Tile yields:
Arid: 0 food
Moist: 1 food
Rainy: 2 food
Flat: 0 minerals
Rolling: 1 mineral
Rocky: 1 mineral and 0 food
Forest overrides those with a base yield of 1-2-1
Base center square overrides with a base yield of 2-1-1
River: +1 energy, applies to everything, including base squares and forests and monoliths
Tile yield bonuses: 2 of the appropriate type, also applies to everything
Before certain techs, yields are capped at 2 of each type per square. The game shows a black outline around the 2 if you're losing resources to this cap. A tile bonus removes that cap for that tile. So does the center square of a base.
Farm: +1 food
Mine: -1 food and +1 mineral, except on a rocky tile where a mine gives +2 minerals and a road another +1 (total of 4)
Solar collector: +1 energy and +1 more per 1000m of elevation (highest is 4 total)
Condensor: x1.5 to food and increase raininess in its own and adjacent tiles
Borehole: 0 food, 6 minerals, 6 energy
Echelon Mirror: +1 energy to all adjacent solar collectors, plus the yield of a solar collector itself
Monument: 2-2-2, and yes they are only created by pods (besides one natural landmark), so with pod scattering off there won't be any.
A farm can stack with anything except forest. Forest can't stack with anything except sensors. Other improvements are mutually exclusive with each other, including sensors.
On the modifiers from improvements, the in-game datalinks are mostly pretty good about stating the numbers (go into the datalinks screen, not just the select-city-build window.) A few things are missing, notably the tile restriction lifting - that isn't listed in the datalinks, the only place you see it is the popup when you're selecting your next tech. The best info online is the wiki here:
Most territory for Santiago just means she's got a big landmass without coast and neighbors to interrupt her border. One base controls territory out to 8 tiles (not like Civ 3+ with culture radius of 2-3) so it's really just a measure of continent size. The AI isn't good at turning a big continent into productive bases unless it's the monsoon jungle.
Mind worms can eat terrain improvements? I actually didn't know or had forgotten that one, except obviously for an eco-damage fungal bloom.
The quotes for some facilities and techs may sound disturbing... but over time I've come to realize that Yang is basically right about everything.