Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Just one quick thing Nakor, how do I make a response to all of the teammates in the team email? I can only do 1 at a time. Anyway, my message had to do with the hanging Gardens. I just noticed that India has stone. cry Just a random thought because I noticed that wonders were going so slow and I was wondering who would get the HG. I'm so used to the HG going much earlier.

Anyway I played the turn.

1. Worker will pasture sheep next turn (THEN load the galley and road to Land's End)
2. Worker will chop Krondor's forest next turn (the one that's right next to Romali border)
3. Another worker south of the sheep near Stardock will move to Krondor's forest by the copper/iron and chop that (it's currently on a forest but it needs to MOVE to the forest that's by Krondor THEN chop)
4. Another worker that's near the gold and marble will road the forest between Krondor and Sethanon for better road efficiency.
5. Worker south of Sethanon needs to go to forest 1N of deer in La Mut and chop a catapult (OR a barracks, see below).
6. Worker that just finished chopping northern spices by Krondor should road the tile 1 south of that (also a spices tile) for precautionary purposes.

By my calculations, we can get 4 catapults done by turn 140 (2 promoted, 2 unpromoted with no XP available) for Whosit, in exchange for 4 praetorians WITHOUT whipping. My calculations gave me 2 cats in Krondor and 2 in La mut so if another city, say Stardock, whips a catapult we can actually get 5. Very nice. We can try and get a barracks in La Mut (who btw will have to skip that axe if we want to meet the turn 140 date Whosit proposed) which means we'll likely need a whip to meet the turn 140 deadline.

However, I think we should have the barracks next in La Mut after settler. Whosit's giving us 8.8 str units so we should give him 3XP catapults in return.

Nakor if you agree, I think we can do a 5-for-5 trade with Whosit. Both of us talked earlier today and we agree in a straight up 1 for 1 cat - praet trade.

Next turn we go back to 100% research.

My dates:

Turn 134 - Catapult (Krondor)
Turn 136 - Catapult (Krondor)
Turn 137 - Catapult (La Mut)
Turn 139 - Catapult (La Mut)

We can whip Stardock for 2 pop for a quick, unpromoted catapult. Or we can also try to whip La Mut heavily and perhaps get a sixth. However, I think 5-5 is a fair bet if we want to get our praets by turn 140. So in conclusion, we should ask Whosit for 5 3 XP praetorians by turn 140.

Remember, we should build a barracks in La Mut (in all fairness to Whosit) so I highly suggest after settler there, we chop barracks, THEN make 2 catapults. Good thing La Mut is right by the Romli border so Whosit can get it faster.

DMOC, don't you think we need our own cat's as well?

I'd suggest a 4-4 deal by t140 and try not to whip now, we may need the whip later for LB's or other military. And that way we can get a few cat's our own.
EDIT: Let's hope we can get 4-4 since Whosit isn't sure he has much to spare. Then again, we need them ourselves as well. And let's chop a barrack in La Mut after the settler.

Regarding the mail: just type in letters from all teammates and you can select them OR you can draft the mail and I'll send it (or try REPLY ALL).

I will look into the game later and end the turn.

Okay, just do a 4-4 trade. We are more concerned about defense for now. Once we do repel an attack (if any comes?) then we can mass-produce catapults. 4-4 trade with no whipping sounds fine to me.

Okay, barracks in La Mut.

Nakor the message was going to ask if anyone thought about building the Hanging Gardens (or any other wonder). I'd like the whole alliance to be on the same page so no one's building two of the same wonders.

Do you want me to send a message to everyone?

Are there any wonders you want us to pursue?

Yes, please do so.

If we could, I'd like it if we build the Great Library. But Whosit probably has that on his agenda. Or not. This is why we need to ask our allies if anyone's going to get wonders or if anyone's going to deny India or Inca any of the wonders (especially Hanging Gardens, that provides a population boost to EVERY city, so it's important).


First, a reply from India:

Quote:[COLOR="Orange"]Dear Speaker and Sullla of India,

We are glad that our payment has gone through. Now we hope that you won't gift troops to our rival, the Romalinese (Dantski). Nakor has informed me that you gave some troops to Romali, although I assume that was simply for returning, not actual gifting, right? Understandably, both of us are trying to have maximum knowledge about Romali's forces to defend against what will be an eventual attack on us.

As you mentioned, we have no reason to be enemies from this point forward. Your main concern - about the prevention of the dogplie - is something that we'll try to deal with should another dogpile happen again. As of now, I think you're safe, especially because of your high power rating.

We'd love to have some extended NAP's. We have many already that end at turn 150, so we are worried about what shall happen should that turn comes. We'd be VERY interested in extending our current one to turn 170 (20 extra turns). If you need some extra time to think things over, feel free to inform us. We're doing our best to be flexible. =)

DMOC for the HRE Team[/COLOR]

Quote:Dear Nakor and DMOC of Holy Rome,

Yes, we had a pre-existing deal with Dantski from a much earlier period that involved a transfer of units back and forth. We felt obligated to complete our prior arrangements, which had no bearing on our current negotiations with your team. That deal has since been finished, and there are no current deals in place involving unit gifting on either side.

We're intrigued by your offer of a Non-Aggression Pact extention, and it would definitely be nice to have some extra security stretching past Turn 150. However, that's still a long time away, and we'd like to take you up on your offer to have some extra time to consider. I hope that this doesn't present any cause for concern on your end.

The Killer Angels

Will you reply to them and but a little bit of pressure on them?

Then the mail to the allies, just a short one, it was late:

Quote:[COLOR="orange"]Dear Allies,

How is the game faring for everyone of you?

We are wondering if anyone of us is pursuing The Hanging Gardens (or any other wonders for that matter).
It would be a waste to build the same wonder while we can deny them to Slaze and India.

It might also be wise to compare tech paths. We are currently on Feudalism and will go for Civil Service after that.

Hope to hear from all of you soon!
Nakor of HRE[/COLOR]

Quote:Hi Allies,

I'm praying your not pursuing The Hanging Gardens! I'm only a few
turns from completion though I was contemplating delaying it a few
more turns but perhaps I need to rush them? I've sunk a ton of hammers
into them already, I would be very disappointed to lose them. I guess
it would be worse to lose them to India or somebody else though.

In other news I have activated my cool-down with the Inca and am
preparing for my 3rd war to start on T155!

I am also on metal casting on 0% right now. I'll be gifting next turns
gold to Greece and hopefully saving up for it there (though I can't
remember Rome might need help as well with gold).

The Rebel Alliance

Quote:Dear Allies,

First and foremost, a kind donation of 50 gold would help us stay on track to finish Currency in a reasonable amount of time. Even 10 gold next turn would help us maintain the slider at its current level for another turn. As for tech, Code of Laws is our next target. Calendar, Drama, and Music will be on our list, as well.

I really hope Ottomans get the Hanging Gardens. smile

Who is asking for the 50 gold?

We won't pressure India for now. Let's do this in 10 more turns.

PS: Did the 4 praet-cat trade get negotiated?

India build the HG last turn. yikes

I've agreed to a 4 -4 deal with Whosit and we trade at t140 or if they are done sooner, sooner. We also signed the MDP in the Public Player Thread.
Whosit is also the one asking for the gold, we might give it and go for another turn at 0% since we might need it anyway.

[SIZE="5"]425 AD[/SIZE]

Another day, another

Krondor finished the Settler, moving towards the Port Natal site (will be founded 475 AD), went onto a Catapult to get the trade with Whosit done early.
One worker needs to build a few cottages there.

La Mut finished a Settler as well and started on Barracks. Barracks will be done in 3-4 turns. Worker started chopping the forest there to help. He needs to farm those tiles afterwards. Settler started to move towards Yabon (will be founded 450 AD).

Workboat netted the Fish so Land's End will grow in 4 and can whip the Monument then. Granary afterwards?

We need to send a few workers to our new city sites and keep a few near Rolan/Krondor/Sethanon to keep building cottages.

Sethanon is building a worker and will probably finish the Rathaus before going to build missionary's. We might want to whip the Rathaus.

Rolan is still on a settler but that settler needs an escort on the Galley, so we might build one before the settler completes to find the Queg site (southern island) OR do you want to send it to Centralia to settle a second site there?

Stardock is building another WB for Port Natal (can be whipped soon).

Crydee is still on military.

We need to build more rathauses since our maintenance will go up with more cities. We should start with that once our military buildup is done. Krondor can build one very fast, as can La Mut.

Feudalism will take 4 turns, but we need 1 turn at 0% extra.

Wow, that really sucks. HG with 8-9 cities REALLY helps. frown

Land's End - Agree With Granary

Hm ... come to think of it, it might be worth it more to setle on Centralia. Our island will be in our backyard for some time to come, but Centralia is pretty much up for grabs, and I'd like to get a nice foothold on as much of it as possible, and keep India and Romali out of it.

Stardock - good.

Crydee -keep military, and be sure to diversify our defenders. Maybe include a chariot too if not done so already.

Krondor - can build a rathaus, but I'd rather get at least 12 units defending it first.

Okay we'll start at 100% for Feudalism. Maintenance costs will increase with cities so we need the extra turn of 0% research.

All in all looks decent. Nakor you'll have to do a lot of the heavy duty in the near future since high school track starts for me so I won't have as much free time as before.

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