Vincent Borchardt: hi
Joshua Peterson: hi
Vincent Borchardt: need help with anything?
Joshua Peterson: I think I understand the basics
I posted my first move on the new RB thread. I have about 30 minutes to play now.
Vincent Borchardt: you can make the changes here on the sheet
Joshua Peterson has left.
Joshua Peterson has opened the document.
Joshua Peterson: Did I do that correctly?
Vincent Borchardt: yeah
Joshua Peterson has left.
Vincent Borchardt: (that's the thing about no scouting, there isn't really a choice on the first moves
claimed the next tile, moved my infantry
Joshua Peterson: Is it OK if I add another row to keep track of tile yields?
Vincent Borchardt: sure
Joshua Peterson has left.
Joshua Peterson has opened the document.
Joshua Peterson: Do techs "Cost" actions? I.e. I would need to accumulate 6 actions to research Granary?
Vincent Borchardt: do resources give a benefit before they're improved?
I don't remember if I said that explicitly
no, they cost yields
you choose to research instead of grow
Joshua Peterson: Ah, yes
Does yield happen at the beginning of my turn?
Vincent Borchardt: I've been doing it at the end
maybe beginning is better?
(I'm still deciding my yield allocation)
Joshua Peterson: I think end is better. Just want to clarify that when I expand, the new tile yield is included on the turn I expand
Vincent Borchardt: yes, that is how we've been allocating it
Joshua Peterson: Does expanding permanently expend an action? I.e. I have 2 now, if I expand would I go down to 1, and then grow back to 2? Rather than growing up to 3?
Vincent Borchardt: yes
though the cost of growth also goes down
Joshua Peterson: I'll walk through my turn one step at a time so I understand.
First expand
Ok, I see. Now improving does not permanently expend the action?
Vincent Borchardt: correct
(I forgot the yield from my new tile)
Joshua Peterson has left.
Joshua Peterson has opened the document.
Joshua Peterson: Now, to apply growth ...
Vincent Borchardt: growth and/or research, yes
Joshua Peterson: I'm going to do it on another line first and then copy up
Vincent Borchardt: ok
hooray, we aren't mirroring each other anymore!
Joshua Peterson: Remind me what the Granary does?
Vincent Borchardt: decreases the cost of each growth by 1
Joshua Peterson: Got it!
Vincent Borchardt: (use the second one)
Also, techs don't apply on the turn you get them
Joshua Peterson: ok
Vincent Borchardt: don't think I specifically said that, but it's implied I think
Joshua Peterson: That was how I understood it
Joshua Peterson has left.
Joshua Peterson has opened the document.
Joshua Peterson: Let me know when you are finished with your turn
Vincent Borchardt: Another clarification we need to make: what happens if you have a large number of growth points and the cost of growth drops?
either through an expand tech or expanding?
Joshua Peterson: I think resolve actions Expand > Grow > Tech
Vincent Borchardt: I know that, but what happens if I put my six remaining points in growth this turn?
then granary will take effect and I'll have 6/6, right?
should I grow then?
Joshua Peterson: Oh, right. Yes, I think growth is correct
Vincent Borchardt: or should I stay at 6/6 for a turn?
that seems weird, but possibly right
Joshua Peterson: I think you would grow, but not get the yield this turn because the tech doesn't take effect until this turn
I think I just confused growth with expand there
Vincent Borchardt: so an exploit tech wouldn't take effect until the next turn
I like staying at 6/6 for a turn, let's go with that
Your turn
sorry for the slowness
Joshua Peterson: No problem, it's a learning game after all!
Vincent Borchardt: are you fine with me putting this chat in the thread for reference?
Joshua Peterson: Yes
Vincent Borchardt: ok, going to do a first paste now just in case I lose it
Joshua Peterson: I don't think I did that right
Joshua Peterson has left.
Joshua Peterson has opened the document.
Joshua Peterson: My expand reduced the growth cost to what I already had in "Current Growth"
Vincent Borchardt: yeah, so first step, before you start assigning yields, you would grow
(that's part of what I was just talking about
Joshua Peterson: Your turn
Vincent Borchardt: should I hard-code a "one expand per turn" limit?
Joshua Peterson: Maybe, Another option might be increasing the cost of multiple expands on the same turn.
Vincent Borchardt: yeah, I was thinking about that, each one permanently costs another action?
(and you still can't go to 0)
Joshua Peterson: I won't say permanent, but maybe scale on the current turn 1, 3, 5 actions
Vincent Borchardt: so if you expand twice it would consume 2 actions and use another 2?
Joshua Peterson: Maybe we were saying the same thing in different ways. Permanently spend the actions, but the cost of Expand on future turns does not increase.
First already costs 1, but if you want another Expand on the same turn you have to spend an additional 3.
Vincent Borchardt: but those additional 3 are you consuming or just using?
I'm consuming like we've been doing on expand, where you have to regrow that action
Joshua Peterson: Consuming ... My thought is make it costly to discourage, but not hard-code against multiple Expands
Vincent Borchardt: so we could say the first expand each turn consumes 1 action, the second consumes 2, and so on?
are we on the same page, just with different terminology?
Joshua Peterson: Yes
Vincent Borchardt: okay, going to write that in the rules, then finish my turn
done, even though I almost overwrote your stats
Anonymous Buffalo has opened the document.
Vincent Borchardt: I think an improved non-resource tile is only 3
Joshua Peterson has left.
Anonymous Buffalo has left.
Joshua Peterson has opened the document.
Anonymous Bat has opened the document.
Anonymous Bat has left.
Vincent Borchardt: "improved to 3"
nevermind, you have irrigation
that's why it's 4
my bad
Joshua Peterson: Only 1 tech research per turn?
Vincent Borchardt: not in the written rules
do you think that should be a rule?
Joshua Peterson: I don't think there is a clear need for it one way or the other.
Vincent Borchardt: then no research limit for now
the rules are already pretty broken (and I've researched parts of multiple techs already)
Joshua Peterson: Done
Joshua Peterson has left.
Joshua Peterson has opened the document.
Joshua Peterson has left.
Joshua Peterson: I enjoying the game so far! I think you have a great framework, and each play through will iron things out more
Vincent Borchardt: thanks
and I'm already noticing problems
(exhibit A: Irrigation/non-resource tile improvements are way too strong for how easy they are to get
Joshua Peterson: I have to go for now, may or may not be available later, probably tomorrow at some point.
Vincent Borchardt: ok
Joshua Peterson: We can continue PBEM style though, play our turns as available and just post in RB thread unless we're both on again at the same time
Vincent Borchardt: sounds good
I'm almost done if you want to squeeze in one more
Joshua Peterson: Sure! ... you've already got a "just one more turn game" :D
Vincent Borchardt:
Joshua Peterson has left.
Joshua Peterson has opened the document.
Vincent Borchardt: wait, did I miss you getting chariots last turn?
Joshua Peterson: Yes, I got chariots last turn
Vincent Borchardt: ok, just checking
then the numbers work I think
Joshua Peterson: Catch ya later!
Vincent Borchardt: have fun!