 0.18 5 0.05
59 6.14 6 0.14 6 0.18
29 4.77 4 0.77 4 0.96
97 7.86 7 0.86 8 0.82
38 5.18 5 0.18 6 0.00
70 6.64 6 0.64 6 0.64
30 4.82 4 0.82 5 0.46
29 4.77 4 0.77 5 0.23
38 5.18 5 0.18 5 0.41
54 5.91 5 0.91 6 0.32
73 6.77 6 0.77 7 0.09
21 4.41 4 0.41 4 0.50
16 4.18 4 0.18 4 0.69
47 5.59 5 0.59 6 0.28
4 3.64 3 0.64 3 0.91
49 5.68 5 0.68 6 0.60
74 6.82 6 0.82 7 0.41
3 3.59 3 0.59 4 0.01
28 4.73 4 0.73 4 0.73
62 6.27 6 0.27 7 0.01
85 7.32 7 0.32 7 0.32
30 4.82 4 0.82 5 0.14
38 5.18 5 0.18 5 0.32
69 6.59 6 0.59 6 0.92
61 6.23 6 0.23 7 0.14
79 7.05 7 0.05 7 0.19
46 5.55 5 0.55 5 0.73
46 5.55 5 0.55 6 0.28
95 7.77 7 0.77 8 0.05
2 3.55 3 0.55 3 0.60
55 5.95 5 0.95 6 0.55
27 4.68 4 0.68 5 0.24
99 7.95 7 0.95 8 0.19
37 5.14 5 0.14 5 0.33
38 5.18 5 0.18 5 0.51
35 5.05 5 0.05 5 0.55
45 5.50 5 0.50 6 0.05
77 6.95 6 0.95 7 0.01
9 3.86 3 0.86 3 0.87
72 6.73 6 0.73 7 0.60
81 7.14 7 0.14 7 0.74
16 4.18 4 0.18 4 0.92
95 7.77 7 0.77 8 0.69
85 7.32 7 0.32 8 0.01
50 5.73 5 0.73 5 0.74
5 3.68 3 0.68 4 0.42
82 7.18 7 0.18 7 0.60
24 4.55 4 0.55 5 0.15
71 6.68 6 0.68 6 0.83
1 3.50 3 0.50 4 0.33
41 5.32 5 0.32 5 0.65
44 5.45 5 0.45 6 0.10
29 4.77 4 0.77 4 0.88
85 7.32 7 0.32 8 0.19
79 7.05 7 0.05 7 0.24
57 6.05 6 0.05 6 0.29
5 3.68 3 0.68 3 0.97
39 5.23 5 0.23 6 0.20
62 6.27 6 0.27 6 0.47
85 7.32 7 0.32 7 0.79
39 5.23 5 0.23 6 0.01
96 7.82 7 0.82 7 0.83
77 6.95 6 0.95 7 0.79
32 4.91 4 0.91 5 0.70
27 4.68 4 0.68 5 0.38
74 6.82 6 0.82 7 0.20
31 4.86 4 0.86 5 0.06
51 5.77 5 0.77 5 0.83
40 5.27 5 0.27 6 0.11
4 3.64 3 0.64 3 0.74
14 4.09 4 0.09 4 0.84
27 4.68 4 0.68 5 0.52
41 5.32 5 0.32 5 0.84
39 5.23 5 0.23 6 0.06
75 6.86 6 0.86 6 0.93
2 3.55 3 0.55 4 0.47
57 6.05 6 0.05 6 0.52
74 6.82 6 0.82 7 0.34
33 4.95 4 0.95 5 0.29
89 7.50 7 0.50 7 0.79
45 5.50 5 0.50 6 0.29
40 5.27 5 0.27 5 0.57
76 6.91 6 0.91 7 0.47
92 7.64 7 0.64 8 0.11
31 4.86 4 0.86 4 0.97
47 5.59 5 0.59 6 0.57
24 4.55 4 0.55 5 0.11
15 4.14 4 0.14 4 0.25
84 7.27 7 0.27 7 0.52
29 4.77 4 0.77 5 0.29
92 7.64 7 0.64 7 0.93
50 5.73 5 0.73 6 0.66
21 4.41 4 0.41 5 0.07
72 6.73 6 0.73 6 0.79
9 3.86 3 0.86 4 0.66
17 4.23 4 0.23 4 0.89
28 4.73 4 0.73 5 0.61
24 4.55 4 0.55 5 0.16
46 5.55 5 0.55 5 0.71
96 7.82 7 0.82 8 0.52
80 7.09 7 0.09 7 0.61
8 3.82 3 0.82 4 0.43
22 4.45 4 0.45 4 0.89
44 5.45 5 0.45 6 0.34
31 4.86 4 0.86 5 0.21
14 4.09 4 0.09 4 0.30
5 3.68 3 0.68 3 0.98
64 6.36 6 0.36 7 0.34
31 4.86 4 0.86 5 0.21
98 7.91 7 0.91 8 0.12
77 6.95 6 0.95 7 0.07
18 4.27 4 0.27 4 0.35
9 3.86 3 0.86 4 0.21
87 7.41 7 0.41 7 0.62
94 7.73 7 0.73 8 0.35
40 5.27 5 0.27 5 0.62
42 5.36 5 0.36 5 0.98
29 4.77 4 0.77 5 0.76
24 4.55 4 0.55 5 0.30
30 4.82 4 0.82 5 0.12
48 5.64 5 0.64 5 0.76
70 6.64 6 0.64 7 0.39
8 3.82 3 0.82 4 0.21
40 5.27 5 0.27 5 0.48
9 3.86 3 0.86 4 0.35
69 6.59 6 0.59 6 0.94
35 5.05 5 0.05 5 0.99
99 7.95 7 0.95 8 0.94
82 7.18 7 0.18 8 0.12
85 7.32 7 0.32 7 0.44
87 7.41 7 0.41 7 0.85
12 4.00 4 0.00 4 0.85
9 3.86 3 0.86 4 0.71
55 5.95 5 0.95 6 0.67
92 7.64 7 0.64 8 0.31
5 3.68 3 0.68 3 0.99
80 7.09 7 0.09 8 0.08
57 6.05 6 0.05 6 0.12
83 7.23 7 0.23 7 0.35
75 6.86 6 0.86 7 0.22
62 6.27 6 0.27 6 0.49
100 8.00 8 0.00 8 0.49
22 4.45 4 0.45 4 0.94
86 7.36 7 0.36 8 0.31
16 4.18 4 0.18 4 0.49
55 5.95 5 0.95 6 0.44
42 5.36 5 0.36 5 0.81
15 4.14 4 0.14 4 0.94
61 6.23 6 0.23 7 0.17
30 4.82 4 0.82 4 0.99
40 5.27 5 0.27 6 0.26
78 7.00 7 0.00 7 0.26
32 4.91 4 0.91 5 0.17
50 5.73 5 0.73 5 0.90
71 6.68 6 0.68 7 0.58
53 5.86 5 0.86 6 0.45
85 7.32 7 0.32 7 0.76
71 6.68 6 0.68 7 0.45
17 4.23 4 0.23 4 0.67
13 4.05 4 0.05 4 0.72
51 5.77 5 0.77 6 0.49
76 6.91 6 0.91 7 0.40
21 4.41 4 0.41 4 0.81
33 4.95 4 0.95 5 0.77
21 4.41 4 0.41 5 0.18
69 6.59 6 0.59 6 0.77
53 5.86 5 0.86 6 0.63
32 4.91 4 0.91 5 0.54
35 5.05 5 0.05 5 0.59
18 4.27 4 0.27 4 0.86
100 8.00 8 0.00 8 0.86
95 7.77 7 0.77 8 0.63
75 6.86 6 0.86 7 0.50
23 4.50 4 0.50 4 1.00
87 7.41 7 0.41 8 0.40
61 6.23 6 0.23 6 0.63
56 6.00 6 0.00 6 0.63
82 7.18 7 0.18 7 0.81
3 3.59 3 0.59 4 0.41
62 6.27 6 0.27 6 0.68
18 4.27 4 0.27 4 0.95
99 7.95 7 0.95 8 0.91
95 7.77 7 0.77 8 0.68
75 6.86 6 0.86 7 0.54
93 7.68 7 0.68 8 0.22
30 4.82 4 0.82 5 0.04
77 6.95 6 0.95 6 1.00
88 7.45 7 0.45 8 0.45
5 3.68 3 0.68 4 0.13
47 5.59 5 0.59 5 0.73
79 7.05 7 0.05 7 0.77
83 7.23 7 0.23 7 1.00
For this run, the summary is:
3 22 3.7%
4 111 18.5%
5 134 22.4%
6 142 23.7%
7 110 18.4%
8 80 13.4%
December 20th, 2016, 00:21
Posts: 71
Threads: 8
Joined: Mar 2013
So 3.5 years later, MOO's actual combat mechanics continue to be a mystery. Here is an experiment I performed tonight that just makes no sense.
I started up a fresh game on a small map, average difficulty, as Sakkra, and designed a basic large ship with just a single laser equipped (attack level 2 because of battle computer 1 and battle scanner). I put it into combat against a stack of small fighters that had an HP of 3 each. This was intended to be an extremely simple scenario to gather data on the damage put out by a single laser.
My first shot => combat graphic shows I caused 3 damage. Enemy ship count goes down by 1. However.... the enemy stack shows the top ship has somehow suffered 1 HP of damage as well?
My second shot => combat graphic shows I caused 3 damage. Enemy ship count goes down by 1. However.... now the enemy stack shows the top ship has suffered 2 HP of damage, with 1 HP remaining? Then my ship died to enemy fire.
Point being, with only a single laser, in a single volley, how did I manage in these cases to not only kill the top ship in the stack, but damage the second ship in the stack? There's supposed to be wasted "overkill" damage if a single shot destroys a ship. Not to mention I supposedly only did 3 damage with each shot.
December 20th, 2016, 01:20
Posts: 5,156
Threads: 113
Joined: Nov 2007
Wow ... that sounds like a very weird bug, and I've no idea what it's doing. (Heh, I referred to this thread earlier in response to somebody's question about targeting computer effects on combat damage; nice to see the research is still continuing.) I'd love to see the new bug tested in a larger sample size, though I haven't time to play with it myself; it's hard to draw any conclusions from N = 2 attacks.
December 20th, 2016, 01:36
Posts: 71
Threads: 8
Joined: Mar 2013
Yes, weird bug indeed. Could it be this happens all the time and we never notice? I did 6 test combats with a single ship of this "1 laser" design, and this was test #5, but looking through my results this also happened on test #4, which was identical except for the initial enemy stack size (59 and 5, respectively). It may have happened in previous tests and I just didn't notice. Perhaps it just doesn't happen that in practice we field a stack that only features a single weapon, and happen to be obsessively checking the enemy stack's HP.
December 20th, 2016, 02:07
Posts: 5,156
Threads: 113
Joined: Nov 2007
Entirely possible, but ... like, what's actually happening here? Does a single laser do 3 (or 4 with carry-over) damage every time? Did you happen to roll 4 damage each time and there's carry-over where there shouldn't be, with only the "correct" damage reported in the animation? Did a third hit of that nature destroy two ships at once? Is the "hitpoints left" display lying, or the animation damage and supposed game rules? (I can think of more questions too of course - not that you have to answer them obviously, but it's intriguing!)