I checked the game.
-Yes, you made a mistake w/the catapult, it's where korea can see it
-Adjusted sethanon to grow back in 3 turns rather than 5 since working great people sooner is more important
-Whipped Stardock for 3 pop - it's working 3 terrible unimproved tiles. Works out nicely

-Yabon I adjusted to finish a catapult IN ONE TURN

Yes, screenshot below.
-Switched Krondor to a monastery. A buddhist monastery can be built in 1 turn rather than the 2 for a temple AND it provides more research and cultural bonuses. It's only 22 turns (will be less after the mon.) until next border pop.
-I removed a chariot away from the stack on the forest. We want minimal defenses there so they won't think we're up to something.
-Switched Crydee to a barracks. Barracks, then troops.
Hopeful composition of troops by turn 170 sent to whosit, you can read it there.

Note that we do have to whip La Mut for 2 pop mace next turn and finish a catapult after that to get my goal.
Other ...
-Dantski ended his last turn in 5 minutes. (lol) Y'know we should seriously consider sending a stack over to Gao later. It stil only has 8 ancient units in it!
-Why? Dantski built the TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS wonder in Gao!!! This is why we're having cultural problems.

See what I was saying about Gao ..o
Temple of Artemis:
Yabon (see, a 1 turn catapult - so next turn we need to change the tiles to focus more on growth). Unfortunately even if we whip on turn 168 it won't reach the korean city stack in time

So the next best thing is to double-whip a chariot on turn 168 since Chariots are fast movers.
IF we find out that we cannot take Cheji (as defenses are likely to increase) then we can keep our longbowmen on the tile and transfer the stack over to take Gao, being sure to land on the FOREST tile so we get defense bonus.
Last thing: I marked "Korea" on all tiles that they have line of sight on. I am HOPING they cannot see the huge stack we've got on the hill because of the forested deer. Notice how we cannot see the tile that is 1east of the spear/worker stack?
PS: On turn 169, we have to move the stack 1S of La Mut so that it can reach next to Cheju on turn 170 immediately.
PPS: Damn ... just noticed that we've got TWO maces that won't be able to reach the attacking force until turn 171 ... 1 turn too late. I guess they can help defend the city if we capture it.
PPPS: The movement of the northern stack with 2 praets/1axe is critical ... we must get it EXACTLY right for turn 170. I've already set it to the right path
PPPPS: (yes sorry for all of these) Read the email I sent, contains impotant info.