So in anticipation of the start of the new game, wishing you Happy New Year all, guys (and gals if we have any around). As always, GL;HF in the game and in life.
Here are the choices we rolled for you - when you've decided whether to keep the civ or reroll it, and which (if either) of the leaders you want to keep, post the inforrmation here to let us know.
Napoleon (Cha/Org)
Lincoln (Cha/Phi)
Your start:
The essential form of the BFC may be relied upon, though we might still make superficial changes e.g. to whether the trees are deciduous, conifers, or snowy, and we might imaginably even rotate the whole thing 90 degrees or something since the surrounding terrain is still being finalized. The corner tiles may yet change, and the fog is a fabric of lies, but at least you've got your start!
Not perfect, but something new for me to try. Also prefer to play the cards I am dealt instead of having to rely and hope on rejected nations and leaders with the attitude that someone's trash will be my treasure.
Hi, here's your MapCad-generated sandbox to help you plan your opening. You'll need to have RtR installed. If something doesn't work as it should, let me know.
It is not my best time in Civ lately in general. Right before I play my turn in PB38 I see this in another game:
And not much better in this game. People are already besieging me and disrupting my worker plans and I am about to lose my first settler.
This game is going to be hard.
Ah, yeah, thanks for asking. Things are dull and generally grim for me :D . Keeping the in the bottom scorewise, at mere +3 gpt at zero science, being boxed in from everywhere except from Xenu (who to compensate builds huge army lol). I am maybe in a setter race with Mr.Cairo for the last good spot left around me which I thought I secured by settling forward. I am moving army and if he is not impressed and dares to slip this city behind my lines, I will try to have another option to remove the offending city.
Well, Mr.Cairo was not impressed by my declaration of war, neither his PRO archers in the hilly forested area were, so after 1-turn war, he proposed forced peace and I took it. I was and I am still mad at his aggressive settling, but thinking about it, it was all my fault assuming this spot is mine and not even building roads to there in advance, so my settler was 1 turn late. In the game of cIV, you either plan ahead, or you are aways 1 turn late. We are both at the bottom scorewise, and as I believe in looking at the big picture, rather than focusing on the small details, I decided to not drag down in ancient war both of us while the others thrive. For now I will forgive, but not forget. One day, if the situation is different, I might do something to remedy the insult. Until then, I cannot waste time and efforts to throw stones at each dog which will bark at me along the road, unless I do not want to spend the whole game throwing stones, covered in dust, being with pants torn and going nowhere.
The game is a total mess for me at least and I will try to just stay strong and outlive as much players as it is possible, live today to look for opportunity to fight tomorrow.