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Question about difficulty effects

Can anyone point me to a description of the effects of the various difficulty levels for MoO? What is different on Impossible vs. Hard vs. Average? (Or even Easy, for completeness, not that I intend to play on Easy. lol) I know that you have more starting pop below impossible, but what other changes are there?

I am looking at going back and playing some of the old Imperia, and (hopefully) posting some shadow reports. Some of them are not at impossible, and I am curious as to what differences I should expect.


I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but if I remember correctly, the AI gets a +25% bonus to production (of everything) on Average, +100% (I think) on Hard, and +300% (I think) on Impossible. They also tend to get free colony ships more slowly (and therefore expand more slowly) at lower difficulties, though there is a random element involved. AIs also build far fewer missile bases on lower difficulties (they stop building bases when they reach a bases : max-pop ratio of N on a given planet, and N increases with the difficulty level, but I don't remember the exact figures).

Tech costs are also lower for the player at lower difficulty levels; I don't remember if the AIs' costs are also higher though, and again I don't have the actual numbers in front of me.

Thanks for the info, RefSteel!

I had forgotten about the missile bases -- that is definitely a significant difference. Tech and build costs I had assumed would scale; the exact numbers don't really matter that much, although they would be interesting to know just for curiosity's sake.

On colony ships, do the AIs actually get free ones? I thought they just did not get consumed by founding a new colony like the player's colony ships do, and the AI still had to build new ones when their tech changed (better drives, upgraded colony bases, etc.).

No they absolutely appear from nowhere.
My most blatant example: I had a containment fleet parked over the AI's last planet and was bombing each turn to eliminate factories and keep pop low. Suddenly there was a colony ship in transit toward one of my worlds that hadn't been there the turn before.

Interesting...thanks, Ianus. I had assumed that AI colony ships just did not get consumed; it seemed to explain how they could grab so many worlds so quickly and still always have one or more in their fleets.

Yes they typically appear in established fleets which is why one doesn't often notice them. Sometimes though...

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