Of peculiar notice is that Woden has actually allied himself with Oledavy, so once again, I can be pretty assured that Oledavy will come for me in about 20 turns.
As I am sure everyone else is providing walls of text for the geopolitical situation:
Alhambram, I have no idea why Alhambram has not dowed Woden till now. Woden is clearly in a commanding lead and has once again DoFs with anyone. How I am to do anything about this with 2 aggressive neighbours and a 1 tile access I am not sure.
Oledavy, after 3 turns of wandering his units into Woden´s direction he allied and went back. How Woden is of any use to Oledavy in a war with me is beyond me, same logic applies to Woden as it does to me. I am confident that with their current science rate 50ies to my 37 they will be running around with a lot more dangerous units soon, but I will continue to turtle up and with a bit of luck and another GG be able to cling to survival. Not the best I can do, but the one thing I can do.
Woden, excellent position and then excellent game, I can only imagine the amounts of honey and milk that most flow there.
Singaboy, a very good position hampered by 2 very aggressive neighbours and no defensive terrain whatsoever. Frankfurt 1 and Frankfurt 2 are defensive nightmares, Seoul is way open to Oledavy as well.
Nothing to do but soldier on.
So what does Singaboy think of our 80 gold demand? Not much it seems. He dows.
Which will tilt my decision to full flung war. We will push for more cities this time. It is Aachen or bust, gentlemen.
My knight scouts the situation and actually fortifies in place whilst 4 crossbowshots kill one german knight and dangerously wound the other.
All my calculation and information (no 2nd german crossbowmen in range) point that my knight could survive a onslaught so we push out a bit out of the city.
It seems my screenie of the after situation got lost.
Basically my knights stand before Dorium and the hoplite once again protects the Kilimanjaro mountain pass.
And in true warmonger fashion, or plunder promoted horse pops out, plunder the Hansa and pops back into the safe zone.