October 24th, 2017, 14:43
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(October 24th, 2017, 06:19)Singaboy Wrote: @oledavy
Archduke has 2 frigates and 1 caravel just north of my Island, the rest is not visible to me. He might well amass his fleet to take me out, starting in 9 turns. I am trying to gather what I have to make his life difficult and deny him taking the last city as long as possible. Is there any naval support I can rely on or will he be able to simply take my cities again. You wouldn't want him to take the entire Island as it would put him into a position hard to beat.
Also, I have extra sugar, what could you trade for it?
@Woden, where is Archduke's current fleet?
I currently am already importing sugar if I recall correctly, I forget from whom. I will check in game and see if we can work out a deal for it if I'm not. In the event that I am, we can revisit this when my current deal runs out.
At present, my navy is not strong enough to beat Archduke's in a straight up fight....especially far away from friendly territory to heal in and DoTF. I now also have to detail at least a couple ships to defend Saturn from a land invasion. But, if you are attacked, my fleet will sail to your aid come hell or high water.
Just keep me appraised of your situation. In the defensible cities I recommend trying to build up to renaissance walls and staffing them with a frigate/crossbow. Keep the rest of your navy away from his fleet and safely hidden, so it may join in with my fleet for the counter-attack should he attack you.
October 25th, 2017, 06:19
(This post was last modified: October 25th, 2017, 06:20 by Singaboy.)
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@oledavy: May I suggest that you accept the deal I have proposed to you. It might help you in your planning to come to my aid. I can not stress enough how important it will be for your navy to come to my aid to prevent England from taking over my entire cities and get them out of occupation. It will most likely mean Archdukes victory. The production and economic power of German districts must not be underestimated.
In that regard, any monetary help to build my navy would be appreciated though I can fully understand your own needs in this respect.
October 25th, 2017, 06:42
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As everyone seems poised to prevent an overwhelming suprise attack from me on everyone else, might I inquire what happens if I do not attack anyone?
Everyone attacks me?
Right now the frenzy over my soon to be takeover of the world part baffles and part amuses me.
October 25th, 2017, 07:21
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No reason for your ships to be over that way, oledavy. If you are doing what I think you are doing, then it might be time to play Axis and Allies!
October 25th, 2017, 10:29
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(October 25th, 2017, 06:19)Singaboy Wrote: @oledavy: May I suggest that you accept the deal I have proposed to you. It might help you in your planning to come to my aid. I can not stress enough how important it will be for your navy to come to my aid to prevent England from taking over my entire cities and get them out of occupation. It will most likely mean Archdukes victory. The production and economic power of German districts must not be underestimated.
In that regard, any monetary help to build my navy would be appreciated though I can fully understand your own needs in this respect.
I accepted the deal. I will be keeping a close eye on things and keeping your situation in mind as I move my fleets around, always with an eye towards quickly deploying around Germany.
I unfortunately cannot supply you any gold however, my fleet is extremely expensive to maintain, and I am currently trying to save for ironclad upgrades.
October 25th, 2017, 16:51
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Actually, I may be able to get something to you. I just acquired two crab resources I wasn't counting on. I will need to check what my gold situation looks like a couple turns from now - I'm trying to balance supplying you with upgrading and paying upkeep costs. However, you can count on at least some crab money from me. Let's revisit this around t142, a couple turns before Archduke can possibly invade you, and let me know what you need then.
You see my fleet now, so you know the score.
Keep in mind, 2 of Archduke's ships are worth 3 of mine.
If I sail to your waters to fight, I give up the ability to heal, DoTF, and I have to account for whatever ships he can add in the 3-5 turns it takes me to get everything there. I won't sail unless I can guarantee a victory, otherwise we're both in as bad a situation as before I sailed.
That being said, I think I can make good on my desire to help protect you should it come to an invasion. I can't do anything about Zitronheim and Kiel, too far away and exposed. I can definitely contest your western sea though. Keep your navy safe for now at all costs, even one ship could make a massive difference in the outcome of an all-out battle. Also, don't count of me being there right on t144, I can't promise I will have enough ships by that time to win - depending on how fast Archduke is adding to his fleet. But, you have an ally, and I will do what I can.
You might hit up Woden for gold. Regardless of how he feels about me, if you or I are added to the British Imperium before his alliance with Archduke runs out, then it's basically GG for him, Minas Geraeses or not.
October 26th, 2017, 00:19
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Jerusalem and Spain will be eaten up soon. I think soon the playing field is levelled.
Jerusalem, was there not an offer somewhere about it to Woden?
October 26th, 2017, 00:21
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(October 25th, 2017, 16:51)oledavy Wrote: You might hit up Woden for gold. Regardless of how he feels about me, if you or I are added to the British Imperium before his alliance with Archduke runs out, then it's basically GG for him, Minas Geraeses or not.
Oledavy, "adding" you to my empire, is just plain delusional at this point, but feel free to spread that propaganda.
October 26th, 2017, 00:34
(This post was last modified: October 26th, 2017, 00:37 by Singaboy.)
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This whole thread has been nothing short of propaganda from all sides, why stop now?
It all started with me being the monster once Norway has been eaten up (if only you guys had known what plain and underdeveloped place it was). The propaganda won't stop to show that xyz is the strongest and just short of an automatic victory.
To me, this has been educational. I do not want to play again with such open diplomacy, it's pretty abrasive. I think, an AW game would be far more honest. Of course, Island maps are just too evil, the Oceans simply pose no obstacle for the stronger navy. It can crush any inferior navy at will. Lesson learned the hard way. (Compare that with the battles I fought with oledavy and Archduke during PBEM2, where terrain and cities could be used to the defenders advantage even when being inferior in technology and strength. It was only Alhambram's ridiculously OP cossacks, which, together with GG more or less ignored terrain)
October 26th, 2017, 09:39
(This post was last modified: October 26th, 2017, 10:05 by Woden.)
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(October 23rd, 2017, 21:33)oledavy Wrote: If you want to revisit my offer for Jerusalem and accept it, I am very open to that. However, I really need the money now if that is the case. With this in mind, please either consider accepting my current loan offer, or declining it and on your turn offering me 480 gold for Jerusalem.
(October 26th, 2017, 00:19)TheArchduke Wrote: Jerusalem, was there not an offer somewhere about it to Woden?
Yes, there was but I think oledavy thinks he is in a good enough position to win that he can screw me over for a subpart island city and 3 turns of gold.
I think it is in your best interest to sail your fleet west. Most of Japan's fleet in around Hong Kong or just west of Hong Kong. Japan's fleet is roughly 9 Frigates and 9 Caravels. and some are injured from attacking Spain. Right now, you are about par in fleet size and you have the advantage of 2 GAs and should be able to wipe out his fleet. Not sure how long that will last.
If you wipe out his fleet, his empire is open to you. He only has 2 cities with any walls and all but 1 is on a coast. I do have a ship move towards his fleet location so you can have visibility. If you need map information, let me know and I can send a ship around his territory to give you visibility.