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Turn 8:
The warrior reveals more land, more stone in fact for maybe Stone Circles. That would be in line with going for a religion. Next turn, the slinger is ready together with city growth and a settler is going to be started. At a production of 8, it will take 10 turns for the settler to be ready. A settler on turn 19 is not shabby I would say.
July 18th, 2017, 06:57
(This post was last modified: July 18th, 2017, 06:57 by Singaboy.)
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Turn 9:
More eventful turn and some planning to be done this time. First off, we get our first tech (and from the overall score, nobody has tech yet). I start on mining for the stone which takes 6 turns. Our capital grew and it shows with an increase in science and culture (though reduced as amenities are now at 0)
Production is started on a settler as previously stated. It will currently take 10 turns at a production of 8 hammers. However, the city will grow in 6 turns and it might be a good idea to buy a jungle tile in the north to get higher production. Currently, a second ring tile costs 50gold and we could afford one. We need to buy one of those tiles anyway for the Hansa and some jungle harvesting. It might be a good idea to buy the tile and then synchronize city growth with the settler in order to speed it up by 1 turn and to camouflage to others that I have a settler. They will, of course, eventually know that.
I move both the warrior and the slinger to scout the land and the Island seems to have more land and goodies in store. There are some awesome places for Hansa/CH combinations. I might have to shift the city locations in the south. It is also clear where the southern end of the Plate is and that is good news as there is nobody to threaten me from the south.
With the city growth and tech, my score is 10 (still shown as 7) and all others have currently 7 (might be higher). In the individual scoring, I am leading at science and culture too. This means that nobody has found a city state yet, I hope.
July 18th, 2017, 08:32
(This post was last modified: July 18th, 2017, 08:37 by Singaboy.)
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City #1
Turn 10 - 13: 32 hammers (8 per turn)
Turn 14 - 15: 52 hammers (10 per turn)
Turn 16 - 18: 82 hammers (10 per turn with city at size 4)
takes roughly 5 turns, ideally building two in a row to improve horses, cows, stone, deer, rice
If necessary, some military can be built to fight off barbarians
Turn 18 - 21: settler moves, Turn 22 settle
starts immediately with a galley (65 hammers)
Turn 10 - 15 Mining (6 turns)
Turn 16 - 21 Sailing (6 turns with Eureka, settling on coast)
Turn 22: heading to bronze working to be able to chop the rain forests, astrology for holy site etc
Foreign Trade after CoL to get Maritime Industry (I might go all the way even without the Eureka as I want two galleys out as soon as possible)
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Turn 10:
Both units move and do not yet reveal much new territory. The biggest news maybe is the current score. It shows that I am the only one that grew to pop 3 with a new tech. There are two more players with a tech. I can't really complain about the start here. Now, if we could spot some city states
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Turn 11:
In the ranking, everyone has now researched one technology. I am still the only one with pop 3. Hope that will give me a good head start with Pantheon selection. In two turns, CoL is done and I will buy the additional tile next turn for 50g before it gets more costly. I will then switch in 2 turns to get the settler out in 9 turns instead of 10.
Both slinger and warrior are scouting with the slinger uncovering new land in the north, which gives more options for cities and interesting choices for districts. I have indicated the new districts giving higher adjacency benefits. I am still not decided whether I should aim for a holy site of a campus in my capital. In fact, I would like to build 4 districts there. With the strong food support in Aachen, that shouldn't be an issue long term.
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Turn 12:
Every new turn, I wonder whether barbarians will finally pop up/ So far I have been really lucky. However, I will need to protect my settler soon. So, one more round of exploring for the warrior before he heads home for protection duty. The slinger in the north will also stay around the second city spot.
First thing, I buy the jungle tile before getting CoL to keep the cost low. This means, I can start working that tile from next turn onward if my calculations are correct.
In the north, the slinger crosses the river and spots more land with a luxury next to the spot I chose for another city. Just perfect. Even more exciting, upon activiation of the settler lens, we spot a red tile which must belong to either another player or a city state. If it is a player, it would be even more crucial to settle north first to deny access to the vast expanse at the south. Once I got the second city up, access to the south will be denied ocne I have the right civic researched.
As stated, the warrior in the south climbs one more hill before turning around to protect the capital, we find out that there is a lot more land that I had expected. With the north soon sealed off, the question now is, what to expect in the southeast. Unfortunately, I do not want to build that many units for now as I want the settler out and then two builders if possible. Maybe a scout might be a good idea to explore that area.
In terms of score, I am still leading with 10 points while the rest all have 9 points. This means everyone has 1 technology researched and is at pop 2. Well, I will get CoL for another 2 points next turn and get the important +5 against barbarian should they show up. I can also start my journey towards the Pantheon.
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Turn 13:
We get CoL and implement the expected policies. I have no scout but there is unfortunately no other choice at the moment. We start Foreign Trade which currently takes an agonizing 22 turns.
I check our settler production and there is no need to switch to higher production right now as our settler is at 37 hammers and will get to 53 in 2 turns, when city growth will improve production to 10 ppt making sure we get the settler in 5 turns from now. I rather grow Aachen to size 4 faster to gain more science and culture.
The warrior moves back towards our land while the slinger gets close to the hill that should reveal the city state or a rival next turn. Exciting times...
I check the scores and TheArchduke has pulled up to 10 pts with his city growing to size 3. However, my score is in fact higher as I am now at 12 (not reflected yet). With city growth soon and a second city out on turn 22, I hope to maintain my lead for now. I hope to get contact with a city state that is worthwhile. We shall see.
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Time for some revised planning:
Turn 14 - 15: 37+16 hammers (8 per turn)
Turn 16 - 18: 83 hammers (10 per turn with city at size 4)
Turn 19 - 23: (50 hammers with 8 to 10 hammers/turn depending on city growth)
After that, Aachen will either go for another builder, military (if there are barbarians). The builder will improve the horses, a stone and then move to chop the rain forest next to city 2 to speed up the galley and city growth. this will delay the Eureka for Craftsmenship, but that is fine. We can easily improve a third tile with the second builder. The second builder could then chop the rainforest north of Aachen to speed up a second settler. As there is a lot of rainforest to be chopped, this will allow for fast growth in cities.
founded on turn 22
starts immediately with a galley (65 hammers)
Once mining is done, sailing is next. This will be sped up by settling city 2. Astrology and Writing (after Pottery) would be nice to have. I would want to beeline to the techs that I need for the districts (Astrology, Writing, BW, Currency and Apprenticeship). of course, I can't just that do that I need to react to other events such as a rival nation, barbarians etc.
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Turn 14:
We got this Island to ourselves
I am greeted by the news that we discovered (in fact they did) a City State called Valletta, we're the first. I would have loved to have a scientific or commercial or so, but we got this. Well, it will help us initially with unit production as we got an immediate +2 bonus on the IT.
We are also in the lead again in score with Archduke #2. We will add three more points next turn when the capital grows and mining is done.
With the slinger moving a little to the north, it seems we have more or less uncovered the Island that will be my home. My initial dotmap shows 6 additional cities. Most of them are coastal, something I would like to avoid, but I need to maximize space for the districts. As there is still uncovered territory in the south, there might be adjustments. What is clear though, a farmer's gambit is the right strategy and I am glad I started the settler right away.
Thanks to the CS, production is now 10 and will grow to 12 next turn. Hence the new settler production is as follows:
T14: 47/80
T15: 57/80 (production climbs to 12)
T16: 69/80
T17: 81/80
This means that the settler is done a turn earlier than expected. This is great. The second city will be founded on T21 and in time for the sailing Eureka.
With a production of 12, I can steer city growth to maximize it while making sure, each builder is done in 5 turns. This means that by T27, I have 2 builders, enough to improve tiles and get the Eureka for Craftsmanship. I do not want to end up wasting culture, which is really precious. Hence, I will need to play with Foreign Trade and Craftsmanship to make sure, both are getting their Eureka. This is not so certain for Foreign Trade as we will rely on the galley to get it on time.
If the second city starts on the galley right away with a rain forect chop to add to the production, I hope to get the galley out as soon as possible.
As for the Pantheon, I am still not sure what to do. Oral Tradition is an option too, with 6 sugar, 2 bananas and 1 citrus fruit on the Island. Of course, Valletta opens up new faith possibilities and a faith based Pantheon with Stine Circles might be good too.
Allows the Suzerain to consume ![[Image: latest?cb=20161108205537]]( to purchase urban centers and military buildings for the encampment in their cities. Also allows city walls to be purchased with faith. Maybe I should after all, head for astrology and get a holy site up as soon as possible to get a religion too. The tile directly north of the second city is a good spot.
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Turn 15:
Mining is done, on to sailing, which I might need to swap out once I reach 50%. The settler build now correctly reflects its completion in 2 turns thanks to city growth to pop 4.
In the north, there are a few items to note.
a. Valletta's warrior potentially screwing my settler moving and settling. My slinger is there to mitigate the issue. I hope Valletta's warrior moves south. then my slinger can move south too and occupy the city spot the following turn. Else, we need to see how to avoid a potential clash here.
b. The slinger uncovered the fact that a campus north of the second city would get +3 bonus thanks to the rain forest tiles. However, I am leaning toward a holy site right now, this would result in only +2 at that spot.
c. The sea resources at the second city are pretty decent with two crabs and one fish. Nice location
In the south, our warrior discovers two rice tile and invalidates our city location there. I move the location one tile east and this looks a lot better with nicer tiles in the first ring and more potential synergy with the other two cities nearby.
In the rankings, oledavy and Woden pulled up to 12 as well as Archduke. They all gained a civic and two of them grew their city. However, my true score currently is 15 as my city grew (will shrink in two again) and I gained a tech. My early city growth has given me a tiny lead here, which for the Pantheon could be very important.
I really need to make a decision here, go for faith emphasis with Stone Circles (potential +10 faith per turn) and try and grab a religion for the Defender of Faith with a holy site at the second city. Or grab Oral Tradition for more culture.