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Alhambram's 1001 nights (turns) stories as Persia.

Turn 67:

Unfortunately that Polish encampment got zone of control which causes my units get stuck on tile SE of encampment, so I shout Hail Mary and go!
Not most ideal positions for my army, but I don't get other choice since it is last turn of my extra movement points. Upgraded one more warrior into Immortal.

Immortal SE of encampment got enough movement left to attack, before fall patch Immortal could only perform ranged attack, but now I can choose:
Melee attack:
Ranged attack, click on ranged attack icon, if you want back to melee, again click on ranged attack icon:
This turn I used ranged attack for free XP while my immortal is still free of injuries. I think that it compensates a bit for 30 base strength compared with normal swordsman with strength of 36: ability to farm XP without getting injured. 

Since it is 10 turns that I declared war on TheArchduke, I offered him peace treaty. I think that he shall reject, then I might declare war on Suboptimal in anger and again get 2 extra movement points. mischief

Two turns has passed since last post, little summary:

Battle is ongoing, turn 68 I killed a warrior, no losses.
Turn 69 Emperor K ambushed with two horsemen from two sides, well done. One of immortals was killed and one of Emperor K’s horsemen was killed in response. And I finished Mysticism and used envoys to suzerain Armagh, hopefully it creates more pressure om Emperor K.

Turn 68:

When opening save I saw this:
My immortal was attacked by 2 warriors and archer but he survived. I moved immortal SW of Ahmed into city and he shot together with archer across sea to kill warrior.
Then my wounded immortal moved east and promoted, yeah he won't be killed next turn, right? And at end of turn:
Also this turn Emperor K adopted Oligarchy making his warriors harder to kill. TheArchduke did accept peace, that I didn't expect. Maybe he did sense my intention to declare Suboptimal war if he didn't accept. mischief 
This mean that I can use extra movement points after 10 turns again, this way I also prevent Suboptimal becoming too strong by declaring war on him too often.

And then turn 69 when I opened save, I was faced with ambush!
Two horsemen suddenly out fog and killing immortal who was just promoting previous turn. yikes
Well played, biggest weakness of immortal is horsemen and also that one at west did make a whole detour around mountain chain to able flank me right now.
I did think for while and decided to shoot wounded horsemen with two archers and immortal in city to kill it, then immortal near enemy encampment used melee attack against encampment. That Immortal can promote next turn.
Zone of control of that encampment is being nuisance and I want to get rid it sooner than later. This mean that my archer on hill is exposed to western horsemen. Hopefully he can survive and promote next turn.
With mysticism in, I got 1 envoy from it and other from generating enough envoy points, so I made policy swap to diplomatic league. With that I put 2 (3) envoys in Armagh and suzerained it. 
Hopefully it can create some pressure and it also removes more possibility for Emperor K to sneak more horsemen around mountain range.
After 2 turns I got enough gold to upgrade that wounded warrior south of Ahmed into immortal. Emperor K's military strength is now 65, which mean that all of his units are ones that I can see right now.

Turn 70:

Promoting units and finished water mill in Aladdin to grab construction eureka.

Turn 71:

Noticed barb swordsman around Bastions and decided to perform frontal assault on encampment. Got enough faith to get Pantheon, I choose God of The Open Sky.

Turn 72:

Destroyed encampment and warrior inside was killed, but two immortals are red lined and exposed. If both are killed, I shall play defensive for a while. My policy cards are currently more builder type at this moment. By the way I contacted Geneva's galley this turn, request: eureka for Mathematics, doable since I already completed Holy Site and Encampment.
When Games and Recreation are completed, I shall put Agoge and Maneuver policy card and mass produce a more decent army than my current one. I am currently already building battering ram in Aladdin in expectation that this might happen.
A scenario that is currently running through my head is to dig in around Ahmed while using new fresh army to take Armagh. After that decide what to do, continue war against Emperor K if my military might is still stronger than his or take peace but then with Ahmed and Armagh I basically claim all rainforested area in west. With roads completed from Ahmed to Jinni and halfway from Jinni to Aladdin past Ali Baba, I laid down solid foundation for future campaigns without dragging through rainforest again. 
My empire, as you can see, all building up except a battering ram in Aladdin and spearman in Ahmed (for against horsemen and envoy for Granada).

And TheArchduke sent me a offer: a free iron resource. I find it bit puzzling since Immortals don't require iron. What do TheArchduke want tell me with iron offer, it isn't clear for me. Meanwhile handful turns ago Suboptimal was military leader with score of 300 while TheArchduke with GG stood at 150. But now it is other way around Suboptimal around 150 while TheArchduke with his GG stands at 300! yikes What the hell happened over there at battlefields? It seems that I am again reminded that TheArchduke is a good tactician, he showed it at PBEM 2 and 4. So Suboptimal is now in trouble, it causes me to think what to do.

At this moment I only have overview of three Subotpimal's cities, only Mouse Spider is not visible on my map. All of his cities got walls that is a bit secure thought, but knowing TheArchduke battering ram might soon in play. The question is when to declare Suboptimal war, I don't want TheArchduke capture Suboptimal's cities, especially not ones with campuses since it kicks in Macedonian special powers. At other side it might that TheArchduke's army is having defensive stance while they aren't nearby Suboptimal's cities. In that case DoW on Suboptimal would only cause him becoming much stronger due extra production. It is a balancing act for me, not DoW Suboptimal too early or too late. 

I decided that I shall DoW if I see one of three visible cities starting be besieged, Mouse Spider gone from Suboptimal or if Suboptimal's military strength drops below 100 (now around 150).

Turn 73:

One of immortals was killed by barb swordsman shakehead and other immortal is redlined without promotion. So it is end for now concerning attacking Emperor K.
I shot Emperor K's Horseman to little health, what shall Emperor K do with that Horseman next turn? I am going dig in around Ahmed, not allowing Emperor K retake it.
Maybe a little positive side of my unit killed by barbs: no war weariness for me which should be for Emperor K with 1 killed Horseman and 2 killed warriors by me.
I swap away from Games and Recreation due over 50% and after 2 turns I complete construction which gives inspiration for Games and Recreation.

Turn 74:

TheArchduke successfully took Spider Mouse from Suboptimal, therefore:
Hopefully Suboptimal can stop TheArchduke from taking his three remaining cities with extra 100% production. Need to pay attention to Suboptimal's warrior nearby Aladdin, pillaging isn't tolerated!

And as expected I lost redlined immortal, so I dig in for now. DoW on Suboptimal has annoying side effect that Granada DoW on me and I can't fulfill request to train spearman and it was 2 turns away from completion banghead .
Emperor K's horseman fled to west, next turn attempt to catch it with 4 movement archer/immortal.
So from frustration I got enough of city states and decided that I shall swap to Autocracy next turn. I need amass some army now due losses and potential that TheArchduke might rush after me when he manages to finish Suboptimal off quicker than I hoped. Emperor K is out race to win due put a peg down hard by me (or he might surprise us all), so with Suboptimal possibly collapsing soon, I am remaining left contender. 

That means that Immortals shall lost Oligarchy bonus and I shall use them as archers supporting horsemen that I am producing now in Aladdin (and immortals can also act as back up units to capture cities). Immortal's weakness is low melee strength which makes it hard to take cities with garrison strength of swordsman or horseman. They should be used best to rush if player is still at warriors and archers. My mistake in this game is not finding out sooner that patch repaired immortal's inability to take cities, otherwise I should has beeline for iron working more than what I did in this PBEM and then rush earlier when Emperor K was unable to produce horsemen. Lesson learned and next time better. Also a tip for myself next time start with some strategy or goal, in PBEM 2 I was able to keep myself together by thinking my goal to win with religious victory. Now I kinda stepped in this PBEM last moment and choose Persia on whim just for fun. But no big idea from start, just following the flow and strike when opportunity rises, that is what I am doing till now.

Now analyze and try to create some strategy now. Beginning with my front against Emperor K.
- I am digging myself in now with 2 archers, immortal and soon spearman. Normally it isn't enough for front city against hostile opponent, but as I did have trouble go through that choke point caused by mountains and sea, it is also true for Emperor K. It is going difficult for him to recapture Ahmed and I must make sure of it. After spearman, start walls in Ahmed.
- Emperor K has brought down a peg badly by my, I has almost double his science and almost triple his culture rate, so I can outtech him if I keep pressure on him long and forcing him build military to try recapture Ahmed. Normally any conquered cities would be weak due occupation penalty and occupying player rather has peace to lift occupation to able work with city, but his opponent likely wouldn't sign peace, especially with current situation. This is one of reason why I am happy to be Persian civilization: no occupation penalty, so I don't need to sign peace and can stay in war mode with Emperor K till Emperor K sends me peace offer where he do admit loss of his city. 
- Also due my actions against Emperor K, it is difficult for him to win. Therefore he can play "Singaboy in PBEM 2" role where he takes revenge on player that crippled him. Therefore I wouldn't be surprised that Emperor K don't mind TheArchduke winning as long Emperor K can drag me down to death.
-With choke point between Bastion and Ahmed, control over Armagh is likely becoming key of us war. I did finish battering ram and start producing horsemen and more immortals, in first place to take Armagh and create a wall with two cities and mountain chain. This way Emperor K is also limited more of expansion whereas I grab more room for my cities. After capturing Armagh, I shall reanalyze where I and Emperor K stands at terms of military strength and technological difference. Then I decide whether I can attack Emperor K.
- Ace in hole for Emperor K is religion, he is going grab Great Prophet first and it is likely too late for me to prevent it. It is maybe possible for me to pull off but then I can't mass produce army. In face with might of TheArchduke who military strength is double of me, I need army for myself. I fear that he takes Defender of Faith, making him more pain in ass. Crusader is terrifying in combination with Polish power, but Emperor K already built encampment in Bastion, so he can't convert Ahmed till he is able to build fort with military engineer which is still far away.
- Summed up, I shall defend Ahmed, attack Armagh and outtech Emperor K and when our military/technological difference is big, attack Emperor K.

Suboptimal then.
- 10 turns ago he was biggest threat, many campuses, science leader, military double of TheArchduke and me. And how different situation it is now! Most important thing right now is not collapse and my DoW helps that hopefully. It is bit funny how powers of Australia and Persia interacts each other. If we were fighting, Australia would hope that they produce enough units fast before Persia sweeps them with extra movements. But if situation arises where we as common enemy for example TheArchduke right now, we can help each other by Persia DoW on Australia. Here Persia has initiative since it is one who must declare war, Australia can't do it otherwise no bonus. Therefore I can decide when it is best moment to declare war and giving Suboptimal a support.
- If he collapse, then I face a powerful Macedonian empire and it is going be difficult for me to win this PBEM. If Suboptimal survives this onslaught, he need to be counterbalance against TheArchduke, but not too strong to be runaway.

Finally TheArchduke:
- We are at peace right now, but currently at war through proxies. I wouldn't be surprised if TheArchduke supports Emperor K although I don't has clear visibility of their diplomatic interaction due me declaring war on them at least once (by the way, it is turn 74 currently and already 4 war declarations by me on other players till now). And I "supports" Suboptimal by declaring war on him. Smartest thing what TheArchduke can do now is declaring me war when he sees my war declaration and never sign peace with me ever to prevent me triggering extra movement for myself again.
- Macedonia civilziation is at it strongest right now, but after classical age it don't have any benefits asides when conquering more cities. So opportunity for me to beat TheArchduke should come after medieval age, because TheArchduke is about to grab second Great General and double GG crossbows did cause oledavy and Singaboy nightmares in PBEM 2. But with some tight defense they can dealt with. Persia ought produce more culture and gold than Macedonian long term and I need leverage that advantage somehow. How things between me and TheArchduke develops, it is depending upon how Suboptimal preforms.

Turn 75 and 76:

Turn 75 Finished construction and games&recreation, swap to Autocracy and policy swap:
Then turn 76 finish celestial navigation and tossed down harbor in Ali Baba. Spearman finished in Ahmed and start walls.
Finished envoy from military training shall be placed in Geneva for 2 extra Icon_Science . Start researching Apprenticeship, upgraded my last warrior nearby Ali Baba into Immortal. Also my scout nabbed a barb camp west of Suboptimal's city of Cassoway.
Speaking of medieval tech, both TheArchduke and Suboptimal advanced to medieval age. Suboptimal most likely finished machinery for crossbowman since his mines still are at classical level and no apprenticeship. Dunno about TheArchduke, but likely machinery (crossbowman) too to use them for double GG stack.

Turn 77 and 78:

Turn 77: finished Horseman and I chain it with Battering Ram. With 4 movement points for Battering Ram due extra Persian movement after declaring surprise war I can move it to Armagh fairly quick for this era.
And in Aladdin again produce Horseman and thanks overflow merely 2 turns.
Around Ahmed I couldn't find fleeing Emperor K's horseman, therefore I decided to call archer and immortal back to Ahmed to defend it. So I need to keep in mind that there is some guerrilla horseman somewhere in rainforest east of Ahmed and Jinni. All of my vulnerable units shall have a escort.

I did shoot at Suboptimal with my immortal, I don't like presence of his warrior here. And notice at TheArchduke's scout south of Sinbad because next turn...

Turn 78:

When I opened my save, for first time in three PBEM's that I participated, I receive a war declaration from player, before this it was always me who did declare war one someone or just peaceful whole time.
Well, at turn 74 I said that smartest thing what TheArchduke can do is declare me war to deny my further movement bonus. However his timing is a bit bad because I am finishing military training and start defensive tactis next turn and TheArchduke just gave me free culture this way. I initially wanted to wait with my possible declaration of war against TheArchduke till bonus from DoW on Suboptimal did wear off. But now TheArchduke did throw a wrench to this plan. It make me wonder whether why TheArcduke did accept peace 10 turns ago, he was better off with no signing peace with me. The result of signing peace with me, is that I am giving one of two presents: inspiration for Defensive Tactics or 10 more turns of extra movement, so I got first one and I don't complain.

Well that pesky scout then, he moved upon Jade tile with intent to pillage it. My archer in Aladdin was able to reach that scout with combination of extra movement and roads, my archer shot at scout but not enough to kill it. 
TheArchduke got 2 choices now: pillage and his scout dies next turn or save life of his scout but no pillage bonus. I again shot at Suboptimal's warrior, next turn it is dead.
I am currently at war with all players, with other words it is Always War mode for me! lol  A fate being Persian civilization I guess...

Situation around Ahmed to conclude this post:
It is going to be difficult for Emperor K to retake his city, even more when I finish walls.

Turn 79:

Finished Military Training and start Defensive Tactics which takes merely 4 turns thanks TheArchduke's DoW previous turn. And what about TheArchduke's scout?
He chose to flee instead pillaging, but maybe it was better for TheArchduke to pillage, because that 3 movement scout can't outrun my 4 movement archer, so I killed that scout.
Suboptimal's warrior near Ali Baba is also killed by my immortal, now my empire is clear from potential pillagers except that guerrilla horseman of Emperor K somewhere in rainforest west of Ahmed/Jinni.

I placed envoy form Military Training in Geneva and gained 2 extra science per turn. Finished Horseman in Aladdin and decided to need builder since I need one more farm for Feudalism. Also Aladdin is now working with unimproved plain hill, so also a mine there especially with Apprenticeship completed soon. Sinbad is expanding soon too and it also need one more mine. My production is going be stronger soon in my first 2 cities especially.
Since I am not producing Horseman at this moment, I used completion of Military Training to do policy swap: Maneuver out and Ilkum in. In north things are quiet. 
No sign of Emperor K's units, but at score I see his domination score increase to roughly 150 while mine is 230. What is Emperor K doing, I wonder? Waiting for religion to pick up Crusade hopefully. Him grabbing DoF would be very annoying but if I rush for my religion now, I wouldn't be producing units now. Which mean that Emperor K might manage to capture Ahmed due lack of my reinforcements and or maybe worse TheArchduke decide to go after me. It is a decision that I made to forgo religious race and I am not happy with it but I think that it is necessary at this point. 
And war between TheArcduke and Suboptimal, hopefully Suboptimal can resist TheArchduke longer. TheArchduke's domination score did drop below 300 while Suboptimal rose above 200 again. The 100% production bonus seem to help Suboptimal here. goodjob And I place my scout here to look out for potential attack form TheArchduke or surprise attack from Suboptimal. I noticed that a trade route is built from Cassowary to Valletta, a pillage opportunity? mischief  However my greed was punished when my scout did run in barb spearman hiding behind hills therefore I didn't see it before I moved my scout upon hill. duh Well, next turn flee from barb spearman then...

Turn 80:

..............................yeah.........15 turns of 100% extra production and yet this...................

I am beginning to understand how oledavy is feeling when he saw Woden's capital captured by me in PBEM2.
This requires some thinking how deal with this PBEM from now, but odds are stacked against me now.
Immortal finished in Sinbad and start archer in 3 turns (for eventual crossbowman). Further no real changes in my lands and tomorrow I shall think how to deal with this situation.

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