Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Alhambram toast his first PBEM game with Russian vodka

Turn 119:

Completed both celestial navigation and divine right. I continued research tech gunpowder and excepted to start with Reformed Church right away.
However it seems that I need to add another smoke move to my overgrowing list of smoke moves: I need research Guilds first before I am able to research Reformed Church. smoke smoke smoke
When I made a plan to research civics in certain order earlier in this thread, did some of you lurkers already chuckle or shake your head in disbelief that I am going pull out smoke move again in future?

I was bit panicked that Reformed Church might get delayed quite much, fortunately after checking which inspiration Guilds needs it seems that damage is going be limited somewhat.
It needs two markets and Zanzibar city state was nice enough to build one already in its commercial district before I conquered Zanzibar (thankfully I didn't pillage commercial district or raze Zanzibar, I was close doing it!).
And after some tile arranging I was able to start market in Rostov due in 4 turns, exactly in time since I need 8 turns to fully research Guilds, so I shall complete it after 4 turns, The cost is that my 3rd trader in Rostov shall be delayed (and with it planned harbor).

Well with divine right I finally swapped out my oligarchy to monarchy, finally 6 policy slot government which triggered eureka for castles. I rearranged and put new policies into my new government:
I kept conscription and Professional army for maintenance costs and halved upgrade costs. Added new military card: Veterancy. I shall start encampment in St. Petersburg after it finished its builder. Due the fact that I am finishing 2 builders soon, causes me to put serfdom in it. For wildcard I didn't have a idea, then I decided that I needed science hardest, so Trade Confederation (currently 2 trader routes, one to Woden and other to TheArchduke). It cut down research of gunpowder with one turn. It boosted both my culture and science. The list of science and culture of all players and also domination:

                          Science                        Culture                        Domination
oledavy                51.3                             33.6                               325
Woden                 52.9                             38.4                               696
Singaboy              27.5                             20.0                               322
Alhambram          48.7                              48.9                               933
TheArchduke        33.1                             19.5                               327

I am slightly behind oledavy and Woden at science while both have campuses which I have none, looking at amount tech both oledavy and Woden have 24 techs while I got 22, so I am behind (I still lack gunpowder, so musketman!). 
But in culture category thanks Great Writers two turns ago I got huge lead in culture generating, if looking to amount civics Woden and me both get 18 civics and oledavy gets 17.
At domination category I have huge army, yet after conquering Zanzibar I felt that I couldn't beat Woden no matter what, even with my size. In hindsight maybe I should have gone after TheArchduke, but at same time Woden might attacked me knowing that my army is attacking TheArchduke. So, no telling what would has happened if I made other decision. Constant warring in east have put three players over there through wringer, although oledavy kept gaining culture through warring thanks Gorgo's ability, so even with lower culture generating he is still just one civic behind both Woden and me. oledavy still has to get medieval/renaissance government, while both Woden and me are in monarchy government now.

Meanwhile around Splash Mountain: Woden's temple is completed, but Woden has yet to build Mahabodhi Temple. In my cause, as I did feared with corvee gone my Mahabodhi Temple indeed did take one turn longer to complete, so 4 turns left now and I already improved all tiles what I could do before turn 123. So 4 turns it is, definitively. The fact that Woden has yet to start it, do delight me a bit, my chances to land it is increasing. Although I notice a builder of Woden incoming over inland sea. But builder need to do charge every turn, so at least Woden needs 6 turns with 1 builder. But I know a possible trick with Chinese builders: 5 or 6 builders with just one charge, if done correctly, you can instantly complete a wonder. So I keep to pay attention to Woden's moves, for now I just don't declare war. But I am worried since my knights are kinda exposed to Woden's aggression, I did position another knights near borders of Space Mountain with message that they are ready to strike if Woden declare me war. If I manages to land Mahabodhi Temple or if I am 100% sure, then I shall offer declaration of friendship to Woden. He might reject to prevent my apostles entering his lands safely, maybe with some more threatening for example upgrade more units or placing my knights near his borders might convince him. I kinda hope that we won't be at war, so I can spend my time with apostles calmly and less stress. 
Otherwise I have to come with some trick, most likely I am converting Woden (more than 51%) as last or one of firsts. 

There is one thing that I might keep in mind: I thinks that tech cartography is almost within range of oledavy or Woden. It enables them to travel over oceans with both naval and embarked units. So I need to put walls and units in back line cities as Rostov too, because with cartography I can expect any attack from every side of fogged map. I shall if possible put limes in policy card next time I do policy swap and mass build walls in all of my cities.


Turn 120:

Mined niter nearby St. Petersburg, got eureka for rifling. Just at previous turn I said that oledavy yet has get medieval/renaissance government, he did switch to Merchant Republic. Also it seems that oledavy used some culture policy cards, his culture passed Woden's culture per turn. Interesting to see that he did choose different civic route than Woden and me. Merchant Republic is overall stronger and better than two other government, but Theology government suits my game play the best and Monarchy government happened to be on my civic route towards Reformed Church.  

Major news came from Woden: he offered friendship after very tense past turns. I had to think quite long whether I should accept or not. This was situation at beginning of turn:
My main goal is landing Mahabodhi Temple here, 3 turns left, but Woden can rush it with builders. Currently he got one under guard of his knight. I am afraid that if I accepts, Woden manage to beat me by rushing, don't forget that his turn comes before me. But one builder is too few to beat me, maybe more hidden in fog. I move some of my knights to uncover some tiles and look what we have:
A another builder east of Splash Mountain, and don't forget that there is road from Main Street to Splash Mountain. There might some builders hiding in fog where I can't reach without open borders or declaring war.
So I thought long and hard about and I decided to refuse declaration of friendship because I wasn't still sure whether I would land Mahabodhi Temple and I sent Woden a offer that hopefully make him clear that I won't seek hostilities.
I literally offers to exchange calumet, so that Woden and me can smoke in peace. I hope that Woden won't interpret that I am going spread more smoking weeds soon. I also sent 5 gold, to subtlety tell Woden that I am willing accept friendship after 5 turns. Woden might interpret that I shall complete Mahabodhi Temple in 5 turns, while in reality I shall have it completed after 3 turns, with other words also some smoke screen regarding finishing of Mahabodhi Temple.  smoke  

Empire overview:

Turn 121:

Woden accepted my calumet offer, he didn't start his Mahabodhi Temple yet. In a good gesture I started to retreat my knights to my borders.
I am now 99% sure that I land Mahanodi Temple after 2 turns. (Woden's builder at east has retreated, so one builder in surroundings of Splash Mountain now which isn't enough to rush Mahabodhi Temple). Until I am 100% sure, I don't offer or accept declaration of friendship with Woden. I might offer Woden next turn if I am 100% that I shall get it. My scout observed possible extra reason for Woden to accept my possible offer of friendship next turn:
Seems that oledavy has never enough of warring (it is his way to earn culture) and he did offer joint war against Woden before. But with every turn that Mahabodhi Temple is closer due completion, more I lose desire to go war with Woden. With Woden units busy with oledavy, I might to able sneak apostles into Woden's cities if he lacks units to surround city similar as what he did to Zanzibar to prevent my apostles converting his cities.

I did purchase apostle previous turn and checked promotion, no proselytizer unfortunately. But I can choose between Translator (not sure what it does, but according some sources at internet it triples strength of spread in foreign cities , so I convert 6 population instead normal 2 with 1 charge from apostle, right?, well I might try that out soon) and pilgrim (3 extra spread when passing a natural wonder for first time, I located some of them already in eastern continent. Well I shall gamble with translator since it gives me 6 x 4 spreads = 24 converted population which is more then pilgrim: 2 x 7 = 14 converted population. Also cities in eastern continent are mostly above 6 population already except newly founded cities, higher converted population also means slightly stronger pressure. I shall test translator firstly in TheArchduke's capital which have 8 population to see whether I am making weedy move again or I did score a nice points with translator promotion. After that Myrmidon and 2 of oledavy's cities with 6 or more population is my target. If I get 2 apostles from Mahabodi temple, if with proselytizer promotion, then to Woden's cities. Otherwise to oledavy's cities, why oledavy? Several reasons:
Firstly oledavy is still in race to win and he is more likely to kill apostles then TheArchduke and Singaboy. Secondly, we are in sort of pseudo alliance: we did some trades, have common enemy into Woden and he offered my joint war. But I might about to let him down when he attacks Woden and I declare friendship with Woden. So I can expect less friendly response from oledavy from now if that happens. Thirdly oledavy seems to be nervous about my religion and he started generating Great Prophet points to attempt found his religion, well good luck oledavy since he needs to collect 120 Great Prophet points which takes a while. So conclusion, I better start converting oledavy's cities firstly, then Singaboy and TheArchduke. 

I did spread Weedy Movement to Woden's eastern cities and it starts slowing converting eastern continent, but way too slow. With apostles and soon when I get Theocracy government, it shall change quickly.

Empire overview:

Turn 122:

A message from oledavy:
He want do a joint war and his little army is ready to attack Woden's eastern cities, I thought about it and ultimately rejected it. My knights are already retreating to my borders.
Mahabodhi Temple is done next turn and Woden didn't make attempt to start building it, maybe he realized from my knights that starting Mahabodhi Temple means war.
And I don't desire war at this point and I even decided to offer Woden declaration of friendship. If Woden accepts then this shall likely end all meaningful diplomacy with oledavy, but my NAP is still until turn 141, plenty time to send my current apostle and two apostles from Mahabodhi Temple to oledavy's cities for selling some weeds for its population.

List of friendships:
Singaboy friendship ends at turn 129, I likely needed to resign friendship to have my apostles walk around safely there. he sent me offer this turn 100 gold for cotton, looking back at my older posts I see that Singaboy and TheArchduke signed peace at turn 93. Which means that their friendship shall expire soon, hmmmm, I recall Singaboy rejecting my offer of my silver for his gold twice, thus his offer is rejected now. And I take my time and notes that my builder shall complete silver mine at Desertgrad after 4 turns, then I shall offer silver for cotton to help Singaboy with his possible amenities problem.

oledavy and TheArchuke both turn 141. I am beginning to feel that I might made a mistake with signing them NAP at same turn. This way they can do joint war at same turn at turn 141, I plays dangerous game here.

Woden at turn 153 if he accepts friendship next turn, between oledavy/TheArchduke and Woden is 12 turns which should be enough to anticipate possible coalition against me if I spread my religion successful.

Now I see that Woden started build harbor in Magic Carpet which means that Colossus is next on his wondrous list. Also Woden started to build holy site in his capital, likely with intent to stop my religion. Hopefully one of my apostles from Mahabodhi Temple shall have proselytizer promotion so I can get rid of his religion or maybe Woden shall place his units around his capital quickly. In that case I just erase Woden's religion in cities where his religion gets majority. If you are wondering how I got this information about his holy city, well here is my answer:
I use strategical view rarely, but I can pick up useful information from it. I can see that he is still building it since hammer is middle in wings. Also I can see that his commercial district one tile southwest of holy site already have a market since it have market icon instead just coin which is a symbol of commercial district without any buildings. It was instrumental in my decision to send knights to Splash Mountain, I could follow exactly what Woden was building in his holy site at Splash Mountain. 
And here another example.
I can see in TheArchduke's city Dorium that he is building granary and in Singaboy's city Frankfurt 2 he is building monument. Also I can see Singaboy building armory in encampment of Aachen which means that he does have military engineering for example (I already knew that a while by seeing niter at his diplomacy screen). Moreover Aachen already got commercial district (no market) and hansa, while acropolis and industrial district of Dorium are still incomplete. This all little information helps in tracking what they did build or are building, certain buildings can hint certain tech or civic that my opponent grabbed. Since I did explore majority of map, I can collect fairly amount information about other players. As saying goes: knowledge is power.

Guilds is roughly 49% complete, so I still needs to research it one more turn, next turn it shall be completed. Reformed Church shall take merely 4 turns researching, so turn 127 theocracy government. I did upgrade my last 2 heavy chariots into knights, next turn I shall swap out professional army for limes. I shall chop walls and overflow in districts if possible. I shall research gunpowder till it is 50% complete or little more, then I shall research castles, it is on route to my other desired tech military science which unlocks Cossack. I really need Cossack if a possible coalition is formed against me. oledavy and Woden both are making some progression with science/tech generating, I think that I should start with some campuses in my empire. I still have none and major reason: I lack huge amount mountains in my empire, so I didn't feel a need for campus for a long time, but with meeting Hattusha that is going change. I tossed down a campus in Toronto, middle in rainforest which gives 2 adjacent science points, this is my best science place at this moment! aside future campus at Sushigrad which shall pick up 2 science from mountains.

Turn 123:

Got Mahabodhi Temple, a little moral victory from managing land a classical wonder instead Woden who can rush wonders with is builders. Two apostles, both didn't got proselytizer, but pilgrim which means 3 extra spread when passing natural wonder, I might send this apostle to Singaboy since Kilimanjaro is on way from my empire to Singaboy's. Another apostle got orator which he simply spreads two times more, he is going to oledavy's lands. TheArchduke's cities are simpler for me to reach, so I shall save my future apostles for him and use my current apostles for faraway players.

Woden accepted my offer of friendship and no military hostilities till turn 153. It seems that he completed education since he started to build university in his campus and he is currently 3 techs ahead. There is one thing that worries me a bit, past 12 turns Woden didn't got new tech (although this turn he got his 25th): either he researched expensive tech without eureka, or he pulled same trick as oledavy with several techs on 1 turn to complete and burst through it on desired moment. With latter it means that my disadvantage isn't 3 techs, but possible more.

oledavy army near Woden's eastern cities retreated, it seems that he was only planning to attack if Woden was distracted by me. Well oledavy do have a peaceful period thanks me, where he can build up his empire instead non stop warring.

I did got Guilds as planned and firstly it was 5 turns to complete Reformed Church. The reason is that my trader to Woden's city Jungle Cruise completed trade route and both science and culture dropped due stopping trade route which got benefit from Peter's ability and Trade Confederation policy card. After some thinking I decided to send my freed trader to Sushigrad, he shall create trade route to one of Woden's city from Sushigrad. With market completed, Rostov shall finish the trader. In order to get Reformed Church completed in 4 turns, I did do some policy swap:
Professional army out and Limes in, also Serfdom out and Meritocracy in which gave me 8 culture extra per turn. My science rate shall be restored bit at next turn two turns when I am able to send 2 traders to Woden's cities.

Now it shall be bit boring times, 4 turns nothing special and then madness with Weedy Movement!  smoke

Empire overview:

Turn 124:

Bit a calm turn, most notably is completion of trader in Rostov, I sent it to Woden's main street. I did also same with trader from Sushigrad since it needs food and production too, both trade routes also creates roads between my cities. 
I did chop forest at Vilnius while wall was still one turn to finish to maximize overflow and I shall complete commercial district in Vilnius from scratch in just one turn thanks overflow. So I shall produce 4th trader next turn and trigger inspiration for medieval faires, my short term goal after Reformed Church is Humanism which can be researched after medieval faires. After 2 turns I grab Great Artist and it shall trigger inspiration for humanism and with it I can build art museum to store Great Work of Arts for another culture boost.
My tech progression of gunpowder has passed 50%, so I am researching castles now which is on route to military science (Cossack).
St. Petersburg shall finish encampment next turn and it shall build barracks/stable and armory to trigger eureka for gunpowder. 
Empire overview:

Turn 125:

Encampment in St. Petersburg completed and started barracks, due in 2 turns and then armory in 4 turns to get gunpowder. Vilnius completed commercial district and started building 4th trader, due in 4 turns just in time when i needed inspiration for medieval faires. I am thinking to send to TheArchduke again, because he didn't build any road between helice and other cities of his empire, so I shall send trade route from Sushigrad to TheArchduke's capital. That means that my apostles are slowed down for a while now, I am not sure whether they shall be on time before friendship with oledavy expires, it is going be tight.

My cities are growing and I am reaching limit of keeping all of my ciites in happy status for extra production, I mined silver and hoped to exchange it with Singaboy's cotton. But he already traded it away, maybe I should have accepted 100 gold for cotton several turns ago, so I checked others whether they also got resources. At Woden's diplomacy window I saw something and I fell silent for quite time, then very slowly I mumbled words wh...wh...whhhat the $#%&!
ipecacipecacipecac ipecac Woden signed alliance with oledavy! ipecac ipecac ipecac ipecac ipecac  

I didn't expect this happening, I completely misread willingness of other two to ally together against me. Well now I think about it, I am dangerous one due my possibility of religious victory and not to mention that I got disgustingly culture per turn now. But I think that major reason is that my diplomatic game play totally went wrong past turns: to more specific I didn't agree with oledavy's joint war offer against Woden, but I didn't foresee that this would drive oledavy in Woden's wondrous arms. A major mistake by me, likely the fatal one, since both are ahead in science and likely are going bring more modern units if they decided to declare war against me. Maybe I should have accepted oledavy's joint war offer, but that is passed station now already. At turn 117 I already predicted that diplomacy might becoming more dramatic, but this just blew up before my face. Well, I need to calm my head again and salvage what I still can do now.

Starting with that amenities thing: Woden was only one who got one extra resource: mercury, I offered silver for it. It shall boost Woden also, but I needs it now. Woden might reject it due alliance with oledavy, so I don't have high hopes.
I see at civic tree that signing alliance also triggers inspiration for civic, forget which one. Well I didn't send alliance offer to oledavy or Woden. oledavy is likely to reject due my actions past turns and in Woden's case there is another reason: when signing alliance, also open borders which mean I can attempt occupy tiles next his cities with knight to able spread my religion with apostle. So I might sign alliance with either TheArchduke or Singaboy in future for inspiration and keep oledavy somewhat in check, currently they can't be allied due lack of civil service at their part.

My friendship with oledavy shall expire at turn 141 and I do expect him attack me, after all he is aggressive one of "Wondrous Duo" and my religion must to be stopped sooner than later. Good thing that I was already starting building encampments and walls past turns. What also might help is that theocracy government also allows me to buy units with faith, after Reformed Church I predict that I shall have roughly 100 faith per turn so I can buy quite number of units before oledavy's attack. This mean that I won't be able to purchase apostles, maybe I shall get 2 or 3 more apostles, but after that I likely need faith for purchasing units for my cities's defense. The problem now is that unlike previous turn, oledavy share view with Woden, so he can make a strategy where to hit me hardest and he also can walk through Woden's lands which means even Desertgrad can be assaulted by oledavy's forces. I need a mobile defending army that can move quickly to where they are needed hardest and I do get good start for that with 10 knights in my army. But they have difficulty against musketman, I shall have muskets of my own soon when gunpowder is completed thanks building armory. 

What about Woden? I have declaration of friendship with him till turn 153, but I wonder whether it is possible to bypass it by doing a joint war. Soon my friendship with Singaboy expires and I shall test whether I can pull in others against Singaboy (I won't click on declare war, just to see whether it is possibility). I shall be in very deep trouble if oledavy can have Woden join war against me at turn 141, that likely means end of me. But I shall do one thing for sure: I shall defend till bitter end.

Another two players, TheArchduke and Singaboy? If I manage to land alliance, oledavy might keep some of his army behind to defend and that should take some heat off my lands.

I also start to consider to purchase Great General with faith, soon I get 100 faith per turn, but it is expensive and oledavy is close landing it. I don't think that I can steal it from oledavy unfortunately. This also mean no apostles or units purchasing for a lot of turns. 

Well, it seems that dark times are coming! And due panicking about alliance I forgot to take screenshots for empire overview. But I have a score list and I put it down (my score is actually 240, my 2 districts (each 3 points) has yet to update in total score)

Turn 126:

Major news this turn is Singaboy declaring war on TheArchduke, maybe Singaboy decided to settle his grudge against TheArchduke for razed city in past.
My biggest question is whether what oledavy is doing with this situation, if he decided to mix himself in war (not a strange thing over there in eastern continent to have all players in war after all), then it is bit less likely that he shall attack me. So I shall monitor his involvement into new round of eastern war.

In my lands I got Great Artist which triggered inspiration for humanism, it is going take a while before I finish Art Museum to have a exposition. I put some of walls on wait till my builders moves in forests to chop next turn before I swap away limes and in other cities I start walls to make use of limes and put it on hold till I really needs them to save maintenance costs. Next turn my desired civic Reformed Church, I shall see what it brings.
There was a route from Helice to another TheArchduke's cities after all, I didn't see it due that part was fogged. Sigh, I think that I shall  smoke again, waste of movement points for my apostles and time that is becoming shorter.
Woden accepted exchange of amenities, so less worries about happiness problem and I decided to build settler in Zanzibar which shall chopped next turn, there are 2 city spots yet to filled in my lands.

Empire overview:

Turn 127:

Got Reformed Church and I advanced to renaissance era. Before policy swap I chopped walls in most of cities and overflowed into next projects, settler due in next turn in Zanzibar, Granary in Sushigrad since it is running into housing problems already without fresh water and Toronto campus due in 3 turns. And I stupidly chopped one of adjacent rainforest tile meant for campus (I intended to chop rainforst southwest of one that I did chop but I somehow managed to chop wrong rainforest tile), therefore my campus shall have one science from adjacent tiles instead 2, quite sad weedy story my whole game, isn't it?  smoke

After weedy chop it was time for government and policy swaps, most difficult choice I had to make was between Meritocracy and Trade Confederation. Ultimately I stick with Meritocracy since it gives me much more culture and also my cities shall grow which adds more science than culture.
As predicted scripture and simultaneum combo rose my faith per turn to 100, I shall almost able to purchase missionaries every turn for a while. I did purchase two already, one is going to Singaboy and other to TheArchduke before friendship between us expires at turn 141 same turn as oledavy. I did mention oledavy often in past turns but I did forget about eccentric TheArchduke. He is obliviously seeing my apostles and missionaries wandering around and it is possible that he have little interest in weeds and refuses to resign declaration of friendship. If my three apostles do things that I planned rightly (I wouldn't be surprised if they don't fulfill my expectations: they are apostles of Weedy Movement after all  lol ) , then one missionary for Singaboy and one for TheArchduke that I just purchased is enough to convert them (oledavy should already to be converted with my 2 apostles with their promotions). Then all that remains is Woden, maybe instead apostle I should go for full missionary spam, so many that Woden can't catch them all. But I need to be careful if Woden manages to purchase apostle since it can kill my missionaries and I need to come with apostles of my own. 

Currently TheArchduke is busy with Singaboy, I placed my scout near oledavy's city lafayette to check whether their troops are advancing to me or not and instead sending to conflict between Singaboy and TheArchduke. I don't think that I am able to intervene with conflict between TheArchduke and Singaboy. oledavy and Woden (turn 153) worries me more and I need to set up my defenses. One of possible method of defense for me is purchasing units with faith:
It seems that formula for purchasing units is ((total production x 2) - 15%), so musketman shall cost roughly 408 faith and Cossack 575 faith. For Cossack there is another way: 135 faith from horseman and then 400 gold to upgrade with professional army policy card. Hopefully I didn't calculate wrong, I wouldn't be surprised if I did. smoke

St. Petersburg finished barracks and started armory, Rostov starts temple for extra faith and food both, Astrakhan starts encampment for future trouble with other players, those three cities have walls pinned on one or two turns to finish, so I can do them quickly if need arise. All other cities got walls for their safety now.

I did mine salt and found out that Singaboy do have two coffee resources. I already currently got coffee from oledavy, but I think that oledavy isn't interested to renew deal when deal expires soon. So I offered salt for Singaboy's coffee, in period of war amenities are needed.

Empire overview:

Turn 128:

Singaboy accepted the deal, so I secured coffee for another 30 turns from Singaboy instead oledavy. I got castles tech and I start researching printing which is on route to Military Science, I need to research it fully since I lack ability to build university's. When gunpowder is completed by building armory, I shall swap to metal casting and finish it to get 2 bombards for defense against Woden's encampment at Jungle Cruise and at same time they trigger eureka for siege tactics which is also on route to military science. I finished settler in Zanzibar and sent it to city spot south of Astrakhan, it is bit poor location but there isn't better locations left around me. Need to settle city west of Desertgrad too, I shall check when I can build settler. My missionaries are underway and I purchased a another one, he shall go to Woden's eastern cities in hilly center to convert them and when charges left, then to Woden's small world city.
A question, is this interface bug? 0 turns to grow to size 11 or did I happen to sit on exactly amount food needed to grow but it needs one turn more? Or did I stupidly overlook something? City status is saying that St. Petersburg does have +11 food per turn growth.
It is bit irritating since I expected to have size 11 St. Petersburg which would get me extra science and culture that I needs.

Further no really news, oledavy, Woden and me are building up quietly and Singaboy and TheArchduke are fighting, but how it goes on battlefield that I don't know although Singaboy's domination score did decrease with roughly 50. Soon my apostle for Singaboy shall have view on battlefied when he pass it.

Empire view:

Forum Jump: