August 12th, 2017, 16:02
(This post was last modified: August 12th, 2017, 16:05 by Woden.)
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Turns 49 - 52
Turn 49
I finish...
Entering a new era. Check and see that Stockholm's new quest is getting the inspiration for Theology, or finding a religion. That is disappointing! I was not planning on founding a religion but may have to rethink it. Stonehenge is still available and I have a nice spot for it at city #4. I may build it if it is still available in 10 turns.
A new deal is waiting...
We discussed this in the thread and I have no reason not to accept it. I really want good relations with everybody for the next 50 or so turns. The longer everybody lets me play in my sandbox the better. At least until the industrial age. Not much else going on. I will found a city #3 next turn and my units in the west are retreating from the barbs so they don't get killed.
He is the score for reference...
Near the bottom of the pack. No big deal, I should be able to get near the top when I want to. I put in Bronzeworking to finish next turn and I will be able to see where iron is located. After that, I am going to research techs down to 1 turn and then switch to something else until I can't wait any longer. The plan is to get enough money to buy the last tile near Lisbon and a tile for an encampment at my 3rd city and lock the district cost in before completing a bunch of techs. This will keep the district cheap and then increase the chop value when I can chop a galley into the district. I might also try and get a commercial hub at city 4 before I start finishing a bunch of techs. I don't need any additional techs right now, so no harm in delaying them.
Turn 50
Look around and I see 2 irons on my Island...
One I can mine right away, as soon as I have a builder, and one next to my city #6 site. I also see Stockholm has iron and there is one on the island just north of my starting island (not 100% sure on this one, don't know if I am remembering correctly). I switch Mangueira's tiles around so I can work the iron and get the additional science.
I founded my third city and named it "Salgueiro". I start a monument to start improving my culture rate (due in 30 turns). It should be done in 15-20 turns, as soon as I can get a Builder up there to mine the salt and it grows.
Here is the leader board...
I am on top in science right now but will fall back in the short term as I delay my techs. Singaboy has a science rate close to mine, since he built a campus but everybody else is way behind and it will only get worst as my 2nd campus is done next turn.
I am starting to march up the military power as my units heal. I still thing I have one of the larger armies, their just all hurt. We will see, I guess I can figure out my turn military power but I don't see the point right now.
Turn 51
I finish the campus at my capital and get...
This is an inspiration I usually don't get but I am doing a heavy science start. This brings my science rate up to 18.8 bpt and, more importantly, gives me 4 GS points. I switch out on Masonry to Archer for 1 turn and then will switch to Shipbuilding, then Wheel, Astronomy (which I will finish), and then Celestial Navigation before I start a run on techs.
My western ship found German borders...
Looks like he is just southwest of me.
Turn 52
I move my western galley down towards the German mainland (?) and find...
Valletta, let's take a look at them...
Germany is currently at war with them. So it is either to capture the city, clear a quest, or grab a builder. There quest is to send a trader but I don't know if I will have teh chance if Germany takes them out. We will see. They would be a good CS to have if you were going the religious route, buying city center and encampment buildings with faith could really help with production.
Here is the great people screen...
Looks like Japan got his religion. Only 10 turns until I grab the first scientist, hopefully the first of many. Notice that Germany will have the lead for the next scientist for exactly 1 turn before I retake it. I get a 20% refund on my GP points, so I will start at 12 for the next one and Germany will have 15. In 11 turns, I should have 17 to his 16.
Overall, I am happy with my start. I have a strong science base going now but my culture sucks. I will now focus on bring that up to par with everybody else and then once I hit Drama, I should be able to take the lead there too.
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Turn 52
Not much going on this turn and probably not much for the next 6 or 7 turns while I wait for stuff to finish. I did move my northern galley up the coast between two land masses and find...
I moved up there to see if that was all one Island or 2. I assuming the land to the east is Japan's island (still could be wrong and it could be a small island). The part to the west will be some awesome land. It has both iron and horses. I wanted to check and see if it was all connected before I moved further east. I find two good things here. First, I see that the land is blocked by a mountain (if you look carefully at the sheep, you can see coast on the northwest side). Second, I find a natural wonder (Crater Lake?), which gives me...
This probably only saves me a turn of research but every bit counts. I am more jazzed by the blockage of the mountain, especially if this is Japan's mainland. I am thinking my 6th or 7th city will go here. Number 5 will go to the island south of my capital. The other 6th or 7th will go on the peninsula south of the capital. I think the current plan will be to finish the current settler for city #4, then do a little improving with builders and get a few more ships out, then have every city build a settler to quickly expand.
Here are teh rankings...
England pulls ahead in science with half my rate, funny. I am now in third for military power and I still have one red-lined slinger and warrior. No real worries there. Archery and Masonry are both a 1 turn left, so if I am attacked I can quickly finish both and get some better defenses. In about 10 turns, I should be forced to finish some techs and probably generate a lot of overflow into something more expensive.
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Turns 53 - 61
Not much going on these turns and I have been a little too busy to write anything up. Just going to summarize instead of doing a turn-by-turn because how exciting is "I moved X to X", which was pretty much it. I will break it down by location:
In the north, the galley has bee sailing along what I suspect is Japan's island and found La Venta. Japan is their Suzerain with 3 envoys in it. When I came sailing by I found a juicy score...
I declare and poach the builder. He has 2 charges left, nice ~40 cogs free. I let oledavy know my intentions in the diplo thread. I don't want him to thin I was going to capture it and declare war on me to defend the CS. Doesn't really matter if he did, I don't think he has Shipbuilding yet. He could harass my canal city a little but I have 2 galleys in the area.
My southern galley has been looking over the island to my south...
Looks to be nice spots for 2 decent cities, both will not have freshwater but will be near the coast. The island has 2 luxuries not on my mainland, cotton and truffles, and a bunch of food. My next settler will go down here once I take the barb camp out. I have finally cleared my mainland of barbs. In total I killed: 3 barb scouts, 3 horseman, 1 horse archer, 2 warriors, 2 spears, and 1 slinger, All from 2 camps. All but 1 warrior has 1 promotion and many are halfway to their 2nd.
On Turn 59, I finish...
I ended up putting a few turns into Mysticism to delay the policy swap until my settler was finished in the capital. I ended up switching policies to...
My plan is to kick out a bunch of Builders while I work towards PP and then switch back to the settler card to have every city build at least 1 settler before I start building districts and other things.
Tech-wise, I have been research what I can up to 1 turn left, then switching to something else until I have enough money to buy the encampment tile at Salgueiro. I end up buying it on T60 and switched to Astrology so I can research Celestial Navigation for harbors. Then I will finish everything else once I get a harbor placed at Mangueria. Astrology finishes on T61...
Start CN. I also finished a builder and am having him improve the crabs for the euerka before heading to the iron to mine. I will found my 4th city on turn 66. Next turn I get...
My great scientist. I will also get a 12 GPP rebate. Germany will have 16.3 points but I am making 4 points to his 1.1 points. The 2nd GS should be mine too. Interestingly, Germany is making GG points, must have a encampment finished. Maybe I can steal that one too. Anyways, that is about it for the last 8 turns, not much.
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Turns 62 - 66
Sorry that it has been a while since I posted, it is a combination of not much going on, a slow turn pace, and life but I will post my last few turns and then add a little strategy discussion now that I think I have a path I want to take laid out and I know a little more about the set up of the map. First for the turns....
Turn 62
I start by hooking up the crabs, which is a second ocean resource, getting...
Now I will finish Celestial Navigation and put a harbor down at Mangeuira and then make a run on techs. I have Masonry, Archery, Wheel, Shipbuilding with 1 turn left as soon as I mine the iron. I should get enough overflow to finish horseback riding in 1 turn. It is showing 3 turns now. I also get my Great Scientist and use her in Mangeuira, then I just need a university for the Astronomy eureka. Next GS provides a few eurekas and an inspiration, nothing special. I am confident I will get that one too unless someone runs a few projects.
Turn 63
Not much happened this turn and I played remotely and forgot to take any screenshots. I just moved the galley with the Builder towards my 4th city location and the southern galley is moving southeast. I finish a Builder at Carnival and start another one. Once that Builder is done I will start a spear which will finish the turn after I get a better government and running the 2-for-1 envoy card, getting 2 envoys into the cultural CS.
Turn 64
I finish...
I switch to Masonry. I put a harbor down at Mangeuira and move my galleys towards there destination.
Turn 65
The Builder at Mangeuira finally made it to the iron...
I improve it and get the eureka for Wheel and Iron Working...
Notifications are indeed screwed up with the last patch. I tried getting rid of the side bar notification to see if it would then show the eureka for Iron Working and it did not. No big deal but it is a bug, thought I would let you know. Anyways, I switch to Wheel. Looks like oledavy has been busy with campuses...
He must not like that I had nearly triple his science. Looks like he might be in the race for the next GS if he can get a few libraries going. He is making 3 GS gpp to my 5, so no worries yet. Once I get the envoy from Mysticism in Stockholm, I should have 7 gpp. I hook up wines at Salgueiro.
Turn 66
I finish...
Three down, three to go. I switch to Archery. This also gets me in the lead for science. I guess no more hiding the fact that I have a higher science rate then everybody else. I found my fourth city and name it Beija-Flor. I move the galley with the builder and somehow meet...
I met them as moved the galley. I don't see a unit and don't think my galley should have vision on them but maybe they have a ship on a tile that is fogged now that I saw when I passed. Germany comes asking to trade sugar for mt extra wines. I accept. I figure more amenities are better and I want to keep as many people happy as I can will I work towards Nationalism.
In the south, I find a nice little ice rock of an island...
Pearls, mercury, copper, crabs, and fish plus a few hills to mine. Could be a nice little city. I might have to prioritize this location after I settle the southern island and have a military presence to hold it. Also, I have a feeling I am pretty isolated. England is to my northwest with Stockholm in between us. Germany to my southwest with whatever cultural CS is located between us (I forgot which one it is and don't feel like going to look right now). According to discussions in the diplo thread, they seem to only have a little channel between them. The Vikings are west of Germany and I think (again from discussions in the diplo thread) are pretty close (first to meet and first to war). Japan is to my northeast and fairly far. I have no idea where Spain is but I assume to my southeast. how far away I don't know, my galley will continue east until I find him. It looks like there are only a few paths to me, so hopefully everybody else worries about everybody else and leave me alone to play in my sandbox until I can surprise them. In addition, I think my PBEM2 performance will help me here. I wasn't very aggressive, so I am hoping that they think of me as someone they can take out later after they fight with their closer neighbors. We will see. That is about it for the last handful of turns. Next, I will write a little about my game so far and my current strategy in a separate post.
August 24th, 2017, 23:37
(This post was last modified: August 25th, 2017, 10:13 by Woden.)
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Turn 66 Game Review and Strategy Update
I figured I can do a game review and strategy update since I haven't done one yet for this game and the turn pace has slowed done to a turn-a-day for the last few days. Anyways, I think my game has been going fairly well so far, a little slow since my cities aren't all that productive and I don't want to chop any of my jungle for the awesome adjacency bonuses they provide. Of coarse, the feeling of a slow start could be influenced by the fact that my last PBEM, I had China's awesome builders, 2 cultural city states, and a city surrounded by hills. I will say my culture sucks right now but hopefully I can remedy that once I get a few monuments out and get an envoy into the cultural city state. Mohenjo-Daro, that is the cultural city state. It bugged me, so I had to go and look back to see which one it was. Anyways, I would say I am in the middle of the pack game-wise. I lead science but my culture sucks. My military power is third. I am fairly isolated. I don't look like an easy target right now and that is good. No worries about someone coming to start anything yet. Of coarse, we are just getting to the point where people can start getting ship building. Someone might already have it if they bee-lined it. I will have it in 2 turns and I have most the other techs up to it. I think Germany may have it since he shows to be in the next row in the tech tree. I also think my lead in science will make people think twice about attacking me as I might have better units. I just need to stay near the top in tech as I build out my culture.
As for my strategy in the coming turns. I will have PP done in 4 or 5 turns, depending on how the monument at Salgueiro that finishes in 3 turns impacts it. I am going to run Autocracy. I was thinking Classical Republic but I want to build up my military before I start expanding beyond my island. I was going to have every city switch to a settler once I put the settler card back in but, like I said, I want a larger army first. I will still put out a few settlers from the capital but my other cities will work on units or infrastructure. I will start sending my existing land units to the islands I want to settle to stake my claim and take care of the barbs. Anyways, the following is a city-by-city break down of my next builds:
My capital is currently working on a Builder, down in 2 turns. Then it will start a spearman to get teh quest done for Mohenjo-Daro when I can run the 2-for-1 card after I finish PP. It should finish the turn after. After PP, I will finish Mysticism, which should only take a few turns and put that envoy into Stockholm and become their Suzerain and gain +4 science and +1 ggp per district. Back to the capital builds, after the spearman, I will build a settler and chop into the commercial hub towards the end. this should nearly finish the CH since I will increase the chop value by finishing 6 or 7 techs and get the majority of the +50% to overflow. I will then finish the CH and start another settler. The first settler will go down and settle the island to my south. Probably on the west coast. Next turn, I will upgrade the slinger to an archer and send it down to take out the barb spearman while the warrior swims over to take the camp and prevent anybody else from settling it (most likely Germany if he desires it). I don' think he will since it looked like he had some land to his southeast to settle before he heads in my direction and he may be pissed at the Vikings for attacking him and be going after them. The second settler will go to the northern island (I think this is part of Japan's island). I will send my other slinger upgraded to an archer with a few warriors (or maybe swords) to take care of the barbs. There is a barb horseman up there so there may be more barbs, will have to be careful. After the settlers, I am going to want my capital to grow. I can speed it up by harvesting the 2 marshes. I want to get to size 10 quickly. I am planning a theater square and an industrial zone and will want to place them as soon as possible. I am thinking of building the oracle as the city grows for the extra GPP and inspiration for Drama. I really should put some pins down to show my plan but they do clutter the board. I will think about it. The theater square will go across the river form the campus and commercial hub. The IZ will go northeast of the horses. I will chop the jungle hills and mine them for a +3 adjacency bonus. This will also help me grow faster. I still am planning to build Chicken Itza and will still have 7 jungle tiles after I chop the 2 jungle hills.
Currently building a builder, due in 5 turns. After that, will start a water mill to get the construction eureka for the Games and Recreation inspiration. Then it will work on its Harbor and start building ships. After I get a ship or 2 out, then I will put a settler in it. I may have to fit a grainery in there since it is pretty food heavy and can grow like a weed.
Currently building a monument, due in 3 turns. Next, it will build a galley and I will chop during its last turn to overflow into the encampment. the chop should almost finish if not start up finish it. I will then place a harbor when it grows to size 4 and then start cranking units. This city should be a good production city. I may switch it over to my primary settler city once I start letting the capital grow. It will have cows, wheat, and fish to grow back quickly plus a bunch of hills for production.
My new city started on a warrior. The captured 2-charge Builder is headed here and will harvest the marsh and chop into the warrior when I get the +50% card going, overflowing and finishing the monument. I will place a CH here once I get the marsh harvested. After the monument, it will work on the CH and after it grows, will start a few settlers to finish filling out this side of the island. I will want a theater square here and maybe a campus (?). I haven't decided on a third district yet, we will see. I am planning on building the Great Zimbabwe here for the awesome +14 gold trade routes form the city. I am still considering Stonehenge but don't know if I want to waste the hammers. We will see in the next 10-20 or so turns.
I am going to finish Archery next turn, followed by Shipbuilding the following turn and hopefully Horseback Riding the turn after. After that, I probably will go for Apprenticeship and bring Iron working to 1 turn. After Apprenticeship, nothing is pressing. I probably will bring a bunch of tech to 1 turn to keep district costs down and then do another rapid fire completion to bring chop values up. This will also prevent me from pulling too far ahead tech-wise from the other players and putting a big target on my back. And if I need something, I will finish it but at this time I don't see anything pressing beyond teh added production from apprenticeship.
PP is done in 5 turns or less. Next, I will finish Mysticism and Military Tradition for the envoys. Then work on Drama and Games and Recreation until I get the Inspirations. Other than that, I am going to chase inspirations and work towards Nationalism as fast as I can. My science is strong right now, now is the time to work on culture. If need be, I can put a library in Carnival if oledavy pulls ahead of me. I should be good once I get Drama. I will build theater squares as fast as I can to start getting GW points and Great Works to speed my culture rate up. I figure I should lead culture in about 50 turns, if not sooner. I will have a few good TS with at least +3 adjacency bonuses.
That is about it for my current strategy. Militarily, I want to stay in the top half of the field to prevent anybody from thinking I am an easy target. I want to build enough force to defend myself but not enough to attack until later in the game. Hopefully, I am left alone for now and everybody fights among themselves. We will see...
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Turns 67 - 69
Turn 67
Start this turn with...
My fourth tech in 4 turns. I also check and see I already have enough overflow to finish Horseback Riding in 1 turn...
Nice, I can probably get enough overflow to save a turn off Iron working too. I put Shipbuilding in next. I upgrade the Slinger at Carnival. Up at Salgueiro, I put down a mine on the salt. This cuts a turn off the monument and it will finish next turn...
I am starting get over the hump of long turn lengths without much happening.
Turn 68
Another turn, another tech...
Builder finishes at Carnival and start a Spearman, due in 4. Monument finishes at Salgueiro, start a Galley, due in 6. Captured Builder finally makes landfall at Beija-Flor, only 3 more turns until he can harvest the marsh for some quick growth. Here is an overview of my core...
The monument did cut a turn off of Political Philosophy, 2 turns to go. I did put Horseback Riding in and it will complete next turn. Made a stupid mistake this turn and forgot to move the archer and warrior to the sea to go after the southern barb camp. Remembered it after I sent the save. No big deal as I don't think anybody else ifs going after it, but we will see.
Turn 69
My last 1-turn tech of this nice little string...
Put in Iron Working, due in 2. I am going to change to something else next turn as I still want to make warriors. I will finish it if trouble comes but for now can leave it at 1 turn left. I check to see where teh next closes player is...
Germany has 12 techs to my 15 and a science rate of 21.2 to my 25. Japan has 11 techs and a higher rate than Germany and may be doing what I just did or researching something expensive. We will see where this little race goes from here. I will be over 30 bpt in 3 turns when I put the envoy from Mysticism in Stockholm.
Score-wise, I am third...
Germany has a city or 2 more than me and Japan has a few more districts and a religion. Hopefully I can catch up with Japan shortly. I have been reconsidering my settler plan a little. I am thinking I might build an Archer next at the capital and chop into to overflow to the C and then start a Settler. I am also thinking about settling the northern island first, instead of the southern. I think the southern island is a little safe for the time being where there may be a small race for the northern with Japan and England relatively close to it and it does have 2 irons and horses. I did start to move a few units in that direction to start taking care of the barbs. The warrior at Salgueiro is heading that direction now and the Slinger at Mangueiro will be upgraded next turn then sail north. Next turn, PP finishes and I can finally get into a better government.
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Turn 70
Second time writing this up. This about the 5th or 6th time that I will be writing these posts up and my fat figures accidentally hit some key that brings up the web script and the screen is just the background color. Anybody knows what is going on or how to fix it? It sucks because it is usually happens at the end of a post and I need to re-write everything an dam not sure if I cover all my thoughts. I may have to just write these in Word and copy/paste them to make sure I don't lose anything.
Anyways, finally get a better government...
I take Autocracy, because it seems the best option right now. The new policy set up is...
I will run Diplomatic League until the spearman is done and then switch to Colonization. I probably will run Maritime Industries until I can chop the galley. Both things will happen in 2 turns, just the right time for me to finish Mysticism. I would say I planned it that way but I am not that good at micro, it just worked out. I did check the chop values...
59 cogs. That should be good enough to finish the encampment in 1 turn (107 cogs) and take a big chuck out of the CH (102 cogs) at Carnival once I get a Archer built. Probably have 2 turns to complete it after the chop. In the south...
I don't know if this is the west end of Spain's island or just an uninhabited one. My galley will sail around the point and head northeast. My other galley is sailing north of Jerusalem to find out what is south of Japan and locate his capital.
I checked on my PBEM2 to see if I have a comparable start. My science in this game is 27.1 bpt versus 17.2 bpt and culture is 8.6 cpt versus 17.6 cpt. So my science is better and I have a few more techs but my culture is much less and have fewer civics. For comparison, I thin if you combine the two, I end up about the same. Right now I have 4 cities with a population of 14 versus 5 cities with 18 population, so I am a little behind in that aspect but overall I think I am doing just as good, granted I had 3 or 4 wonders by now but I am not China this game. I am near the top in this game, so I think am happy about how it is going so far. I am a little glad that I am not in the lead but high enough on the leader board that I don't look like a juicy target.
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(August 27th, 2017, 16:11)Woden Wrote: Turn 70
Second time writing this up. This about the 5th or 6th time that I will be writing these posts up and my fat figures accidentally hit some key that brings up the web script and the screen is just the background color. Anybody knows what is going on or how to fix it? It sucks because it is usually happens at the end of a post and I need to re-write everything an dam not sure if I cover all my thoughts. I may have to just write these in Word and copy/paste them to make sure I don't lose anything.
I've been doing that for my reporting and I actually find it easier than typing everything into the interface's reply editor. I will note that the website editor will take the font type (serif vs. sans serif at a minimum) as well as font formatting when you paste. I just use plain text with the formatting tags and paste.
August 28th, 2017, 23:22
(This post was last modified: August 28th, 2017, 23:23 by Woden.)
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Turns 71-72
@suboptimal: Thanks for the info, I am giving it a try in Notepad. I did start it in Word but hate the automatic formating and really don't want to change it, so switched to Notepad. Now I just need to make sure I use the right formatting codes...
Turn 71
An uneventful turn before a one of those turns where a bunch comes together. Just moved a bunch of units in the direction they are headed. I did harvest the marsh at Beijo-Flor and it did grow a population at the start, it is up to size 3 and will grow to size 4 next turn. Warrior in production drops from 6 turns to 3 turns….
I did notice that Japan is making a move in the science department...
Must be going full throttle on Campuses and Libaries. It must annoy oledavy that I am leading in science, something I noticed reading his PBEM2 thread. Can't blame him, I am the same way sometimes. I bet he thinks he will pull ahead, let's see where it stands next turn and see if I can annoy him a little more, ut we will get to that a little later. Anyways, let see what he has built...
He is making 5.8 gpp. He has 3 cities (I think), so 3 campuses and 2 libraries. His  is 27.6. Let's figure out his adjancy bonus. Empire score is 43. I think he has 2 holy sites. I can see he has a 4 pop and 3 pop city. Can't see his capital. So, 15 pts (cities) + 15 pts (2 holy sites & 3 campuses) = 30 points. This leaves 13 points for population and he has a 6 pop capital. 13 population * .7  /pop + 2 at Palace + 4 for libraries = 17.1  . That will give 10.5  left for adjacency. He probably has some extra amenties for 5% - 10% more by city, so I will guess he has a +9  for adjacency bonus. Not bad, I will have to remeber this if he takes a big jump soon, then I will know he is running the 100% adjacency bonus card at Recorded History. Now, I have a adjacency bonus of +7  now and +8 when the CH is built and 1 library. If I build another library, I will get teh same science he gets from 3 thanks to my wonderful GS. I think I will be fine in the near term and really won't need much else anytime soon. He won't be able to pull to far ahead. He is making 0.8 gpp more than me....well at least for this turn...
Turn 72
This is one of those turns you look forward to for a week, everything comes together...
Starts off by finishing...
I have a little business to take care of before I switch policies. First, let make sure I got 2 envoys into Mohenjo-Daro...
Nice. Also, I put the envoy from Mysticism into Stockholm, bringing me to 3 total for the +4  and +1 gpp per district, so +2 great scientist points. Next, I take a look to see where the galley is...
10 cogs left, good. The chop is worth 118 cogs and the encampment costs 109 (?). It will finsh next turn...
Now, let' sswitch policies, here is what I decided on...
I am not going to build another boat anytime soon, so I switch Maritime Industries to Conscription for +4  . I also don't need Diplomatic League, so I decided to run Inspiration to shave a turn off teh GS and mess with oledavy a little. I will run it for a few turns before I am ready to build settlers. I did put Military Tradition in but am going to switch to something else for a turn or 2 while I work on my new builds. Carnival finished the Spearman and started an Archer , due in 3 but will chop in 2 into the CH, then finish it before starting a Settler. Salgueiro finished the Galley, will finish the encampment next turn and will build an Archer before starting a Settler. Mangueira finsihed a Builder and will finish the monument before starting walls (for Engineering). I decide I will buy the watermill (for Construction) at Mangueira when I have the  in 10 turns. Beija-Flor's warrior is due in 2 turns but teh Builder will not be ready to chop next turn so I will put a turn into the CH before chopping into it. I did place the CH...
Look at those adjacency bonuses. I put it down on the +4  northwest of the city center. I decided to chop into teh CH instead of a monument because I can skyrocket my income when it is done. I will have the envoy from Military Tradition and an earned 1 in 7 turns. Both will go into Lisbon for the +4  per CH. I want more gold quicker so I can by a Builder when I settle the northern island. Get those cities growing quickly. More trade routes are also nice and each CH will give me +3 gpp thanks to Stockholm and my pantheon.
Here is the current score...
I am actually tied with of oledavy this turn. Also looks like TheArchduke has finished a bunch of civics. He was at 8 points for the longest time but now has 14 points, must have been waiting for inspirations. A few more productive turns before a long stretch of not much as Settlers are being built...
I will also add, I am digging the new yield you can see.