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[SPOILERS] TheArchduke creates the final empire as Macedonia

Finally back in action.

In retrospect, loosing that hetairoi to barbarians was not necessary. I should have killed that archer a turn before.

The first 5charge builder in enroute to chop out some walls and aqueducts and improve some tiles on my NE frontier.


In the south, the hetairoi retreat into the city, whilst the other units start their trek through the tundra.


Seems like Alhambrams offensive is in trouble. Low milpower and this:


The encampment is healing. And a wounded knight is rushing north or south.


I pillage a fishing boats and retreat from scouting I have seen enough.

I think I will switch to Autocracy, I need 2 mil civics and I can do without a diplomatic one for some time.

Merchant Republic is not far off, anyway.

And we are found out. We will need to double down here or switch tactics. Knights next turn.


Turn 111

A short stop in autocracy. I am actually low on mil civics which I need atm and I want the GG card.


Double GG knights upgraded.


Getting more science.


Winning this game through my tundra push is not realistic.

It is playing the economcy and science game, getting enough envoys to boost my numerous districts through the roof.

Soon 2 more double CS boosted campus come online.

Turn 112

Preparing a forest chop into walls + Apadana at the capital. I will probably be able to get the Oracle in here as well. Apadana is nice to have, but this is more a deny build.
And I am planning Oracle + Colloseum here over the next turns.


There are better trade routes, but I actually want a north-south route for strategic deployments.


My :Icon_Science explodes to 63 per turn, soon to be higher, whilst Alhambram is still at 30Icon_Science.

Couple that with a very dangerous pillaging/attack force and the ongoing war with Poland, I think I am in good shape.

In about 10 turns the Apadana, a second cultural district and an amphitheatre is done, hopefully netting me a Great Writer and slots to take them in. 2 quests and Apadana mean 4 more envoys for an even bigger boost to science via Geneva.


Inching ever closer to a sizeable science lead.


So, turn 115.

By now it is clear that this game is only mine to loose.

Emperor K has held the line as substantial persian forces are in the south. 1 Knight in the Encampment, 1 Knight enroute south, 1 Knight in the city.
And there are 1-2 crossbowmen and 1-2 archers from the glimpses I got.

Normally this is not a fight I want to take. The issue here is my knights are powered by 4! medieval GGs bringing their effective fighting strength to 68, thereby making crossbow bolts or city bombardment not that intimidating.


I would run over Alhambram if not for his Weedy Movement and its +Combat Strength coupled with defenders advantage. I would estimate my effective advantage at one GG.This is barely enough. Also the supposed soft underbelly of Persia has been hardened by an encampment, not only bringing up GG generation of Persia by a sizeable amount but also strengthening the weak point in the line.

Over the last turns my builds thus have been primarily economically in nature. I want to either force a concession through loss of morale or strike a decisive military blow.

I have a decisive naval advantage in the game. This is due to my decision to focus all 3 possible naval cities on harbours and conquering one of Valetta. The first Great Admiral is due in 6 turns.

The eastern half of Persia is not even bombard able. But the northern half.


Much better so.

With a single outlier. Maruf.


Silver, horses, cotton and protecting Hattua. With the GG power and even with the slow moving hypasist I could reach it in about 6-10 turns will my troops. The question now mainly is the following.

1. Do I risk an engagement near Sindbad with my current strength. It is another very risky maneuver but bold strikes have served me well before. He had a forewarning of about 3 turns though and the encampment build whilst probably built because of the GG race is a clear headache for me. My main worry is the battering ram. At speed 2 it is slow and a focused attack on an exposed knight could bring it down.
2. Do I make a bold encirclement move on Maruf? Not only strengthening my position in regards to Hattusa which I can conquer at my leisure, prevent a persian capture or keep around for the science. But I also take one city of Persia easily. My information over the past turns shows no units whatsoever there. The two hypasists would run back through the tundra or keep moving hoping to be upgraded to Musketman at Maruf.
3. Do I retreat and dig in relying on my size advantage to carry the day. I thought long about this one and I have decided that this is too risky. If I do not engage the persian army I will have to. As long as Emperor K and Alhambram stay at war this is not an option. 555 milpower would smash down on Poland and I am not sure he could prevail again. Now with civil service I could ally Emperor K and getting scouting info, but then he would see me retreat.
4. Do I build up a navy and strike the western half a move sure to suprise Alhambram. But many turns away. I would need to chop and build out quadriremes, probably about 6-7 of them.
5. Do I get my army back, support it with a fleet and make a big landfall at the persian western half.
6. Do I go and attack Emperor K. (Note that I should have gone that way about 5 turns ago over the seas.

It is a difficult decision. I am leaning towards 2 + 4 right now, by the way trying to snipe troops or pillage tiles.

Right now if I fight him and loose he is back into the game against Emperor K. So I will bide my time, run for 2, work on 4 and erect critical infrastructure and wonders to make my tech and economic lead unassailable.

Maybe even a 3rd settler push under a new government form.

Maybe the lurkers will think I am a pussy, but my gut feeling tells me that due to DotF a direct fight is not doable, especially with those 3 encampment and walls. There is no soft target which I could use to heal up and recover. If my forces are caught on the wrong foot they are all done for.

Turns are coming in damn quick tonight.

I will try to give another overview soon.

I basically continue pushing infrastructure and send my army further west through the tundra.

And I am starting to worry that Alhambram will land a medieval/renaissance GG. Which is, not good.

So off west


we go


And I wallharvest the pyramids.


And another one.

We will see if the macedonian "Long March" through the snow will go down as a crazy move crazyeye or the most brilliant tactical maneuver ever. hammer


I hope the latter.

I chop another forest without walls into the Apadana at my capital. Campus done there, commercial, entertainment and Colloseum next. Cities are starting to grow and my yields are soaring upwards.


I spent about 500 gold on tile buys for chops or harvests the last 10 turns.

Contingency planning. Both NE cities build Holy Sites for the long term.

Armory for eureka and GG points. Another encampment project to annoy Alhambram once again. And ensure Renaissance dominance when Musketman hit soon.

Another encampment will be stoneharvested down in former Valetta.


Apadana is done and I will have 5 quadriremes done soon. Should be enough to block any sea sillyness.

2 envoys into Geneva and I have triple the science rate. Alhambram is probably forced to waste time and effort on military builds, which I ignore right now.

Well not totally.


Holstep gets a defensive encampment and walls soon. And the nascent macedonian navy is established. 3 triremes and 3 quadriremes.

The expedition has nearly arrived. It will be interesting if Alhambram offers battle.


Cultural builds are coming in in the south.


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