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Generic War Declaration

This is the war declaration that happens if you army strength is too close to another wizard's. It is so because it generally is the last chance that wizard has to fight you - if you surpass them too far, they won't stand a chance.

However, to form treaties (and to defend yourself), you need armies so it's inevitable to reach this state of the game.
Having a high enough positive relation score is the only way to avoid the war (aside from being under the influence of a peace treaty, which either requires a previous war, or a successful threaten roll which also risks war and is unlikely to succeed without having an equal or higher military.)

Thus, I think we might need to revise the formula and reduce the amount of relation needed to avoid the war, to give the player a fair chance to build up their forces and still use diplomacy. There are two other paths we can take as well : we can either limit this declaration to not happen until turn X (100~150) which gives the player more time to raise relation or military to safe levels, or alter the formula completely, so it doesn't depend on military.

This is the current amount of relation the player needs to avoid the war, if the military power is exactly equal (worst case), and there are no other penalties (such as having had broken a treaty with that wizard earlier) :


Chaotic changes the personality modifier every turn so it can be anywhere between Maniacal and Peaceful.

Please post your suggestion on how much relation should be necessary in the lowest and highest level of difficulty, for the average (Aggressive) personality, assuming the gap between each personality remains the same. I can change the gap between difficulty levels freely, but it has to be the same per level, so if lunatic needs 3 more than master, then master needs to be 3 more than expert.

For the meaning of numbers : Neutral is 0-19, Relaxed is 20-39, Calm is 40-59, Unease is -19 to 0, Restless is -39 to -20. A relation below -40 causes a "low relation" based war declaration, and above 60 you are almost always already allies.

PS : I believe the AI is playing much better now, and can probably still win if not ganging up on the player right from the start, so it's acceptable to ease these conditions and allow the player to avoid war more easily - chances are the AI will get ahead in economy and research, and obliterate the player if they do start the war, as they'll have massive hordes of very rare creatures. I might be wrong though.
It might also make late game strategies work better.

I agree with the overall concepts of making diplomacy more relevant. I find I stay at neutral or unease most of the game, but I don't try anything diplomatically, as I find that's practically useless on lunatic. Even on master, its not super relevant. I'd be interested to see how changing it to a difference of 3 per difficulty actually changes the game.

How about this?


Or is the -13/16/19 on peaceful far too...peaceful?

So, I think on easy, a peaceful wizard should not declare war while restless. That would mean -41.

Similarly, lawful should not declare war on easy while on unease. That would mean -21. Edit:-22.

Can we use a wider range per difficulty (+5) for those two, and a smaller one for the more aggressive personalities?

For aggressive, on easy, I don't think they should declare war while neutral. That would mean -1. Edit: -13

For ruthless, on easy, they should declare war while neutral. Maybe 8. Edit: -4

For maniacal, on easy they should declare war on neutral. Maybe 17. Edit: 5

However, on the other side. Going with +3 per, that puts maniacal decalring war on lunatic at 32. That's actually reasonable. It puts ruthless at 24. That's too high. OK, let's drop those. This gives us edit 1 numbers above.

OK now maniacal on lunatic is 20 - that's still relaxed, ok. Ruthless is 11. Mid neutral, good. Aggressive is 2, that's still barely neutral. Lawful is -7, OK. Peaceful is -26. That might be a problem. Ideally I'd like peaceful up around -15.

So, if I could:
Maniacal easy 5, lunatic 20.
Ruthless easy -4, lunatic 11.
Aggressive easy -13, lunatic 2.
Lawful easy -22, lunatic -7.
Peaceful easy -41, change by 5 per difficulty, lunatic -16.

Since I don't think we can mix the modifier by difficulty based on personality, this won't work, but at least it gives some ideas to you for what to go with.

Although I guess more realistically, I should gave worked out advanced and expert and gone from there. Oh well.

Well, if we absolutely want to, we could make a new table of modifiers and use those instead of the default personality modifiers, but I like using the same modifier in all of the diplomacy - makes it easier to understand for the players. (albeit at different scaling, this one uses 0.5*modifier, while most others use 1*)
Oh and doing that would mean losing the "random" effect for Chaotic.

But I think your numbers are reasonably close to the table I posted to use it, aside from...special considerations for Easy. Which...idk, does Easy even matter? It's unlikely for the AI to have equal troops to the player there, they'll probably have way below in the entire game.

That's true enough

Part of the lure of this game is in my opinion given by its heartless randmoness smile

So, I wouldn't make lunatic any easier. Can it scale down more and become relaxed on the easier games, without changing impossible?

In my current game I've managed to trade spells with the myrran (aggressive or maniacal, I don't remember) and without any gift get a wizard pact, despite the reduction given by large empires. I guess that's one of the advantages of having books in each realm. I don't have any diplomacy retort. Speaking of which - do consider the effect of the diplomatic one, it could make it too easy to cope with AIs.

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