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Woden's and Chevalier Mal Fet's [Insert Clever Name Here] Team Thread

Update: Why are there so many ships

I have 4 more quads coming down the slipways, so next turn I'm starting Square Rigging and Exploration. I've got about all I can afford to upgrade now, so remaining ships need to be hard-built from scratch. There are plenty more chops a-comin', though. This woudl have been a magnificent building phase if I'd channeled that overflow into anything other than moar ships. 

I also squeeze in some one-turn monuments and granaries where it made sense, just to shore things up. Triangular Trade next turn, Merchant Republic the turn after that, so gold generation will increase a lot. Then I'll take Woden's boost to Industrialization and drive for Steam Power, then resume the drive on Steel. Sullla will beat me there by a mile, but maaaybe I can delay him a bit? 

Trying to see if there's any way not to lose Nan Madol in the opening turns of the war. Not sure if that's possible. Probably not. Oh, well, I'll enjoy being the culture leader while it lasts. 

Pictures later.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Nubia-Turn 134

Starting off with...

Entering the Industrial Age. I get 4 new quests: Lisbon wants the boost to Scorched Earth, Nan Madol wants a trade route, Valletta wants the boost to Natural History, and Bandar Brunei wants a religious conversion. All could be very do-able. Industrialization reveals coal and I look around for it...

Two sources by Isis with one already hooked up. The other should be grab after the final 2nd ring tile (the lake) is grabbed next. Over by England...

Looks like England's luck with strategic resources continues as I see no sources in his core. I did not check cities and districts, so there maybe a source hidden. Farther west...

A source by Jutland and one between Jutland and Nan Madol, south of the lake. By Khmer... 

No other sources down by Ma'at. Not much else happened this turn. A settler finished at Ma'at and I put another in production to capture the overflow before i switch to walls to chop out another builder. I did send the missionary up to Ptah to see if I can get a conversion there with the remaining 2 charges. It should be easier since it has less population. 2nd Catapult finished and I put Metal Casting in to finish next turn.

The promised screenshots:

Industrialization from Woden, a huge pickup. Happily, though, he has already assured me that, just as there was no iron and no nitre, there is also no coal within the borders of my 13-city 2-continent (that the game defines as one continent) civ, so I need not worry too hard. Who needs essential naval strategic resources, right? 

Not only is Archduke continuing his countdown, he also offers a no-strings attached subsidy:

Suits me. 300 gold over 30 turns isn't a lot, but it's another frigate or two. I am going to need every scrap of gold I can scratch together. Speaking of, I also harvest one of the two (yep, just two) copper sources in my civ:

250 gold. Game won't last long enough for a mine there to pay off. That's another pair of frigates, down the road. 

Sullla's fleet is nosing into my ocean:

I've got a strategic dilemma at Nan Madol. As you all know, it's been the greatest weakness of my empire since I acquired suzerainty back around turn 50. I've always been very concerned about the security of this little city-state, which at all times has been responsible for roughly half my culture - I'm now so sprawling that I can't replace Nan Madol's culture with some quick monuments and meritocracy, as I could 50 turns ago. However, it's also basically indefensible. 

From the land, my army will be outdated and more or less useless. I won't have the cash to upgrade it AND my navy. So, leaving there is effectively leaving it to be destroyed in return for a few extra turns of culture. Probably not worth it. Similarly, the navy, while I think I can take Sullla in a stand-up fight (before Battleships), can't be pinned against the coast - if I allow myself to be trapped defending this city-state, Sullla could land first strike, negating much of my navy's mobility edge. I think, accordingly, that before the war breaks out I must sacrifice Nan Madol and preserve my own forces. 

In the long-term, obviously, that hurts my chances of winning, but guys, I've stopped kidding myself on this. I'm not winning. Archduke squashed the slim chance we had. I'll soldier on, and try to present a good last-stand report to you, but my goal now is just to make the best showing I can. 

Anyway, the long and short of it is we're not thinking long-term anymore. Longterm is useless. In the short term, by leaving Nan Madol, I could potentially strike at Genoa. If that city is taken, Sullla's battleships won't mean much until he can refound it, and I can operate freely along the coast supporting my troops. This is the best way possible to defend Jutland (exposed on the far continent), and maybe even Nan Madol if I do it quickly enough. 

A quick overview:

A few short economic builds that I think will pay off - a one-turn granary and monument, a 3-turn trader, wrapping up the CH. Southern ocean is lesser priority on ships - I have that more secure for a while. If Archduke really is friendly, then my potential expedition is back on the menu. I think I might get that in motion soon. Upgrade in southern waters using our alliance with Archduke/Emperor, if they renew it, and then try to take Sullla/Singaboy by surprise. A second chance to raze a canal, or if that's successful, then a raid on Venezia? 

Anyway, rant time. I keep this bottled up, but sometimes you need to vent. I need to vent a bit to keep my morale up. 

No coal. Boy, isn't that a punch in the gut? This fucking map, this game, seems to never tire of kicking me while I'm down. You want freshwater, Chevalier? Okay here's a short river and a tiny lake. Oh, you want more? Here's a GIANT lake - but joke's on you, all the land around it is either a 1-tile strip of coast or totally useless desert! Here's a neat city-state that syncs with your civ - but in return, you get absolutely no resources at all. None. 

Like, let me reiterate: To get my second source of horses I had to found a city on an island, which can't be done until after shipbuilding tech! Guess whether I wanted to or not i wasn't doing anything with horsemen this game! To get my second source of iron - the first wasn't even in my borders when it was revealed, mind you - I had to go and basically seize it from another civ's starting territory! To get nitre - oh wait haha I don't fucking HAVE any nitre, even across 13 settlements on 2 continents. There's two third ring sources I could splurge to buy. Did everyone else have to buy their nitre? I fucking doubt it! But surely that's compensated for by having some COAL in my starting area, right? No, of course fucking not - I get to buy that, too, which gets me, what, one source? At my most exposed city? This is completely absurd by this point. If I start to tally in bonus resources, the story's probably mostly the same! 2 coppers across 13 cities! I've got, what, 2 cows? One third-ring at Actium and one at Sicily? Lots of rice, I guess! Hooray! I also get the ONE fucking isthmus in the game that doesn't allow canals. If I had a canal, there'd be NO DOUBT about the naval engagement to come. But nope, I get to build from effectively 3 cities, while the rest can do nothing to contribute. Everyone else, on the other hand, had the opportunity to build from all their cities and transfer ships as they pleased. 

My starting area is devoid of natural wonders, devoid of strategic resources, devoid of strategically important geography, and mostly devoid of freshwater. By contrast, ROME has lakes and rivers everywhere. He has a fucking culture-boosting natural wonder 2 turns' march from his capital, because Rome needs the early culture boost so very much! He had room for not 2 but FOUR canal cities. I haven't looked yet but what the odds that he had niter and coal and iron and horses basically for the taking? Russia gets a beautiful fjord right in its backyard! Kongo has the Pantanal literally at their capital! But what do I get from the map? Basically Nan Madol, and nothing else. I even somehow got the worse continent drawing I've ever seen. China and Rome absurdly have two continents between them, Russia and Germany have their own, but Woden and I share ours with Khmer - the continent border STARTS at Kongo and runs up to Rome, then China has half a continent. This means that apart from half-price harbors I've been playing a completely vanilla civ this entire time. I build my economy on trade routes and lots of ships because I have no other freaking choice! 

Like, I get that not everything is going to go your way on the map. I get that. It happens. But Christ, it's demoralizing. The game I signed up for was going to be me + Woden against 3 other teams of newbies/vets combined. Instead, the newbie on Singaboy's team was promptly replaced by Sullla two weeks into the game, ostensibly "temporarily" until Brick came back but THAT'S worked out well, hasn't it? ANd ever since it's felt like the game has been little more than a setup for me to be a punching bag for someone way out of my weightclass, and to top things off the map seems absurdly eager to give every edge to the other guy while throwing constant obstacles into my path. But I guess I got Nan Madol, so I can't complain, right? Never mind that it's on another continent, I had to recognize and grasp the opportunity, I've had to defend the city-state by envoy and military might since, that it IS fundamentally indefensible and the first thing to go when war breaks out, and that anyone else could also have grabbed it for themselves, I'm simply the only guy who took advantage. 

I try to keep my spirits up, no one likes a doom-and-gloom thread, but blow after blow like this is demoralizing. 

Well, more ships tomorrow. I feel a bit better now.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Spoilered since it's completely fine to rant:

(April 23rd, 2018, 06:53)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Like, I get that not everything is going to go your way on the map. I get that. It happens. But Christ, it's demoralizing. The game I signed up for was going to be me + Woden against 3 other teams of newbies/vets combined. Instead, the newbie on Singaboy's team was promptly replaced by Sullla two weeks into the game, ostensibly "temporarily" until Brick came back but THAT'S worked out well, hasn't it?

I will say that I fully intended to play the full game, but had personal family health problems that made me step out early on and kept me out much longer than anticipated. I am literally just now getting to where I could consider having time to come back, but the game is progressed enough that it would feel even more disruptive now. It was truly intended to be only temporary, but turns out I was unable to fully predict real-live events very well.

All that to say you do have a bit of a raw end, and I completely understand. It just was not intended at least from my end to try and rig anything against you.


I sent you some horses and niter this turn. I don't know if you need them but I have extras. Let me know if you need any resources as I have plenty and really only need 1 copy since I have many encampments to build units.

I will try and figure out how I can position my units to help protect Nan Madol. As I plan for war with Team Rome/China, I am feeling more confident. I should have good enough defenses (level 3 walls) and tech parity by T146 (Ballistics and Military Science), so should have the advantage with my GG. I am also planning on building a Temple at Ma'at and getting Inquisitors in my frontline cities to prevent China using Crusade. They will have the advantage of numbers but I will have the defenders advantage and enough units to hold them off, hopefully to the point of seeing war with us as a waste or at least until their alliance with Germany ends. This will hopefully give you an opportunity to start razing Rome's coastal cities and Lisbon. Plus, Sullla doesn't like drawn out conflicts and would prefer having the tech advantage for quick strikes, so he may pull back until he techs ahead.

I should have Steam Power finished around T150, if not before. It will be a little after war starts but I think it is more important to have Field Cannons and Calvary before the conflict starts. If I do get overrun in the Khmer lands, I should have a steady stream of units head west to protect your cities but I am pretty sure Team Rome/China's attention will be drawn elsewhere by that time. I just hope Germany/Russia don't screw us but I am planning on have some units stay home just in case. My currnet plan is to get a few rounds of horses and they go full on crossbow pumping. I will lose the 50% production card on Field Cannons (industrial card at Nationalism) but I do still have my civ's ability of +50% on ranged units, so I still produce them as fast as anyone else and will continue pumping them out until the war is over. I figure ranged units are better for defense than melee units.

Turn report will be up later today, just wanted to share a few thoughts.

Just want to make sure some things are clear, guys. 

Rants are cathartic, but they also are rarely fair. I wasn't trying to be fair in my rants, I just wanted to vent the feelings I had. 

Brick, have no fear. I don't blame you at all. Family and personal stuff has to come first, no doubt. It's a game. I just feel upset by Fate, not any individual actor, that I was playing in a game of a much higher weight class than what I signed up for - I think PBEM10 is way closer to my speed. 

Similarly, the map. Cornflakes, I don't blame you for it at all (except perhaps not giving me a canal!  neenerneener ). On the whole, it's a really interesting design and I think a lot of fun to play on. I just feel like the RNG gods have delivered me kick in the teeth after kick in the teeth on it, and the total lack of strategic resources is one more stinging blow. I hate having to come to Woden like a beggar for resources. Anyway, under no circumstances do I blame my present position on the map. My own screw ups are responsible for the hole I'm in, I just think that the map has made it a bit easier to fall into the hole (and I think if Woden and I's starting position were swapped with, say, Emperor and Archduke's, we'd be in a stronger position now). 

Anyway, that's probably all the whining you guys can stand, so let's talk about how to fix things. Woden, the main thing I guess is to establish the resources I need. If I'm to upgrade musketmen, I need at least one source of nitre. For ironclads, I need 1 source of coal. That will probably be sufficient. I don't have the money for musketman anyway, so no worries I guess. Nothing I can do about the lack of production from not having mines over those resources - chops and the VA will hopefully let me make a brief fight of it before succumbing. 

I see the turn has been with me for 8 hours - must have come just after I left for work - so I'll play that now.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Quick update - up to 20 quads in the Roman sea, aha ha ha. My military score is higher than Sullla's now and I haven't upgraded anything since the medieval age.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

CMF, I will send my coal when you need it, just let me know...probably after I finish Steam Power. I could send it now but am worried the deal would end and I would forget to resend right when you need it, plus I want to upgrade my lone galley for the boost to Steel.

I will say, if one of us had to be screwed for strategic resources, I am glad it was you and not me. Not because I want all the strategic for myself but because I get +1Icon_Production from mine on strategic resources. My coal is giving my +7Icon_Production Again, let me know if you ever need anything as I have multiple copies of most.

That probably is for the best, yeah.

We need a second source of coal, so we can both upgrade. The boost to steel is more important than my own ironclads right now - I only have about 7 galleys/caravels, compared to 30+ quadriremes. That's counting both oceans. <_<
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

I figured out last night that I should have Steam Power on T147 or T148. I also have a second coal at Isis that I can buy the tile or run a few encampment citizens to increase culture. I will check it out next turn. It would be nice to get another +7Icon_Production tile going.

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