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Woden's and Chevalier Mal Fet's [Insert Clever Name Here] Team Thread

One question that I hope gets to you before you leave town:
The settler that finishes next turn, is it intended for Midway?

Yeah, that's right. Midway might just need a lot of chops to get a harbor and ships out in a reasonable time.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn report for both Nubia and England will have to wait until tomorrow but I wanted to say I captured Geneva and sent it to CMF. Rome's science went from ~170 to just over 110Icon_Science. Germany's science also took a hit and is a little less than 90Icon_Science.

Nubia-Turn 128

Start off with my core...

Builders finish at Isis and Thoth and move to build some farm triangles. Desperately need better food to grow. Thoth starts a catapult and Isis starts an engineer. I realized after I played my turn that I don't need an engineering on this side of my empire and can chop it out in the west. I will change it to something else next turn.
Here are the current science rates:
Rome/China: 173.1/88.7 (261.8)
Russia/Germany: 56/110.7 (166.7)
England/Nubia: 54/89 (143)

Down at Geneva...

The musket was attacked by the sword and a crossbow was attacked by their crossbow. I start off by taking out the sword for some free experience. Then I hit the city with another crossbow, then a knight and finally...

Take the city with a musket. Let's take a look at the city...

No university but library and lighthouse. I send it along...

This should help CMF's science rate a little bit and will increase his trade routes by 1 for more gold. Taking out Geneva should slow down the tech rate in the game for a little bit. The ending science rates:
Rome/China: 110.2/77.8 (188.0)
Russia/Germany: 49.8/87.5 (137.3)
England/Nubia: 54/96.6 (150.6)

Our rate increases becuase it decreased last turn when we declared. Rome's rate is inflated this turn due to the 15% Suzerain bonus but still a combined drop of 73.8 Icon_Science for team Rome/China does sound good. Germany/Russia dropped 29.4Icon_Science. We are now 2nd place in combined science. 

Nubia-Turn 129

Start off with completing a tech and civic...

I found crab city (Amesemi) and buy the niter...

Now that tile purchases are finished for the time being, I can swap back into Colonization...

I also accumulated enough faith for the granary at Tundra town...

Plus accumulated enough GP points for the next general...

2 more turns until builder is complete and then I will send the city over to CMF. Here is my core...

I swap the settler in at Isis instead of the engineer. Osiris switches to a horseman to make sure the builder cost increases don't add another turn to tundra city. Added a few farms in the southeast and that was about it.

England-Turn 128

I played CMF's turns while he is away for a funeral. Let's see how bad I can screw him up...

I start by sending all his gold and half his cities to Nubia...

Just kidding, I accept Geneva for Nubia. Thanks Woden! Your welcome Woden!
I the southern sea, I try and find the barb ship...

Not sure if this is the same one since it is full health and last turn the ship looked injured. Anyways, I strike it and will kill it next turn. I notice CMF has a bunch of ships along the eastern coast of former Khmer and I decide to sail them south to Geneva for upgrades. I assume these ships will sail around Khmer/Kongo to strike Rome. Hope this was correct as I don't really see much other use for them. It is not like we have a canal city to get them into the north sea. 

Over by Nan Madol, I spy another barb that could cause trouble, so I sail the ship/general pair south...

Finally, I leave the ship by Rome's troops where it was to keep an eye on them for Germany...

One thing that worries me is that this whole thing could be a ruse and they could be planning an attack on us. They could be hoping we go into builder mode when we see them setting up an attack against Germany?Russia and then strike us when our guard is down. We will have to make sure we are ready for an attack if they don't strike Germany/Russia in the next 10 turns. You think they would be moving closer to Germany/Russia if they want to attack in 6 or 7 turns. IDK, maybe just paranoid. 

England-Turn 129

Start off with completing Humanism (no screenshot) and I look at policies...

Don't see a need to change anything, so I leave it alone. CMF gets a Admiral this turn...

I leave him where he spawned. Barb ship in the north sea moves towards the coast and in range of a crossbow...

I killed the barb ship in the south sea after he attack the galley but didn't get a screenshot of before. Here is after...

Galley did get a promotion. He was injured, so I promoted in case the injured barb ship is still around...

Figured you probably don't need movement with everything you have, so I went with more strength (Embolon). 
Over by Rome, I move the ship to see the forward units...

This has to be pissing Sullla/Singaboy off as TheArchduke has vision on these units. Back at England...

I switch off the Quads at Actium and the eastern island. They both are at 1 turn and ready to be chopped. I thought I would give you the pleasure of doing them. Just know, I realized the builder by Salamis was probably meant to go to the eastern island. I used him to put a mine down and then moved him to add a farm at Salamis and add food to the rice. You will have to have him go south again when you play next. I tried not to screw up anything.

FYI, I will probably be late playing my game tonight. Not sure what time, busy day at work. What time do you usually shut things down? I can try and get it to you by then, maybe.

Nubia-Turn 130

Pretty slow turn today, starting off with...

Thanks to CMF finishing it last turn. This brings it down to 2 turns but I will switch off of it next turn and put a few turns into Exploration so I can switch out of Colonization at the policy swap. 
Here is an overview of my core...

Horseman finishes at Nu-Kandy and starts another. Trader finishes at Taueret, goes to finish builder. Trader moves to Osiris for a road to Amon and extra production. I do switch back the builder at Osiris because tundra town will finish theirs next turn regardless of increased costs. That is about it, fairly boring turn. I did spend some time looking around and decided to do this...

I don't know if that is a smart move, trading with the tech leader but it should help me get some cities ecstatic and the +10% bonus to yields. All my cities are happy...

I figure with 2 more luxuries, I can get more production and science. Of coarse I run the risk that Rome will get the same but I figure he has higher population cities and don't think he has the amenities to get to ecstatic. Maybe he won't accept it, IDK. We will see.

And since I was looking things over I decided to send a message to Germany...

I do believe Sullla was using this to tell us when he was attacking Germany, so figured I would let TheArchduke know we can attack in 15 turns. I will resend next turn so it relays the message. 

CMF, is there a way for you to get any ships over to our eastern shores? I am pretty vulnerable over there from sea attacks. I do plan on a harbor at Thoth so I can kick out Frigates fast but it will close to the time our DoF with Rome/China runs out when I can start building them. Or, can you guard Valletta and I will move my galley over to the eastern ocean and upgrade him?

Quick note to say that I am back and played my turn, Woden. Thanks so much for covering me. I'll have more after work.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

All right, back in the saddle for real. 

Chevalier's Trip and whatever the latest turn was

So, I had to run out of town this week to rural Missouri for a family funeral. It was good to see most of my family - it's been a couple of years, living apart from them. I often forget just how different the culture of southern Missouri is compared to St. Louis, where I live now. You have little hamlets of 100-1000 or even 5000 people, and scattered between are vast fields dotted with little farm houses, with extended families often rambling over several square miles. The land is devoted to raising cattle and the logistical support that enterprise needs. It's a quiet, out-of-the-way corner of America that few people visit, but it has its charms:


The sunset outside the church the evening of the visitation. Gorgeous church. 

It's also good to catch up with my family. My aunt has been having problems with the local animal control. Seems that local travellers often spot her horse and worry that he's been poorly cared for, skinny under-fed nag that he is. So they call, the sheriff comes out, and she walks him around the property, showing the horse's feed, his shelter, etc. It's gotten so bad that she had to put up a sign, which I find hilarious:

Skipper, of course, loves his sign and poses next to it at every opportunity. 36 and a half is ancient for a horse, by the way. My last horse, Feller, was old when he was in his early 20's. 

Finally, on the drive back, I stopped at Wilson's Creek National Battlefield. Wilson's Creek was the second major battle of the American Civil War, and the largest west of the Mississippi. I've been meaning to visit it for a while, and I had a whole day to myself to drive back, so I took my time and explored it thoroughly. The creek itself is gorgeous:

This particular quiet section was where a section of Union infantry crossed, to cover the flank of a more major force attacking to the west. The small 300-man force was quickly beaten and driven off by over 900 Rebels, though. 

The main battle was fought slightly further to the west. This is about half a mile downstream, looking northwest:

Here, the main Union force under General Nathanial Lyon, about 4,000 strong, attacked 12,000 Confederates encamped along the creek. I'm in the middle of the rebel camp now. The Federals drove south, but were bogged down on the hill pictured here by powerful artillery fire from across the creek. The Confederates formed a battle line and launched 3 attempts to storm the hill. 

There's still cannnon marking most of the major batteries:

Eventually, the rebels were able to blast the Union position using this battery (only a few hundred yards from Bloody Hill), killing General Lyon and driving the Union forces into retreat. Dissension among the Confederate leaders prevented them following up their victory, however, and the Federals were able to reorganize and rout the Confederate army for good at Pea Ridge about 6 months later, permanently securing Missouri for the Union. 

General Lyon was the first army commander on either side killed during the war. He became an early hero of the Union and abolitionist causes. 

So it was a good trip. But you guys want to talk to Civ. Let's do that:

I keep scouting for the Archduke. At least this attack won't come as a surprise - his crab harvests have set him up to be able to resist pretty well, in fact. I'm growing steadily more optimistic. I have a lot of ships coming off the slipways in the next 15 turns, enough to build up a very powerful strking force of my own. I should be able to launch a telling blow at Geneva at the start of the war. That will secure the northern seas for me permanently, more or less. The land battle will be more iffy, but the saving grace there will be the 2 on 1. Woden can't fight Singaboy's faith-army and Sullla's at the same time, but China will have to fend off Russian and German units. 

Can we hit hard enough before Sullla breaks out the battleships? I'm not certain, nothing is certain in war, but I have high hopes. Even a few battleships won't be fatal - they're not as strong as Minais Gerais, and oledavy handily sank Woden's MGs in PBEM4. But there's a real chance to bring down the leader in ~15 turns or so. Accordingly, I think Woden was dead right to send some encouragement to the other team. They just have to weather the storm for 10 turns, then we can join in on the other side. 10 turns is a long time (look at what Sullla did to Japper in that time), but it shouldn't be enough for Archduke to lose too heavily. Once that initial storm is passed, our combined production should overwhelm Rome/China's tech edge (much shrunken, good call on Geneva) and then it's anyone's game. Overall, I emerged from the weekend in a good mood. 

Western overview:

Early economic builds are finishing and we're beginning the second wave of ship builds to chop out our final districts. Then shipsshipsships. 

Eastern overview:

Same deal here. Need builder attention at the island cities to get those build times down, but it's less urgent to have a mighty navy in these waters. 

In a turn or two I'm going to start sailing my navy south, around Russia. We'lll swing by the fjord for promotions and upgrades, then should be able to debouch into Rome's southern ocean as a powerful frigate/caravel squadron wehre Rome least expects us. I'm not sure what the best move is strategically, to start- strike for Rome's biggest coastal city with the hoped-for element of surprise? That's the safer bet, I think. But a more ambitious blow is to try and seize both of the canal cities in a coup de main at the start of the war, then rapidly combine my navies in the southern ocean. That's a war winning maneuver, I think. 

smile Thanks for reading with me thus far. Hope to give you a good show soon.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Keep fighting the good fight!  hammer

Sidebar, we really should make a point to hang out sometime before I leave Arkansas, considering you live just one state away.

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