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[SPOILERS] yuris125, Pitboss 39. Let's not make silly mistakes this time

[Image: Image.ashx?multiverseid=439768&type=card]

Your start. Note that the corner tiles and fog will change.

[Image: 2rfvuqr.jpg]

Thanks Erwin

I completely forgot how to do snake pick. Got too used to choices being more limited

I'm 3rd in the pick, meaning if I want, I can guarantee my top 3 civ choice, and presumably still get a decent leader on the way back

My top 3 civs:
India is first, despite Fast Worker nerf and bad starting techs. Don't think I ever played India in MP either, now may be a good time
Then China and Korea pretty much equal, simlpy due to stating techs (Korea starts with Agri/Mining in RtR, same as China)

So I will almsot certainly pick one of these three, then we'll see what's available for leader

[Image: Klkkgcd.png]

True story. Speaking of, nukes aren't banned in this game....... are they still worth it in RtR? let's play as Gandhi and find out!

Just back home after a work trip up north. Need to process everything that's been happening, but this snake pick is not going the way I expected at all

With Mongolia, Zulu, and Egypt all in the game (even if War Chariot is nerfed in RtR), I'm strongly considering a protective leader, especially with RtR's Pro buff. Currently thinking either Saladin or Wang Kon. Charlemagne is also an option, but I do want a mid-to-late game trait to go with early defences and cheap Granary. And apparently there's no Pro/Org leader

So. India, a civ I know is strong in theory but never played in MP, and a Spiritual leader, a trait I know is strong on theory, but never was able to optimally use. This "avoid silly mistakes" thing will be tricky

Password is sal

Settled in place, started with Fast Worker and Agriculture. Weak starting techs made me consider starting with something else. But with 2 agri resources in range, and Wheel allowing to pave the way for an early Settler, think it was worth it

Options after Agri - already heaving Wheel, I can go for early Pottery. However a better way to take advantage of Fast Worker would be to continue with Mining-BW and start chopping. Still some time to thinkg about it

Also I want to get religion relateviely early and start building Spi Temples. Not before Worker techs though

The world as we know it on T10 (including some early dotmapping - which of course may change)

I completed Agriculture last turn, and decided to go for Pottery next. I want to cottage flood plains near the capital as soon as possible, mines and chopping can wait. Mining-BW will follow after Pottery, possibly with Hunting in between, depending on resource near the location I decide for the second city. AH and religion in some order after that. Religion possibly even before Hunting, it's not the highest priority ever, but I would like to get it early on and without much effort. Depends on which resources I need to improve, and how fast

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