Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

That's fine. I've read the chat.

We should probably pull some longbowmen towards La Mut. Not so much that the defense is sacrificed by the Romali border.

Are India and Rome at war?

[SIZE="5"]Update T151 and T152[/SIZE]

Current war status:
The Empire captured the Inca city Tiwxc,bm (what's it called?)
Korea razed an Empire city to close to their border.

We have a warrior near the battle site between The Empire and the Inca's. The Inca's have a varied army while the Empire has a few cats (from us) and a lot of preats.

Alphabet will be done next turn, onto paper and bulb Philo for a possible Tao holy city. Great Scientist is ready.

Rolan finished the LB and I started a Forge there. It can build some triremes or more LB's after that.
Krondor finished LB, and will finish a Cat and Spear the next two turns due to a whip. Going to put a forge in there after the military is done. Krondor will be defended by 14 units then.
Sethanon grew to size 8 and is building missionary's.
Crydee finished a LB and is building another one.
La Mut whipped a Cat and put the overflow in the next settler.
Stardock finished a LB and started another one.
Land's End got whipped for the Axe at size 4, overflow in Granary. Will build/whip a worker there after the granary.
Yabon is working on the granary. What do we build there next?
Port Natal will finish a Rathaus soon and start a Library.
Queg will finish the monument and grow without whipping. Granary after that and then a worker?

I send a cat and preat to La Mut to start troubling Korea there. I put a LB in the unchopped forest and we can advance with 2 cats, a chariot, preat and axe to start bombing the defenses in a few turns.

talked to Dantski and he's not willing to sign a new NAP. We need to contact India about that as well.

So far, so good!

When you say a lot of praets ... does that mean ... 20-ish?

Yabon - not sure what to work there next. I'll have to check the game. When do we finish the granary? Queg - granary -> worker and we do need a lighthouse somewhere

Okay, let's hope we can cause Korea some trouble. Rather than bombing (which i consider a waste of turns) try to see if we can bring enough units to attack and raze (or capture) the city all in 1 turn.

Haven't checked the game, so my judgement might be off a bit .... going from memory here. Tonight I have no free time

EDIT: What turn order are we in for the war? First half?

[SIZE="5"]Turn 153[/SIZE]

We are first in the war order.

Alphabet researched and Philosophy bulbed. Taoism founded in Yabon. Nice place with the culture pressure from The Empire. Paper will be done in 5 turns (2 turns 0%) and then we need to see what else we need for Education.

Shuffling some troops to La Mut to make an attack possible.

Changed a lot of builds to infrastructure after military finished.

Yabon and Crydee are working on a Rathaus, Krondor on a Forge, Land's End on a Granary.
I'll whip Stardock next turn for a LB and build infra there as well, maybe a Rathaus as well. After that round of infra we can start on more settlers/workers/military.

[SIZE="5"]Turn 154[/SIZE]

We got a message from India telling us that they will aid their friends Korea. Guess it's 4 against 4 after all.

India got a Great Engineer and bulbed Machinery (my best guess) and will go for Guilds now to get Knights. Maybe we should alter our tech plan a bit due to this new information.

India, Korea and we are the only three civs in Bureacracy.

Whipped Crydee and Stardock for a Rathaus and Longbow. Next turn we'll finish 2 rathauses, saving over 10 gpt in maintenance.
Sethanon finished a missionary that is going to Crydee.
Queq finished the monument and will build a Granary next. What do we do there next?

All in all, things still look good. Whipping rathauses will save a lot of gold to go to research.

We're into t155 now and we can steal a Korean worker.
Should we do this? I think we should.

Yes, why not. smile

India going after Guilds basically means we need Engineering. We've already got the prerequisits for it, tight?

I wish I could login but it's not our side of the turn yet. frown

Yes, we can research Engineering.

You can look into the game even outside our 12 hours, so feel free.

Played the turn.

[SIZE="5"]Turn 155-156[/SIZE]

Still building infra and a little military and shuffling troops.
I don't think we can attack Korea without jeopardizing our north, so I won't go for that. I'll start building more military once this round of Infra is done and we maybe have Machinery.

Do we tech Engineering before Machinery?

Settler done to go to Centralia and settle either "Central Centralia" to give us bananas or Carse to secure the coast. We need more health resources, but Í'd feel safer not overstreching now.

I'll whip some more the next few turns to speed things up.

I had a look at the game.

1. Settle by Carse. It's safer, closer, less maintenance, and doesn't overextend ourself [we also get bananas there anyway]. Personally, I'd rather that the settler go to a second city spot in our "personal island" but we've got no galley there.

2. We need a workboat for Queg in 8 turns (when it pops borders) and we also need 1 other worker (we've only got 7, we need 1 more for jungle cities like Carse). I suggest that Rolan, after growing to size 14, build a worker then a workboat. Rolan needs one of its plains hills mined, but the clsoest worker we've got is in Crydee building a plantation that will take 5 turns.

3. Engineering requires the knowledge of Machinery. So we'd have to research Machinery -> Engineering which really jeopardizes our chances at winning Liberalism. The only way I can fathom that we'd succeed in Lib + Engineering is if an ally can gift us a great scientist. Perhaps we need to make a request? Our next great scientist is in 47 turns. As of now I suggest that we research Machinery after paper, but hold off on Engineering until it's necessary.

4. Cities we shouldn't whip in the near future unless it's an emergency: (1) Queg, (2) Land's End, (3) Rolan, (4) Krondor, (5) Crydee, (6) Sethanon

5. I juggled around the tiles in La Mut so it grows to size 8 next turn.

6. As far as attacking Korea ... I think we should just keep our longbowmen, etc. on that forest that is bordering Korea. Korea will not attack that stack so we're pretty much safe on that front. If we can bring about 5-6 extra units with siege, then by all means let's attack, but not now.

Last thing ... Nakor do you know if building a cottage directly on a forest is faster than chopping, THEN cottaging?

Tech situation.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0569.jpg]

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