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Civ 6 Release and Update Discussion Thread

So, what are everyone's first impressions?

I just played my first game with the expansion. I tried a peaceful game on Emperor difficulty with The Netherlands. That is, I did not attack other empires, but attacking city states was on the table. I was aiming for a spaceship victory but lost to Saladin, because I didn't bother to get a religion of my own, and Pericles didn't care enough to spread his to me. (Tiny map, so there were only two religions.)

Some observations:

Keeping up with Korea in beakers per turn is tough, or maybe I'm just too bad at the game. Relatedly, does anyone know if the base +4 beakers from the Seowon counts as an adjacency bonus? If not, the nerf to Rationalism really screws them over.

Dark and Golden Ages: I think it could be interesting. During normal ages, you choose a dedication that boosts your era points. During a Golden Age, you choose a bonus, but don't get any extra era points, which leaves you at risk for a Dark Age afterwards, which is exactly what happened to me. The Golden Age dedications are pretty neat, for example, I picked the science dedication which gives you the old 50% Eurekas back and makes harbors and commercial hubs get gold and science adjacency bonuses. I'm not sure I like the way era points work though. It feels like a Congratulations for playing the game! thing. I picked a normal-age dedication in the Classical Era that would give me points for every Eureka. It gets more interesting in the later eras, though. In the Renaissance (ironically a Dark Age for me) I picked a dedication that gives points for completing trade routes, so the length of trade routes became more important. I think overall, I would like it if you needed fewer era points, but had to put in more effort to get them. (Also, if you play without goody huts and barbarians, will the Classical Era just be a Dark Age for everybody?)

EDIT: I mean, putting in more effort per point, not more effort overall.

I didn't see too much difference between a dark and normal age, though. In fact, I hardly noticed the loyalty mechanic. Maybe that's different if you conquer cities.

About The Netherlands: I'm confused about the polder placement rules. It has to be on a cost adjacent to 3 flat land tiles, but it seems that tiles with a city don't count towards that. But other polders do seem to count, even though they're technically still coast tiles. Commercial hub style river adjacency bonuses for campuses, theater districts and industrial districts are pretty neat!

Next up I'll try warmongering with the Zulu. Maybe I should play a duel map with Rome*?

* Yes, I know Trajan is not Julius...

You notice the loyalty mechanic if you plop down a city right on an enemy border, far from your own cities. I like that it encourages a more natural expansion rather than border rushing and the very annoying "gap filling" tactic that the AI in particular loved.

Although, I'm afraid that it's ending up to be yet another mechanic that the AI has no clue exists. I've seen the AI race to settle a spot in my backline, and less than 20 turns later it converts to a free city that I easily brought over to my side. Thanks for the gift?

So far I agree with all the criticism of the era mechanics - too hidden and too all over the place to feel like something you can actually plan for, so whether or not you end up in a dark or golden age feels really arbitrary. Even when you get the dedications that are supposed to help you gain more era score in the next age those bonuses feel lackluster at best (although it's at least something you can plan around and is openly known to the player). I started my first game as Tamar so it was a little rough to feel like it was a crap shoot if I got to use the unique ability of Georgia.

I actually like Loyalty as a brake on expansion. It doesn't completely kill pink dots, but yeah it actually kind of does. And while the +20% governor in your capital is a great one, there are potentially times you'd want to aggressively plant a forward city and use the governor that increases tile expansion. Loyalty also encourages garrisons, especially when warmongering, and while I wasn't planning on being a warmonger it definitely feels like the AI got more aggressive and a little more competent in unit use. But just a little.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I also noticed a new casus belli that is available right at the open borders civic. Declare war on someone who broke a promise made in the last 30 turns for a -50% warmonger penalty.

Of course that's pretty useless in dealing with the AI since promises are a one way street with them.

(February 9th, 2018, 13:22)RFS-81 Wrote: Keeping up with Korea in beakers per turn is tough, or maybe I'm just too bad at the game. Relatedly, does anyone know if the base +4 beakers from the Seowon counts as an adjacency bonus? If not, the nerf to Rationalism really screws them over.
Turns out that the Seowon's flat +4 DOES count as adjacency - I just slotted in Natural Philosophy for the first time and my science exploded.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Something I found in the XML files (while looking to confirm/disprove something else I saw) - the Government Plaza uses the same cost model that the "standard" districts do. This may result in it being counted as a district type if you're trying to get a discount on another district.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

AI seems to be a bit tougher. They probably spam builders a lot and with their cheaper growth costs that synergizes well. I think Deity might be a legit challenge outside of early rushes and EMP might be a little hard to win.

Soooo...aside from the era scores feeling off, do the dark/normal/golden ages feel off to anyone else too?

I don't notice a bit of difference between dark and golden ages. Literally the only difference is loyalty (or the dark age civic policies). I guess if you had border cities in contention? But as long as you're not reckless with expansion, there's no difference. Maybe there's some higher level strategy there where you time an aggressive settlement with a golden age about to pop? Other than that, the ages are pretty useless.

The dedications too. The only purpose for them is accumulating era score, which is only used to determine which age you get, which is only useful for more era score....

(February 10th, 2018, 08:58)fahbs Wrote: Soooo...aside from the era scores feeling off, do the dark/normal/golden ages feel off to anyone else too?

I don't notice a bit of difference between dark and golden ages. Literally the only difference is loyalty (or the dark age civic policies). I guess if you had border cities in contention? But as long as you're not reckless with expansion, there's no difference. Maybe there's some higher level strategy there where you time an aggressive settlement with a golden age about to pop? Other than that, the ages are pretty useless.

The dedications too. The only purpose for them is accumulating era score, which is only used to determine which age you get, which is only useful for more era score....

If you go into Golden Age (or better yet Heroic, Gold after Dark) you get to choose dedication bonuses (three in Heroic), some of which are  crazyeye insane. Monumentality allows you to rushbuy Builders and Settlers with faith, and makes them cheaper to rushbuy with gold AND gives them two extra moves. Pop a monumentality at the right time (say after you have both pyramids and the Serfdom policy for 6 charge Builders) and you have every tile in the empire improved in about thirty turns and enough chops to also all but finish building everything else as well! And this last for 40-ish turns.

Golden age bonii are pretty strong, at least the ones I have tried. So anything to get towards those are useful.

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