Surely our best 3 here are: Block, Princess, Shakespeare.
So with that information, can we puzzle out the earlier clues? I'm wondering if the initial 3, 4, 2 were our intended 9 words, with the subsequent two clues as helpers for those.
Genevieve, 3: let's assume she was a Shakespearean Princess. Could be a Comic character? Or from The Magic Flute?
Parade, 4: Conductor, Square, Flute?, Block?
Skis, 2: Alps, Plastic
Mirepoix, 2: Hell if I know (pardon my French).
There's also a slight inference in favour of Carrot as we were thinking of guessing it next, and the clue is for 3 not 4. Only slight though, as there may not have been a 4-clue available.
We can also freely discuss our opponents' clues, as they only need one more word anyway. They have left:
Liberace, 2: Ivory + ?
Montezuma, 2: Aztec + ?
Needing the same word for both. My initial thought for Montezuma was Chocolate, as there's a chocolate brand with that name over in the UK. There's surely got to be an easier clue though, as chocolate comes from the same part of the world as the Aztecs anyway.
On a civ site, perhaps Comic is the more likely word, in respect of Montezuma's aggressive antics. Not sure how you'd clue Aztec + Comic in any other way. It might fit with Liberace, too, assuming he does (did?) comedy along with piano.
So. I'm still not sure what our final word is. We do need to guess though. Any good ideas?
That leaves us with three words, and the following breakdown:
Genevieve: 3 more needed (?)
Parade: 1 more needed (?)
Mirepoix: 2 more needed (?)
Beheading: 2 more needed
So obviously there's a lot of overlap between the above, which may allow us to suss out the meanings of the two words which confounded us.
I don't think rho's movie guess works for Genevieve, given the words which have been revealed and those still on the board. Unless the name is a character from the Swiss Family Robinson or something I'm guessing we haven't gotten most of its words yet. I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and say that Genevieve is some obscure character from a play- that would give us potentially Shakespeare and Princess, two words which also work with Beheading.
If Mirepoix is indeed a food then Carrot could be our fourth word. Perhaps a Mirepoix is served in blocks?
If our words are Shakespeare, Princess, Block, and Carrot then I reckon Block must be the missing Parade word.
Unfortunately I'm not sure what the last Red word is, Dave's clue was very strange. Surely a Civ IV reference, considering it's conspicuously a leader name, but not one I can decipher.
I say we go with Block, Princess, Shakespeare, Carrot.
I'd think Comic + Aztec would be something like "Hieroglyph 2", but perhaps that didn't occur to Dave. I suppose Comic works better with Liberace than anything else on the board, forgot they were missing a word there too. This has been a very confusing round, teams have not been on the same wavelengths as their spymasters.
Hmm, it's quite possible that Beheading is trying to tie to Carrot, given that they commonly have the tops cut off. If that's intended, then we would have Beheading = Block, Carrot, Princess. And probably not Shakespeare as the fourth word, or it would have been Beheading, 4. In which case our best remaining word is probably Plane.
I'm beginning to suspect that Mirepoix = diced (i.e. blocks of) carrots.
Anyway, I think our words are either
Block, Princess, Shakespeare, Carrot
Block, Carrot, Princess, Plane.
If it's Plane instead of Shakespeare, then what's the final Genevieve word, Flute? I'm not sure what clue Plane would really tie into, considering we already got both "skies" words.