As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Quote:I'd suggest doing it in a different thread (there's almost certainly some old ones discussing the change to famous in depth) and seeing if anything new can be done for Heroes.

MY reply is there :

-Sawmill now costs 68 and generates 6 production.

Am I reading this right? Sawmill is around a third of the cost now and still 75% as effective?

Edit: I just realised it was only 100 before and therefore 200 gold....doh.

Still it seems cheap compared to the smithy

The smithy is intentionally expensive because you get it for free. You only need to build one if it gets destroyed in battle.

Aggressive races without spearmen are a bit shafted by this at start, some swordsmen of the decent races can sometimes stop common summons. I mean the price of the smithy. Getting for free something expensive also opens up the possibility to sell it for quite some money... I find this a bit questionable all in all. I understand that I am a bit late with raising this.

Selling the smithy significantly slows down the development of your new town and only gets you 40 gold. Not worth it. And I don't see how aggressive races could be hurt by this if they get a smithy everywhere for free - as long as they don't let the enemy into their city tiles in combat, the smithy will never break.

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