March 5th, 2017, 13:58
(This post was last modified: March 5th, 2017, 18:12 by RefSteel.)
Posts: 5,156
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Joined: Nov 2007
I believe the order for the interturn actually goes:
[EDIT: 0) Any outgoing transports depart, reducing planetary production accordingly. (Per Ianus below)]
1) Production, including ships, missile bases, and reseearch: Research completed on this interturn will be available to e.g. your missile bases in step 2 even though you haven't been notified that research completed yet. In particular, production order for each planet goes tech, then pop growth/eco, then industrial production/factories, then bases and ships.
2) Space combat.
3) Research results announced and new tech selected.
4) Espionage/tech theft (and new tech selected if necessary) and Sabotage (including enemy sabotage of your bases)
5) Planet-by-planet uncontested starship activities. The game goes through the planets in planet-number order - the same order in which the planets would appear on your "Planets" list if you were to control them - and completes any of these three steps that may be appropriate for each planet before moving on to the next planet. When two or more rival fleets are sharing orbit due to a NAP or Alliance, the player always gets first opportunity to perform each activity, followed by the AI races in the same order they're listed on the "Map" screen. Thus if your fleet and an AI NAP partner's fleet reach an unexplored ART world at the same time, you get the tech. If you and a NAP partner have fleets in orbit above an enemy planet, the colony may still be bombed by the AI after your ships have bombed or chosen not to do so. If you and a NAP partner both have colships in orbit, you get the first chance to colonize.
- 5.1) Scouting previously-unknown (to you) worlds and techs from ART planets received
[EDIT, per Ianus below:
- 5.2) Colonization
- 5.3) Bombing (note: "Enemy first" is not correct; see above.)
It's possible that 5.2 and 5.3 are mutually exclusive at each planet - bombed out colonies can't be colonized on the same turn, but it may be that just-colonized planets can't be bombed by NAP fleets on the same turn; I'm not sure of the latter however.]
6) Transport arrivals, including invasions, likewise in planet-number order; ground combat techs stolen from invasions at planets higher on the planet list are available to the victor for any additional invasions at planets lower on the list. In particular, all transports inbound to the planet try to land, potentially running a gauntlet of enemy ships; the planet owner's transports "arrive first" and are present to help with the defense, but if multiple invasions occur, the player's will resolve first, followed by the AIs in the same order as for step 5. So if your transports arrive at the same time as an Ally's and you conquer the planet, the ally's transports evaporate. If your transports arrive at the same time as a separate enemy's, you must first win the invasion and then fend off the separate invasion in order to keep the planet (but you still get any tech from your successful initial invasion if you lose the planet momens later to another invader.)
7) GNN reports
8) Tech from ART worlds and invasions announced (and new tech seleced if necessary).
9) High Council meets (on relevant years)
10) AI diplomatic actions (e.g. peace requests, complaints about growth/espionage, war declarations, etc.)
11) Production notifications (e.g. total fleets produced in the interturn, factories/soil-enrichment/stargate/planetary-shield completed, pop maxed, etc.)
[EDIT EDIT: I thought it is possible to bomb out an enemy colony, recolonize it with your own colship, and populate it with transports that were originally meant to invade that colony, all on the same interturn, but Ianus confirms below that this is incorrect.]