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[TECH] Civ 6 PBEM 11 (Mid-late May Start)

There was some brief discussion at the end of PBEM 5 about organizing PBEM starting middle of May. Having for the most part completed my move, and not seeing a thread opened yet, I'll go ahead and start an organizing thread:

1. Cornflakes (play window GMT 1000-1400 ... flexible early game to get in extra turns 1400-0000)
2. Pindicator (from PBEM #5 0100 - 0600 UTC)
3. Rowain (from PBEM #3: 17:00 UTC - 20:30 UTC)
4. TheArchduke (from PBEM #4: 5:00-7:00, 16:00-20:00 GMT)
5. rho21 (1930-0030 UTC)
6. ???
***MAP MAKER*** Emperor K

To summarize map settings for Emperor K:

Base game only, no DLC or expansion
Ancient Era start
Barbs on, huts off
Map type: Continents
Size: Small (6 player default)
Low sea level
New world age
All other map settings standard (resources, rainfall, etc.)

Bans: Venetian Arsenal, Scythia, Sumeria, England

Some further guidelines the map maker:
  • Minimum 12 tiles between starting positions
  • Minimum guaranteed 1 of each type of strategic resource within easy access (within e.g. 5 tiles of capital, not within CS borders). 2nd copy OK within CS borders or more difficult to access
  • Number of City States = two times number players as starting guideline. +/- 1 at map-maker's discretion based on spacing/etc.
  • All CS placed either coastal or dry, not fresh water to avoid capturing size 10 CS early game. Adding a mountain or 1-tile lake within range for aqueduct is suggested especially for dry CS locations.
  • When locating CS, try to leave as many settling options as possible available for the players (e.g. don't invalidate all freshwater sites in a particular direction from a player)
  • Don't try to re-roll specific CS when setting up the starting save. Ok to look at the generic type distribution and re-roll at map maker's discretion. (just to re-iterate it is not possible to select the specific CS)
  • Sprinkle in some mountains into regions which are devoid of rivers/lakes in order to give players the option to build aqueducts later on
Anything I missed on settings and/or map guidelines?

I had been hoping that the spring patch would come out first, but it's anyone's guess for when that comes out now.

Still interested, those settings are fine
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I'm down, although I definitely won't be ready to start for another couple of weeks. No harm in starting to work out settings in the interim.

I would like to join.

Usual playtime: 5-6 AM GMT (Monday - Wednesday)
1 hour later on thursdays
Fr-Sunday 2 hours later

On most days I can get a turn in between 5 PM (17:00) - 8 PM (20:00) GMT too

Prefer ancient era-starts

Signing up.

Middle or End of May sounds good.

A third PBEM may be a bit time intensive, but I gave up on playing SP.

I am fine with any DLC
I prefer Continents to Pangea but fine with anything really.
Regardless of map type, I would ban Scythia and the VA (one unit and one for free is just to heavy)
Medieval start could be quite... interesting, although some civs would get the cut here. I am fine either way.
Good map guidelines.

Hmm, I'm tempted to sign up but I don't know how much time PBEM 10 is going to take up. It could be over by the time this one really gets going, it could be in the middle of a complex war.

I guess I'll take the final spot if no-one else wants it. If they do, I'll hopefully have time to make you a map.

If you will have a relatively new person I would like to play. 
Available is Monday -Friday before 830 am.  Monday Wednesday and Friday 8pm to 10pm, Tuesdays not much in the pm. Thursdays 9 to 10 pm.  Weekends varriable but generally free. All times eastern us.  Not sure if that is too restrictive. 

I like the Medieval start idea personally. I do not have the DLC but if it means someone gets a dlc civ and I do not that is fine.

I updated the first post with time windows (taken from previous games, let me know if your availability has changed). Looks like there is a decent order: Cornflakes > oledavy > [Rowain/TheArchduke] > [gap from 2030-0100] > Pindicator > [gap from 0600 - 1000]. Ideally the 6th player would fill in one of the gaps.

@ Rowain & TheArchduke: Your time windows are pretty much identical. In PBEM #8 I see that TheArchduke is (was mischief) was before Rowain. Did this work well? Or would you prefer swapping this time around?

@rho21: your play window (from PBEM #10: 2100 - 0300 UTC) fits well within one of the gaps if you want the 6th spot.

Early Bird in the morning and evening here, Rowain. I think spotwise I am better off before.

It depends when the turn arives. In pbem8 it worked well with archduke going before me.

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