Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Das Boot (directed by Wolfgang Petersen and Singaboy)

Turn 16:

The long wait for barbarians. not that I like them, but I need some at least (there can't be horses this time as I control the only source of horses). I need to kill 3 of them to get the Eureka for BW. Without BW no chopping of rainforest. I had planned to go for BW right after sailing to be able to chop out a galley, but I need those pesky guys from PBEM2.

Anyway, nothing much happened, I am waiting for the settler to arrive next turn. Unfortunately, the warrior from Valletta occupies the settling spot right now. I need that guy to get out of the way. My warrior move onto a hill to reveal yet another stone tile. That makes 6 on the Island and that would amount to potentially 12 faith a turn. In the score I am expectedly leading by 3 points, though this will drop a point with the settler being produced.

[Image: 8CzZxdC.jpg]

16 turns and no barbs yet? Maybe there is some karma mechanic working here lol , at PBEM 2 you did draw shortest barb stick after all.

Turn 17:
No barbs yet shakehead Didn't expect myself to look forward to barbarians. By the way, the barbarians at sea can be really nasty, if your galley gets fired upon. I rather they come on land here.

Valletta's warrior moved north and if he does that one more time, I can block the land and secure my city site. Anyway, the settler is out and I start on a builder, that takes 5 turns thanks to my capital shrinking. It will take 5 turns to grow again. Next turn, expansion of Aachen will get us the horses. If no barbarians show up, i will use all three builder charges to improve the land.
1. horses (HBR) 2. deer 3. stone (masonry)

This will result in +2 production and +1 gold. At pop 4, I can work the horses, deer, stone and sugar for 14 food, 11 production, 6 gold (including the capital). With the CS bonus, this results in 13 hammers for units. If I need units, with Agoge, that's almost 20 hammers a turn  cool
[Image: yBIgxSY.jpg]

Turn 18:

The good news this turn is the fact that Valletta's warrior decided to move north., good boy. This gives me the opportunity to move the slinger south to ensure my settler won't get interrupted.

[Image: 7v07tKV.jpg]

The warrior moves a little to the east as I have not completed checked out the area around the banana in the east. I would love to discover a second continent somewhere please. Sometimes you are lucky to get to the edge of another Island.

Aachen's borders have grown and the horses are not included. This gives me the chance to MM and speed up growth by 1 turn while not really compromising the builder. It is currently at 11/50 and will now make 9 hammers for 3 turns, giving it 38/50. However, with city growth to 4 in 3 turns, the final 4th turn, Aachen will make 12 hammers with working two 2f2h tiles instead of the horses. I will end up with 50/50 instead of 51/50, but city growth a turn earlier giving a little more science and culture. If I continue to produce a builder which then costs 54hammers, it can easily be done in 5 turns. In fact, I hope to get to early empire as soon as possible to produce a number of settlers with Aachen being size 5 as it gets unhappy at size 6.

What I need now are two things: Barbarians to get Eureka for BW and a second continent for Eureka for FT.

[Image: ECoWr6U.jpg]

Turn 19:
Did someone forget to enable barbarians? Hellooooo, wake up

Anyway, the settler moves close to its target, the other two units move each to reveal a little more of the map, the slinger in the north will move northwest to check out the land there, the warrior moves east to the bananas.

Rather calm turns. The worry I have is the Eureka's. I guess I will need to produce a galley the really slow way without chopping rain forest. I need more culture too to gain access to early empire faster to really be able to churn out a lot of settlers.

[Image: iUNPEOV.jpg]

Barbarians are enabled

And good luck! I'm following along with interest! This is the first map I've made and I'm looking forward to following along and seeing how you all play your respective starts.

Thanks Cornflakes! The map so far is great. This plays so different from a Pangaea due to the isolated start. It gives rise to lots of different approaches. I like it.

Of course, currently, there isn't yet so much to do (especially with barbarians busy elsewhere). However, with roughly half a day between turns, planning of moves and micromanagement of the cities can be really thorough.

District Planning in the north:

To illustrate what should be possible with German's district power, I have labeled the northern 4 cities with color codes and the district bonuses they get from adjacent districts, resources, rivers and hills. I especially like the +7 Hansa, which gets it bonuses from three Commercial Hubs and two districts.

[Image: Uhg6c7U.jpg]

Turn 20:

No barbs and barb camps to be spotted. The settler is now in place. Warrior and slinger move. Next turn, we will get a new city and sailing. Aachen will grow in size, I MM to optimize hammers, we're at 39/50 and will get 10 hammers this turn.

No image as there is really no new information at this point. The score is still the same, everyone at 14 points, but one player at 13. Of course, my score should increase a bit next turn smile I wonder whether I should go for another settler or worker, but I think I will go for a worker and hope to get BW eventually, if barbarians show up.

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