Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 20

Soldier is Grey (can’t find the grey in the colour picker sorry).
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

Parasol 3

I think COVER has to be the strongest connection. I want to say PARACHUTE as well (and it's a questionable clue since they both have the same prefix, but it's not a compound word and I think it's legal, plus you could theoretically use a big parasol as a parachute (though I wouldn't want to)). The third word could be PRINCESS, but I think that Blue Team will point to that, so we shouldn't. It could also be QUEEN. The other possibilities I see are SLIP or GLOVE, both of which could be worn by a coquette who would carry a parasol. But I'm also hoping that someone else on Red Team has some good ideas.


Last word is tough. I saw ANTARCTICA first but that is a very weak connection (plus maybe even blue) so hopefully someone else has a better idea...


PRINCESS/QUEEN is possible but I would hope that we would get a specific clue to separate between the two if possible, and until we do I don't think we should touch either one (since blue is leaning PRINCESS). The links to SLIP and GLOVE seem as weak as ANTARCTICA if not more so but I don't have any better ideas...

I think this may be a Super Mario reference- Princess Peach uses a Parasol as a Parachute. Final word would then most likely be Cover.


Cover seems certain.
Parachute would be my second choice.
Third is very unclear to me. I would pick Princess if forced to make a choice.


Point to COVER

And, while we're waiting for judgement: I like Bob's reasoning for Princess as the third guess.

Both are red


In isolation, I agree that PRINCESS is probably the next best choice for Parasol (which isn't saying much, while it is a decent connection it isn't a direct one). The biggest problem with pointing to that now is that it's blue's +1 for Engagement, and if PRINCESS is red then what was the last Engagement word? I have difficulty believing that it would be MISSILE or QUEEN since SOLDIER and PRINCESS would be non-blue. I suppose it's possible Dp made a mistake with the clue, but it's far more likely that PRINCESS is the last Engagement word. If someone can give me a reasonable alternative for Engagement then I might support PRINCESS, but until then I'm firmly against it.

Unfortunately if PRINCESS isn't red then we're kinda stuck. Almost all the words can feasibly be weakly linked to Parasol (everything except PHOENIX and MISSILE IMO) so picking one is difficult, but given a 3 clue we probably shouldn't be passing either. The only 2 clues I have are:
  • Since blue wasn't given a unlimited, we should at least consider some of blue's suggested words for Sci-fi 6. Looking back, it seems that PLOT and ANTARCTICA were the best choices that are still unpicked, although blue was divided on whether to go for PLOT after SCREEN was red. To be fair, PRINCESS was also considered, although not without opposition, and it's likely the Assassin is among them too.
  • If David was originally planning a 4t game, but had to change it after seeing Sci-fi 6, then that could suggest that our last word easily pairs with SCREEN. Unfortunately I have far less of an idea of what that could be, although blue did consider PLOT pairing with SCREEN so that's something. There's bound to be more though (hell, there might be a possible 2-clue connection for all the remaining words).

I guess that makes me lean PLOT/ANTARCTICA, but I'm not sure I like either of them enough compared to passing. Honestly I'm really tempted to pass, even though we probably shouldn't. However I'd like to hear thoughts on PRINCESS and the final Engagement word before doing anything.

I don't see Princess as a particularly strong answer for Engagement: you could make just as good a case for Queen, I think. Other possibilities: Glove (smack someone in the face to engage in a duel), Bed (where you end up after presenting the engagement ring), Missile (allows you to engage the enemy from a distance).

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