Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Next turn - move 1 of the chariots on the forest stack to a place where Korea can't see it. Also, move a chariot SE to see cheju garrison, then move him back to the forest. (2 movement points)

Also - the catapult in yabon next turn should probably move ONE space southwest, rather than use up its full 2 movement points since Korea can see it if it moves 2 spaces 2 sw.

The object is to hide our stack at the moment.

Looks great, DMOC!
As I've said before, you've got a lot more experience with war.

If we get peace with Plako, I suggest we try to go for Dantski....

Here's the Korean defense:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0080.jpg]

Whipped Port Natal for a mace and Land's End for a Rathaus, moved troops as directed.
Dialed up research, 5 turns for Education, I think we'll manage without going back to 0%.

Probably made a stupid mistake with the catapult from Yabon...

Changed Krondor to a Temple, already has a Monastry.
Changed Crydee to a LB
Changed La Mut to another Mace

Whosit found a new city on Centralia, we should whip Stardock for 2 when possible.

Didn't end the turn since you might want to have a look and change things.

Thanks Nakor I'll check in 2.5 hours (busy now). I don't have much experience in MULTIplayer war, but i have huge experience with deity SINGLEplayer warfare and I have read tons of warfare tips from ... Sullla himself. wink

Tip #1 - never split your stack (doesn't apply to us we only have 1 direction of attack)

more to come later

I checked the game.

-Yes, you made a mistake w/the catapult, it's where korea can see it
-Adjusted sethanon to grow back in 3 turns rather than 5 since working great people sooner is more important
-Whipped Stardock for 3 pop - it's working 3 terrible unimproved tiles. Works out nicely smile
-Yabon I adjusted to finish a catapult IN ONE TURN smile Yes, screenshot below.
-Switched Krondor to a monastery. A buddhist monastery can be built in 1 turn rather than the 2 for a temple AND it provides more research and cultural bonuses. It's only 22 turns (will be less after the mon.) until next border pop.
-I removed a chariot away from the stack on the forest. We want minimal defenses there so they won't think we're up to something.
-Switched Crydee to a barracks. Barracks, then troops. smile

Hopeful composition of troops by turn 170 sent to whosit, you can read it there. smile Note that we do have to whip La Mut for 2 pop mace next turn and finish a catapult after that to get my goal.

Other ...

-Dantski ended his last turn in 5 minutes. (lol) Y'know we should seriously consider sending a stack over to Gao later. It stil only has 8 ancient units in it!
-Why? Dantski built the TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS wonder in Gao!!! This is why we're having cultural problems. frown See what I was saying about Gao ..o smoke

Temple of Artemis:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0608.jpg]

Yabon (see, a 1 turn catapult - so next turn we need to change the tiles to focus more on growth). Unfortunately even if we whip on turn 168 it won't reach the korean city stack in time frown So the next best thing is to double-whip a chariot on turn 168 since Chariots are fast movers.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0607.jpg]

IF we find out that we cannot take Cheji (as defenses are likely to increase) then we can keep our longbowmen on the tile and transfer the stack over to take Gao, being sure to land on the FOREST tile so we get defense bonus.

Last thing: I marked "Korea" on all tiles that they have line of sight on. I am HOPING they cannot see the huge stack we've got on the hill because of the forested deer. Notice how we cannot see the tile that is 1east of the spear/worker stack?

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0609.jpg]

PS: On turn 169, we have to move the stack 1S of La Mut so that it can reach next to Cheju on turn 170 immediately.

PPS: Damn ... just noticed that we've got TWO maces that won't be able to reach the attacking force until turn 171 ... 1 turn too late. I guess they can help defend the city if we capture it.

PPPS: The movement of the northern stack with 2 praets/1axe is critical ... we must get it EXACTLY right for turn 170. I've already set it to the right path

PPPPS: (yes sorry for all of these) Read the email I sent, contains impotant info.

What will determine whether we can attack on turn 170 or 171 is ...

the defense in Cheju.

This is why 2-move chariots are so valuable here. Thank good ness plako still has axes and spears for our chariots to attack.

EDIT: I don't think Korea can see the defense in Yabon.

EDIT2: You can see why I am obsessing over this line of sight thing. I have to say our (your wink ) past history in this game actually helps us, since I'm gambling that Korea doesn't think we'll even bother to do an attack.

Thanks DMOC!
We'll see what happens next!

Played most of out turn, feel free to advice.

Started Krondor on MoM (13 turns) but I'm not sure that's wise...

[SIZE="4"]Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo![/SIZE] frown

Sorry I'm acting like this, but you were supposed to keep as much of our stack hidden from Korea! You put 3 praetorians on the tile, which is something they're definitely going to notice, and they'll likely put in a couple of extra longbowmen!

The key to doing these human wars is that you must hide your attack as much as possible - by putting the praets in, you increase their willingness to add more defenders/

EDIT: All right, it's not that bad. One praet still could move so I moved him out of the forest stack.

What were the defenses in Cheju?

Btw I micromanaged the Mausoleum to get it in 11 turns rather than 13.

Dantski completed the statue of zeus - on an island city.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0614.jpg]

I vacated Sethanon and put the axe south, it will join the others. No need for a garrison in sethanon anyway. Longbowmen will be done in 3-4 turns.

I moved the longbowmen (that's fortified on the hill above the lake) below up north 1 space. Actually has a psychological effect on Korea - they think we're moving our troops away from them. After this we can move the longbowmen sw-sw.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0613.jpg]

A funny thing happened. In the game, Speaker actually asked me what we were slaving. I mean ... WTF? I know he wants information but does he actually think I'd be giving it to him that easily? smoke My response was "I would prefer not to answer."

Research is down to 0%, we can't finish Education. India is leading in GNP.

It looks like we'll have to attack on turn 171 since for some reason there's a catapult on a NON road tile which means it can't get to the front in time. frown So Yabon switched to a catapult and then should 2-pop whip it next turn.

As you can see below, our warrior is toast.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0615.jpg]

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