Can I have you check how long it takes Actium to build a galley? I have been thinking it might not be a bad idea to swap it to me so I can build a galley if I can't build one at the middle canal city. That way I can get the envoy for Valletta and combined with the one at Mysticism, could get Suzerain and buy walls and barracks after finishing Mysticism instead of having to found my own coastal city.
Woden's and Chevalier Mal Fet's [Insert Clever Name Here] Team Thread
Right now Actium is showing 16 turns to build a galley, but it's only size 1. Next turn it could add 3h/t if it works the right tile. Maritime Industries would also halve the time, so you're probably looking at 4 turns to build a galley. Would it be possible for me to finish my builder out of the city first? I don't want my production into him to go to waste - it should be about 6 turns once the population growth hits. Is 10 turns too long?
Also, I updated my previous post with a score report. Main news is Archduke cash-rushing something for 240 gold and adding 35 strength to his military, Singaboy finishing a settler and a second district (I suspect Holy Site), and Sullla is locked in combat with a city-state (or especially annoying barbarians) while adding a third city.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here
A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.
Just a quick note. Cornflakes moved is archer out to attack my archer (big mistake). I hit the city with my second archer (35 damage). Hit the city with both warriors for 38-58 damage each and attack his archer with the slinger. I might lose the archer but if he doesn't die, I will have a promotion. We should be able to take city next turn. Also, 2 warriors showed up in the south. (January 19th, 2018, 08:51)rho21 Wrote:(January 18th, 2018, 20:21)Woden Wrote: Can't make it in 3 moves, IDK why? It is on a marsh but I still should have the movement points. Must need a movement point to take a camp. I always seen to forget about ZOC. Makes sense, thanks! (January 19th, 2018, 07:23)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Right now Actium is showing 16 turns to build a galley, but it's only size 1. Next turn it could add 3h/t if it works the right tile. Maritime Industries would also halve the time, so you're probably looking at 4 turns to build a galley. Would it be possible for me to finish my builder out of the city first? I don't want my production into him to go to waste - it should be about 6 turns once the population growth hits. Is 10 turns too long? We will hold off on this. I am not sure I want to open that bag of worms (city swapping). If other players see this, they might be inclined to do it for other benefits. China giving Rome cities for monuments and roads and Germany giving cities to Russia for extra border pops. Of coarse we could do it for melee units but I think it is a cheesy thing to do. If we do it, it will be after you finish something so it will be minimal lose of production. I think 2 archers plus the warrior in the city center will be enough to deter attack and hold the city if it comes to that. I also might switch back to the +50% : ![]()
Nubia-Turn 48
Like I already said. Cornflakes moves his archer out of the city to attack my archer. (I am not going to go into the whole "that road shouldn't be there" because it will make getting to his capital quicker when we finally push that way and now we have no reason not to use it). I shoot at his archer. I move my second archer up and shoot at the city. Here is how my units ended up ... ![]() The city should have a -2 penalty now and CMF's warrior will be attacking with a +12 strength advantage giving between 38-58 damage each. With average damage, the city should end up at 69/200 health and heal to 89/200. Should be able to take city next turn, sans Khmer producing a sword somewhere. Two Khmer warriors show up in the south. I need to learn to shut my mouth. It seems every time I say "I have a feeling", not only does it come true but usually worst than what I suspected. Both are probably going to move towards my archer next turn. If his archer sticks around and attacks my archer again and it survives, I will have a promotion. I can move out of reach from one of the warriors but probably not both. Not sure this guy will survive but archers are cheap to build. Even with the 10 extra production my archers cost, with the +50% ![]() ![]() ![]() Over in the southeast, I got a little scare when I opened the save. I saw 2 war declaration notifications and thought maybe Germany and Russia declared on us but seems they are after Granada. It sucks that we won't have the option to use Granada for extra production on units but nothing we can do now. I move my units into a more defensive position... ![]() Warrior moves city location and archer is sitting on the hill next to him. In the above screenshot, the slinger and settler still have movement and move closer to their destinations. In the north... ![]() Spearman moves back into camp and scout moves to block me from moving towards camp. I shoot the scout for 66 damage. A few more turns and I will take the camp. In other news, I finish Pottery, start Horseback Riding (due in 7). I chop a jungle tile (19 ![]() ![]()
ah, sorry, probably not. I only just made it home and Singaboy's window closes around now. I'll play the turn in a jiffy.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here
A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.
Arright, proper turn report coming up later, but quick hits -
The two warriors combined for 53 and 47 damage to the city, so 100 points total. Both warriors took slight damage in the attack, but I anticipate being able to take the city next turn - the only Khmer unit that can threaten me is the archer. Cornflakes COULD grab a sword, which would be problematic, but neither of the visible warriors is in position to be upgraded so he'd have to have a third warrior at his capital. The slinger smacks the archer for ~30 damage, he's redlined. The warrior barreling up the road will either go for Woden's injured archer or my slinger. He'll kick my slinger's ass but my brave chappies will do their job by buying time. Once the city falls, I'll have ~3 warriors with 2-3 slingers and 1-2 Nubian archers against 2 Khmer warriors in the area. Gameplan should probably be to fortify and seek a brief truce if they'll have it, so we can tech up to horsemen and come back. Archery due in 1 turn, plunging right on to horseback riding after that, then Bronze - Iron Working. Then Celestial Nav/Commerce?
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here
A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.
Turn 48
Score report: Everyone played their turn early today, so it was waiting for me when I got home! Too bad we couldn't hurry through the turns any faster, but hey, we're still maintaining a really solid turn-a-day pace with 8 players. Can't really complain about that! I saw Woden's post before I opened the game, so there weren't many surprises. My two warriors launch their attacks, inflicting 100 damage between them and reducing the city to ~50 health. With the city weakened, Woden's archer ready to fire again, and only one Khmer unit in position to stop us, I feel confident: ![]() Sorry the tooltip popup jumped over my warriors there. I didn't realize that had happened until I uploaded the screenshots of the turn, I'll try to be better about that in the future. Change the default time or something. The slinger next to Cornflakes' injured archer whacks it, knocking off 32 health and red-lining the archer - tactically, it's out of the fight, I think. It might be able to finish off Woden's archer, but it will die the next turn, and that's a trade very much in Woden's favor. You don't want to get in an archer slugfest with Nubia! The reserve warrior and slingers shuffle behind the backlines, but I forgot to take a picture - this is the first war I've ever documented, and a lot of what should be totally obvious moves aren't natural to me yet. I'll get better at this and give y'all some higher quality images so you can better track what's going on. In my core, the settlers are 2 turns and 6 turns (really 8 or 9) turns away from completion. Emperor's scout has vanished, either withdrawing back east (again) or slipping past me somehow. I think he went east, I don't think he coulda crossed my warrior's entire field of vision. My first galley (Victory) reaches the vicinity of Kabul again and reveals that Sardinia really IS an island: ![]() I COULD squeeze two cities on there - one on each end. I'm not sure if cramming in like that is wisest, or if the more central spot I've pinned is better. Is one strong city better than two weak cities? Probably! I think I'll keep the pin for now, these aren't high priority sites. Meanwhile, the second galley (Ocean) continues south, revealing that there is indeed a third small island. ![]() The terrain here really favors me and not Emperor K, I must say. The land is snakey and narrow, with tons of water tiles for my navy to dominate down the road. Further, it's all another continent! Man, I sort of wish that Woden and I had swapped starts - this area would shine for England, certainly more than the awkward land bridge I'm attempting to seize on the other side. As a bonus, Woden, when I uploaded this screenshot I noticed something I actually missed when playing the turn earlier - borders in the fog! Squinting, they look yellow to me. A commercial CS would explain Team Molotov-Ribbentrop's very high gold generation. Finally, the scout in the west races through terrain that took him half a dozen turns to slog through - the Woodsman promotion shines! We're leaving Kongo lands and off to discover China and Rome beyond the horizon! ![]() Larger strategy concerns: Woden, I'm wondering if, should we lose any of the canal cities to Molotov-Ribbentrop, if it wouldn't be wiser to just go ahead and yield them. If they settle on the coast, I think my pair of galleys could catch them by surprise and take a city, but I really don't want to piss that team off when Khmer and Kongo will already want vengeance. Even best case scenario - winning two short, sharp wars to secure our borders with minimal losses - will leave us with two angry neighbors, and while I think we can handle Team Relic Molotov-Ribbentrop would probably be too much for us. So, by all means, let's jostle for land, but peacefully. Strategically, those spots are great for defense and for naval flexibility, but the defense problem would be solved with friendly relations, and if I ever need to move ships into the northeastern ocean, we can storm the cities then, once the Relic question is settled. Further, I'd like to try and peace Relic, too. I can keep pumping military, but my expansive empire is in need of infrastructure. 10-20 turns to get out districts, monuments, and trade routes would really let me start humming along. It's not up to us entirely, obviously, but I think Cornflakes and Japper might be open to the idea once Aranyaka falls.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here
A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about. |