I need to regroup a bit, the loss against Raven has me shaken. I was expecting an easy win, instead I got my ass handed to me. While I was unlucky to lose a unit to Crack's Call on the first shot once again (he's one lucky bastard this game), the big problem was the spiders. They're a very potent counter to my horsebowmen, and I'll need to come up with something. Given that I'm only playing nomads, my options are limited.
1) Pikemen. Massively underwhelming. I'm not sure why they were nerfed so badly, I'd never bother with them at these stats. Actually, I just realized that nomad pikemen are 6 figures by mistake, they should be 8 figures like high men are. Sending Seravy a PM about it.
2) Rangers. Don't help me any, they'll be disabled just the same as horsebowmen and will probably be priority targets in a mixed stack. Actually, Poison Immunity and improved resistance does help a bit. But they're too expensive at present.
3) Swordsmen. They only cost 10 hammers less than horsebowmen and are the same upkeep, and they're strictly inferior in melee.
4) Sprites. Not going there.
5) Nagas. Interesting, but they are too weak against spiders.
I think Horsebowmen are my best bet going forward. I should be able to afford spamming them along with protective spells, so what should I cast on them?
a. Heroism. Costs 13/64. Gives +1 attack, +2 defense, +1 health and +1 resistance over Veteran.
b. Holy Armor. Costs 6/30. Gives +2 defense.
c. Holy Weapon. Costs 9/43. Gives +1 to hit.
d. Resist Elements. Costs 5/25. Gives excellent protection against sprites and poison.
e. Star Fires. Costs 11. Strength 23 attack against fantastic creatures.
f. Web. Costs 10. Delays an enemy unit.
g. Mass Healing. Costs 30. 5 healed on all units.
h. Healing. Costs 13. 5 healed on target unit.
i. Earth to Mud. Costs 20. Slows movement for all units, including my own.
I think Heroism is top priority. It gives the biggest boost by far, even if it's just two levels (Veteran => Ultra Elite).
Question then becomes if I should buff heroic units further or put Heroism on all units first. Horsebowmen with full buffs will have the following stats: 7 melee/ranged, 7 defense, +2 to hit, 4 hearts, 9 resistance. Giant Spiders have 6 melee, 5 defense, 5 hearts, +1 to hit, 4 poison. The poison will do an average of 0.4 points of damage per spider figure, so I'm going to count that as another sword. My horsebowmen will be pretty much evenly matched with them. So assuming a nightmare scenario of 9 spiders vs 9 enchanted horsebowmen, it'll at least be somewhat even. My costs for fielding that army will be way higher than his costs for fielding 9 spiders, though. I think I need to rely on only seeing modest spider counts, and trying to avoid initiating combat against more than 2 spiders. If I get the initiative I should be okay. Web will also be a life saver, letting me take out an additional spider unit easily. Ironically, Giant Spiders would actually make a decent addition to my army right now
Summary: I need size 9 enchanted stacks from now on when I want to attack. He still isn't attacking me with very many units at a time, so I'm hoping to get by with 1-2 horsebowmen per city.