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Woden's and Chevalier Mal Fet's [Insert Clever Name Here] Team Thread

Turn 53

Woden always makes me feel better. I feel lucky to have at least one player on my team who knows what he's doing.  lol This game is a learning experience for me - I have no talent at building, scarcely grasping when to use a chop, when not, what policy cards are best at the right time, but I think I'm getting better! So far I've met my goal of "not embarrassing Woden and dragging him down," and I may even have exceeded that! Anyway, on to my report. Sorry this was delayed, but like I said, it's a real pain to update the score and I didn't have a lot else to report on: 

Score report:
Player Score ScoreCivicEmpireGreat PeopleReligionTechWonders
Emperor K72143064180
BRickAstley7416420016/td]       [td]0
The Archduke55102900160
Japper8|11.4Icon_Science6.4Icon_Culture88l 851Icon_Faith 37|1Icon_Gold
Emperor K9|9Icon_Science13Icon_Culture105l 9511Icon_Faith160|14Icon_Gold
BRickAstley8|13.9Icon_Science23.2Icon_Culture151 l 1501Icon_Faith21|12Icon_Gold
Woden7|13.1Icon_Science6.7Icon_Culture179l 1673.4Icon_Faith52|3Icon_Gold
Chevalier9|9Icon_Science7Icon_Culture189 l 1862.4Icon_Faith 39|8.4Icon_Gold
The Archduke8|11Icon_Science10.7Icon_Culture141 l 1250Icon_Faith62|23Icon_Gold
Cornflakes9|9.2Icon_Science7.6Icon_Culture141 l 983Icon_Faith342|21Icon_Gold
Great People GenAdmEngMerProSciWriArtMus
Japper 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.010|1.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Emperor K 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0-|0.00|0.08|268|268|2
BRickAstley 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Woden 18|2.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Chevalier 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Singaboy 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0-|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
The Archduke 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.020|1.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Cornflakes 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0-|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0

Weirdly, I'm the tech leader. It's not like I've been researching cheap techs everywhere! Well, you can see the science rates, you know that shan't last. Singaboy has a settler out. 

I'm gonna be late for work, so this is left half-done! Need to update gold scores. Dropping CQUI domination now that I have contact. 

I only have one screenshot, an oddity for me, but nothing much happened on my turn. I explored a bit more of Rome:

I get view of Ostia, but can't quite glimpse the second Roman city. Sullla also has a warrior nearby - there was no way to move so he couldn't attack me, so hopefully he has friendly intentions! I need this scout for just a little while longer...Anyway, I was torn for awhile between the decision to go north or south with this guy. Finally, I opted to scout north. My main reasoning is how close Sullla's borders are to the coast. If I scout along the southern coast, even in the best case scenario where I find the city-state down there, I will almost certainly have to backtrack and head north anyway. Second, there's a 50-50 chance Sullla captured that city state (versus capturing the one on his northern coast - I don't think he'd have captured the one on China's coast), so I wouldn't find anything down there anyway. Finally, I know there ought to be plenty of  room to the north to circle around Rome and contact China. 

So, the scouting plan here now that we've reached the last team area is to head north, swing by the coast to pick up that city-state, if it exists, then turn and race over the northern tundra around Rome's borders to the other city-state (that is almost certainly still there, and almost certainly a culture state), then head south past China. Once I reach the land-bridge to Archduke, I'll evaluate. I should know if there's a CS to meet in the south at that point, and I can decide to try for it or to strike over the isthmus for German lands and the last city-state on the map. 

At home, I don't have much going on. Leyte is due to be founded turn 60, 1 turn after our truce with Japperflakes expires. I have a builder due next turn out of Actium - since most of Actium's improvements require chopping, I'm going to build a second builder in a row there. The first builder will hop over to Leyte and chop out the walls as soon as the city is founded. Now, thinking about chops and overflow, it's mildly wasteful to chop out ancient walls, since you can build 'em with Limes and chop 'em out for a boost - but Limes is a long way away, not til Defensive Tactics (so 3 civics for me), and I will want the walls up quickly to deter Japperflakes paying me back in kind for Aranyaka. Then the builder will have two charges left to get the crabs and whales, thus finishing Celestial Navigation ~10 turns from now. 

Accordingly, I finish Bronze Working (and reveal that indeed I have only one iron in my lands) and start on Celestial Navigation - due in 14 turns. In 7 turns I'll swap to iron-working, and I should be able to finish THAT about 8 turns later, when I drop a mine on the new plant (Aboukir Bay, I guess). My gold in the meantime I must hoard for a swordsman upgrade. I want to only upgrade a single warrior, to boost my city defenses. The remainder I'll leave unupgraded until time of war, like I'm doing with my slingers. Woden, this does mean I need to start building a cash reserve for emergencies. I'll have Dockyards up in hopefully 15 turns or so, with traders to follow shortly after that, but until then money will be tight. 

At Trafalgar, a builder is due in 2 turns. My first move will be a plantation, then I'm not sure - he might have to cool his heels until I can chop out a Dockyard. I'll need to buy the lake tile, so another call on my gold. It'll pay for itself eventually with the trade route - too bad I can't find time to finish currency first. That will probably be my target after Iron Working. 

At Actium, Woden, I was debating the wisdom of a Campus. The main reason is twofold: I need at least a few campi to not get totally crushed in science, while depending on you for most of the inspirations. Further, Nan Madol wants me to build a campus - if I fulfill that quest and use my first envoy there, I can be suzerain quite soon. That will explode my culture, making me competitive with Russia nd Rome in that regard. It means sacrificing a CH or RND until size 7, though, which will take a while in that low food place. Is a trade route worth the envoy and extra science? 

Just something to think about. Trying to get better at civic planning. See y'all tomorrow! Or perhaps later today!
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(January 26th, 2018, 07:58)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Accordingly, I finish Bronze Working (and reveal that indeed I have only one iron in my lands) and start on Celestial Navigation - due in 14 turns. In 7 turns I'll swap to iron-working, and I should be able to finish THAT about 8 turns later, when I drop a mine on the new plant (Aboukir Bay, I guess). My gold in the meantime I must hoard for a swordsman upgrade. I want to only upgrade a single warrior, to boost my city defenses. The remainder I'll leave unupgraded until time of war, like I'm doing with my slingers. Woden, this does mean I need to start building a cash reserve for emergencies. I'll have Dockyards up in hopefully 15 turns or so, with traders to follow shortly after that, but until then money will be tight. 

At Actium, Woden, I was debating the wisdom of a Campus. The main reason is twofold: I need at least a few campi to not get totally crushed in science, while depending on you for most of the inspirations. Further, Nan Madol wants me to build a campus - if I fulfill that quest and use my first envoy there, I can be suzerain quite soon. That will explode my culture, making me competitive with Russia nd Rome in that regard. It means sacrificing a CH or RND until size 7, though, which will take a while in that low food place. Is a trade route worth the envoy and extra science? 

Just something to think about. Trying to get better at civic planning. See y'all tomorrow! Or perhaps later today!

My income should be in the 20s gpt in 5 turns with sending a trader to the commerce CS and switching governments. All I really need gold for is a tile or 2, so we should be good for a few upgrades.

At Actium, I would go first with a RND and then campus at size 4. The extra trade route will speed up production and growth and help more than a few extra science you will get with going the campus first and have to wait to grow to size 4 to get the RND down. During these turns, food and production are more important than science. Plus, if you build RNDs in all your cities first, you should be able to get the discount on campuses if you don't finish Currency or Drama or Games and Rec. Right now, you will need 3 RNDs to get the 1st campus discounted which should be do-able with 4 cities and them being half cost. It will also allow you to build lighthouses in food poor cities for more housing and speed up the growth curve. 

You may fall behind in science a little but as long as you research the techs you need at the moment, you should be in a good position and can fall behind in the short term. Basically, I am saying you should look at districts and techs as waves, first wave of RNDs, second wave of campuses, third wave of commercial hubs. Then once you have those 3 down, you can look at building others. I find focused building in one area at a time generally leaves you in a better situation at the end than trying to slowly do everything at once.

As for science, I will use me as an example of why you don't need a huge science or culture rates right now. Irrigation next turn will be the last tech I complete for at least 10 turns (maybe I will finish Writing but no more). I don't need anymore techs at the moment and am purposely throttling science to get more bang out of production and save a little on my next encampment. I will research 4 or 5 techs down to 1 turn until I place the encampment and then rapid fire techs after I lock my first campus or 2 at the discount. Then completing a bunch of techs will increase chop values for more bang out of them. If my science rate was much higher, I would run into issues where I would be forced to research a tech to completion and make my districts cost more or waste it on an un-boosted tech. Culture is another example. My culture rate right now is pretty low but I need it low to prevent me from finishing Drama or Games and Rec before I can get discounted districts placed. On the opposite side, Rome will probably only get a few discounted districts because his culture rate is higher and he will be forced to finish at least one of those civics, making his 2nd and 3rd districts of a give type full price, while I should be able to get 3 campuses discounted and at least 2 Commercial Hubs. I will slingshot, will he slowly builds. You could do the same with RNDs, which are already discounted. Make sense? Hope this doesn't sound preachy, thought I would share a little bit of my philosophy on development.

Another prospective: Is a little extra science and culture worth a trade route that can give 2Icon_Food/2Icon_Production and saving ~70Icon_Production on the campus? You will still get the envoy before entering the medieval era. You can almost build a library with the production savings and would end up better off in the end.

Since there is no turn today, I have been looking over my strategy and think it might be best to declare on Kandy next turn and hit the warriors while they are injured and maybe draw any unit in the city out. In addition, I don't want to risk coming up short and am going to bring the archer down by eastern front up to support. I think I should be able to capture it on T62 or T63.

Once I take Kandy, I think I will send 1 archer north to find the barb camp and the other 2 will head towards Kabul to set up an attack, but that is a little further down the road.

(sorry to spam posts today but trying to figur eteh best path forward)

No worries. I was using the lack of turn to take a mental break from the game.

However, I was just poking through the livestreams of R&F and saw that it's essential that we somehow keep an older version of the game - the developers for whatever reason decided to remove the RND's ability to generate an extra trade route! The whole damn reason I took this civ! Bah.

I'll comment more on your plans in the morning, in brief - you make a good argument about a Campus, my main worry was the quest vanishing when I finished a Classical tech. Kandy I'm not sure about, need to look at the map tomorrow.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

I don't believe quests change when entering a new era, you only get a new quest if you have completed one or the current quest is no longer valid.

Okay, if the quests don't reset upon entering a new era, then I definitely want to go RND first. Those only cost me 38% of a regular district, so super-cheap, and again, they can be used to trigger the discounts on other districts. I will have 4 available when they start to go up, though: Encampments, Campuses, Holy Sites, and the RND. So every city will need one before I start to get discounts on campuses or encampments, if I understand the formula correctly. 

City-state expansion looks good. I like declaring early to wipe out Kandy's units - if you murder the field army, then taking the city should be a breeze. I'm trying to comb out a pair of warriors and a pair of archers for Kabul, if I can, and my galley is also ready to attack. I might be able to speed the timeline by several turns over waiting for your archers, but I won't take any needless risks. 

Abroad, what do we want to do? Essentially I'm thinking about our timeline for war with Khmer - I don't feel that I'll be ready to properly drive home an attack in 10 turns. Do we offer them a DOF, see if they want to guaranteed build peacefully for a while? They're frantically building up military, as you can see in the score, so maybe they'll want to strike again right away - but in that case, if they reject the DOF, we have a good read on their intentions. However, ~35 turns from now will probably be too late for a horseman push, and we'd need to work with knights and x-bows. 

Rome/China I'm considering the merits of a DOF. They haven't contacted Kongo yet, which means Japper never sent a scout up this way, so as far as they know we're their nextdoor neighbors. If we sign a DOF, they'll take it as a sign to continue their focus on peaceful expansion. It might also worry Kongo/Khmer about a possible joint attack by our empires (down the road). I dunno, it might be worth offering so that they don't murder my scout. Hell, having DOFs with all 3 teams at once would be diplomatically about the best possible place for us right now, I think.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

DOF with Khmer is a good idea, give us a little time to develop and get stronger. I think your right it might be a knight and crossbow push, so I can push out a bunch of archers and save gold for upgrades. My archers are more expensive than regular archers, so crossbow upgrades will be cheaper and we should be able to have the Professional Armies card by then for mass upgrades. You should be able to improve your economy and get some defenses up.

DOF with Rome/China probably will benefit them more than us. I would say if you are worried about your scout, than go for it, or if they offer it. Giving them friendship will allow them to focus on development instead of having to develop a military in fear of us attacking. IDK guess I would see if they are tracking your scout to set up an attack and make the decision then.

Sullla offered friendship, but I declined it. I figure that if he kills the scout, well, we've already gotten all the map knowledge we need anyway. Best-case, this causes Rome/China to launch into a big wave of military build up, which might slow up their expansion a bit. Down the road, that might bite us in the ass if they use the big military to go conquer Japper or something, but in the medium term it seemed better to keep them guessing. The Archduke also sent a DOF, which I accepted.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Nubia-Turn 55
Back in action after a short break.Start the turn with...

Which allows the marsh at Isis to be harvested...

The harvest gives 39Icon_Food, Isis instantly grows to size 4 and fills the food bucket about half full. Isis is now at 50% growth due to the housing cap but will  be able to grow once I get a barracks and improve both sheep in about 10-15 turns. It is actually good that it is hitting the growth cap now, since when it hits 5 population, it will be unhappy until my deal with CMF for the tobacco runs out in 10 or so turns. 


Germany offers friendship and I accept. Doesn't change much since CMF has friendship with Russia but will reset the clock to 30 turns. I did check and since CMF and Russia have friendship, I can't declare war on Germany or Russia, as it states a teammate has a friendship. We will have to remember T85. Hopefully they met their other neighbors and shift focus in that direction so we can focus on Khmer and Kongo. 
Now for the fireworks...

I decided it would be best to start taking out Kandy's field personnel while they are still hurt and maybe draw any units sitting in the city out, so I declared this turn. I forgot to get a before picture but you can kind of see my units I the above picture. I moved my western archer south of Kandy's warrior and shot the half-strength warrior. The UI said it would kill him but must have got a bad dice roll, as he survived with 1 or 2 health. The other archer shot at the other warrior, taking about half his health. This is how I ended up...

Ideally, the red-lined warrior will attack my wounded archer and die and the other warrior will attack the barb slinger, killing it. Then I will take out the other warrior. Even if he moves up on me instead of attacking the slinger, I should be able to kill both next turn. Then I can promote and heal before attacking the city. `I did have the archer in the southeast start heading towards Kandy and he should be in the fight in 4 turns, about the time my other archers are starting to hit the city. 

In other news, I did start Writing and will switch to Iron Working next turn and will switch out out PP in 2 turns until after I send the trader to Muscat, so I can get another quest when I finish PP and enter into the Classical Era.

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