Just one quick thing Nakor, how do I make a response to all of the teammates in the team email? I can only do 1 at a time. Anyway, my message had to do with the hanging Gardens. I just noticed that India has stone.
Just a random thought because I noticed that wonders were going so slow and I was wondering who would get the HG. I'm so used to the HG going much earlier.
Anyway I played the turn.
1. Worker will pasture sheep next turn (THEN load the galley and road to Land's End)
2. Worker will chop Krondor's forest next turn (the one that's right next to Romali border)
3. Another worker south of the sheep near Stardock will move to Krondor's forest by the copper/iron and chop that (it's currently on a forest but it needs to MOVE to the forest that's by Krondor THEN chop)
4. Another worker that's near the gold and marble will road the forest between Krondor and Sethanon for better road efficiency.
5. Worker south of Sethanon needs to go to forest 1N of deer in La Mut and chop a catapult (OR a barracks, see below).
6. Worker that just finished chopping northern spices by Krondor should road the tile 1 south of that (also a spices tile) for precautionary purposes.
By my calculations, we can get 4 catapults done by turn 140 (2 promoted, 2 unpromoted with no XP available) for Whosit, in exchange for 4 praetorians WITHOUT whipping. My calculations gave me 2 cats in Krondor and 2 in La mut so if another city, say Stardock, whips a catapult we can actually get 5. Very nice. We can try and get a barracks in La Mut (who btw will have to skip that axe if we want to meet the turn 140 date Whosit proposed) which means we'll likely need a whip to meet the turn 140 deadline.
However, I think we should have the barracks next in La Mut after settler. Whosit's giving us 8.8 str units so we should give him 3XP catapults in return.
Nakor if you agree, I think we can do a 5-for-5 trade with Whosit. Both of us talked earlier today and we agree in a straight up 1 for 1 cat - praet trade.
Next turn we go back to 100% research.
My dates:
Turn 134 - Catapult (Krondor)
Turn 136 - Catapult (Krondor)
Turn 137 - Catapult (La Mut)
Turn 139 - Catapult (La Mut)
We can whip Stardock for 2 pop for a quick, unpromoted catapult. Or we can also try to whip La Mut heavily and perhaps get a sixth. However, I think 5-5 is a fair bet if we want to get our praets by turn 140. So in conclusion, we should ask Whosit for 5 3 XP praetorians by turn 140.
Remember, we should build a barracks in La Mut (in all fairness to Whosit) so I highly suggest after settler there, we chop barracks, THEN make 2 catapults. Good thing La Mut is right by the Romli border so Whosit can get it faster.

Anyway I played the turn.
1. Worker will pasture sheep next turn (THEN load the galley and road to Land's End)
2. Worker will chop Krondor's forest next turn (the one that's right next to Romali border)
3. Another worker south of the sheep near Stardock will move to Krondor's forest by the copper/iron and chop that (it's currently on a forest but it needs to MOVE to the forest that's by Krondor THEN chop)
4. Another worker that's near the gold and marble will road the forest between Krondor and Sethanon for better road efficiency.
5. Worker south of Sethanon needs to go to forest 1N of deer in La Mut and chop a catapult (OR a barracks, see below).
6. Worker that just finished chopping northern spices by Krondor should road the tile 1 south of that (also a spices tile) for precautionary purposes.
By my calculations, we can get 4 catapults done by turn 140 (2 promoted, 2 unpromoted with no XP available) for Whosit, in exchange for 4 praetorians WITHOUT whipping. My calculations gave me 2 cats in Krondor and 2 in La mut so if another city, say Stardock, whips a catapult we can actually get 5. Very nice. We can try and get a barracks in La Mut (who btw will have to skip that axe if we want to meet the turn 140 date Whosit proposed) which means we'll likely need a whip to meet the turn 140 deadline.
However, I think we should have the barracks next in La Mut after settler. Whosit's giving us 8.8 str units so we should give him 3XP catapults in return.
Nakor if you agree, I think we can do a 5-for-5 trade with Whosit. Both of us talked earlier today and we agree in a straight up 1 for 1 cat - praet trade.
Next turn we go back to 100% research.
My dates:
Turn 134 - Catapult (Krondor)
Turn 136 - Catapult (Krondor)
Turn 137 - Catapult (La Mut)
Turn 139 - Catapult (La Mut)
We can whip Stardock for 2 pop for a quick, unpromoted catapult. Or we can also try to whip La Mut heavily and perhaps get a sixth. However, I think 5-5 is a fair bet if we want to get our praets by turn 140. So in conclusion, we should ask Whosit for 5 3 XP praetorians by turn 140.
Remember, we should build a barracks in La Mut (in all fairness to Whosit) so I highly suggest after settler there, we chop barracks, THEN make 2 catapults. Good thing La Mut is right by the Romli border so Whosit can get it faster.