Back in period of PBEM 2, enhancer group was called founder belief group #2 instead enhancer belief. So effect of enhancer belief only applies for founder back then. But since PBEM 2 has finished, there were several patches including one big make over for religion itself. So I don't know now whether enhancer's effect also applies for other player's cities with religious majority.
Woden's and Chevalier Mal Fet's [Insert Clever Name Here] Team Thread
Ran a duel hotseat test game using the set up you suggested and it looks like Enhancer Beliefs are founder only. So, TheArchduke will not benefit from DotF (and neither do I). We will have to remember this going forward. Looks like China has the better position in this game's setup. Let's hope Singaboy or Sullla don't figure it out.
Awww, man, I just ran my own hotseat testing and found the same thing.
Stole my thunder.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here
A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.
Turn notes -
Turn arrived roughly two minutes before I was headed out the door for a few hours, so I rushed it. I remembered to swap over a few productions to preserve overflows. Nothing exciting happened, so I took no pictures - sorry 'bout that, guys. Army is repositioning to Nan Madol, gold is saving for upgrades, cities are setting up the next wave of chops, techs are finishing. Next turn we finish Defensive Tactics, so I will swap in Limes and Maritime Industries, then chop out a Commercial Hub at Actium, a Dockyard at Navarino, and commence wall-building at Leyte (to be chopped in a few turns). In bigger news, I'll be able to start the Mausoleum in Salamis, and no one has yet finished any Harbors, so there's no chance anyone else has started the Mausoleum yet. I can chop 70% of it down, so it'll be a quick build - I feel good I can beat China to it, if China even wants the damn thing, since it's useless without Great Admirals or Great Engineers (gonna have to start fighting Germany for those next). I apologize again for the lack of pretty pictures or detail, but I crammed the turn into 120 seconds, there really was no time. :/ Tomorrow I'll give you gorgeous illustrations as we begin another chopping spree.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here
A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.
Nubia-Turn 78
More exciting turn than the last 2. Start with an overview shot... Settler at Isis finishes and I start a builder that I will work down to 1 turn, waiting for Feudalism to finish. Settler heads to spot label "Next City". Sorry for the pop ups, they seem to be in most of my shots today. Anyways, time for some chopping. Start at Horus... The city growth actually dropped the archer to 1 turn, so 15 production left. Chop is worth 118 ![]() ![]() ![]() Next, we head to the north to check on the barb camp... I killed the scout last turn and shot at the spearman. Will kill him next turn and take the camp in 2. Now to Amon... UI says the settler costs 133/170 ![]() ![]() ![]() With 2 chops, I have enough faith for a monument... I go with Horus because I need more grassland hills for food. This city is very food poor. I should have enough faith for another monument at Isis in 3 or 4 turns with more chopping. I decide to do this... We will know if he has any plans of attack if he rejects it. We can always extend it with TheArchduke further down the road. Let's hope he accepts, then I will move most of my units over to the western front. Noticed two things internationally. First... Cornflakes finsihed his encampment and now making 3 gpt. I make 4 and am trailing him by 11, so should be equal in 11 turns. I will probably run a project or 2 after I get some horseman out to make sure to deny him the next General. The General after this one will cost 240, so no real worries about him quickly picking up the next one after this one. Also, this... Japper's MP is increasing. Probably kicking out archers before Feudalism makes Agoge obsolent. I expect Cornflakes to do the same shortly. Good thing my MP is about to explode as I build up my military. New cities will be founded on T82 and T85. After my current builder builds are complete, I will go all out military with Isis and Amon building horsemen and my other cities building archers or swords. Horus will build a ram after the library and will be jungle chopped to completion in 6 turns. After I get 4 horsemen completed, I will switch to chariots to prepare for knights. Running Total: 370 ![]()
Nice to see Goddess of the Harvest syncing up so well with Valetta! You're basically getting doubled production out of chops, with the one limitation that the bonus can only go to city center buildings - but it can go anywhere in the empire!
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here
A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.
Nubia-Turn 79
(February 23rd, 2018, 07:07)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Nice to see Goddess of the Harvest syncing up so well with Valetta! You're basically getting doubled production out of chops, with the one limitation that the bonus can only go to city center buildings - but it can go anywhere in the empire! It has been and hopefully will continue to be a great help. Should be come even more useful later in the game, where a single chop is worth a monument/grainery. I should be able to get monuments in all my cities over the next 10 or so turns and then will focus on graineries and barracks. I also need to think about raising my faith per turn generation to get ready for Armories. The added production from Valletta towards units is also coming in handy. I should be able to have 6 envoys in them for the addition +2 ![]() Anyways, for the turn I start with... I bank the envoy but now that I think about it, it might be best to put it into Valletta in case Russia wants the Suzerain back. Needing 3 envoys in a bigger investment than 2 to get the Suzerain and it might make it worth more to him to go after another city state. I will rethink it tonight and decide next turn. I start Defensive Tactics and time to change policies... Out goes Colonization and in goes Maneuver. I am going to build horsemen and chariots non-stop until I have a nice army once the builders are complete (or 1-turn left for Isis). Next, we head to the north... I kill the spearman. Will pick up the camp next turn unless a new barb shows up. Then this guy will make his way to the western front via defogging the tundra. Here is a look at the Great People screen... 12 turns until I get my Prophet. I need to sit down and figure out possible scenarios with the next general. If Cornflakes wants it, he will have to run a project or 2 and maybe buy it near the end. Can't let that happen, so I need to figure out when I need to push hard for it. I thin I have 15-20 turns until I need to start doing anything, so I have a little time. Here is an overview shot of my empire... Monument at Nu-Kandy is fixed and I start an archer to be chopped into a library when the builder gets there in 3 turns. Horus finished a campus and starts a library that will be chopped to completion when Apprenticeship finishes. Thoth's builder will finish next turn and head to the new city location and Thoth will start an archer and then sword. Here is a shot of CMF's lands with my archers moving to the front... I have 1 archer sitting at the front and 3 more moving up. I have moved my General towards the front but will move him back to help the horseman get to the front sooner. It was a mistake moving him up but I do have 4-5 turns to get him back towards my lands before any horseman are built. Internationally, I notice Sullla's science jumped to 37.3 ![]() ![]()
Forgot to mention that Russia did accept my friendship request, so 30 more turn of peace. Friendship with them will now end on T109, unless we renew it again with TheArchduke when his friendship ends on ~T86. We will need to think about that because we are extending it to the Era of Cossacks.
What is the likelihood of you being able to found Jutland in the next 15 turns or getting a trade route from Leyte Gulf to Nan Madol in the next 10 turns? Trying to work out invasion plans and trying to figure out a way to get passed the little chock point by Leyte Gulf as quick as possible. If you settle Jutland, I can move my units there to upgrade and be closer to Khmer. If you an get a trade route going, we can use the road to move west quicker. Just throwing ideas out to see if we can hit them hard quickly. I figured out it will be around T96 when I finish Mercenaries and not sure if I can speed that up any. Maybe a theater and shrine somewhere. But anyways, if we can get closer to the front for upgrades or have a road to the front, it will increase the speed that we can attack.
I can get a trade route from Leyte to Nan Madol in the next ten turns - starting it in 2 turns, in fact.
Jutland is going to take longer - even with chops, Settlers cost more than districts for me now (100% walls overflow on Actium, for example, still resulted in an 11-turn build time on a settler - that's nearly half as much as the Mausoleum!). I need maybe one more builder per city to build mines and I need to grab apprenticeship, then Colonization will make settlers a viable option again.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here
A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about. |