As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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TheArchduke's third time's a charm as England

Some rather rough, desperate turns.

The loss of I want to break free, hurts, a lot. It was one of my science cities. Nothing to do but soldier on.

Oledavy´s final play of ceding the VA to me to probably "rouse" Woden to attack the 2nd place instead of Oledavy who has been running away with the game and has not won because he wanted to conquer too much at the same time and came despite that too close to break my back in the battle of the North Sea, has failed.

I buy 1 catapult and finish two more for some land bombard punch.


I found a luxury dot city for incense, called the "The Great Pretender" in honour of Oledavy´s play.
Also I will finish the Colosseum to get rid of a bit of my amenity problem.


Apart from that I move most of my fleet and GAs towards my capital to unite my fleet to help Woden.

1 Submarine and 1 Frigate Fleet will stay back and harass Singaboy´s shores.


Apart from that my morale has risen a bit as Oledavy is finally against the Wall with me Woden.

The odds to win this? Slim. Woden has no concept of warfare and aggression, his "invasion" of Singaboy was laughably suboptimal.
Despite everything I think I have shown that I am a player not to be trifled with after PBEM #1 and PBEM #2 I kinda needed that.

(November 9th, 2017, 02:11)TheArchduke Wrote: Despite everything I think I have shown that I am a player not to be trifled with

Yep.  You may or may not win any particular game at this point, but you're pretty much always going to be in contention.  Anyone who wants to win will have to figure out how to handle you.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


For whatever it is worth, I am rooting for you. Haven't had time to read the thread yet but really look forward to it. Good Luck. smile
Global lurker smile ; played in Civ VI PBEM 4, 5, 15; DL suboptimal Civ VI PBEM 17

It seems Woden will not fall like a house of cards, which is good and preferable.

Toronto and the conquest of tea coupled with the Colloseum means I am finally down to -1 and even 0 amnetity in my core. A close thing, I am not sure how Oledavy would do without his massive conquests of amnetities.


What do the lurkers think?

I think a concession is in order, I can´t win this with Woden as an ally, he wasted his perfectly good fleet rather nicely and Singaboy which would be a competent ally is of no help whatsoever since 20 turns.

I am not seeing how I can win this or prevent a Oledavy win.

Also what is the convention, play it out till someone wins? Concede if the maths look impossible.

Basically without a german conquest augmenting my strength this is over.

Woden is now only a speedbump winning me 15-20 turns more to play this.

I think the RB tradition is to mention in your thread that you're willing to concede and soldier on.
The lurkerati will bring it to the players attention when all or a majority of the players are ready to concede.

That's the way I have seen it work in AI Diploy only games. No idea how the Public Diplo thread changes things.

No matter how this goes, I think you have played a good game and really improved over the last PBEMs. You're certainly much better than I'll ever be!

Yeah, it generally works like Ituralde says, but part of the reason is to avoid information leaking on player hope levels.  I'd think you can bring it up in the public diplo thread if you want since that info is already out there, but I'd suggest you not.

Concession at this point would definitely require both you and Woden to want to concede.  It would be best if Singaboy also was willing, but 3 out of 4 is probably good enough.

Personally I would suggest that you keep playing as long as Woden appears to be having fun.  Don't try to talk him into concession, though you can agree if he offers. If you're right about the course of the game from here, it should become increasingly obvious pretty quickly, so you wouldn't be really investing all that much extra time.

Who knows?  Maybe he's got some brilliant plan in mind that will turn things around, but only if kept secret from OleDavy.  In that event, you'd regret conceding early.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


This is not going to be as good or as exhaustive as Oledavy´s report, but I will try to fill in the gaps of my reporting and how I saw and experienced the game.

First off I want to thank all other players for providing a hell of a ride of a game.

Initial Phase. Turn 1-50

So I drew a rather picturesque and nice start, nothing at all like the mediocre PBEM #2 situation.
My capital was decent, placed rather securely in the northwest of my continent.
I had a nice CS next to me, Carthage, but it turned out a waste as I was way more likely to build harbours instead of encampments as England.
My plan pretty much worked out as I wanted it to do, I wanted to expand quickly over my continent, explore with 2 galleys and avoid an early war if possible.


# What went right
Going builder first and relying on the warrior for exploration of my continent was the right way to go about things.
I think my Dotmap was good, although the settler cost increased caught me on the wrong foot, I should have spread out more.
Breakthru turned out to be an excellent second city, having the decent production to allow me to expand quickly

# What went wrong
Barbarians blocking my expansion
The Settler scouting the CS turned out to be a useless waste of turns
Not using a worker to explore for CS and easy envoys.

Catchup Phase. Turn 50-100

Very low amount of reporting during this time. Basically I slogged through turn after turn trying to make my cities more productive.

# What went right

My rapid and quick deployment of numerous harbours carried me through most of the game militarily and economically.

# What went wrong
Whilst the Show must go on turned out to be a rather decent city, I was worried there, We will rock you was always a stepchild imo not proving to be worth it in terms of investment.
My focus on expansion prevented early building of districts thereby denying myself a decent early culture and science rate, from which I never really recovered especially in comparison to Oledavy (though his super powered districts certainly did not help.

Expansion phase Phase. Turn 100-125

Norway´s demise dominated the game and lead myself to an ill advised alliance with Oledavy.
I would have been MUCH better off sticking with Singaboy, attacking Woden and afterwards Oledavy together with Singaboy. But the conquest of Norway blinded me to Oledavy´s strength like it would do later to Singaboy himself and nearly Woden.

I am happy and proud about Operation Sudden Strike. I had exactly the right amount of army and navy to quickly conquer both CS and that coupled with having a suzerain bonus which provided fresh water to my waterless cities and population expansion saw me rise from the last spot to the second spot.


# What went right

Operation Sudden Strike, both Carthage and Stockholm which proved to be awesome cities and denying others their envoy bonuses. I never got any decent quests by them so they were useless to me.

# What went wrong
Building way less quadriremes and galleys then I could. Those babies took 3-4 turns a mere shadow of what frigates would prove to cost down the line, and whilst I was lacking in production I was literally swimming in money.

Conquest, Pride and Stagnation Phase. Turn 125-145

Except for my mistake in not building cheaper and older ships before going for Square Rigging, my fleet, tactics and planning of the Conquest of Germany went a lot better then I expected. Singaboy was overstretched, unprepared, had 2 coasts to defend and was poised to attack Oledavy with his army.

But Pride comes before the fall, agreeing to the norwegian peace was a HUGE mistake imo. I should have kept going for the german core and let Oledavy go for Norway, I would have gotten the only 2 good cities, the norwegian capital and old Midgard very easily. 

2 Reasons persuaded me, being nice to Singaboy and keep him in the game (well that did not work out as you can see from the diplomacy thread. And the damn, damn, stupid occupation mechanics of CIV VI.

I perfectly knew that the VA would be a monster on such a map, but my poor science rate meant I was always chasing behind the pack, barely snatching key techs in time like Navigation, Square Rigging and Steam Power.

If not for my timely recruitment of Darwin Oledavy´s fleet would have massacred me. So it only hurt me, and whilst Oledavy could throw away ships with abandon (like 4 subs after the battle) I could not.


# What went right

The conquest of Germany by fleet

# What went wrong
Tactically nothing, my strategic mistakes came back to haunt me.
Attacking Singaboy the second time, his scouting for Oledavy persuaded me that I had to strike first, I should have taken his DOF the minute he gave me Norway. Alas...

Downfall Phase. Turn 145 to the end

Oh boy, after the dust had settled on the Battle in the Northern Sea, I never truly recovered my strength or my intiative. I knew my only chance was a quick conquest of Germany, but Singaboy´s stubborn GG fueled defense proved to my undoing, I could not make headway quick enough against his inland settled cities. This game was over after my pyrrhic victory as whilst Oledavy could easily replace his losses, I could not.

# What went right


# What went wrong

ELECTRICITY, scared by Oledavy´s actually useless subs, I never did build enough Sea Dogs which were an awesome unit and could have swung some battles even harder for me. Point of notice, they are able to take over Frigates not subs, it seems.

ELECTRICITY, because yes, twice.

The alliance with Woden. I think Woden is a great economical player, but he always builds too much infrastructure, too little military and is not one for decisive battles.
Both his ill advised invasion of Germany and his blunder with his MG fleet handed Oledavy the game.

Appreciate the postgame summary. Good stuff!  thumbsup

Very nice post game analysis. Would have been interesting to see a game without the Norwegian Peace Treaty.

Also Elictricity seems to be a fateful tech on water maps.

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