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Revisiting Books - Did books weaken in value?

I've been thinking that with the introduction of starting settlers, introduction of magic market and stronger library, and higher research costs, that we may have weakened books compared to retorts, particularly for mono-realms.

(March 19th, 2017, 05:22)Seravy Wrote: All right, it's about time to start working on this. (it'll probably take a while)

C/U/R/VR , C Starting/ U Guaranteed/ U Guaranteed turn 1 research/ R Guaranteed, other effects

Book 01 : 3/1/0/0, 0/0/0/0, Find/Trade common
Book 02 : 3/2/1/0, 1/0/0/0, Find/Trade Uncommon
Book 03 : 4/3/2/1, 2/0/0/0, Find/Trade Rare
Book 04 : 5/4/3/2, 3/0/0/0, Find/Trade Very Rare
Book 05 : 6/5/4/3, 4/1/0/0,
Book 06 : 7/6/5/4, 5/1/0/1,
Book 07 : 10/7/6/5, 5/2/0/1,
Book 08 : 10/10/7/6, 5/0/2/1,
Book 09 : 10/10/10/7, 5/0/2/0, +8% research, -5% casting cost
Book 10 : 10/10/10/10, 5/0/2/0, +16% research, -10% casting cost

Each book offers a unique feature, making them all a significant, valuable pick :
book 1 to 4 offer the ability to find and trade spells of each rarity. Book 5 offers a guaranteed uncommon. Book 6 offers a guaranteed rare. Book 7 offers knowing every common and a second guaranteed uncommon. Book 8 offers all uncommons and the ability to have 2 of those appear on the research page on turn 1. Book 9 offers all rares and a cost/research bonus. Book 10 offers all very rares and more cost/research bonus.

Once the system is implemented, we can tweak the numbers any way we want relatively easily.

Back when this was implemented, it was a near-perfect balance where books were probably only slightly inferior to retorts.

It could be argued that having a number of books (particularly in terms of focusing 1 color) have weakened because:
*the initial 'power' boost with many books is less relevant when you have cheap strong magic buildings and 2 settlers - cities provide a significant boost, weakening this aspect.
*higher research costs weaken the effect of 'more books = more spells' as you have to be more strategic in building your spell list. When this plan was implemented, we were often increasing the research bar and building an amazing assortment of spells quickly. This is no longer the case and the benefit of more spells may come after the deciding point where you lose or win.
*More of the rarer spells at high books, harder to research and possibly the fewer you get by the time you can tell whether you're winning or losing. It may become less relevant to have higher books compared to retorts that help you earlier on.
*you have fewer starting spells than multi-color choices by a great degree (as much as 5 vs 8 for 10 books)

On the other hand, fewer books and multi-realm may have become stronger:
*trading or finding the rare spells at 3 books and v.rare at 4 books, arguably worth more than most other types of treasure if found via lairs
*early common spells have higher research cost, so getting them early on is great.
*the starting uncommon of book #5 can help you research a low-cost powerful creature or spell to get ahead.

Suggestion about what I perceive to be an imbalance:
1) strengthen high # of books of 1 realm with an early game benefit 
   a1) increase number of starting common at books 7 & above (or better: just 9 and 10 books). They would probably be among the lesser/cheaper spells anyways, giving you a research head-start into more advanced spells.
   a2)higher research bonus in 'specialist', but requiring at least 8? books of a kind
2) Max out the total number of books of a kind at 9, squeezing the benefits stronger where needed, if the message above of tweaking books is relatively simple as stated. 
3) Design 1-2 more high-tier spell tweaks that encourage AMAZING COMBOS within each realm.
4) Do nothing, this is an intentional encouragement of multi-color realms, which were not very favorable in earlier versions when we could easily max research and get an early 1600rp efreet and probably win the game.

edit: 5) Shift 3rd starting common from pick 4 (super strong with finding v.rare) to pick 9. Add 5th and 6th starting common at book 9/10 or increase research bonus.

6) most likely favorite and least radical - add starting commons at 9 and 10 books. Done

Book 01 to 08 Unchanged
Book 09 : 10/10/10/7, 6/0/2/0, +8% research, -5% casting cost       
Book 10 : 10/10/10/10, 7/0/2/0, +16% research, -10% casting cost

or more starting commons at books 9 and 10, but without research/casting bonuses (you'd likely pick specialist anyways)


First comment: having played a few games now with the new research I have not noticed any real difference in when I get spells of a given tier.
I think Seravy did an excellent job balancing the new income vs new research costs. (This has been a few games on expert and a few on lunatic, 2 with bezerkers and therefore in theory far less of the new income.).

I definitely like adding more starting Commons at 7+ books. I think that's a brilliant idea.

I'd also agree to more bonuses at 8+ books. Maybe that's where the extra Commons should start.

That being said, I still firmly believe having only one realm with 4+ (maybe even 3+) books is the best so I'm not sure that multi-realm is properly encouraged. Instead lots of 2 book realms are just extremely good choices now.

The idea of more starting commons stalling, then coming back at books 9 and 10 may give added early-game benefit to partially balance the early-game losses of fewer retorts (or fewer starting commons provided by dual-color realms).

That way, you get 6 starting common at 9 books, and 7 starting common at 10 books. A minor boost that is not game-breaking, but helps get you started a tad better to hopefully get to later in game when you have your very rares.

Book 01 to 08 - unchanged
Book 09 : 10/10/10/7, 6/0/2/0, +8% research, -5% casting cost (+1 common)
Book 10 : 10/10/10/10, 7/0/2/0, +16% research, -10% casting cost (+2 common)


Sadly I don't think you can stall that third common. The ai needs the first 3, sometimes 4, Commons of each realm just to be competent.

As long as ai can roll only 4 books in their main realm (happens regularly with myrran AI), you can't stall it.

That's true. I think strengthening books 9 and 10 by a minor degree is really the way to go, ensuring a slight boost to early survival, but not enough to make it overpowered in any degree.

either more starting commons at 9 and 10 - at 10 books, 7 starting commons mono-realm compared to 8 common dual-realm or 7 commons triple-realm ... really not overpowered!

Book 01 to 08 - unchanged
Book 09 : 10/10/10/7, 6/0/2/0, +8% research, -5% casting cost (+1 common)
Book 10 : 10/10/10/10, 7/0/2/0, +16% research, -10% casting cost (+2 common)

or better cost/research benefits at 9 and 10 (I prefer starting commons due to emphasis on early benefit)


I'd be tempted to give books 8-10 all an extra starting common. They really won't be for having the commons, its for the free research, which speeds up your game, without being a percentage boost that could be crazy powerful in the uncommon and rare tiers.

So this?

Book 08 : 10/10/7/6, 6/0/2/1,
Book 09 : 10/10/10/7, 7/0/2/0, +8% research, -5% casting cost
Book 10 : 10/10/10/10, 8/0/2/0, +16% research, -10% casting cost

I may be tempted to decrease the cost and research slightly, as we may end up going a little much on the other direction

Book 08 : 10/10/7/6, 6/0/2/1,
Book 09 : 10/10/10/7, 7/0/2/0, +6% research, -4% casting cost
Book 10 : 10/10/10/10, 8/0/2/0, +12% research, -8% casting cost


I'd be ok with that. Up front bonuses in the form of free researched spells, less long term gains. More like what retorts give. I'd like to hear Seravy on this; I know we had a huge discussion about this when they got changed last, so I'm sure I'm forgetting some things.

well, back then djinn cost like 2000-3000rp and game-changing global very rares were typically 6000 (enlightment a lot less), so having access to 10 v rares with low research cost had an advantage.

Now we need a better early start, hence my post, and the starting commons at books 9-10 (probably 8 books as well) to make it equal in starting spells as a dual-color wizard.


The spellbooks system is on the "completed, will not change list". One of the very few things that finally made it there.

I'd like to remind you that one of the primary goals of the previous changes was REDUCING the starting commons. We agreed on that goal so let's not do a 180 turn now and go back to the original system - this year has been enough to prove fewer commons work better in practice - it makes research actually relevant in the early game.

High books are almost mandatory as is for late strategies - I tried playing 6 Chaos many retorts, then 10 chaos less retorts and the second worked light years better. Lack of rares and very rares is a huge problem.
Unsurprisingly the opposite is true for early strategies - fewer books and more retorts work better because retorts are an immediate boost.
If anything, I'd agree with Hadriex on this one, who said mono-color is now stronger than mutlicolor because every realm is self-sufficient. However that is only true if you max the book - almost every realm has keys spells you cannot afford to miss if that's your only realm. So if others think multicolor is the stronger one now, that is a sign of perfect balance.

Furthermore, a guaranteed starting research pick at 8 books is a HUGE early benefit - you're guaranteed to have the uncommon spell of your choice while everyone (even some higher difficulty AI) is still stuck at their common spells. This can be used even for early strategies - werewolves, gargoyles, etc are designed for that, but there are plenty of other strong choices (Planar Travel and Shadow Demons, Stream of Life, Aura of Majesty, AEther Binding, etc) that have long term powerful influence if researched in the early game.
The percentage cost bonus and research bonus is almost as powerful as a retort on its own and gives you extra mana, skill and ofc, high rarity spells.

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