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Horsebowmen revisited

I've been focusing on actually playing rather than posting this time around, and I'm having fun again. I'm back to one of my favourite strategies: Horsebowmen with Omniscient and Heavenly Light. It's still an absolute powerhouse, and it's highly reliable for both short-term and long-term advantages.

3x Life (Heavenly Light, Holy Weapon)
2x Chaos (Flame Blade)
1x Nature (hoping for Resist Elements, Web, Water Walking, Nature's Eye - got Resist Elements, Nature's Eye and Call Centaurs)
Cult Leader

It's February 1409 now, and these are my stats:
12 cities
114 population
346 net gold per turn (103 army upkeep)
607 power (3 medium Arcanus nodes)
Casting skill 120 (+8 from the Druid)
Heroes: Chosen, Beastmaster and Druid

Life: Incarnation, Raise Dead, Heavenly Light, Astral Gate, Just Cause, Divine Order, Endurance, Holy Weapon, Holy Armour, Heroism, Planar Travel, Invulnerability
Chaos: Hell Hounds, Wall of Fire, Warp Wood, Flame Blade, Shatter, Warp Creature, Mystic Surge, Fire Bolt, Raise Volcano
Nature: Resist Elements, Nature's Eye, Earth to Mud, Earth Lore, Call Centaurs, Sprites

Basically Nature gives me Resist Elements and +2 pop for my cities. Resist Elements is huge, though. I'm facing many sprites, and it's a life saver there. My armies get so much stamina from this one spell, and it's cheap with no upkeep.

Chaos was both for extra power and for Flame Blade. I get a lot of added utility, Warp Creature in particular has been used on numerous occasions. I just recently got Mystic Surge and it's extremely potent. Flame Blade has been used a lot, letting me field deadly Horsebowmen very early on.

Life is as awesome as always, giving me a large complement of unit buffs for my units. Picking Holy Weapon as a starting spell may seem questionable, but I feel it was the right choice. Endurance and Heroism are also great, but Holy Weapon does far more for Horsebowmen. Heroism gives me +2 attack, on a unit with 7 attack that's far less than Holy Weapon gives me. I also get armour, health and crosses but those matter a lot less to me. I just want heavy ranged damage early on, giving me critical mass to punch through things and take out enemies at a distance of 3 before they can hit me.

Big Picture
I started next to Horus, and picked a fight with him early on. He took the nearby High Elf and Orc neutrals, leaving me with just 4 cities. That was way too little, and I had the forces to take the fight to him. My cities all had minerals, letting me buff my horsebowmen quickly. I also took 2 Sorcery nodes defended only by Nagas, only needed around 5 horsebowmen to take out 9 nagas in two battles. Horus was fielding mostly War Bears and Sprites against me, neither posed much of a threat. He did, however, use Guardian Wind to great effect against me so I started investing in Priests as complementary units. I was getting ready to take out his capital guarded by 9 Sprites (all with blue buffs, probably Focus Magic and possibly Guardian Wind as well), and that sounded like an expensive proposition even for buffed horsebowmen. I traded for Astral Gate in the meantime and was able to plop next to Sharee. I had just acquired Catwalk the Chosen One, and with him I mowed through her on Myrror. She has 4 visible cities left + various riff raff elsewhere, and I can take it at will. I'm hoping she will respawn so I can take more spells from her.

I've made peace with Horus, but will take him out shortly with a stack of buffed priests. Tlaloc is roaming my lands with a bunch of werewolves, they pose absolutely no threat if he decides to attack. My cities are all reasonably well stacked with horsebowmen and priests, not going lightly on defense this time. It also seems to deter attacks heavily, maybe a bit too heavily.

I'm snowballing big time now, and I have the units and spells needed to win. If I don't research anymore spells (which I am, of course) I think I'll be able to cruise to victory. The biggest threat is probably Dispelling Wave, since I rely so heavily on buffs. Guardian Wind won't be a big problem anymore, my armies are starting to be more mixed. And with the Chosen One, I should be able to chop through anything. Crossing fingers that this prediction isn't too confident, I don't really have much late game experience and I do have two powerful enemies left still. I'm going to keep playing aggressively while I have momentum, I don't want to see them tossing rare and very rare spells all over the place.

What difficulty, and how much lower production do the 2 strong enemies have roughly?

Lunatic, High Power, Max land, Normal minerals and land. What do you mean by how much lower production?

Okay, this won't be easy at all. I just realized that Tlaloc (biggest opponent, and quite formidable) has Cult Leader + Heavenly Light + Dark Rituals. That's downright scary. There's no way I'll keep him from powering into his end game in 1-2 years, so I'll need to brace myself for heavy spells soon. He has 6 Life, 4 Death, 1 Chaos and 1 Nature.

Oh, and he's already running around with The Chosen.

I meant power production, compared to your 600 ish.

They're higher, sadly. Tlaloc is an absolute monster with his power combo, currently at around 1700. Raven is around 800. I'm hoping to grow massively through conquest now, new cities benefit me greatly due to my retorts. That said, I think I need production rather than power. I'm already at 136/144 casting skill (with Spellweaver), it costs me 181 power to grow another point.

Main mistake I've made is to slow down on conquests when I consider an AI to be down, hoping to pry more spells from his cold, dead hands. I don't need more spells that badly, gaining more cities would be worth far more. I really like the change to fortress strikes, conquest strategies are far more varied now.

Huh. My own thought us that power production is the best guage for overall 'winningness' level.

To me, you should lose against Tlaloc.
I'd love to hear how it actually goes.

However, please note that I never use heroes offensively except Jaer to fly things; only if I absolutely can't win any other way will I take the heroes out of my fortress. This may skew my perceptions, as heroes are completely unrelated to power production. (I consider heroes overpower monstrosities that are effectively 'I win' cards for the human.)

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