After screwing up the start pretty decisively, my early rush to the GG prevented a total loss.
Mistake #3
As Oledavy rightly pointed out my dow only served to alert him to my aggressive opening. Whilst a GG build was a clear indicator. I think I got talked into this a bit by Bacchus as he pointed out a quick good plunder, but the follow up needs to be super-aggressive.
Woden or Singaboy could have easily been targets in Oledavy eyes. Also an attack with a GG on Singaboy instead of Oledavy would have been a lot more successful as it was, but only after I wasted time with Oledavy I switched targets.
So what do I do after I dow Oledavy? I built a 3rd settler instead of going all out on the war path, Oledavy was flabbergasted an rightly so.
So when I finally get into war modus, Oledavy is off conquering Hong Kong, instead of pressing on Shuyler, I go for Buenos Aires.
As soon as I hit the CS Oledavy can harras me, only my GG and some nicely positioned farms that I can pillage enable a quick victory.
Bad luck #2
Hoplites are not boostable by Agoge thanks to being Anti-Cavalry and NOT boostable by a GG due to being ancient units. Wow. Would have been nice to fall into that trap.
Now this is the time where both sides should have seen that this is a useless war of attrition.
Both sides have HIGHLY defensive territory, hills to shoot from and a river to hide behind. Not until a tech advantage and a 3vs1 Oledavy manages to push through.
But do I offer peace? No. We try it.
A quick push is out of the question, so whilst others build up, both Oledavy and me pour ressources into this. An encampment by Oledavy ensures that we can not have peace.
Tactically there are no real mistakes here, I just do not have enough troops and the strategic decision here should have been to move on a lot earlier.
After long turns of maneuvring I try to conquer Lafayette,
And decide that I can not proceed.
Much too late I go after Singaboy.
And instead of going after Aachen, my stupid war, a long wait and a non existing ram forces me back north.
In my opinion this is about the time I exit as a serious contendor for the game finally. Instead of a knockout blow to Singaboy or Oledavy I end up on the wrong end of a war with each of them as soon as the DoFs end each time the end comes around.