As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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It's Clobberin' Time! Raging Barbs Highlands Tokugawa on Monarch

The point about drafting being separate from the usual production queue is a big one. It allows you to bypass the usual limit of one thing being produced at a time per city.

Other note: Drafted units are generated with (I think) one half the XP that units from that city would usually have if built the usual way. So our drafted muskets will have less XP, and may not have enough even for a single promotion. But they do still get the automatic promotions for our aggressive and protective traits.

Inherited turn.

So, our domestic situation isn’t helped very much by the lack of a road and a fort between us and JC. We also have a lot of workers doing one job at a time.

[Image: session-260-10.png]

I think we probably have too many Samurai. Caesar is countering by building flanking cuirassier.

Going city by city, I clean up some errors and some minor micro … not really mistakes but inefficiencies. Well, I mean this is a mistake (not pictured: we were working the 1 food tundra tile).

[Image: session-260-14.png]

Some notes:

While we need to determine build orders by what we need empire-wide and what need in particular cities — we also need to be mindful about what we build where (note that I did not just build settlers and missionaries the entire turnset. I regret the error).

For example: our economy is really healthy. We don’t necessarily need more cottages everywhere, not anymore. We also don’t need so many windmills. We should build cities that match the available land -- but production cities are usually a bit more viable now that we can chain irrigation. Build a forge, build a granary, build the AP buildings and then just build units or wealth or research.

We also have done a lot of improving in places that don’t need it. And we’ve ignored the places that do.

For instance, PaperBoy probably should have gone forge, then AP buildings. it would have been a little more efficient. We also have a lot of forests around Jurassic park.

[Image: session-260-11.png]

I also begin … concentrating our force.

[Image: session-260-13.png]

Contra (because it was working unimproved tiles. I also whipped it too)
Gauntlet (working unimproved tiles)
Gan’t get ye flask (same thing)

#forgot to turn on science.
#here comes Julius.

[Image: session-260-15.png]

Don’t worry: he gone’ die.

Also, why are we building units in cities that don’t have barracks?

[Image: session-260-5.png]

Flindo’s Quest
Duck Hunt
Streets of Rage

Theology comes in. Start paper. I contemplated double-revolting to mercantilism and theocracy but… I don’t think we can afford 2 turns of anarchy.

With a lot of my overflow, I’m starting theaters.  Shinobi looks like a good spot for our globe theatre and national epic

Advanced Wars (and whipped it: high food surplus and not too many improved tiles.)
Inca Gold (about to grow)

JC is starting Astronomy. Great.

Paper comes in. Start Printing press.

A PASTURE gets destroyed by enemy infiltrators. Oh no! Fortunately, workers can repair.

[Image: session-260-8.png]

And here comes Julius. Hey buddy.

[Image: session-260-9.png]

We have a welcoming committee.

Legend of Zelda

Come on dude.

[Image: session-260-1.png]

Duck hunt (again — about to regrow)
Golden Axe (ugh)
Jurassic Park

Mansa has enough on his hands. If he declared war, we can say … GOODBYE!

Just want to see what Julius does…

Aw thanks kid. Mansa turns his back to us very nicely. Don’t worry, the stab will come AFTER we kill Rome.
[Image: session-260-12.png]
[Image: session-260-7.png]

So that’s 26 kills (I think)
4 withdrawals
4 units lost

Let’s clean up this stack and see the shark fin.

5.8 C2 Pike wins at 70%
5.1 C2 formation pikes loses at 78% (only got in one measly hit)
4.9 C2 formation pike loses at 91% (Come on! :?)
88% musketman wins at 90%
Knight loses at 95%!!! WTH
The rest clean up at 99% odds no problem.

So I spent 8 units (yeesh) to kill 34. That's a good exchange.

Here’s that shark fin.

[Image: session-260-6.png]

And now we’re top dog on GNP.

[Image: session-260-3.png]

Oh come on you jerk!

[Image: session-260-4.png]

We’ve really given Willem a chance to rise from the dead. Unfortunately, he’s one of many problems right now…

Here’s another little dip if we can kill it.

[Image: session-260-2.png]

And here’s where we stop for tonight.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

Looking pretty good so far, Zalson. thumbsup

Hmmm, I see that with all the warring against us, and despite his double length golden age, Julius has dropped behind Gilgamesh in score. The Sumerian has just been quietly sittting in the background doing his thing, not fighting like everyone else. He may turn out to be a big problem down the road.

What is our foreign trade looking like at this point? Is mercantilism actually going to be useful for us? I rarely find it helpful without Representation unless I am Philiosophical, or just have no trading partners available.

Good luck!

I’ll quantify mercantilism tonight. Considering that Gilgamesh doesn’t have that many cities, we probably draw something like +20 commerce from ob.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

Goals for the second 5 turns is to:

Take Setia
Prep for a long expansion phase

There’s a lot of good land between us and Julius. Ill try to fill it in.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

One of the things we need to do is consider what each city has left to build

Top-tier commerce city. Build a uni and oxford here, plus finish the courthouse. Don't whip or draft except in emergency. Build wealth when nothing else to build.

Sonic the Hog
Top-tier hybrid. Build a uni and replace a riverside mine with a windmill.
Build wealth when nothing else.

Flimbo's quest
Crappy production city. With RP, though, this will be a decent production city. Just build units. Set to repeat knights for now.

Excellent city. Building a worker now. Once done, just build wealth. add a uni.

Another great city. Build wealth.

Heroic epic. Only units for the rest of the game (until factories or something). Currently on 11 xp knights.

Hindu temple followed by a bank. Then wealth until unis.

Decent hybrid city. It'll build wealth until unis.

Streets of Rage
Our first crappy city. I accidentally whipped it down too much; oh well. This one will probably put out a lot of buddhist missionaries.

Golden Axe
regrow to size 10 and then start a settler. Convert riverside mine to windmill. This is another filler city that should build wealth and settlers, etc.

Inca Gold
Commerce city through and through. Finish the bank and build wealth into a uni.

Replace the farms that aren't needed with cottages. Adding the commerce buildings although why i went grocer before bank escapes me.

Bank, then market. Then units and or wealth.

Workers, settlers and settle the north. Not a very good city.

Can't get ye
Stable and then cav units. Convert this to a production city.

Advanced Wars
Finish the samurai and grow to size building wealth. University and all the commerce city buildings.

Jurassic Park
The geography really limits this city. Farm the grassland by the lake and then cottage everything else. Commerce buildings.

Replace the cottages with farms and workshops. This is a production city. Build a barracks and a stables and that's it.

Finish the forge, finish the courthouse and then build wealth.

Legend of Zelda
Production city, that becomes a watermill powerhouse. Barracks, stables, and that's it. Maybe use it to fill in the north.

Watermill paradise. Grow to size on farms and then replace with watermills. City that should build everything and will have the hammers to do it.

National Epic and Globe Theatre. We should whip out the globe theatre by whipping missionaries or spies at when they're at 3/40 hammers for max overflow into the globe.

Granary first is a mistake here, actually. We should just build wealth and then maybe a library.

We will probably end up wanting to add temples everywhere so we can run a priest with mercantilism.

As for mercantilism...

We have 23 cities. We get 28 commerce per turn from not being in mercantilism (Gilgamesh went Mercantilism). So I think it's a no brainer. We will get at least 39 gold per turn from merchants. And that's only 13 of our 23 cities.

However, it is maybe 20 turns from a golden age. So I am going to spend the turn in anarchy.

[Image: session-264-8.png]

Forgot to take before demos.


[Image: session-264-12.png]

[Image: session-264-6.png]

Introducing Osaka. It's not a lot to look at now but once we can get some TLC it'll be a great city. It's borrowing the pigs. It should be a grassland production city. Cottages will take too long to get up to snuff. Just build a specialist building (done), a barracks and stable, and that's it.

Printing press comes in. I think it's worth like 80 commerce a turn or something like that.

[Image: session-264-15.png]

Mansa, with this siege force pressing in, researches Economics (okay he didn't but he got a great merchant). We should try to steal all his money from it.

[Image: session-264-14.png]

Julius is going for physics. This is real bad. Also bad: Billy loses amsterdam. he also cancelled the peace treaty.

Oh naturally this is happening. Mansa needs to take this city very badly instead of turtling in Niani.

[Image: session-264-7.png]
Hello boys!

[Image: session-264-9.png]

A roman curassier killed this worker. What a bummer.

[Image: session-264-1.png]

So let's repay that insult by taking Setia.

[Image: session-264-13.png]

Well that didn't work. Guess we're doing it the long way.

Another Currassier shows up at Jurassic Park. Whatever, we will repay this impudence by taking Setia.

Anyway: let's do this.

Defenses dropped to 0. 2 trebs remaining attack.

CR Treb @ 20% (dies)
CR Treb @ 40% (withdraws!)

Now to the wet work.

CR3 Samurai loses at 90% odds vs a 10 str currassier (COME ON!)
CR2 Samurai wins at 70% odds against a crossbow
CR2 Samurai wins at 96% vs curassier
C4 Samurai wins at 95% vs Praetorian
C2 Cover Samurai wins at 97% vs Longbow
The rest were wins (I think)

[Image: session-264-3.png]

Not the best building result but better than nothing. Setia will be a GREAT production city. Farm the flatland and mine the hills. Shame that the forge didn't survive.

Piling units in the city for now. We'll see if we can press forward and take Arretium. That city has a big footprint and will starve Setia.

I also foolishly pillaged a lot of the farms around Setia. My bad.

Popped iron at the capital.

i drafted Ecco and Jurrassic park to hold the line against the Currassier. Don't panic, you can take them. You have one more draft this turn.

In the south:

[Image: session-264-10.png]

Arretium is pretty ripe but we need to focus on holding what we have before we can take more territory. If you get the opportunity, though, go for it. Just make sure we have units in the area to take it you're going to commit. Julius will give us the city for peace, which means he is hurting. But we need to keep up the pressure.

I think we keep up the wealth builds until rifling, followed by education -- then we drop them into universities. as long as we don't overextend, we should be able to hold serve with Julius.

Don't take peace; if he gets airships, he can really hurt us.

We need more workers, more settlers, more siege units, and more destruction against Rome. Oh, and save our drafts for rifles at this point in time.

Good luck! Have fun! (I left a lot of signs).

[Image: session-264-4.png]

[Image: session-264-5.png]

[Image: session-264-11.png]

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"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

Looks good. Brutal, but good.

So, is that me up then? I should be able to take a look at the save this evening.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Nice progress against Rome. smile I agree we need to keep pressure on Julius if we can; even if we can not take more cities just yet, we should keep him occupied so he does not have time to easily assemble another big stack.

From the power graph it looks like Shaka is getting the best of Willem. We will probably have to deal with Shaka at some point, but hopefully we can do that once we have rifles.

On tech I think we want Mil Trad after Rifling. Cavalry are powerful and their 2 moves make them very effective against the AI.

Who is up next? RFS-81? Or have I lost track of the roster?

Edit: Crosspost with shallow_thought. Looks like I have no idea who is up. lol

(June 20th, 2018, 02:10)haphazard1 Wrote: Edit: Crosspost with shallow_thought. Looks like I have no idea who is up. lol

If I'm skipped entirely, it's RFS-81. If I simply swapped with Zalson, it's me. I think it's the latter, and will assume so this evening unless I've heard otherwise.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Go ahead smile

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