Base game only, no DLC or expansion
Ancient Era start
Barbs on, huts off
Map type: Continents
Size: Small (6 player default)
Low sea level
New world age
All other map settings standard (resources, rainfall, etc.)
Bans: Venetian Arsenal, Scythia, Sumeria, England
I intend to post this in the main thread.
Some further guidelines the map maker:
Minimum 12 tiles between starting positions - True
Minimum guaranteed 1 of each type of strategic resource within easy access (within e.g. 5 tiles of capital, not within CS borders). 2nd copy OK within CS borders or more difficult to access - All players have access, however 5 tiles was not possible
Number of City States = two times number players as starting guideline. +/- 1 at map-maker's discretion based on spacing/etc. - True
All CS placed either coastal or dry, not fresh water to avoid capturing size 10 CS early game. Adding a mountain or 1-tile lake within range for aqueduct is suggested especially for dry CS locations. - True
When locating CS, try to leave as many settling options as possible available for the players (e.g. don't invalidate all freshwater sites in a particular direction from a player) - True
Don't try to re-roll specific CS when setting up the starting save. Ok to look at the generic type distribution and re-roll at map maker's discretion. (just to re-iterate it is not possible to select the specific CS) - I did check the CS's closest to each player in a test game however I am not up for rolling over and over so plan to leave them as is
Sprinkle in some mountains into regions which are devoid of rivers/lakes in order to give players the option to build aqueducts later on - True
Notes on the map as it is completely custom.
- 4 continents instead of 3
- Luxuries don't map to the 4 per continent. There are less of each luxury and more types available on this map. Not all luxuries are unique to a single continent. (ex. Small map with 3 continents should have 12 luxuries, this is not true)
- I wanted more room so instead of the 5 - 7 tile thick layer of ice, the ice is 0 - 3 layers thick, snow has also been removed in favor of tundra. The equatorial zone has been expanded a bit.
- Any assumptions on the number of available natural wonders should be disregarded.
- All CS starting locations do not follow standard map generation rules, so the count and locations where all placed by the map maker
- The amount of hills should be inline with the new world setting.
- The water level is 'higher' than the standard high setting.
General Warning!
- Map editor only shows the resources and extra's that can be added to a specific tile, therefor all bonus, strategic, luxury resources and marsh, forest, rainforest, floodplains, ex.. should only show up on valid tiles. I did place almost all tiles myself, so there should not be any 'out of place' resources. However there is always the possibility of error. ( I did look over the map several times so this should not be an issue.)
Middle CS will be
Jerusalum (Faith) towards Greece start.
Carthage (Military) closest to Rome's start.
Buenos Aires (Production) closest to Aztec start.
Pangaea Ultima
Middle CS will be
Toronto (Production) towards Brazil
Hong Kong (Production) towards Germany
Geneva (Science) towards Russia
Had 5 continents fixed and restarted with a new save and new cs
I forgot to post this but after my luxury redistribution, Pindicator got shafted. I noted to add an additional gypsung to his start then forgot to add it this morning. No other changes were apparent to me.
Sorry again, first time I edited a map this much. All should be good as I caught it from his thread.
This does mean the CS will be random again so even I will get a surprise while I lurk.
I'm glad this game is so well-reported so far. I am bored now without any reports of my own to write.
Did we accidentally shaft Rowain with his start? I forgot to check things like irrigation inspirations when looking over the map. He does get 2 sheep hills for 5-yield tiles, though.
Losing on an inspiration is hardly game-breaking. Quite the opposite, in fact, I think it's something to be expected and played around (PBEM3 I had to play around no Craftsmanship Inspiration, PBEM9 I played around no Astrology Eureka). I'd go as far as to say that a map that baby-sits the players is detrimental to the fun factor of the game, but that's just a personal opinion.
By the way, Emp K, could you edit this thread and PBEM10 lurker thread to have the number of the game on the title? I think the titles have to be a bit more clear, to avoid misclicks.