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Alhambram's 1001 nights (turns) stories as Persia.

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Well, a new PBEM! And I did choose Persia from my picks, purely for fun and to test out its powers in multiplayer game!

A closer look of Persia:
Everyone freaks out when reading that all units of Persia gains 2 extra movement points when declaring surprise war and instantly declares Persia a overpowered civilization.
However after analyzing it calmly, some shortcomings shows up. Other player can actually prevent me triggering this power by declaring me war instead me declaring them a surprise war. 
Moreover if other player never sign peace with me, I can't trigger its power ever again, so there is room to screw up me. I do have a little solution against this scenario: 
Player A declare war at me and prevent triggering Cyrus's power, I declare surprise war at player B and use extra movement to invade player A. Though downside is that I gets in 2 vs 1 situation at wrong end then.
Conclusion: 2+ movement when declaring war do look overpowered at first view, but there are ways to screw up with it, so it is manageable for my opponents.

In my opinion the true overpowered ability of Persia: no occupation penalty! So when I conquer one of my opponent's city, I can make full use of that city from start and I don't suffer 75% penalty of all yields in occupied cities. In PBEM 2 I did suffer greatly from occupation penalty at end of game, I did conquer 11 cities and all of them didn't really help me besides owning them and I think that I managed to complete handful a building or units in occupied cities which did contribute very little in war against oledavy and Woden. With Persia it is going be very different story!

Satrapies: Extra trade route when reaching Political Philosophy civc and +2 Icon_Gold and +1 Icon_Culture greatly contributes with growth of my empire. Don't underestimate one higher road level, combined with 2+ movement I can carry out a truly surprise war or move my units over large distances. If I decides to add Great General here, it would be terrifying. 

Pairidaeza: unlocks with Early Empire civic, so I can build it fairly early and I can possibly skip building monuments for culture. Instead I can gain culture from trade routes (see Satrapies) and building Pairidaezas. Pairidaeza can't be built next each other and moreover they offer adjacent bonuses to holy site, theater, commercial district and city. So a city planning for long term is needed here to not screw up, although Pairidaeza can be removed since it is a improvement unlike districts which can't be removed. The appeal bonus gained with Pairdaeza allows me to aim for cultural victory with tourism if game drag till in modern age.

Immortal: this is probably most weird unit of civilization 6. It is a melee unit and a replacement for swordsman, but it attack is ranged. Which means that I can't capture cities with immortal (in test game I was wondering long when I can't take a defenseless city with 4 immortals  smoke). Which mean I need to back up immortal with horseman, heavy chariot or warriors to able capture cities. 
Also a wacky thing is that despite Immortal using ranged attack, it promotion tree is based upon melee unit, which mean that Immortal won't gain extra ranged attack through promotion and is stuck at 25 ranged atk. Normal archer with promotion get 30 ranged atk. 
True strength of Immortal lies in its resilience, with strength of 30 (still weaker than swordsman which fields 36 strength) it can survive strikes which normal archer would die. This way Immortal can pile up promotions which often boosts his melee (defensive) strength. Also his range of 2 allows me hit enemy melee units earlier and damage them before engaging melee. Enemy archers lose against Immortal due having lower strength. Horseman can rush in and win battle against Immortal but not one shot kill it with one or two horses, so Immortal can counter attack here. 
Therefore I need to play strategically, if possible find choke point or hills where Immortals can attack from and make difficult for enemies to reach Immortals fast.

I look forward to see the DLC civs in action. Persia sounds interesting. I wish you the best of luck!

Turn 1:

When opening my save, I saw this:
Spoilers for PBEM 5 players and dedlurkers.
oh the deja vu.... Again a food poor start similar as my game as Arabia in PBEM 5 and also tundra nearby, Dance of Aurora again? lol.

I moved my warrior to north and saw sea, fog gazing at east implies just more plain tiles. So I decided to settle city upon forested hill one tile west of my starting tile.
Upon climbing forested hill my settler got better view over area:
Foggazing tells that there are green tiles at west of ivory tile.

Turning on settler map implies that there is some potential fresh water city spots at northwest:

Finally it seems that suboptimal and Emperor K both founded their capitals on spot, dunno about TheArchduke since he plays after me. I shall find out next turn.

So it starts!

Turn 2:
Founded my capital Aladdin (I am going name cities after stories from 1001 nights).
Scout in 6 turns and then a builder, start research animal husbandry for horse pasture. After that pottery-irrigation for citrus.

TheArchduke did found his capital at 1st turn too, so I am only one who founded capital one turn later.
Great People screen didn't show any interesting Great People, all of them pretty mediocre. Mountains at southwest offers me a opportunity to build campus and holy site (eventual with Dance of Aurora).

Turn 3-5:

Nothing is happening...just scouting with my warrior while Aladdin grows and produce scout who is going to east.
At turn 5 Emperor K went to size 2 population.

Turn 6-9:

Scouting further and my warrior found a science city state and shall contact it next turn.

Meanwhile at Aladdin tile picked horse tile and I am working with that tile now. I completed scout and started producing builder. I am playing with fire since barb scout already discovered Aladdin and possible barb invasion can occur soon.

Emperor K already finished a tech, I shall do that after 2 turns. I founded my capital one turn later than all other players, also Emperor K was first to get size 2 which explains him getting tech now already compared with me. But it shall change soon with me contacting science city state next turn.

Turn 10-12:

Met Hattusa as first and gain 2 extra Icon_Science per turn, nice. Which mean after I finished Animal Husbandry, I went for Pottery and Irrigation after Animal Husbandry to able improve citrus for amenity with my first builder soon. I shall improve one wheat farm, horse pasture and after that plantation at citrus tile. 
As you can see, I shall finish four things after 3 turns: pop growth, builder, tech and civic. I plan to build one slinger for defense after builder: barb camp is not far at east for now my scout at east is attempting to distract barb spawning out camp, so that they don't go for city and its improvements. After finishing slinger, I shall produce settler.

Further scout at west and east didn't reveal other things for now, only some nice city spots. And oh, I did purchase 1/3 tile, maybe too prematurely but I was bit nervous about presence of barb camp in east.

Turn 13-15:

At turn 13 found another continent in east, also big lake which can make that place a great choke point against potential neighbor.

Then turn 15 which many things are completed. Bad news: barbs decided to visit Aladdin.
I completed Pottery and Code of Laws, policy swap to Discipline for +5 against barbs and Urban Planning for extra production.
Finished builder and he improved farm resulting in eureka for Irrigation which I shall research next. Aladdin build slinger in 3 turns thanks that purchased 1/3 tile.

Warrior in west didn't find anything for long time, maybe scouting in bad direction?

Turn 16-20:

Improved horse tile, got Horseback Riding eureka. Barb slinger pillage horse pasture, but I managed to bring my worker in safety in Aladdin. When all barbs are dealt with, builder shall repair horse tile first before he use last charge upon Citrus tile.
Finished Irrigation and started mining, I intend to research Bronze Working after mining.

In north I met scout of Emperor K (Poland and eureka for Writing), I have yet locate his city. But at turn 20 I see a city upon my settler lens nearby my scouting warrior in west, Emperor K's city or a city state? Speaking of Emperor K, he is first to found his second city. I love to afford that luxury if I didn't have some barb trouble around Aladdin.
In west I met with city state Valletta, its envoy has been taken away by someone already, I think that Hattusa is going be only one city state that I met first.

Next turn I should get Archery eureka by killing one of wounded barbs with slinger, turn after that warrior completed to mop up barbs around Aladdin and the clean up the camp. I intend to produce settler after warrior, which mean I am likely to keep Discipline and Urban Planning policies after I finished Craftsmanship.

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