Think you have a chance of taking Aquileia? Or is the war just going to be smoke and mirrors to tie up Sullla's troops
teh: Frederick of Germany
I mean it gets harder to take down city walls without proper siege support which I won't have for the near future (the earliest I can get Engineering is 6-7 turns probably, and that's after getting the boost by building a city wall - which I have none - and this doesn't even include the turns to build a catapult), so it would probably be smoke and mirrors. Now I played my turn now and Yuris also brought some troops (2 archers, 2 eagle warriors) near Frankfurt, so I'm not sure if he's going to attack me or if he sensed blood in the water and is trying to take advantage of Archduke. If he goes after Archduke, I might actually go after Yuris now instead of trying to keep Sullla busy. If Yuris goes after me, well I think I have enough archers in the middle to deflect any possible attacks at the moment, so I'm not that worried about that. In a sense, I might actually want Yuris to go after Archduke so that I can do an attack of opportunity on him (Yuris) myself.
Wow, this sounds exciting! Curious how it will work out.
By the way, are players able to communicate with each other in game?
Turn 75
Well the cat is out of the bag. Sullla declared war on Archduke, and I'm not sure if he can defend against Sullla (Military score is 225 vs 80). Archduke has 220 gold, so I hope he uses some or all of that to get some upgrades or troops. ![]() The builder next to Frankfurt uses its last charge to put a plantation on the banana tile. Frankfurt has grown to size 3 and is working the 3 good tiles (2 of them improved) with a total of 9.4 production/turn. Its housing issues are solved temporarily (3/5) and it has more hills to grow on to (the hill E of the city center, and the forested hills to the west). Its working on a monument at the moment, and production will switch to the Hansa after that. In the southeast, in my peninsula, the settler settles down between the truffles, iron and the cattle: ![]() I immediately place down the Hansa (+6 production once finished) and the commercial hub. I needed to spend gold to buy the tile Hansa is on (I had 81 gold before the purchase - just enough). Ulm opens up with a Granary build, working the cattle for some quick growth. At size 2, it can switch to the truffles and iron for some production to finish the granary (to get housing up to 5). Since Ulm has 3 great tiles in the first ring, a monument is not of high priority here. I still need to get a builder here to improve these 3 tiles (which would provide a total of 5 production once complete). Since Ulm is on the coast, Sailing is boosted with the settle. Aachen is almost done with its Hansa. Cologne is also working on its Hansa, and I switch Mainz's production from granary to Hansa (9 turns). I have a single builder left with a single charge and it will mine the 2nd copper near Mainz. Turn 76 First thing I notice is Yuris' troops near Frankfurt: ![]() He has 2 eagle warriors and 2 archers here. Now I can easily defend against these with my many archers, but it might make things complicated and harder for me if I decide to attack Sullla to occupy him and slow his progress against Archduke. You can also see the relative lack of troops in Aquileia (but also note the city wall). Aachen finishes its Hansa, boosting production to 21/turn (recall I still have a mined plains hill to add 4 more production). Since housing will be an issue once Aachen grows to size 6, it starts working on a granary (4 turns). Archduke's military score went down to 71, so he must not be doing great against Sullla. As a side note, my empire score went up by 6 this turn despite a lack of new city or any city growth. It must come from the district, and it looks like each district contributes 6 points to the empire score. This would explain some of the empire score jumps I noticed before for other civs without a corresponding new city (e.g. Sullla's encampment). Turn 77 Wheel is completed. Next is Masonry (1 turn) and Engineering (12 turns, but could be boosted with Ancient Walls). The builder near Mainz spends its last charge to mine the 2nd copper hill: ![]() Mainz has a total production of 10.5/turn and it will grow to size 4 next turn. The best tile for it to pick up next is the rainforest (2f1p). Once its Hansa is finished, it will have a not insignificant production of ~18/turn. Sullla has brought a slinger near Aquileia, but he has only 9 gold now (must've spent the rest on upgrades near his front with Archduke - his military score is up to 320 now) so he won't be able to upgrade that to an archer soon. I see Mediolanum missing from the list of Archduke's cities. This along with the increase of Sullla's empire score (+9) and the corresponding decrease in Archduke (-10) confirms that Sullla has captured Mediolanum. That was faster than I hoped it would be. Turn 78 Masonry is completed. I can build city walls now, which might be necessary in the center. Next tech is Engineering for the catapults. I make a small micro shuffle at Aachen - one citizen is moved from a grassland hill to the plains hill. This keeps the city growth at 1 turn, but reduces the granary build from 2 to 1 turn. The new citizen will grab the vacated grassland hill next turn. Mainz grows to size 4, and pick up the plains rainforest (2f1p). It's starting to run into housing issues (4/5), but I'll delay the granary until after the Hansa is finished (5 turns). Next thing, I declare war on Sullla. He might run away with the game if he conquers Archduke without any interruptions from me or Yuris, so I had to do it. The war boosts Defensive Tactics civic, making it due in 2 turns now. ![]() As my opening moves, I shoot the warrior and the slinger (the red arrows). They are heavily damaged now. These 3 archers are far enough that they can't be attacked by the city center. I move the 2 archers out of Frankfurt and Mainz so that they can move on next turn south or north depending on what I need to do. I'm still wary of a DOW from Yuris, so the warrior sits NE of Frankfurt. The slinger withdraws inside my borders so that I can upgrade it next turn. Like I said before, it will be hard to capture Aquileia without some siege support (catapults), but that doesn't mean I can't harass Sullla with my archers here.
Nice move, glad to see you're not taking this sitting down.
Also, this is the first time I've seen Civ6's strategic view showcased; I find it completely charming.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.
I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.
Yep, like I said in a previous post, I actually prefer it to the normal view. You can actually tell the hills apart from flat tiles (compare the tiles E and SW of Frankfurt) while they're significantly less distinguishable in normal view. You can also tell what kind of a district you have on a tile without needing to hover over it to get the mouse-over text.