September 24th, 2017, 11:14
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Turn 109
The odds on the former city of Jotunheim didn't look good enough to risk an attack. So, the plan for my navy right now is to bottle Singaboy up. Right now though, I desperately need naval sentries in all directions. I'm going to slot Maritime Industries in with my next civic swap and begin to rectify that.
And so it begins:
Too bad the game is already all but over:
I shudder to think of what his production, gold, science, and culture will look like after he finishes Jpper007 off.
September 24th, 2017, 13:12
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Yeah, the chances of anyone but Singaboy winning this game are now very slim. But hey! At least you did everything you could!
Have to give Singaboy props, he somehow managed to invade with /just barely/ enough force to overwhelm Japper - a tremendous gamble, as if the Vikings had been more prepared his entire army could have been wiped out on the beaches. Really well done to bring it off as he did - hell, maybe the only reason he didn't overrun everyone in PBEM2 was his nasty barbarian start! :P
Anyway, here's hoping the VA comes off as planned and you can somehow rope Woden and Archduke into an anti-Germany pact while also keeping Spain from making a nuisance...Yeah, a tall order. I have confidence that if anyone can manage it, though, you can!
September 24th, 2017, 21:45
(This post was last modified: September 24th, 2017, 21:46 by oledavy.)
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(September 24th, 2017, 13:12)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Yeah, the chances of anyone but Singaboy winning this game are now very slim. But hey! At least you did everything you could!
I didn't, I could have done more. In my struggle to balance doing enough to delay him but not so much that it wouldn't put me behind relative to the other players, I hewed too close to the latter. In my defense though, it was a bit of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. I sent what forces I had to try and stem the tide and funded Jpper007 with money and resources. It was not enough. If I had gone all out, I would have had ground forces fighting him right now for the last vestiges of Norway, but at the expense of all my growth and expansion over the last bunch of turns - while Woden and Archduke pursued theirs unmolested.
I understand trying to mislead your opponents, but Singaboy's painting of me as the major threat in the diplo thread is truly laughable at this point. His empire score is double mine now. He's only about 15 SPT below me. I built up a giant SPT for just long enough to get me to tech parity with Singaboy and Woden (as of the present moment), and now all that SPT is going to do is hold me at parity with Singaboy. His production and population dwarf mine. And this is the most concerning thing:
As of 109, he has Merchant Republic. This means he's going to get at least 15 turns before me with access to the 100% production civic for medieval and rennaisance naval units. If I were him, I would be doing nothing but pushing navy for the next 20 turns and try to sew up the game before others get access to it.
The one bright spot is that Archduke has a massive GPT.
This means he can upgrade galleys to caravels to keep pace while he doesn't have the civic. I hope he has a lot of galleys built.
To be honest though, I'm expecting Singaboy to quash all the opposition to his rule in the next two dozen turns with a naval rush.
I made peace with Archduke and sent him a DoF.
Would be the first one of the game if it happens. Maybe we can form an in-game alliance.
This is the first turn Woden could have started Venetian Arsenal.
I wonder why he's been in Autocracy all this time if he hasn't been building wonders?
I founded my 7th city this turn.
Hopefully it has a better fate that Eros in Leviathan Wakes. Note CFCJesterfool is scouting around. His military power is still stagnant, for the moment anyway.
September 25th, 2017, 14:00
(This post was last modified: September 25th, 2017, 21:57 by oledavy.)
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Really wish Jpper007 hadn't referred the question of gifting me his remaining treasury to the diplo thread.
In my mind, it's objectively fair and not the slightest bit "king-making."
~180 gold is a very fair repayment for ~70 gold and 30 turns of iron.
Then there's my military venture, the four units I lost, and the opportunity cost of not having them elsewhere (Uranus for example). With that also in mind, I don't think there's any disputing its fairness.
I'm not confident other players will be able to offer input impartially, we shall see though.
September 25th, 2017, 20:30
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I am partial, but I think it's more than fair. You invested quite a lot in Japper, for your own selfish reasons of course, but nevertheless he benefited from it. Interest alone would make a 100 gold repayment more than kosher, and when you factor in the military losses that more than justifies more gold. It's not a cheese move like you gifting Japper a random city somewhere so Singaboy can't get his conquests out of occupation.
Anyway, I have more thoughts, but I'm tired and I have to be up early to teach tomorrow so I'll leave it there for tonight.
September 25th, 2017, 21:56
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(September 25th, 2017, 20:30)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: It's not a cheese move like you gifting Japper a random city somewhere so Singaboy can't get his conquests out of occupation.
I'm not going to lie, this was mildly tempting, but it would have been total cheese.
Turn 111
Archduke refused my offer of friendship, but sent this back. Is that when his NAP expires? Or is he attacking before it ends? Or does it have no significance in that regard?
I just hope he doesn't get totally blindsided by Singaboy before he can upgrade/reach frigates. I fear that's a real possibility. If Archduke researches Square Rigging and Exploration in time though, there is still a chance someone besides Singaboy can win. Singaboy pre-emptively attacking Archduke also theoretically brings in Woden, for the little that's worth.
It could be my paranoia, but its hard to not see this as anything but scouting for an attack. At any rate, I will have some Quadriemes in the area shortly to help defend against that. I'm also probably going to take Jpper007's gold and upgrade a couple swords next turn just to have some ground units that can actually defend on Saturn and in the Belt.
September 25th, 2017, 21:58
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(September 25th, 2017, 14:00)oledavy Wrote: I'm not confident other players will be able to offer input impartially, we shall see though.
I do want to say I was wrong here, the whole exchange was a lot more cordial than I thought it would be. I think Singaboy is being a tad bit litigious over ~120 gold, but at least he's being reasonable.
This whole game has not endeared me to public diplo though. It has frustrated me more than it's been helpful.
September 26th, 2017, 16:19
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(September 25th, 2017, 21:56)oledavy Wrote: It could be my paranoia, but its hard to not see this as anything but scouting for an attack. At any rate, I will have some Quadriemes in the area shortly to help defend against that. I'm also probably going to take Jpper007's gold and upgrade a couple swords next turn just to have some ground units that can actually defend on Saturn and in the Belt.
I would assume it's exactly that. Jester can't win at this point, so he has to be playing spoiler. Who is he going to want to spoil the most? Probably the guy just over the water who torched one of his cities. If Archduke and Woden could tie up Singaboy (no idea how to get Woden in on it, and I don't think the Archduke can manage alone, sadly), I have no doubts whatsoever of your ability to run over Spain the way German ran over Scandinavia. I think it's the only real way to set yourself up to compete with Singa on even footing...and sadly I have no real idea how to pull it off without leaving yourself vulnerable to German intervention.
September 26th, 2017, 23:09
(This post was last modified: September 26th, 2017, 23:10 by oledavy.)
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Quick hits tonight. You can gather a little more of what's going on from my posts in the diplo thread, but this post will be mostly photos.
Turn 112
Accepted Archduke's cotton request. I don't see any reason not to cultivate a closer relationship.
It looks like Archduke and I will be the dynamic duo that tries to bring down Singaboy, not Woden and Archduke. From his posts in the diplo thread, it seems pretty clear Archduke is annoyed with his erstwhile ally over Woden's attempts to play both sides. Good to know someone else is irritated with Woden's play.
I got a nice gold gift from the Vikings.
Enough to upgrade 3 swords before swapping out of mercenaries. Speaking of.
I won't be in this government for long, Merchant Republic is about 8/9 turns away. But, in the interim, it gives me some needed military slots, and allows me to cram out a few more hammers while building VA. I waited just long enough to get a +4% GPP production modifier from Classical Republic.
On Saturn, I cleared out the last barb this turn.
However, here's the big news.
A second caravel. And without my own ranged in the area, he may start trying to move his units to Saturn under the cover of his caravels blocking the narrow straight.
At any rate, it's not something I'm willing to screw around with. Titan is building walls, and I can chop them out next turn if it proves necessary.
My empire in its entirety.
Finished 2 Harbors this turn for some much needed gold, and they additionally allow me to field the four trade routes I need for the Inspiration. At this point, it's building those two traders, finishing up a couple needed economic builds (2 workers out of Callisto, Ganymede's harbor), then just pushing straight military for the foreseeable future. I'm 2 turns from Square Rigging. I'm going to delay finishing it while I finish an initial round of Quadriemes to serve as sentries/have on hand for upgrading. Then I will start pre-building frigates, finishing them when I get to press gangs.
We're in the thick of it now
September 27th, 2017, 09:50
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Turn 113
Same shit, different day. Singaboy continues to rail in the diplo thread that he's not the real threat and totally not on the cusp of sewing up this game. He will finish off Japper007 between turns and get his occupation penalties lifted.
About ~25 turns from war dec to player elimination, not bad. It's only 7 free cities
For what it's worth, I don't think he lost a single unit in that war.
Woden continues to play both sides, and Singaboy intimates that the Spanish will join them. I can't believe Woden will be truly dumb enough to fall for this rhetoric. His choices are essentially:
1. Side with Singaboy, Singaboy wins. But you got to build for awhile and I lost I guess, so revenge for PBEM2, kudos.
2. Side with Archduke (his ostensible ally), and me, and someone else besides Singaboy MIGHT win (still not sure on that front).
Anyway, good to know Archduke is finally woke to the threat. It came a little later than I would have liked, but now we are both heading in the only direction that gives us a decent game from here on out - confrontation with Singaboy. Speaking of:
No ground units embarked, so Titan is safe for now. But it doesn't mean my caravel can't sally forth and make use of DoTF. If he counter-attacks, it won't die, and I will get the +7 versus naval units promotion unlocked.
Just really waiting on Press Gangs at this point to really kick things into high gear.