I'm going to gather problems we've discovered in this thread to prevent forgetting about them, and to see the big picture better, with a short status description. This thread will be kept locked and only serves as a reminder - the discussion for each of these should be kept in their appropriate thread.
"Open" problems.
[Garrisoning] Investigate why winning games without building reasonable garrisons (mobile garrisons included) is possible, and make sure it stops working for higher difficulties. http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...p?tid=9502
[AI Difficulty] - AI Difficulty of higher levels (Master, Lunatic, maybe Expert) might be too high or too low. Further testing after all aspects of game balance is perfect will be necessary.
[Archangel] - Might be too powerful as is. I suspect the main culprit are the buff and healing spells in the Life realm, not the unit itself.
[Life Realm] - Healing magic might be too effective on high end creatures in general.
[Huge Land] - Maximal city limit might be too low for Huge land size games, discuss here : http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...p?tid=9554
"Closed" problems - unable to solve.
[Chain Shipping] http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...p?tid=9538
[Large Land Sizes] These inherently change the balance of the game as the number of enemies cannot be raised to keep the amount of territory/player constant at the beginning. Doubt there is a way to solve this problem. See second paragraphs here : http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...p?tid=9090
[Starting Location] - Unable to improve this due to the order of steps in map generation.
[Movement Bug] - Terrain changing effects do not update movement costs on map. Unfixable, terrain movement cost data is not even loaded in wizards.exe, it's used at the time the map is generated only.
[Starting Conditions] Cons outweight the pros, so not changing it. See : http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...p?tid=8957
[AI] - "As army strength requirements are steep for attacking, the AI is unlikely to use sprites effectively against the human player. A specialized attack type that allows attacking stronger ground bound enemies with all flying stacks in the early game might be needed?" Not worth implementing, too risky, AI might lose their troops in combat by melee attacking after using up ammo.
"Open" problems.
[Garrisoning] Investigate why winning games without building reasonable garrisons (mobile garrisons included) is possible, and make sure it stops working for higher difficulties. http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...p?tid=9502
[AI Difficulty] - AI Difficulty of higher levels (Master, Lunatic, maybe Expert) might be too high or too low. Further testing after all aspects of game balance is perfect will be necessary.
[Archangel] - Might be too powerful as is. I suspect the main culprit are the buff and healing spells in the Life realm, not the unit itself.
[Life Realm] - Healing magic might be too effective on high end creatures in general.
[Huge Land] - Maximal city limit might be too low for Huge land size games, discuss here : http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...p?tid=9554
"Closed" problems - unable to solve.
[Chain Shipping] http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...p?tid=9538
[Large Land Sizes] These inherently change the balance of the game as the number of enemies cannot be raised to keep the amount of territory/player constant at the beginning. Doubt there is a way to solve this problem. See second paragraphs here : http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...p?tid=9090
[Starting Location] - Unable to improve this due to the order of steps in map generation.
[Movement Bug] - Terrain changing effects do not update movement costs on map. Unfixable, terrain movement cost data is not even loaded in wizards.exe, it's used at the time the map is generated only.
[Starting Conditions] Cons outweight the pros, so not changing it. See : http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...p?tid=8957
[AI] - "As army strength requirements are steep for attacking, the AI is unlikely to use sprites effectively against the human player. A specialized attack type that allows attacking stronger ground bound enemies with all flying stacks in the early game might be needed?" Not worth implementing, too risky, AI might lose their troops in combat by melee attacking after using up ammo.