Hanging gardens is ours! All that hard work for a very noticeable jump in score, population, and all sorts of fun things. Whipped away about half my cities for safety archers incase someone tries to take me on during this... very vulnerable stage of the game. +1 gold per turn atm.. after HBR for offense/defense, ill be heading straight for CoLaws. growing onto cottages, and getting gems/furs hooked up should help nicely.
i think agg/ikhanda's are OP, Ipecac has nearly as many cities as i do, higher military, and still is getting what i assume at 0% science, 40+ gold per turn. How? What am i missing? im assuming the 40%? maintenance is the main factor.. or is there something im missing? Most of my cities are working cottages, the new ones i can get, but i wasnt REALLY in a great position research/gold per turn wise before settling that.. what am i doing wrong?
Anyway, some pics.
JR4 is gonna be scouting my coast with this workboat i guarantee it.
What all those cities are doing-
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
Using some non-optimal solutions... i will be saving gold for 2-3 turns and then research Code of laws, and get some courthouses whipped ASAP. anytime im building gold, will be on HBR.. i can currently 1 turn it at full research, Code of laws is a 3 turn tech. Once i have courthouses in some cities i should be back in the game. i have archers finishing and heading towards the WLP area, because he has denied open borders, and refreshing NAP Fish-fish style deals.. AND has roads that shouldnt be there if we are to be acting friendly.. so yeah.
Forgot to take a picture, but JR4 is finally scouting me with a random archer, so in return ill be sending a warrior into his lands. Also Dark Savant is scouting my coast with a workboat soon.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
Using my genius, i have constructed a non-microed plan to hoard gold for another turn or two, then swap to build research ( or not ) and finish off HBR and with the overflow, should be able to 1-2 turn Code of Laws for courthouses which, i will whip anywhere and everywhere that they can be built.. damn maintenance costs. by the time i have all these courthouses in, my GS should be popping and heading to the cap for an academy. JR4 continues to scout with his archer, so im continuing to send my warrior to go and scout out his territory and make sure he isnt sending any of those broken collateral damage units my way. Now, my unit build up is a bit... late.. going to be pushed back like... 10 more turns, so ill likely end up just making a mobile defense force of HA's and then tech knights or something, THEN crash into a neighbor. Im currently leading in land total by a bit, and even with Charriu falling, im fairly sure i will still hold the land advantage. If i can turn my land advantage into anything, be it tech lead, military lead, ect.. i should have a good shot at winning. Although, if JR4 comes at me right after tearing Charriu a new one.. it will be rough. Yuri is very checked out, 5min turns? Geez. WLP is not making for a warm friendly neighbor, but he isnt looking to aggressive towards me either.. Ipecac im fairly sure is going to run units into someone very soon. Dark savant has high power, but isnt capturing more charriu cities? Finally, Wetbandit is turning his Mids play into a very winning position. He threw a golden age, swapped into Caste, ( is in rep ) and is in Bureaucracy!!! Thats... insane, he has to be heading straight for some military tech Hope he grinds into someone that can fight back.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
Finishing code of laws this turn, and with any overflow+ other beakers will be put into HBR. Tech plan is HBR - Calendar - either rush to knights, or just tech longbows and go from there. im REALLY thinking about going aggressive now that i have a land advantage, and my neighbors arent thinking about eating me. ( i hope ). so going straight for knights and then churning them out till i have a nice meaty stack sounds like a plan.
Got view of JR4's border cities. i might send another warrior into the territory to keep watch on any SOD's.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
Ipecac vs Yuri- He has a MUCH larger army, and has taken a city off of Yuri atm, who.... has been playing 3-7min turns, and has the lowest power ( not that i have much more but ). Im really hoping Yuri doesnt collapse yet, i want him to whip like a madman and bumrush to longbows or something to keep Ipecac back for another 15turns or so.. Which is when i will sneak in
JR4 vs Charriu- JR4 is simply using china's UU to gain more land, its frankly, op with collateral damage.. should just be a beefier crossbow, or maybe available sooner instead? Charriu is also at war with...... Dark Savant. Judging from power, and Charriu's almost Gandhi level of non-whipping????? he is down another city and i wouldnt be suprised if WLP joins in to snipe another one. Charriu if you read this after your game is over, This is what you need to know for future games. Whip. Become prickly. settling cities imo, is fine if you can defend them. ( dont look at my cities defended by warriors ..... ) Although China's UU is hard to handle, heavy whipping especially when someone, ( ipecac ) is gifting you a bunch of happiness? WHIP MAH BOI WHIP!! JR4 doesnt need anymore god damn land. Dark Savant and WLP better keep some of his forces tied up there, id rather not deal with his UU till knights.
Wetbandit- Holy. Dog. Shit. Someone, attack him. He is in a Golden Age enhanced, rep/caste. His gnp is through the roof, i fully expect him to be hitting knights or something like that, and using Boudica's F-You combo of agg/cha he will be a major player for a very long time, Even if he doesnt attack anyone his pure tech advantage will be felt for a long time.
WLP- Has done some whipping, no idea if that is infrastructure or units, but i expect him to be either hitting me and forcing me to whip like a madman, or getting more of Charriu's cities.
Me- Im content to build/whip courthouses everywhere and hope no one attacks me yet, my production cities are starting barracks/stables and i plan on getting a decent stack of Harchers out in roughly 15 turns. I have my GS coming out in 9 turns which will be heading to the cap for an academy. im sitting at 7 gold per turn at 100% gold.. not good. but with alot of food still not even worked, and plenty of room for over 30+ population to be grown, i have a good feeling about my position in this game. So long as i dont get attacked by WLP, and JR4 doesnt try anything too fishy, we WILL have to take some land from someone, Yuri ( if he hasnt collapsed by then ) or possibly WLP if he falls behind in tech.
My personal ranking atm-
Dark Savant
Demos- LOOK at that crop yield!
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
Internet has been out for about 2 days now, i should have it running thursday at some point.. sorry if any lurkers were wanting to see screenshots
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
Been slowly whipping granaries and building courthouses and my eco has improved quite a bit, was at 7 gold per turn at 0% now im upto 26 gpt. That should improve by 2x or more within 10 turns id say. ill have my first defensive horse archers streaming out of my future HE city in about 5-6 turns. If everything goes well, i dont see why i couldnt have guilds in about 25turns or less. ( much less if i build wealth/ect but. )
WLP declared on Charriu, im hoping JR4 keeps alot of WLP's stack occupied down there.. I cant really attack JR4 without one hell of a military edge, WLP i can start attacking at knights, and Yuri might be on deaths row once Wetbandit starts to assault him, not that Ipecac isnt doing a fair job of it himself.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
too late for a full report of any kind, internet is back.. i just got done riding a train at the Boone Scenic Valley Railroad and looking at trading in my dodge charger st for a challenger r/t blacktop package. Its been a long day, i should be able to return to your regular non-viewed thread next turn.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
Hi superdeath, You asked for some feedback on your game, I'll try to get through the thread and give you some. Just read the first few pages so far. I'll probably be mainly looking at areas for improvement, so it might seem a bit critical. Please don't take it that way!
-I don't like the choice of Charisamtic as a trait. The main benefit is +2 happiness and I think it is often a hard one to use. Most traits just straight up give you stuff(eg. IMP gives give you ~30h per city), you invest that free stuff into more settlers and workers and get more stuff. But happiness isn't automatically free hammers, it's more like an investment opportunity to grow onto extra tiles. You need to figure out the correct time to do this to catch up with the other traits. It's also very map dependent, since if the mapmakers gives you a bunch of happy resources or not a lot of food, it's not that useful. Essentially it's not very dependable. I do like both Eygpt and Creative though.
-Worker -> grow to 2 -> worker was almost certainly better than worker -> worker -> grow to 2. A decent rule of thumb is when you get the 2nd resource tile improved - you want to be at size 2 and working it straight away. A 6 yield tile is really powerful.
- Mining the plains hill as your 3rd tile isn't great also. As it turns out copper was on that tile, so it was the best move, but with the information you had at the time, it's not the tile to go for IMO. I'm not a great fan of mines in the early game in general. I think it's better to focus on resources and chopping as the best use of worker turns. Mines are pretty mediocre but sometimes they are good enough. If you are going to mine something it should be the river grass one in the south rather than the plains one in the north.
-Could have considered going for AH before BW, this allows you to improve the deer in the cap's 3rd ring for the 2nd city. That city would have a 5 yielf tile to work immediately on founding. BW is also powerful, so I'm sure this is the best choice, but it is a possibility.
-Why not settle the 2nd city two tiles north on the hill? This gets a wet corn and flood plain tile at the expense of a crabs. 2nd city should be settled to maximise the snowball IMO and then adapt the dotmap around it, rather than the other way around.
Still at work, so wont be able to break down everything i did at the moment.. but i wanted to say thanks for taking a look at how ive run this into the ground lol. Also, be as critical as needed. Im not likely to ever be a master a microing ect but everything else i want to improve on.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.