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Alhambram toast his first PBEM game with Russian vodka

Turn 129:

TheArchduke took frankfurt 2, that is gonna hurt for Singaboy since he already saw original Frankfurt gone due TheArchduke. The saving grace for him is that he technologically advanced to renaissance and that means gunpowder (I yet need to research it, after 2 turns armory completed).
My apostle saw something interesting: 
Firstly oledavy obviously adopted anti missionaries/apostles measures by blocking them with units. This wouldn't happened if I played against AI, this also makes playing against human players fun, we comes with ideas and countermeasures against such ideas. goodjob  
Secondly notice his crossbowman causally standing at stone tile while it is inside TheArchduke's lands, this imply that they agreed open borders, which means I also need to watch out for possible attack from oledavy through TheArchduke's lands.

I shall tell you something, judging from distance that my missionaries and apostles need to travel and spread. There isn't time enough to convert oledavy and maybe Singaboy too, due unexpected setback of TheArchduke weird hilly tiles and rivers around Helice which causes my apostles waste too many time. Also with oledavy's measures, I won't able to convert all of his cities, well done oledavy! Instead oledavy I might go for Carthage, it request is actually to spread my religion there. It shall influence oledavy's cities within 10 tiles. I shall convert so many cities as possible before turn 141. I already purchased another missionary this turn and I shall do that two times more. Then I start saving up faith for military unit purchases, I likely need to defend when my friendship with oledavy and Woden expires. 

About 0 turn to grow in St. Petersburg, it seems to be case of sitting exactly on fence between size 10 to size 11, it did grow now to size 11. I finished trader and relocated to Astrakhan where it shall start trade route and I shall complete medieval faires next turn. Then I shall make swap, serfdom back since I again need bunch of builders!

Empire overview

Turn 130:

When I opened my save, I was greeted by a inspiration that I didn't expect: civil engineering . Its inspiration was triggered by building 7 different districts and I just completed campus in Toronto which turned out be 7th different district after lavra, aqueduct, commercial district, encampment, theater and industrial zone. I also sent trader from Astrakhan to Main Street for 4th trade route and it triggered and finished medieval faires.
I did little swap: I needed serfdom and decided to take away scripture for a while, this meant loss of 22 faith per turn (but next turn temple in Rostov is completed, so 8 faith added). But I still run around 80 faith per turn and by calculation I already would be unable to purchase missionary next turn with 100 faith per turn due increasing cost of missionary. 

My friendship with Singaboy expired, I tested a bit with possibility of joint war: Woden who don't have friendship with Singaboy can be convinced to joint war, while oledavy who have friendship with Singaboy can't.
So I don't need worry that oledavy might bring Woden in war at turn 141 already. Defensive pact is enabled with mobilization civic which is still far away, so I don't worry about it now.
I offered Singaboy another period of friendship, my apostles still need to reach Singaboy's lands to spread Weedy Movement.
Speaking of Weedy Movement, my apostle with translator promotion attempted to convert TheArchduke's capital and I check what Translator does:
What translator does: It just doubled spread power from 2 to 4 instead tripling as I did read at civilization sites, but it does instantly convert a size 8 city with 1 charge, so I don't complain too much.

Meanwhile nearby Lafayette where apostle with orator promotion (2 extra spreads) is walking around:
I see a room between oledavy's forces to able convert Lafayette, if oledavy don't occupy that tile next turn, then it is converting time! (the reason why this route for my apostle is possible: districts automatically build roads under them, so extra movement points)

Next turn armory is completed and I shall try to produce as many builders as possible to maximize use of serfdom (if needed with chop for example in Zanzibar, Zanzibar got production problem, just 8 production per turn and former city state never bothered to chop or mine anything). I shall start researching metal casting next turn and then build/purchase two bombards, triggering eureka for siege tactics also happens to be request of Hattusa and it is on route to military science.

I am thinking that I might need 3 extra missionaries, one for converting cities in my empire for more gold and two of them can hop in sea and travel to Singaboy's lands. Now TheArchduke managed to get Frankfurt 2, I am not convinced that I can convert all Singaboy's cities with my current missionaries/apostles. After purchasing three missionaries, I start to save up faith for purchasing units. Currently main reason for mass converting of all cities in world is more gold for upgrades of my army and if I am lucky and see opportunity then I shall grab religious victory.

Empire overview:

Turn 131:

Completed armory in St. Petersburg and finally got gunpowder, swapped tech research to metal casting now. Musketman can be indeed purchased for 405 faith, however only in cities with encampments since I only have one niter resource.

Singaboy accepted my declaration of friendship and coincidentally Woden also declared friendship with Singaboy in same turn as me.

Nearby Layafette oledavy did put his ram on possible place where my apostle can convert the city, I merely shrug it off and my apostle goes north to his another city north of Layafette, maybe his capital?
City north of Lafayette is more centrally in oledavy's empire and in fact thus more ideally city for me to convert since that city can put pressure upon almost all oledavy's cities. Meanwhile I converted TheArchduke's Helice with one charge from missionary (Helice was already under my pressure for while), that is another 2 gold per turn.

I mass started to produce builders in my empire in cities where things were finished this turn. Only Desertgrad shall work at encampment (due in 13 turns) and it shall be possibly vital in its defense against Woden.

Empire overview:

Turn 132:

Nothing special happened this turn for me, except converting more cities, so I shall post screenshots viewed through religious lenses.
Starting with Woden:
This turn Big Thunder just automatically converted to Weedy Movement, bringing total converted cities of Woden to 5, Seven Dwarfs should convert automatically soon too though I am sending missionary to it in case that it doesn't happen. I just purchased another missionary this turn, he shall go to Zanzaibar first to convert it and then to Small World. I am starting feeling more pressure since Small World is converted, maybe Woden already researched printing? It doubles Woden's pressure thanks his chosen scripture belief. Finally I sent two missionaries to western cities of Woden, they shall convert Pirates firstly and with enough charges left Barnstormer and Soarin' too. I need to convert 2 more cities of Woden but I want more because Woden might come with countermeasures. He is building a holy site in Main Street and I don't know when it is finished. But to combat my religion effectively Woden also needs to build shrine and temple, so I have bit time left but I need to hurry. I don't bother to convert Main Street since I suspect that Woden have his unit surround city to prevent conversion.

oledavy then:
I still have yet to convert his cities, but city north of Lafayette which turned out be Hong Kong already got 3 of its population converted by my apostle this turn (same apostle that ignored Lafayette since oledavy surrounded it with his units). That apostle nearby Hong Kong still have 5 charges left, he might manage to convert Uptown, New York and Georgetown too. Another apostle who converted Myrmidon this turn, he shall go to oledavy's city east of Myrmidon to convert it and he shall likely go to another oledavy's city that I yet have sight upon east of Lafayette and west of Seoul. 
Problem with oledavy is that I have a strict time limit to convert his cities. At turn 141 friendship expires and I likely face declaration of war from oledavy. So I need have my last charge from every apostle used at turn 140. I don't just let my apostle convert Hong Kong from same place where he stands, he have 4 movements points, so I shall use 2 or 3 movement points to move him north of city so he needs less distance to reach Uptown and same time convert Hong Kong. I was planning to send apostle to Carthage maybe, but I decided now to go for all oledavy's cities as possible, missionary that is going to Woden's Seven Dwarf might jump in sea afterwards and swim to Carthage to convert, I might use my envoy if I manages to grab it to put in Carthage to ensure safety of my missionary.

I already converted 3 of his 9 cities, one of my missionary is underway to Abydos and Zaycnthus. I shall purchase one missionary more when I have chance and he shall sail to Pylos to convert it if needed. Same with oledavy there is a time limit fro my missionaries, but since my turn comes before TheArchduke's I can use my last charges from missionaries at turn 141. Also TheArchduke is busy with attacking Singaboy, so my missionaries can convert TheArchduke's cities unhindered and they might do even after our friendship expires. 

His lands are mainly unknown for me, but I roughly know where his cities are, also we just extended declaration of friendship, so no worries about time limit here. Also I can see how many population his cities have on diplomacy screen. Main problem here is to bring my missionaries and apostle out range of TheArchduke's forces before turn 141. My apostle shall pass Kilimanjaro next turn and grab 3 extra charges totaling 7, that should be enough for whole Singaboy's empire, but I am sending one missionary underway in case that my apostle isn't enough (he is nearby TheArchduke's city Ithake now). If I have plenty time before turn 141, then I shall convert Aachen, so that TheArchduke's amount converted cities stay over 50% if he manages to conquer it.

Too bad yours and Wodens religions are light blue and dark blue respectively. Other colours would have made the situation in China a lot clearer. Thanks for the overview shots, though.

And good luck passing the weed(y movement).  smoke

Turn 133:

A setback: my apostle just converted just one population of Hong Kong instead expected 2 or 3 population, is spread charge random number between 1 and 3 population per charge? This means that Hong Kong isn't converted yet and I need to waste one more charge. Meanwhile my another apostle revealed oledavy's city Schuyler which is also infested by oledavy's units. He is doing his best to minimize my conversion of his cities.
Also oledavy shall get Great General after 2 turns, with extra movement he can possibly disrupt my apostle movements more effective.  

At positive side: my apostle on route to Singaboy reached Kilimanjaro and picked up 3 extra spreads. But overall I think that I shall come short of barely make it to converting oledavy and Singaboy to Weedy Movement.
And I am monitoring Woden's holy site closely, it is still not complete. I rate my chance winning religious victory on 10% at this moment, there is too many things that can cause problems for religious spread.   

Meanwhile I am silently building up my empire and my army, in preparation for oledavy's and Woden's declaration of war when our friendships expires. I finished builder with chop in Zanzibar and start medieval wall there. Zanzibar is most exposed city to Woden's aggression, so I need everything what I can do to prevent it falling in hands of Woden or being liberated by Woden.

Empire overview:

Turn 134:

Converted Hong Kong and my apostle shall make a run to Uptown next turn. Maybe first time using charge upon city from apostle grants 3 population conversion, Hong Kong went so: 3-1-1 population conversion. I shall test that at Uptown, the mechanics of apostle is still unclear to me. Meanwhile at Schuyler oledavy really did his best to surround the city, but unfortunately I found a tile next city where I can convert, next turn Schuyler shall be converted by apostle with Translator promotion.
Another apostle going to Singaboy's location reached former city of Frankfurt 2, now named Troy by oppressor TheArchduke. I shall see how long it shall take to convert Singaboy.
And there is news from Woden: he completed holy shrine at his capital Main Street. I don't know how long he take to complete shrine and temple, but time is really ticking here. I think that Woden shall manages just in time to prevent religious victory. With inquisitors roaming in his lands in short future, it is difficult (or almost impossible) to spread my religion in Woden's lands again in future. So my current missionaries and apostles are my final attempt for religious victory since my newly purchased missionaries and apostles likely won't be on time in Woden's lands and I shall save up faith for military units or Great Persons. If I don't achieve religious victory, then I am glad that I at least tried it in a multiplayer game. 

I am mass building encampments in my empire for if either oledavy or Woden want attack me. I am starting to save up faith for either units or Great Persons. Also my income is steadily increasing thanks more converted cities, so I don't worry about purchasing or upgrading my units, also maintaining a large army is possible for me. At St. Petersburg I noticed that there is a tile that can be surrounded by 5 mines (now 4), so I start building Industrial zone there. Next turn I shall put industrial zone on hold in favor of art museum. There is still 19 turns left till my friendship with Woden expires, also my apostles are keeping oledavy's forces busy, so he won't rush me at turn 141 likely but I keep a eye at his movements. Next turn he shall get Great General which grants extra movement points and he can also run through either Woden's or TheArchduke's lands. 

With religious victory starting being out picture thanks oledavy's and Woden's efforts, I am slowly switching to possible cultural victory. I have possible capacity to purchasing cultural Great Persons with faith and I already have 3 Great Works in my possession and that shall be only be more. I am already starting plan B a bit, I did offer open borders to Singaboy, TheArchduke and oledavy this turn. No Woden because he might planning cultural victory with his wonders and opening borders boosts tourists.

Empire overview:

Turn 135:

Starting with religious news: I converted oledavy's Schuyler and TheArchduke's Abydos. One more city of TheArchduke to convert then he is officially converted to Weedy Movement. My missionary with 2 charges is underway to TheArchduke's southern coastal cities. 
oledavy then, apostle with translator promotion still has one charge left, I can choose between Lafayette or his capital that I yet have to uncover. My another apostle started to convert Uptown and he need one charge more and shall have one charge left. Likely not enough for New York or Georgetown, but oledavy happened to found new city nearby with just size 1, my apostle shall go there.
Also I think that oledavy also founded a another new city, east of Schuyler. My missionary who is on route to Singaboy's empire and is currently nearby TheArchduke's capital, he shall pay that new town a visit. 
In Singaboy's empire I started to convert Aachen, hopefully one more charge next turn so I have 5 charges left for other cities of Singaboy. I checked upon diplomatic page that his cities of Bremen and Koblenz do have low population, so one charge likely needed there, but I still need to find them and also convert Seoul fast.
Woden still hasn't finished shrine and so no temple yet. I start converting Pirates, next turn it might be converted. Also I start converting Zanzibar and after 2 turns missionary nearby Zanzibar shall start converting Small World. Woden's units are blocking route to Seven Dwarfs, so I decided to call my missionary home to convert Sushigrad. Hopefully Seven Dwarfs shall get converted by pressure, it should happen soon.

Previous turn I did send offer to open borders with 3 players besides Woden: oledavy and Singaboy rejected and TheArchduke wanted additional deal of my 400 gold and his amenties. I need gold soon, so I rejected. 
No open borders with others, well my diplomatic play isn't very great this PBEM. 

I got humanism and made a little policy swap: 
serfdom out and trade confederation in to leech off Woden again now he is several techs ahead, I am generating 10 science and 4 culture from 4 trade routes now (three to Woden and one to TheArchduke). No scripture for extra faith, I feel that I need extra science and culture the most at this moment. Also I shall get 2 envoy's and I plan to put both in Preslav and since I yet have place a envoy there. So diplomatic league again, I shall get 3 envoy's which shall boost production in encampments that I am mass building right now. 

Also I decided to finish industrial zone in St. Petersburg first before building art gallery, I need production more at this moment. Since my civic goal humanism got reached, I needs a new goal and I found two: Civil Engineering which gives a huge defensive boost for my cities so I don't need walls anymore. So I cancel medieval walls in Zanzibar and start chopping settler there. I shall get Civil Engineering before friendship with Woden expires. Another goal is Opera and Ballet (inspiration: build art gallery which I shall do!) which unlock interesting industrial wonder: Bolshoi theater, it gives me 2 free random civics and extra slots for Great Works. Civil Engineering also happen to unlock policy card which speeds up industrial wonders a bit. 

At tech route I firstly finish Metal Casting, I just purchased catapult with 200 faith and I shall do it next turn again. After 9 turns I shall use professional army policy card again and upgrade two catapults into bombards for eureka of siege tactics (also request of Hattusha which bring amount envoy at 3). Also I am planning to get military engineer soon and have him build 2 forts when siege tactics is finished to get eureka for ballistics. I already calculated that I shall be bit too late to get Cossack before my friendship with Woden expires, but field gun which is unlocked by ballistics might be just on time. So my goal for tech is for now both Military Engineering and ballistics.  

Empire overview:

Turn 136:

Well, I think that chance of religious victory is basically zero now, because cities just don't want be converted. This turn I manage to convert Uptown (oledavy) and Zanzibar (my city) bringing total converted cities upon 17 (34 gold per turn). But Aachen and Pirates didn't convert, seems that it becomes harder to convert after 1st charge upon city and also harder when city have high population. Currently my apostle from Uptown goes to oledavy's new city at northeast of Uptown. My another apostle who converted Schuyler went to his capital Hamilton, only to find that it is busy around city. I shall check whether I can convert it, otherwise make a quick run to Georgetown if needed. Apostle at Aachen need one more charge and shall have 4 charges left after that, missionary on road to Singaboy shall make a little detour to another new city of oledavy and after that continues to Singaboy. 
I still continues converting to improve my gold per turn, but I can forget about religious victory unless a miracle happens. Woden finished shrine and started temple, so he shall start stockpiling weed killer soon. Maybe future PBEM players who want win with religious victory can use this thread as example and improve and adjust their strategies so they can win it instead not getting it which happens with me now.
In this picture several things: firstly my missionary converted Zanzibar and he shall go to Small World next turn, as I can see Woden don't block it completely with his units in same manner which he did with Main Street. Also my builder pastured horse resource which mean I finally have one own horse resource and I can mass produce horseman in near future to upgrade them into Cossacks if needed.
In Woden's lands at holy site (2 tiles above copper mine), you can see completed shrine and temple in progress being built. I also see builder next Small World at forest, maybe Woden plans to chop. Chopping temple would be disastrous for me, but I wonder whether that tile can be swapped to Main Street since it is one tile adjacent Small World. Also north of holy site is a commercial district with bank, Woden likely got it with Giovanni de' Medici (Great Merchant). 

Another reason why converting Singaboy might be slow, is because TheArcduke is about to start siege on Aachen and I already invested apostle charges into Aachen (although it keeps TheArchduke over 50% if he conquer Aachen). 
I did move my apostle one tile northwest to come closer to Ulm and same time able to convert Aachen. I did see TheArchduke's knights and Great Generals before moving my apostle. Also on domination score Singaboy is experiencing a free fall while TheArcduke takes minimal losses, so we might see a elimination soon. I didn't expect that from TheArchduke, I underestimated him and power of two Great Generals. Well I can do nothing but watch how TheArchduke absorbs German lands and becomes a big threat for me or do something. I shall chop forest south of Zanzibar to finish settler and he shall go to spot west of Desertgrad and with that all spots that I can settle are gone. I did found my city south of Astrakhan, it is in shadow of Mahabodhi Temple, hence its name Mahabodhigrad. Only way to expand further and keep up with Woden who has plenty land to expand, with other words I need to get cities with force. Previous time I did do declaration of friendship with TheArchduke which might not smart after all, at that moment he was weaker than now. But his cities are still exposed as ever for me over sea and I ultimately decided to take action now and my knights started submerge in sea.
Notice at northwest corner of screenshot, my knights hopped in sea out view of TheArchduke. I am careful and keeps them out TheArchduke's line of view, I can slip my knights unnoticed from tile where my galley is to fish tile, this way I can make a surprise attack on Zacynthus too. It shall take 8 turns for knights to reach beaches of Zacynthus, so I shall declare TheArchduke war at turn 145. 2 knights from sea for Zacynthus and 2 knights from sea for Abydos and finally 2 muskets, 3 knights and battering ram for Helice. Alternative is 4 knights hop at land west of Abydos and remaining units for Helice and I can declare war earlier (turn 142 friendship expires), maybe it is better since TheArchduke's forces are currently busy at Aachen.

Biggest unknown factor here is oledavy, he got some musket army with a Great General on top of it. Also he stockpiled treasury, even more which points at possible military action soon. I did leave some units behind for defense, but I am taking a risk here. To minimize risk and I also need muskets for TheArchduke soon, I need a civic swap since my planned civic Mercantilism take too long (8 turns). So I took a measure: I swapped it for almost useless Naval Tradition which is just 3 turns, also it gives me a envoy which I shall use for Carthage since I won't/can't convert it. With faster civic swap I can get 2 bombards faster since I am going put professional army card instead veterancy which also mean faster 3rd envoy in Hattusa which mean earlier more science, a snowball in action.  

I calculated and I shall get important civil engineering at turn 154 with current culture per turn thanks this civic detour, but I can still shorten it by growing my cities and building art museum in St. Petersburg. So still on time before friendship with Woden expires it seems. I purchased 2nd catapult with faith and after 3 turns with professional army upgrade in bombards. My domination score is almost breaching score of 1000, it is time to put this power in properly use after using it for deterrent or persuading Woden to not build Mahabodhi Temple. 

Empire overview (eastern part of my empire over 500 kb screenshot, I need to zoom in bit more next time):

Turn 137:

I think that I found a little exploit against players who surround his city with units to prevent my missionary or apostle spreading religion:
You need a fogged tile that you can't see whether enemy units are standing on it and set a route to it:
Then I clicked and my apostle moved one tile according the route but was stopped because there was unit standing at tile where I clicked. The result is that apostle stopped at same tile as oledavy's unit next capital:
And see at apostle's sub-menu, you can spread and convert Hamilton which I did. Had I known this little exploit before, I would have getting more apostles instead missionaries and hopefully got one with proselytizer promotion and sent him to Woden´s cities. 

So oledavy have 5 cities converted now of his 10 cities, since I also converted Elizabeth and I shall convert oledavy´s new city at north next turn. With that oledavy would formally converted to Weedy Movement. 
TheArchduke got converted this turn already due to my surprise my missionary managed to convert 2 population of Zaycnthus, my missionary still have one charge left and he shall go either Pylos or Troy (former Frankfurt 2). 
Singaboy´s Aachen got converted and I shall seek for Singaboy´s cities with low population for my apostle, missionary who converted Elizabeth shall go to Seoul in 4 turns and use 3 remaining charges to convert it hopefully.
Woden is a another story: I managed to convert Pirates, but Nan Madol grew a population and Weedy Movement there didn't grow along and got knocked out in favor of pantheon. So I stay at 5 converted cities of Woden's 12 cities. But most important news is that Woden completed temple and I can expect that he did purchase apostle. He can use it powers next turn and not same turn as he purchased it. Then he shall start and purchase inquisitors at turn 138, turn 139 is first turn where his inquisitors can act against Weedy Movement. I shall try to use up all charges of my missionaries in Woden's lands before they get caught by inquisitors.
Finally my city of Sushugrad is also converted, bringing total converted cities upon 24 (48 gold per turn).

I chopped and completed a encampment at Desertgrad and started barracks there. I finished metal casting and started siege tactics, I shall research it for 5 turns and swap to ballistics which I shall research 6 turns. Both tech shall get eureka' ed, I need fort which is unlocked by siege tactics to get eureka for ballistics. After that I shall continue with printing and finally military science for Cossack. With current tech rate I shall get Cossack after 22 turns (turn 159).
I did miscalculate costs to upgrade musketman, it costs 115 gold with professional army instead 235 which I thought first. So I can mass upgrade all swordsman into musketman which is a pleasant surprise for me.
Bombards need 125 gold to upgrade with professional army card. Well I might start with mass producing Horseman soon before I finish military science.
Also I chopped a settler out Zanzibar again, this shall likely my last settler that I produced.

My knights continue hopping in sea and I hope that I can pull out a surprise attack against TheArchduke. My domination score got above 1000 this turn by the way.

Empire overview:

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