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Adlain Wrote:you have abit of a sith lord thing going on here, your definitly well in charactor here
Thank you! When I started playing, I fully intended to do a little bit of roleplaying for "the Emperor," which I have done with mixed success, I think. Of course, unlike the Templars, I hoped to be both a roleplayer and a competent player.  I think I've managed "competent," if not "excellent."
No word from Athlete yet. I should have checked my e-mail last night, since the message was a bit old when I got it.
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Well, I'm not sure anyone can match the Templar's incompetence. And in most things you're ok. But the Praet World Tour was one of the more amusing misadventures I can recall
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Well they were aptly named PR-Troopers iirc, spreading the word of the emperor around the world (if you take pr to mean public relations)
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timmy827 Wrote:Well, I'm not sure anyone can match the Templar's incompetence. And in most things you're ok. But the Praet World Tour was one of the more amusing misadventures I can recall 
Well, it's good to know the the proper name of that incident. If I actually make it to Music first, I'll have to start a concert tour called "Praetorian World Tour."
Adlain Wrote:Well they were aptly named PR-Troopers iirc, spreading the word of the emperor around the world (if you take pr to mean public relations)
Heh heh, Public Relations Troopers? That's a good one! Wish I had more, though, since I think that my international image is suffering.
Anyway, the timer is ticking down, and I'm trying to jot down a letter to slaze. Personally, I think that this is the worst piece of garbage that I have written so far. Can't really seem to focus and it's a mess. Well.  I know that I can't ask "what would slaze think of this?" but perhaps I can ask something more specific and less spoilery. Perhaps any lurker opinion on this would be spoiler info, so I understand if no one can answer.
I am, of course, trying to put a positive spin on a horrible situation. Slaze has pretty much decimated Athlete's advance, so he has to know that he's in the stronger position here. Despite that, I am trying to word this letter to make it sound like we are all on an equal level. Do I succeed in that to any degree?
I also want to compliment slaze without lauding him and without making it clear just how boned we are. Hence the bit about "better than your predecessors." I abandoned the idea to say "we thought you were easy pickings, but were wrong," because that's basically saying "we thought you were a push-over, but now that we know that you aren't, we are scared and don't want to fight you any more." Soooo . . . the question is: Am I doing a reasonable job of hiding my fear?
All of this, of course, depends on how willing slaze is to buy into the little world-view I am crafting. Not likely, but I am hoping that I can at least define the terms of the diplomatic battle by my choice of words, so I am trying to create a situation where things are at worst neutral, at best: Athlete and I are graciously giving slaze the chance to call it quits. Does this even fall within that realm? Or is it still "we are screwed, so stop hurting us?"
OK, again, I realize that those all might be leading questions. I'll hopefully be able to edit this a bit. I do not think that I can get this out before I have to finish my turn, so my stack WILL be continuing to jockey for position around Cuzco. If I am very, very lucky, it can turn around next turn and head for the Korean front and help me not die.
Quote:Greetings slaze,
You can probably guess why I am here, so I will cut to the chase: The Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire would like to negotiate a cessation of hostilities with you.
It is clear that this war is benefiting none of us. The Rebel Alliance and I have spent much to field our armies, and you have had to sacrifice a great number of your citizens in order to defend yourself. While I know that all three of us could continue this fight, I believe that we would all find greater benefit in reestablishing peaceful relations and even trade relations, if you agree. You have clearly done better with your civilization than your predecessors and would make a worthy partner in the region. Surely you could grow stronger if your closest neighbors were standing by you rather than against you.
Whosit, Galactic Emperor
Athlete, the Rebel Alliance
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Is it me, or did Speaker pick up a new handle? Civ Stats says that a "Orateur" logged in, which sounds a lot like "orator" which means "a person who speaks."
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I guess the turn hasn't rolled yet . . . but civstats shows that plako has whipped six times. You have three chances to guess what he's whipped, and the first three don't count.
It looks like I will need to do some whipping of my own. Carida will finish the Forge naturally, but forget doing a Courthouse or anything. Catapults. Imperial Center will have to be whipped, I think, to finish the Forge ASAP (though I'll try to wait for a 3-pop, rather than 4), and then do Catapults . . . . Nar Shaddaa has some overflow to finish of Praetorian. Then . . . Catapults.
If you haven't guessed, my plan is to get a lot of Catapults, then smack plako's Maceman stack for all it's worth, and hopefully kill a few. The million gold question is if he'll just come at me straight on, or sail for Byss. I'll have very little Warning if he goes to Byss, so I'm not sure how to protect it (and I'm sure he'll just burn it if he captures it; that would be disastrous).
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OK. It is done. Here is what I sent:
Quote:Greetings slaze,
You can probably guess why I am here, so I will cut to the chase: The Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire would like to negotiate a cessation of hostilities with you.
It is clear that this war is benefiting none of us. The Rebel Alliance and I have spent much to field our armies, while you have had to sacrifice a great number of your citizens in order to defend yourself. While I know that all three of us could continue this fight to the bitter end, I believe that we would all find greater benefit in reestablishing peaceful relations and even trade relations, if you agree. You have clearly done better with your civilization than your predecessors, who gave you an empire in disarray, and would make a worthy partner in the region. Surely you could grow stronger if your closest neighbors were standing by you rather than against you. Let us combine our strength; we can end this destructive conflict, and bring order to the world (paraphrased from Darth Vader).
Whosit, Galactic Emperor
Athlete, the Rebel Alliance
I couldn't resist the line at the end after it occurred to me. Hopefully slaze really has watched Star Wars, otherwise he might just think that I'm stupid.  Oh well. Also, here's a convo I had with Athlete earlier:
Quote: Ottoman: Hello
Just reading your e-mails
I was thinking the same things as you I just didn't have time to put the selling points together for you
me: Small as they are.
Ottoman: well I've had some time to think about how we might be able to sway him to war with us as well
Sent at 7:11 PM on Monday
Ottoman: perhaps against the koreans?
me: I would just be happy if he stopped fighting us.
Ottoman: it might involve some strong concessions but could be worth it
well so would I
me: Nnn . . . what are you thinking?
Ottoman: well on your end you'd give back Bespin and agree on a land split between the 2 of you of what remaining land there is
me...i'd give him alderaan and settling rights to his island
however this stuff comes with his aid
so the conditions are
he's got to participate in the war
against the koreans
and upon the galactic capture of a korean city you then give up bespin
while I give up alderaan when i capture a korean city,..probably to the North of Istanbul on the Island
with each city we further capture we give up a city site on our respective places (my island) and your free land between you 2
me: I am afraid that I do not like this plan.
I would rather simply negotiate for peace.
Ottoman: no problem...
it was just some thoughts
me: I know. But I think that convincing him to actively help us is really stretching too far.
Ottoman: anyways...i have an incense I could offer him for the peace treaty in game
me: Alright. I wouldn't offer anything up front, of course.
Give an inch, take a mile, you know.
Ottoman: ya...
i'd be willing to offer some money help as well...once i'm in beurocracy
me: Alright. What do you think of the draft I made?
I want to send it as soon as possible, but it could probably use some work.
I don't have a lot of time at the moment, so I'm just going to put down some more thoughts.
I didn't mean to shoot down your plan, but I don't think that it's in our best interest.
Ottoman: hey like i said it was just some thoughts
don't worry about it
it was probably not going tohappen anywyas
well the sooner we get it started the better
so your draft is acceptable
ideally we can work this out asap though...
me: Anything you would like to change?
Language? Content?
Sent at 7:20 PM on Monday
Ottoman: Well I'm a bit more of a softy and really want this done with so I'd almost offer the concessions in teh frist place...i really don't think he'll be interested in talking peace unless we give him something
but at the very least i suppose it's worth a shot as is
to get talks started
i'm pretty sure i just discovered i suck at warfare
beyond basic stuff anyways
me: I read your thread in PBEM1, but I didn't want to say anything.
Ottoman: LOL
says the one who hasn't eliminated anybody yet
me: Yeah, but at least my win/loss ratio is pretty good so far . . . .
Ottoman: very true
me: Looks like I'll have to mail this in an hour or so, so e-mail me with more thoughts.
Ottoman: k i need to pc is acting up...then i gotta get in the game and figure out the mess i've done
me: He will probably demand concessions, but I'd rather wait to see what he asks for.
Ottoman: do you want me to send it?
me: No.
I'm going to try to edit it a bit more.
Ottoman: ok np
me: An hour shouldn't matter at this point, and it gives you some more time to think about it.
Ottoman: k...well i'm off now...i'll hold off on playing my turn till later when I said I would
perhaps you can cc me when you send the e-mail
me: OK. Gotta go.
Ottoman: that way I know what's going on
He had a good come-back for the PBEM1 bit.
Anyway, I'm glad I took charge of the diplomacy, because I really, really wouldn't want to make concessions to slaze up front. My rule is to always, always try to make the other guy give an offer first (this will surely be used against me in any future games  ) just in case they aren't going to ask for as much as I am willing to give. Of course, slaze might be savvy enough to ask what we are willing to offer, in which case I will bring up the resource/gold offers first, returning his city second, and further concessions dead last. I want to keep Bespin if at all possible, but that's probably a bit far-fetched at this point.
I should also probably be more involved in my allies' war plans in the future. Not that I'm an especially brilliant tactician, but it can't hurt. Really, should have abandoned the plan as soon as we found out that slaze had Feudalism.
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Because I am so psychotic, I cannot help but note that slaze has posted in his thread, suggesting that he has seen my letter. How long until he replies, and what the content will be . . . if he even replies, well . . . .
I am resigned to a longer fight if need be, but I do not relish it.
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I also happened to notice my score decrease on civ-stats during slaze's turn. I hope that this simply means that Bespin was captured, otherwise I will be quite perturbed. I really should have promoted all the Praetorians I had there once I lost line of sight to the surrounding territory. Stupid, stupid me. I am going to investigate now.
Edit: Yeah, just give me the fucking Templar Award right now. Not only did I stupidly neglect to promote my units despite know I could get attacked without warning, I failed to kill even a single attacking unit. The only highlight is that slaze moved his hilly Longbowmen to the other hill, so I can get on top of the original, for all the bloody good it will do me. Oh, and I was smart enough not to leave my Galley docked in [strike]Bespin[/strike] Tiwanaku because I thought that this might happen. Bestine is now completely exposed with nothing but a warrior. I'm going to wait a turn so I can whip I Praetorian without penalty, but I pray to god that he doesn't advance next turn. I might have a second available if I can load a unit onto a Galley, move it into the city, and unload it the same turn and have the unit count as being on land rather than in the boat. Guess I should WB it to make sure.
I am now certain that the only response I am going to get, if any, is a giant laughing smiley face. Pardon me, but god-fucking-dammit, I am playing like a n00b.
I even built him a fucking road so he can come kill me more quickly if he wants to. OK, OK, well, he can only get a Longbow to me next turn, not his "mini" stack. It's injured, so he'll probably go to heal it. Gawd.
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Whosit Wrote:I might have a second available if I can load a unit onto a Galley, move it into the city, and unload it the same turn and have the unit count as being on land rather than in the boat. Guess I should WB it to make sure.
Yes, this works. A unit is on land and can defend as soon as you click Unload, even if it has no movement left.