As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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WW 45: I'm an Illegal Alien

The pleasure is mine! Good luck everyone.

Well, drats!  I guess I'll vote for Rowain, even though I don't see why he wouldn't have just had Dp101 vote for Gaz on Day 3.  Crazy.  

Anyways, my vote is locked in, and I don't expect the others to change their votes, so we can end this whenever Q is satisfied.

(February 12th, 2017, 09:18)Psillycyber Wrote: Anyways, my vote is locked in, and I don't expect the others to change their votes, so we can end this whenever Q is satisfied.



There's a lot more activity in the lurker thread than here smile

If everyone PMs me indicating a desire to lock in votes, I will end the day.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Day 5 End of Day Vote Count:

Psillycyber (2): Rowain, AdrienIer

Rowain (1): Psillycyber
Not Voting:

Psillycyber was lynched! He was a True Murican

With growing horror, Rowain turned to his companion, who was humming
The World Turned Upside Down underneath his breath.


"Yup!" AdrienIer said cheerfully, "I'm sorry about all this, but we were dreadfully scared. Now that it's just you and I, we should be able to put a stop to this whole affair, and leave out our lives peace-"


Rowain, a true patriot, shot himself in the face rather than be seen leaving the tent with a garlic-chewer.

Reason and intellect The Aliens have won!

Congratulations AdrienIer and Dp101. Commiserations to Rowain, Psillycyber, Lewwyn, Gazglum, and Jabbz.

Scum MVP has to go to AdrienIer, who worked his way out of a difficult situation. I'm not sure who for Town MVP.

I have two primary notes of feedback. Firstly, this demonstrates why we have roles. Even in a situation which should theoretically favor town considerably (with Dp101 consensus scum from early EoD1) they're able to tie themselves into knots, and OOT information is really essential in breaking that. This is part of the fatigue that slowly killed discussion (that, and 7 people is hardly going to give much anyway). I believe that makes this a reasonably balanced setup, maybe 55-45 for town. Secondly, I would put towns loss primarily down to D2 and D4, especially D2. Both of these lynches were by-and-large given up on, even though as it so happens scum was up for the lynch both times. The ability to turn the scum NK into information gathering/exercise some control over it was a major town-sided ability, which you failed to utilize.

I apologize again for my bad roleout Day 1, and the lack of votecounts on that day.

I would be interested in any feedback on my modding.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Your modding was fine. GG, all credit for the victory goes to AdrienIer, my performance was pathetic and I was lost from the start. I have no idea why I did as badly as I did. I noticed you didn't link the scum QT, want me to do it?
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

Wow, gg Adrien

As I feared

GG Adrien.
There was just no way to get you lynched.

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