Turn 41
Open the save, Early Empire completes. Start State Workforce, inspiration for that due in two turns. No change in policies yet, though I have a notification that barbarians have shown up by Welcome to the Occupation. Unfortunately I’ve got a major problem here – it’s a horse camp!
This is going to mess things up quite a bit.

Slinger and builder to the city center. This is going to slow things down a bit, especially since chopping out a slinger will not happen with the horsemen around. Going to have to suck it up and kill everything with the slinger. I suppose the good news is that there’s a horse in the fog within three tiles of that camp, meaning there’s probably a good city site down there.
In the south the slinger and builder continue back towards the capital. Builder will move to stone next turn and then quarry it the turn after that. Warrior at Preslav pillages the farm, it’s back at full health and will go west for a bit starting next turn.
Up at Lisbon it’s time for the attack. Eagle Warrior moves to the pillaged pasture and the attacks begin. Swamp EW first, 39 damage, slightly above average. Pasture next, 33 damage. Builder escort moves to farm, unlinks, attacks. 28 damage. Average damage for this attack should have been a total of 107, I got 100. So long as the garrison doesn’t attack out to the west I’ll be OK here. I may be able to squeak by and take the city next turn, even with the garrison damage healing.
Last move for now is the slinger at Cant. Moves SE onto the forested hill, reveals another jade. This approach is rather confined and will be easily defended.
Now, about that barb trouble. I’ve got a slinger at one turn from completion (34/35

). I can’t complete it because it’ll be forced out of the city. The slinger in the city will have its hands full but I should be able to get a promotion out of it. Time to do some rearranging and see what can be done. First, I switch the builder from the copper tile to the 1

/2production forest I was going to chop. Don’t need the food and while the

is nice I have enough for archers. That change lowers the production time for an Eagle Warrior from 9 turns to 7 turns. An Eagle Warrior can go toe to toe with a horse camp spawn. I’ll leave Agoge in place so that it completes faster. Slinger and builder will stay huddled up. Once I can get the horses cleared I’ll chop out the remaining slinger with the overflow completing the second one. In some ways this could be a good thing -- I'll have another Eagle Warrior for the attack on Egypt.
This will require delaying Archery as well. I’ll get that to one turn, complete Masonry and switch to Writing. Policies remain unchanged. I'll also need to figure out what to put a turn of production into at Begin the Begin after the Encampment as there will be a 1 turn delay between finishing Masonry and starting the battering ram there.
Internationally Japper has completed a district and his sixth tech. I’m the only one with four civics completed.